
Nothing New Under The Sun: The Eclipse, Rapture, and Red-Faced False Prophets

For Christians in the United States, 2024 is a boon year for amateur prophetic speculations. For the false prophet, geopolitical events, wars, the coming presidential elections, and the April 8 solar eclipse create the perfect environment to make predictions about the imminent judgment of God or the return of Christ. 

Never mind the fact that a number of these so-called prophets have a checkered history when it comes to accurately predicting future events. Self-proclaimed prophet Shawn Bolz has made numerous failed prophetic predictions in the past, including a prophecy that President Trump would win a second term in 2020. Instead of stepping down from public ministry, Bolz decided that he would take a break for a season from public political prophesies, stating, “I am growing in this prophetic journey…” Bolz recently made the vague claim that the eclipse might be a sign from God of a coming national Spiritual awakening or individual breakthrough.

“From a Prophetic Standpoint the eclipse represents a moment of real divine alignment and intervention. You know just as the moon temporarily obscures the light of the sun during the eclipse, there’s some areas of our lives where darkness might seem to be prevailing, or areas of our businesses or country or social issues or whatever that the enemy looks like he is prevailing, or that man’s sinful nature looks like it’s hindering the ability to see clearly or experience the fullness of God’s blessing, but like the moment when the sun emerges again, breaking through the darkness, the eclipse could signify the season of breakthrough and illumination in our lives…”

Bolz now prefers to make vague, rambling predictions rather than specific ones, but this hasn’t stopped him from grifting off of the eclipse event. 

A number of prophecy-oriented social media personalities and channels actively promoted the April 8 eclipse as a sign of either judgment, the imminent rapture, or both because the path of the event was purported to pass over seven cities named Nineveh, a town named Rapture, and the Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter. 

When these claims were critiqued, it was found that only two actual towns named Nineveh were in the path of the eclipse. Nothing about these “prophetic signs” point to actual contextualized scripture that predicts events with any level of specificity. Rather, their focus is vain speculation and grasping at the straws of current events in a foolish game of pin the tail on the judgment of God and the rapture.

From the viewpoint of a new follower of Christ, the enticement of shady false prophets may seem alluring. These types of failed prophecies have been made for the last two thousand years, but the frequency has increased in the last 200 years, as some dispensationalists have attempted to pin, with detail, a modern futurist interpretation of apocalyptic literature on texts such as the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation. 

In the twentieth century, the anti-Christ has been prophetically identified as nearly every dictator and world leader who has come on the scene, with various “prophets” throughout the 20th century claiming that the antichrist is Hitler, Stalin, Obama, and even Danny DeVito. Recent attempts to pin the rapture on a specific date or identify the antichrist are not new developments.

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 

Numerous false prophets have also attempted to predict the date of a premillennial dispensationalist Left-Behind movie-style rapture. In 1988, prophet Edgar Whisenant published his book 88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be In 1988. The best-selling book sold more than 4.5 million copies. When Whisenant’s prediction failed to materialize in 1988, he published Rapture Report 1989, which included a revised prediction that Jesus would return in 1989. Whisenant tripled and quadrupled down with predictions of the rapture in 1993 and 1994, writing 23 reasons why a pre-tribulation rapture looks like it will occur on Rosh-Hashanah 1993 and the book And now the earth’s destruction by fire, nuclear bomb fire.

In the same year that Edgar Whisenant made his last failed prediction, Christian Radio broadcaster Harold Camping predicted that the rapture and day of judgment would take place on September 6, 1994. When the rapture failed to take place, Camping revised his original prediction to September 29, 1994, and then October 2, 1994. Undeterred by previous failures, Camping falsely predicted that the rapture and a five-month-long fulfillment of the judgments of Revelation would take place in 2011. 

False prophecies of the return of Christ have wreaked destruction on gullible Christians and associated ministries. Many people who bought into Whisenant and Camping’s failed predictions quit their jobs, sold all of their possessions, and donated large sums of money to the false prophet’s media campaigns. 

Eschatology does matter. It puts life in perspective of our imminent call to give an account to the God who gave us life. However, this fact is not dependent on the imminent return of Christ. At any given time, a believer can die and find themselves in the presence of the Lord. Christ has promised that he will return, but he has made it crystal clear that no one knows the day or hour of his return except for God the Father.

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left. Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:36-44


Prominent Charismatic ‘Prophet’ Claims Dolly Parton’s New Song is ‘Prophetic’ and a Message from God

Shawn Bolz, the poster child for false prophecies and whose prophetic predictions have proven less accurate than a drunken meteorologist, claimed in a recent video that God has sent a warning message to the world through a dream and song given to country singer Dolly Parton.

Bolz, who is no stranger to these bizarre bablings, falsely prophesied about the end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before there were any deaths in the United States and only 2800 worldwide, saying:

The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now!

He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight….Even now, several vaccines are coming out, as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, ‘I am removing the threat of this.’

Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel as though it is in the distant past.”

Shortly thereafter, he would prophecy that Trump would win a second term, another error he would have to hang his head in shame over. Despite being proven wrong repeatedly, Bolz does not consider himself a false prophet, offering that “a false prophet is somebody who is intentionally prophesying with an agenda that is not God’s agenda” and not someone who, as the bible says, prophecies things that do not come to pass.

In a recent video Bolz explains: why he’s so enraptured by this message from Parton.

Dolly Parton’s been an icon in the entertainment industry, both film television but also of course music and she had a dream recently, at what she calls a prophetic or spiritual dream….She’s always had a great reputation behind the scenes and also a Praying reputation and a Bible reputation where she believes in the Bible and reads the Bible every day. So it’s really interesting to have someone there’s an icon on this level in society who is sharing that she had a prophetic dream and wanted to give it to the world on her birthday…

I think it’s really incredible that she would do this and I think we need to listen to- sometimes it’s easy to listen to a pastor (when) they say they have a dream but everyone’s listening to Dolly Parton when she says she has a dream. It made the Billboards in the charts when she released it, and so I think God isn’t limited to speaking through a pastor on a local platform but he can speak to anybody he wants to and a lot of times he’ll use major artists or politicians to give a message…

I just thought you guys would like that story. It’s very interesting, kind ofgoes along with something that Glenn Beck shared in a prophetic dream that he had…

Some of the ‘prophetic lyrics include:

Last night I had a dream about God
He was standing on a mountain top
Looking down, around in such dismay
And in my dream I heard him say

Don’t make me have to come down there
My children, you had best beware
If you don’t pay attention, consequences will be dire
Don’t make me have to come down there

I’ve told you time and time again
You can’t disobey and hope to win
I am still the boss here in case there’s any doubt
You know I put you in this world and I can take you out

It’s sad and desperate, and is emblematic of the sad understanding that many charismatics have of the prophetic today.

For a deeper dive into this prophecy, check out Revealing Truth’s page here


Prominent Charismatic Prophet Makes Bizarre Prophecy About Actor Will Smith

Prominent charismatic “prophet” Shawn Bolz claims he heard from God and then subsequently has published a prophecy to his page concern well-known actor Will Smith, revealing that God wants to give him an “unshakable identity” so that he can have a “comeback” and win academy awards.

Smith does not need prayer and prophecies that he has a comeback so he can star in more terrible movies and win Oscars; he needs to be saved. He needs to be regenerated, so he doesn’t burn in hell. Commenter Camille Wagentia writes, “Or…that God would grant him repentance and faith, that he would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, that he would love not the things of the world, that he would lay down the things of this world and deny himself, that he would, by the Spirit of God, put to death his sinful deeds, and that he would be conformed to the image of Christ. God wants Smith to have a heart of flesh, not dodge the “assignment of the devil” so he can regain his prominence in Hollywood.

It’s more fluff from Bolz, who is the poster child for false prophecies and whose prophetic predictions have proven to be less accurate than a drunken meteorologist. Never forget that Bolz falsely prophesied about the end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before there were any deaths in the United States and only 2800 worldwide, saying:

The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now!

He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight….Even now, several vaccines are coming out, as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, ‘I am removing the threat of this.’

Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel as though it is in the distant past.”

Shortly thereafter, he would prophecy that Trump would win a second term, another error he would have to hang his head in shame over. Despite being proven wrong repeatedly, Bolz does not consider himself a false prophet, offering that “a false prophet is somebody who is intentionally prophesying with an agenda that is not God’s agenda” and not someone who, as the bible says, prophecies things that do not come to pass.


Arch-Heretic Benny Hinn Calls out Two Other Charismatics as False Prophets-‘They’re a Litte Weird’

Benny Hinn is an odd duck. To say he is a false teacher and false Christian is beyond dispute- he’s been a famed arch-heretic for decades and even though the world thought he had a “come-to-Jesus” moment a few years ago when he allegedly repented for preaching the prosperity gospel, within weeks he was right back at the same old message. He was soon after doing more of the same while giving a Masterclass on how to devour widow’s houses, which is ironic given that his ministry is pretty much broke.

Unlike other false teachers and men named Dr. Michael Brown, however, Hinn will occasionally call out other people within his camp, even if he doesn’t do it by name. Two years ago he called out Joel Osteen, saying that he wanted to punch him out for denying Christ on Larry King, and now he’s taken shots at Shawn ‘Failed Prophecies’ Bolz and Stacey ‘Head-shaking’ Campell, noting how false teachers are always “a little weird” and “unbalanced.” He explains from a July 15 2021 Facebook video tongue-in-cheek titled “Recognizing False Prophets Part 2”

Do you notice sometimes with some, not all, with some who operate in the prophetic? They’re, you, know a little weird. They’re just a little strange people. They’re not balanced people. They are very hyper. We were watching a lady a few days ago who was moving her head so much and she was prophesying, I’m wondering how can that let his head stay on? It was a weird demonstration of normality. You know Saul, King Saul prophesied and laid naked all night on the floor. Was that kind of norma? Of course not. It’s demonic.

He’s referring to Stacey Campbell. Her son previously called her out on it, saying that she makes it up the fact that when she “prophecies” she violently and vigorously shakes and bobs her head, revealing that she only behaves that way when she’s at church and in front of a crowd.

I adore Jesus beyond words, and I want to please him and I see this prophetic going on now and I’ve seen people harmed, friends of mine, friends of mine damaged. We just knew one man just a week ago, Chad and I were so hurt for that sweet man who’s a wonderful Christian. And I hear it all the time, all the time. My son-in-law Michael was telling about some guy that came to some big meeting and they found out later he was actually searching people’s material and names and information and acted like it was prophesying and it was not. And that guy prophesied from its own spirit– it says so in the bible.

What does it mean? It means they are not true prophets. They find out information like that guy who was searching people’s information and making it sound like he knew it all, giving details that were not, and are not biblical. He told a guy about a phone call he had, you remember, that same gentleman pointed at a section and said ‘there’s a guy named so-and-so over here and you were talking to so-and-so on the phone and you said so in a such-and-such thing’. And the whole crowd went ‘oh my god hallelujah’ and he was prophesying out of his own heart. It’s not in the word, it’s not in the bible, I’m sorry.”

This is a reference to Shawn Bolz, and the below featured video gives examples of him doing this.

While Hinn condemns these false prophets (though not by name) the fact is that this is contradistinction to his view of true prophets, which Hinn believes himself to be, and believes that many other Charismatic loons are likewise. Granted, calling them out is more than Dr. Michael Brown will do, as he’d probably rather renounce Christ than name names of anyone who’s not named Todd Bentley, but it also serves as a method to reinforce for his audience the claim that ‘they are bad and I am good.” when in reality Hinn is just as deceived as they are.

h/t to Brother John Elving and his excellent YouTube Channel.