
NAMB Training Manual Uncovered Revealing Woke ‘Leavening’ of the SBC’s SEND Network

As we continue to catalog the mission drift and downgrade of the SBC, along with the questionable players looking to toss a little leaven about, reformed Pastor Michael Clary shared a training manual for the North American Mission Board’s 2019 Send Philly event showing what sort of ideology that NAMB through their SEND network is funding, permeating through this missional mindset. This thread is adapted from his feed:

Some say the SBC isn’t woke & there’s nothing to be alarmed about. Don’t be so sure.

Paul said “a little leaven leavens the lump.”

The broader SBC may not be full-blown woke, but some places are.

A friend recently shared notes from a SEND Philly training.

See for yourself🧵 

My friend attended a training who’s purpose was “to assist planters, pastors, ministry leaders and lay persons with a heart to serve those within the urban context.” 

The “urban context” is defined according to progressive priorities using leftist buzzwords.

Page 8 describes “marginalized” people as “the other.”
They are subject to:
* Systemic racism
* System disparity
* Modern day slavery and
* Environmental oppression

Jesus’ ministry is presented as a social justice crusade to empower “the least of these.”

This is a misuse of that text. The “least of these” in Mt25 refers to Christians who are socially ostracized because of their faithfulness to Jesus. It doesn’t teach social activism. 

The biblical justification they provide is simply to accept the social justice framing as valid and then quote texts where Jesus ministers to people who fit those categories.

* Poor
* Women
* Disabled
* Strangers
* Prostitutes
* Criminals

Jesus is the “marginalized savior”

Ministry leaders are instructed to do “incarnational ministry” like Jesus (dubbed “biblical justice”) by focusing on marginalized peoples.

The definition of biblical justice is provided by Ron Sider, a well known progressive social justice advocate.

What does this kind of incarnational ministry look like in practice? A buffet of buzzwords.

* Opposing systemic oppression
* Protest events
* Recognizing inequity
* Use your power/privilege to be a voice
* Advocate for the oppressed

Preaching the gospel is barely acknowledged.

The pastor’s #1 task is to preach Christ & him crucified.

Trainings like this take a church planter’s zeal & guilts them into using worldly means to accomplish spiritual ends.

They’re taught that Jesus is more of an activist than savior.

It’s a false gospel that cannot save.

According to Linked in, the author of this training material is still employed by NAMB.


Self-Proclaimed “Black Darwin” of Biologos Declares Social Justice Our Only Hope

Biologos, the theistic evolution organization founded by Francis Collins and heavily supported by Tim Keller, is swimming in the primordial goo of false teaching and leftist ideology. Many theistic evolutionists begin their deconstruction by denying the historicity of the first three chapters of Genesis; a perspective quickly devolves into a denial of any other inconvenient Biblical truths.

Biologos refuses to take a position on Biblical inerrancy and openly admits that its members have a broad range of views on whether the Bible is inerrant. The result is inevitably a theology that denies the trustworthiness of Biblical narrative. In a vacuum of truth, Biologos and its founder Francis Collins, have embraced numerous worldly ideologies that directly contradict the truth of scripture.

As head of the NIH, Collins oversaw an increase in the ghoulish use of murdered baby parts for scientific research, made overtures towards the acceptance of antibiblical and anti-science LGBTQ affirming policies, and directed the COVID masking and vaccine public policy charade that convinced millions of Christians that they should live fearfully and forsake the assembly of the local church. 

Keeping in step with the deconstruction trends at Biologos, Joseph L Graves, an up-and-coming Biologos conference speaker, recently announced, in an article released on the Biologos website, that humanity faces extinction, and its only hope is social justice. 

Graves, who claims that his friends and colleagues call him “Black Darwin” for his prowess in the field of evolutionary studies, might also have earned the title “Black Greta Thunberg” for his recent baseless doomsday predictions about the future extinction of humanity. Graves doesn’t offer any explanations for his belief that the human race is doomed to “extinction,” but he claims to have a divine calling, which he compares to the “Voice in the Wilderness” of John the Baptist, only to proclaim the “truth” of social justice.

Still, I feel I was placed here for a reason. Like John the Baptist, I was called on to give voice to the truth.  (A Voice in the Wilderness, excerpt from Conclusion)

Graves believes that the justice provided by God at the end of days is not sufficient. He clearly denies the sovereignty of God in such matters.

Unfortunately, there are too many within the broad tent of our faith who are entirely comfortable with the status quo, or who simply think that we are in the “end times” and Jesus will soon sort everything out. 

Graves’ social justice resolution unmasks the gospel according to Biologos. That gospel is the false Social Gospel of social justice. Graves is just a secular humanist, cosplaying as a Christian. 

In the final chapter of my book, I outline a path towards social justice that all people of goodwill can get behind, so that like Amos 5:4 we might “…let justice roll down like waters. And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” I also emphasize what is at stake if we don’t do anything. Social justice is our only hope, not just because it is morally right and long overdue but because without it our species will die. We are now in a race between justice and extinction. I conclude that we now have a choice to decide to save ourselves, but this is only possible by learning to love our neighbors the way Christ taught us.

Contrary to Graves’ lunacy, Jesus and his atoning work on the cross are the only hope for humanity. There is only one path to salvation, and it doesn’t involve human effort or “saving ourselves.”

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:11-12

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SBC Leader Recommends Book Promoting Social Justice, Favoritism for Oppressed Classes

(Capstone Report) NAMB VP Dhati Lewis recommends book that denies penal substitutionary atonement. Book argues that justice is not always impartial. Book argues God demands preference for Oppressed classes.

What is biblical justice? It isn’t remotely close to what a book promoted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board church plant leader claims. In fact, a book recommended by NAMB VP Dhati Lewis argues that to do justice often requires injustice and to be fair sometimes requires acting in unfair ways. The Little Book of Biblical Justice was recommended by Dhati Lewis in an email exchange with Kyle Whitt. (Emails available here.)

In the NAMB VP recommended Little Book of Biblical Justice the writer argues:

In some circumstances justice requires a disinterested impartiality, a repudiation of all favoritism. In other circumstances it demands an unequivocal partiality, a definite bias towards the interests of certain parties over those of others. Justice is both impartial and partial, biased and unbiased, equal and unequal, depending on the issues at stake” (p. 38).

The partiality, of course, is only shown to certain favored classes.

Who are the favored? The oppressed classes.

“While impartiality is essential…

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Editor’s note. This article was published at the Capstone Report