
The Satanic Temple Wins Lawsuit Against School that Tried to Stop Their ‘After School Satan Club’

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has reached a settlement on behalf of The Satanic Temple (TST), according to a recent press release, after a judge ruled the Shelby County Board of Education in Memphis, TN, violated TST’s First Amendment rights by trying to stop the formation of an “After School Satan Club.

It’s not an unexpected blow, given that The Satanic Temple is “the only Satanic religious organization recognized as a church by the IRS and the Federal court system.” In this case, the after-school club was advertised as consisting of” fun” and “exciting” activities for the children, including science projects, community service projects, puzzles and games, nature activities, arts and crafts, and (of course) snacks, but was met with sharp resistance from parents and educators.

We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023′, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History,’ opened up a new abortion clinic to murder babies in satanic ‘ritual’ and recently saw a statue of Baphomet they erected in the Iowa Capitol destroyed and beheaded by Christian Vet Michael Cassidy. According to the press release:

“The school district attempted to thwart at every turn The Satanic Temple’s efforts to begin an after school club at Chimneyrock Elementary School. Rather than allowing it to rent school facilities on the same terms as other nonprofit organizations, including the Good News Club, the Shelby County Board of Education, which operates the district, chose to defy the First Amendment.

The district charged The Satanic Temple discriminatory rental and security fees, refused to adequately communicate, canceled the Temple’s club reservations, and generally treated members of the club as second-class citizens.”

As part of the settlement, the School Board will pay The Satanic Temple $15,000 in legal fees and will agree not to discriminate against the organization as it seeks to establish its club.


‘The Satanic Temple’ Headquarters Damaged After ‘Explosive Device’ Thrown on Porch

The Satanic Temple (TST) came under attack Monday after an unknown assailant threw an ‘explosive device’ onto the porch of their headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, causing minor damage to the building and prompting the FBI to investigate.

We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023′, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History,’ opened up a new abortion clinic to murder babies in satanic ‘ritual’ and recently saw a statue of Baphomet they erected in the Iowa Capitol destroyed and beheaded by Christian Vet Michael Cassidy.

No one was in the building at the time of the incident, which occurred at 4:00 am, and it is unknown what sort of device it was, though some eyewitnesses reported it described as a “pipe bomb.” By all intents, the perpetrators intended much worse to happen to the property. After the device and damage was discovered at 4:00 pm, the bomb squad was called in and swept the property, determining there was no further damage or devices. 

Co-founder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple Lucien Greaves noted that the device “kind of fizzled out, but scorched some of the sides of the house” and offered, “given the seriousness of the investigation and the clear skilled professionalism of those involved, I am confident the perpetrator will not long remain unknown.”


Iowa Politician Introduces Bill to Ban ‘Satanism on state property’

Days after Christian nationalist hero Michael Cassidy was charged with a hate crime for destroying a Baphomet statue at the Iowa Capitol last December, Iowa Republican and State Senator Sandy Salmon filed a bill banning “Satanic displays or the practice of Satanism on state property.”

Taking a page from a recently introduced Arizona Bill  that likewise reads, “Satanic memorials, statues, altars or displays or any other method of representing or honoring satan may not be displayed on public property in this state,” Salmon’s legislation is right to the point: 

The state or any political subdivision of the state shall not recognize organizations or individuals who refer to Satan as a deity, worship Satan, or who reference Satan or Satanism as part of the organization’s or individual’s religious practice as an establishment of religion.


Displays, symbols, or the practice of Satanic worship shall not be allowed on public property, in public schools, on property owned by public schools, or on any property owned by the state or its political subdivisions.

The Satanic Temple founder Lucien Greaves is incensed about the two bills, saying that the efforts to ban public displays of Satan only breeds more Satanism.

Your flunkies are overplaying your hand, outright attempting to codify Christian Nationalist supremacy in complete ignorance of the Constitution, and in flagrant disregard of democratic principles…You insist that you represent “good,” and that Satan represents “evil.” But then you act in ways that are morally reprehensible, tarnishing your credibility, and the credibility of your faith…

You have abandoned Liberal Democracy in the name of your god, and in doing so, you have given the future to Satan.

Hail Satan


h/t the friendly atheist.


New Mexico Governor’s Is Referring Women to The Satanic Temple for Abortions

In a new report using public records inspection, New Mexico Alliance for Life has revealed New Mexico’s pro-abortion Governor Lujan-Grisham’s taxpayer-funded abortion hotline is referring women to The Satanic Temple Health (TST Health) abortion clinic.’

The Satanic Temple launched TST Health in Febuary 2023, billed as the first-ever religious abortion clinic network. They revealed in a press release:

The Satanic Temple has announced the launch of its first reproductive health clinic, which
will provide free religious medication abortion care
 in New Mexico. TST Health, The Satanic Temple’s
religious medical services arm, will provide telehealth screenings and appointments and prescribe
abortion medication for its patients.

According to TST Health’s website, anyone in New Mexico seeking to perform The Satanic Temple’s
abortion ritual
 will be able to receive free online medical services. Patients undergo a confidential
screening and virtual appointment before having their prescriptions sent to the clinic’s pharmacy
partner, who will mail the medications in a discreet package.

We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual and hosted SatanCon 2023’, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History’

In a list of recommended abortion resources obtained by NMAFL, we see the group listed.

Elisa Martinez, New Mexico Alliance for Life executive director asks:

“Why are taxpayers of New Mexico forced to promote the satanic temple religious abortion center through the pro-abortion governor’s hotline? Is the state of New Mexico fully disclosing to women that “TST Health” is a satanic ritualistic abortion center and that abortion is not a life-saving procedure–that it involves the ending of an innocent human life?”

They further report “Earlier this month, Governor Lujan-Grisham announced the establishment of the abortion referral hotline using taxpayer funds. During this year’s legislative session, she also allocated $10 million in taxpayer dollars to fund an abortion center in Doña Ana county. 

New Mexico’s abortion rate has doubled since the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year. In 2021, New Mexico abortion businesses reported 4,900 abortions. That number jumped to 11,000 in 2022. In 2023, New Mexico abortion businesses ended the lives of 5,300 innocent babies so far.”

The Satanic Temple (TST) was formed in 2012 and is not to be confused with the Church of Satan. Claiming a membership of over 700,000 people, they reject the existence of a literal devil in exchange for the devil as a metaphor and literary device to further their activism. Their mission is to “encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits” by engaging in run-of-the-mill pagan secular humanist ideals, such as “confronting hate groups, fighting for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, fighting against any Christian imagery and practices in schools and government, and fighting for abortion.


The Satanic Temple Plans To Mimic Sean Feucht’s ‘Kingdom of the Capitol’ Tour+ Feucht Responds

The Satanic Temple (TST) co-founder Lucien Grieves (real name Douglas Mesner) has announced that he and his band Satanic Planet will be copying Sean Feucht and going on a road, mimicking his ‘Kingdom of the Capitol’ tour that has seen the prominent Christian worship leader crisscross the country and playing a worship set at different state capitol buildings. That is, provided they can raise the money.

The Satanic Temple has been feuding with Feucht, especially after he claimed that nearly 100 people were saved at SatanCon. We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023’, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History’, and opened up the first-ever religious abortion clinic network.

They explained in a press release:

“Feucht is openly a theocrat who courts the attention of politicians and seeks to proselytize through his performances. He has his opinions, and we have ours, but one thing the government can not do is preference his viewpoint over ours by giving him exclusive access to perform a concert on the Capitol grounds. That stage is every bit as much ours as it is his, so, in the name of pluralism and religious liberty, there are some state capitols that are likely soon to be hosting Satanic Planet shows.”

Satanic Planet plays ‘experimental avant industrial’ music and it…shows…hahah

For his part, Feucht seems unbothered by it and happy for the attention.


Satanic Temple Sues to Stop Abortion Bans, Claims Killing Babies is a Religious Right

(LifeNews) The Satanic Temple has filed lawsuits in four states so far that challenge their legal protections for unborn babies on religious grounds.

The satanic group claims killing unborn babies in abortions is a religious ritual, and restricting it violates its “fundamental tenets,” according to an article on Glenn Beck’s website. Its leaders also claim pro-life laws are rooted in “Christian nationalism” – even though people of all faiths and no faith believe basic human rights should apply to all human beings.

This week, The Guardian published a flattering piece about the satanic group and its efforts to overturn pro-life laws in Idaho, Indiana, Missouri and Texas. A leftist news outlet, it did not fact check or even question the group’s claims that pro-life laws are just Christians forcing their beliefs on others or that an unborn baby is not “unique and distinct human life,” which contradicts basic scientific knowledge.

“States are passing laws premised on this idea that fetal tissue has personhood, or is a unique and distinct human life. We don’t agree with that position. We believe it’s a religious position, and we don’t believe states have any right to put any impositions on us,” Satanic Temple co-founder Lucien Greaves told The Guardian.

His supposed religion claims to have “seven fundamental tenets,” including one that teaches, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” In its lawsuits, the satanic group claims… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews.

abortion Featured News

The Satanic Temple Raffles Free Abortion, Admits Aborting Unborn Babies is a Satanic Ritual

(CBN) The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced it’s raffling a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, while it argues that its members’ religious rights are exempt from any state laws or any regulations that might block access to abortion services during the first trimester. 

According to TST, the free abortion can be medical or surgical and is transferable upon request.

Headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, TST describes its new Satanic abortion ritual  as a “spiritual experience designed to instill confidence and self-worth in accordance to TST’s religious beliefs.”  The organization contends those who practice the Satanic abortion ritual are exempt from being subjected to waiting periods, mandatory counseling, forced viewing of sonograms, and reading materials as required in many states.

“TST bases its assertions of abortion mandate exemptions on the protections provided by State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts or RFRA, which generally prohibits the government from substantially interfering with a person’s free exercise of religion,” TST said in a press release.  

The Satanic Temple claims their abortion ritual as practiced by its members is exempt from the existing abortion regulations on the basis of religious liberty. They point to the 2014 Supreme Court ruling that Hobby Lobby as a business had the right not to cover birth control, including abortifacient drugs, as a part of its health care program for its employees, because of its religious beliefs that viewed such a practice as immoral. 

TST says all abortions by its members are religious acts of Satanism and protected under the ruling. 

The organization has also made a sample letter available to all its members to request a religious exemption to abortion restrictions.  Founded in 2012, TST claims to have more than 300,000 members…

To continue reading, click Here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Steve Warren and published at CBN News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen