
John MacArthur Unable to Continue Preaching Second Service After Falling Ill

Many people are praying for Pastor John MacArthur, 83, after the venerated elder was unable to preach the second service, having at one point to “catch his breath” before plowing ahead through the first, and then taking leave of the next one. An elder at Grace Community Church informed the second service congregants:

“Just so you know, Pastor John had a bug this week and preached our first hour but asked if he might be able to take a break for the second hour. So Mike Riccardi is going to be answering the call. It’s pretty pretty amazing we have guys with sermons in their Bibles wherever you go and so Mike’s going to be here.”

Tim Hurd at the Bible Thumping Wingnut initially reported the story, with one of his commenters adding more context.

I attended the first service. Pastor John had gone up to the pulpit to preach and soon as he got there he had taken a second “to catch his breath.” He said he wasn’t sure why all of a sudden he was out of breathe and had made a few coughs. I think it was about 45 seconds though to a minute that took maybe, but he did go on to preach.

In the earlier part of his sermon he did crack a joke saying that he wanted us to get into the Bible so that we would stop worrying about him since we were all looking at him and I’m sure he noticed all the concerned faces in the church but he did state that he was feeling great. He did sound back to normal during the rest of the sermon, but I’m praying for Pastor John. I prayed for him during the service.

I have learned so much from that man and I thank God that He allowed me to see Pastor John preach these past few weeks at Grace Community Church. Happy New Year’s to all and God bless.

John MacArthur has trended on Twitter several times over the last few months, mostly for his continued strong stance against homosexuality and advocating for personal purity and sound biblical teaching.

Continue to pray for MacArthur, for his continued and enduring health.


Voddie Baucham Experiencing Heart Failure – Pray for Healing

Voddie Baucham, a dear brother who ministers in Zambia, announced on Facebook yesterday that was experiencing a health crisis and asked for prayers and support as he seeks to return to America for testing and treatment.

Initially sent to his supporters via a newsletter, Vodie recounts that after a recent stint in America (January 21-February 09) where he returns several times to preach on his Winter Tour, he felt unwell. He chalked this up to fatigue at such a busy tour, doing a whirlwind 17 dates in 18 days. He explains:

On the way home, there were stretches when I felt what I could only describe as being waterboarded every two or three minutes. That night, upon arriving in Lusaka, I contacted our family doctor. The next morning I was at a medical center doing a series of labs and tests that revealed the worst. I was experiencing full-blown heart failure.

He continues:

As I write this update, Bridget and I are making arrangements to fly back to the USA, where I will undergo a series of labs, exams, and treatments. Some of those will be significant. Hence, the call to prayer and plea for help.

Vodie goes on to request prayer for traveling mercies, physical strength to survive a 36-hour trip back to the states with multiple modes of transport and lengthy layovers, physical healing, prayer for his wife and children, prayer for finances, given that “we are currently uninsured and will have to cover everything out-of-pocket,” and prayer for his witness as he endures this trial and so he can lead his family through this dark valley.

The message has been posted below in its entirety. If you have been blessed by Voddie’s ministry, as we have, please pray for all those things. Anyone wanting to donate to him can do so here at his website, with the caveat he provided in the first part of his post.

Breaking Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff Featured

Breaking: President Trump Diagnosed with COVID-19: Let the Church Pray

Trump announced early Friday morning that he and the First lady have tested positive for the coronavirus. At this time it is not known if he has symptoms, if he is asymptomatic, or to what degree this is affecting his health. While he has the very best physicians in the world looking after him, his age and co-morbidities leave a real risk of death or incapacitation.

Dr. Sean Conley, the President’s physician, expressed optimism about the positive test, writing that he “expects the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering.”

Consequently, Christians ought to keep the President in our prayers. For his health, of course, that he might be healed and have a swift and full recovery, but also for his salvation; that the Lord providentially uses this as an instrument of drawing him near and that Donald Trump might cry out in his illness for God to save him.

If this is the way he meets his maker, we plead that he might repent of his sins and find eternal and abiding joy in Christ.

Until then, if then, we pray.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18  

Editor’s Note. This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.