
Major Progress! Logos Issues New Statement About ‘The Great Pornographic Book Purge of 2024’

A Logos Bible Software’s Executive has issued a new statement regarding their company’s efforts to rid their sites of thousands of sexual and pornographic books that have long been embedded in their libraries, apologizing for allowing the perverse content on their platforms while acknowledging “our existing workflow failed at keeping illicit titles off the Logos platform.”

Exclusive: ‘Logos Software’ Selling Hardcore Erotica Porn Alongside Devotionals and Bible Studies
‘Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch,’ + A Timeline of Logos Bible Software’s Customer Service Inaction, P.1
Logos Bible Software Sells Books on ‘How to Write Erotica’ & Be A Porn Star+ A Timeline of Customer Service Inaction, P.2
Update: Logos Claims They’re Cleaning Up Their Erotic Books, But What Is Taking Them So Long?

While Logos and their various representatives have steadfastly refused to speak to us on or off the record since we first broke the story, Vice President of Content Product Matt Bennett gave an apology and update about the status of their efforts, buried deep in the 6th page of a forum post:

On behalf of the Logos team, I apologize for allowing illicit titles on our platform and for the time it is taking for us to get everything down. We want (and our apps) to be a safe place to study Scripture, and we’re committed to removing titles that don’t meet our standards, as outlined in our Distribution Philosophy.

Today I want to update you on a few things:

  1. First, we are actively removing inappropriate titles from our platform. We are treating this issue as a major priority, and our team is being thorough to review titles manually and electronically. Thank you to everyone who has sent products to We’ve responded to each email within one business day, and we’ll continue to respond to every title sent our way. 
  2. Second, we know our existing workflow failed at keeping illicit titles off the Logos platform, so we’re rebuilding our process to better vet and filter content.
  3. Third, we have removed and will continue removing illicit titles from the Print Library Catalog. This was a disconnect in our systems that required coordinated effort with our developers, and we will soon be able to remove titles from the Print Library at the same time we remove them from the platform. We’ve made significant progress here.

As a side note, we’ve updated the FAQs in our Distribution Philosophy to answer how publisher content gets to our platform.

Again, thank you for your patience as we work to get this right. We don’t take for granted your trust in us, and we hope to regain your trust as we improve our processes in order to bring you a broad selection of relevant, high quality content. We’ll continue to share updates in the forum thread here.

While it’s undeniable that Logos did NOT make purging the pornography a priority (despite their continued insistence to the contrary) after it was first brought to their attention by a customer seven weeks ago, and then later by us to a large audience three weeks ago, a noticeable shift occurred between the evening of March 18 and the afternoon of March 19, where we tracked at least 725 books being removed from their platforms. This includes over 320 erotic Harlequin books, as well as these gems.

Since the 19th, more books have continued to be removed at a rapid clip. In fact, we are pleased to reveal that with rare exception, Logos looks properly purged of the vast majority of sexually graphic books, and the site resembles how it should have looked when it was brought to their attention seven weeks ago. 

Notably, this recent widespread removal came shortly after we posted the aforementioned Logos books to our Twitter feed, garnering tens of thousands of views and ultimately being shared with key people at Logos, perhaps prompting renewed efforts and swift action. In any case, we are very pleased with how the site looks now and that our efforts have permanently changed the way Logos does business.

While Logos remains elusive in its commentary, there remain many, many unanswered questions. If you work at Logos and are willing to share some insights/ insider’s perspective into this illicit book fracas, please DM us on Twitter or email us at

We guarantee absolute anonymity, even under the threat of a lawsuit.


Mark Driscoll’s New Promo Material for an Upcoming Sex Sermon Series is Something Else

Mark Driscoll’s Trinity Church has started putting out promo material for an upcoming 8-week sermon series, with the disgraced pastor putting out mailers and billboards informing potential attendees that “The same God who heats up our valley wants to heat up your marriage” and “Married couples: has your bedroom become your bored room? We’re here to help”

The mailers and billboards link to the church’s website, informing them that the sermon series is based on a new book by Driscoll called Real Romance, Sex in the Book of Songs.

Driscoll famously preached a controversial sermon in 2007 on the Songs of Songs, in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was scrubbed from the internet but not before being captured.

In it, he went into graphic detail on the vagina, urged wives to dance and strip for their husbands, said refusing to give a spouse oral sex is a sin, and told a story about how a man started coming to his church after he insisted in a bible study that the wife repent of withholding oral sex from him.

“We had a woman like that in our church. She became a Christian and her husband was not a Christian. He hated the church, wanted nothing to do with the church. She kept browbeating him about Jesus: “you need to get saved, you’re gonna burn in hell” (and) he had no interest in that.

And so finally I was teaching a class on sex and she said “oh, so oral sex on a husband is what a wife is supposed to do?” I said “yes.” She said “my husband’s always wanted that but I’ve refused him.”

I went to 1Peter 3, I said the Bible says if your husband is not a Christian that you are to win him over with deeds of kindness.

I said so go home and tell your husband that you were in a Bible study today and that God has convicted you have sin, and repent, and perform oral sex on your husband and tell them that Jesus, Jesus Christ commands you to do so. The next week a man showed up at church.

As far as we are aware, he has never publicly recanted, retracted, or apologized for it.

There is no word whether or not this new series will have similar admonitions and marital advice.

Driscoll’s Mars Hill Ministry imploded in 2014 after his elders accused him of being arrogant, crude, bullying, harsh, and overbearing. Rather than stay and submit to the ignominy of church discipline, Mark took his ball and went home, resigning and starting a new church in Arizona (the 1000-member Trinity Church) that notably does not have elders who can reign him in and keep him in check. His lack of elders is not for lack of prospects, but rather is being done to avoid accountability and accumulate maximum control, and where his better angels have transformed into crooked and decrepit demons.

It was only a year ago that nearly 40 elders who once worked at Mars Hill Church and served alongside Mark Driscoll during the most tumultuous years of his career released a public statement outlining their dismay that their former leader has continued his abusive tactics at his new church; calling on him to step down and to enter into a process of conciliation with those he abused. 

Though Driscoll was once more or less sound and orthodox in the faith, being a leader and key figure in the Young, Restless and Reformed movement of the late ’90s and early 2000s, he drifted more and more towards false teaching and embracing heretics.

Over the years, apart from starting a new church where there are no elders so that he has absolute rule and can reign over his church unquestioned, he has ridiculed reformed theology, called Calvinism “garbage” defended the Roman Catholic church by saying it affirms essential doctrines, and famously publicly repented for criticizing Joel Osteen.

h/t to @StuffCCLikes on Twitter


PCA’s Greg Johnson Suggests ‘Christian’ Gay Couples can Live Together, so Long as They “Desexualize” the Marriage

A pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) has seemed to endorse the notion of civil unions for gay couples who become saved, saying that he wouldn’t encourage them to break the marriage apart but rather simply encourage the couple to stop having sex with each other.

Greg Johnson is the most controversial figure within the conservative PCA, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order designed to combat Revoice’s wreckage and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

His church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events occur will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

As a result of being occasionally taken to task by denominational leaders who have by and large utterly failed to deal with him and his theological shenanigans much sooner, and are now (poorly) dealing with the consequences of gay chickens that have come home to roost, Johnson’s church is intending to leave the PCA as soon as they can, but not without chumming the waters while he prepares to get going.

Speaking on the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022.

Question: It seems ok to recommend single gays to stay single, but what about gay people that are already in relationships- may be married and have kids? What should the church recommend to them?

Yeah, if the gay couple with a family you know, came to Jesus in my church, my goal would not to be to break them apart. (Unintelligible) I think in discipleship, really, the goal would be to desexualize the relationship, because the love they have for one another is not the problem. 

You know, that’s not sinful. The commitment they have to one another is not sin. You know, it’s sexualization of that. And so, in all honesty, with a lot of gay couples, you know, when they’ve been together for a number of years, they’re not very sexually active. Some are, but a lot aren’t. 

You know, I know one guy told me that, you know, after the first 10 years of sex just got boring. And so his partner, the most they ever do is snuggle in front of the television, but, they’re still there for each other. And so, that would be my direction in that kind of situation.

Johnson does not want to break them apart, because he believes the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify gay people, “such were some of you, but you were washed,” is a fantasy. He believes homosexuals are an untouchable class whose sexuality cannot be redeemed and that even God doesn’t have the power to straighten their bent orientations. 

Rather than what would be an appropriate direction to take take the situation in- the couple publicly renounces their marriage, stop living together, get in counselling, get discipled, and stay single or get married to someone of the opposite sex- Johnson, the seeming expert on how frequently gay people engage in their perverse approximation of sexual intercourse, offers only that he’d seek to “desexualize” the relationship but not break them apart. This is trash advice.

Furthermore, Johnson says that the love they have is not the problem- but it is! Because it isn’t love, it is a sin. Any feeling/ sensation/ emotion/ affection that a man or a woman has for the same sex that is beyond strong platonic affection is vile and a corruption of God’s intentions.

Johnson doesn’t even believe that gay people cuddling and snuggling is a sin to be discouraged. So long as the couple agrees to stop bumping together their incompatible bits, that’s about the extent of what they must change about their situation after coming to Christ.

Johnson’s response betrays how truly compromised he is, and is an indictment on the Missouri Presbytery for letting it get this far.

Evangelical Stuff News

Dave Ramsay Fires Staffer for Having Premarital Sex – and She’s Not the First

Evangelical Financial Guru Dave Ramsay has come under fire for terminating the employment of one of his staff members who became pregnant, an action he says isn’t tied to her pregnancy at all, but how she got pregnant in the first place.

Caitlin O’Connor, a former administrative assistant in the company filed a lawsuit against Ramsay alleging she was terminated for being pregnant. She says that she was let go after seeking paperwork on filing for maternity leave. She explains in her lawsuit:

Ramsey Solutions’s termination of Ms. O’Connor interfered with her right to take FMLA leave, discriminated against her due to her sex, pregnancy, religion, and disability, and was in retaliation for becoming pregnant, requesting FMLA, and/or her disabilities.

As a result of her termination, she is seeking a jury trial; a judgment against Ramsay Solutions on all counts; back pay and damages for lost benefits; reinstatement or front pay; compensatory damages for embarrassment, humiliation, stress, anxiety, inconvenience, and loss of enjoyment of life; punitive damages; and attorneys’ fees and expenses.

Lawyers for Ramsay say that she wasn’t fired for being pregnant, but rather for violating their company conduct policy which includes their long-standing “righteous living” section. This policy is applied evenly to all 800 employees and prohibits them from engaging in premarital sex, a policy that is freely acknowledged in her own lawsuit.

As a result of the lawsuit, court filings revealed that Ramsey Solutions took disciplinary action against at least 12 other employees for having sex before marriage in recent years, resulting in most of them quitting or resigning before they could be fired.

In fact, company lawyers say that they terminate every employee who engaged in premarital sex.  And because Tennessee is an at-will state, they are more than protected. A Q&A on their company website makes this very clear, with Ramsay explaining:

We have a moral code of conduct at our office. I fire people if they have extramarital affairs. The hilarious thing is I put that on Twitter and people go, “Won’t you get sued for that?” Uh, no, you’re allowed to discriminate against infidelity. I’ve got a right to tell my employees whatever I want to tell them. They freaking work for me. This is an employment-at-will state, which means if I decide I don’t like people with green eyes, I don’t have to hire you. I don’t have to keep you anymore.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Predator Comedian John Crist Back on the Christian Circuit

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, has returned to the stand-up and speaking circuit after spending a short time in time-out on account of deep-seated sins.

Crist, a popular Christian entertainer known for his comedy routines and hip ethos, had his life and career come to a grinding halt 16 months ago after Charisma News broke the story that a host of women were alleging some very unsavory things, including harassing and manipulating young women, “sexting” multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.

Unfortunately, he barely copped to the allegations in the Charisma piece, releasing a statement to the magazine where with a pretty stellar euphemism he acknowledged only that “While I am not guilty of everything I’ve been accused of, I confess to being guilty of this — I have treated relationships with women far too casually, in some cases even recklessly.” 

Stunning and brave. This non-apology apology might as well have said, “I’m sorry that the women were offended by my actions,” for how insincere and evasive it was.

He disappeared to get “healing” for sex addiction, claimed in the process that he almost killed himself (a tactic manipulators use to garner sympathy), and hid out of sight for a while, waiting for the requisite year to pass so that he could emerge back into the limelight to declare that he was now restored and ready to return to evangelicalism’s good graces.

Looks like that happened, with Crist playing to sold-out shows across the States:

In an extended Instagram stories video, Crist spoke to the controversy, explaining that when he checked into the Arizona rehab clinic his therapist asked him what he wanted to do. (Allegedly he went to rehab. He’s enough of a narcissist that we have no reason to believe he’s not just making that up.) He responded to her:

I want to go home, and I want to withdraw all of my money from the bank, and then I want to go down to broadway- broadway where are all the bars are – and I want to get drunk, and then I want to bring girls back to my condo, and I want to do that every night until I run out of money and then I want to kill myself.

Not the most regenerated way to be thinking. Speaking of his angst, Crist lets it all out:

I believed something about myself that was untrue. I believe that this world would be better off with me not in it…and I look back on everything that happened…I look back on just the whole situation, and all of the consequences were because of my own horrific choices, and I look you guys in the eye and own that and take responsibility for that any day of the week, BUT, the only thing worse – I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on my worst enemy. But the only worse [thing] than what happened to me is if it wouldn’t ever [have] happened to me.

I wouldn’t say happened to me – a lot of the choices I made were my own. But if that would have never happened, I would’ve continued the rest of my life trying to earn y’alls approval on the internet and hoping that you guys would love me.

That’s a hot take on things. Focus on the alcohol, don’t talk about the really bad things, try to garner sympathy and pity, then turn it around on the audience and fans by suggesting that in a way, they bear some of the responsibility.

It’s weird because if that would have never happened to me I would’ve just continued on the road of being a trash dude – I wasn’t trash, but like…I would have ended up at the end of my life alone and sad and wondering why and hoping that the people on the internet would find me funny or relevant or whatever.

Crist claims he wasn’t being a “trash dude” back when he was, again, “harassing and manipulating young women, ‘sexting’ multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery, and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.” That’s the epitome of “trash dude.”

He then goes on to explain that he still makes tons of “horrific choices” previously defined as the above sexting and using and abusing women, and doesn’t want anyone to look up to him or emulate him.

I still make tons of horrific choices and I don’t want to ever set myself up to be some kind of role model or anything. I’m just coming up on 17 months sober, I mean if you don’t believe in miracles come my way.

And even letting anyone know about my sobriety or anything like that makes me nervous, because then what if I go back to drinking again? Then am I crushed again. Am I canceled again? What if I have a girl over to my apartment, and somebody sees me and I’m canceled again? I don’t want to put myself – I don’t know if it’s a bible verse, if anyone’s calling anyone a sinner, call me chief among them, honestly. I don’t know if that’s a bible verse…

The fact that Crist has any fans is beyond us. But they are there. Millions of them. Millions of Christians following him on social media and attending his shows.

All that creepy, pervy, manipulation he did? That was so 17 months ago.

Practically a lifetime.

Charismatic Nonsense Conspiracy Featured Heresies News Scandal

2018 Sex Scandals at Hillsong NY were ‘Mostly True’ Say Church Officials

Hillsong has responded to allegations made in 2018 about widespread and pervasive sexual promiscuity and sexual contact between certain church staff members and interns and parishioners at Carl Lentz’s old stomping grounds at Hillsong NYC, acknowledging that much of the scandals were true, but that they had been dealt with and action was taken.

The report, in a nutshell, claimed that “Hillsong staffers used the church like a seedy dating service, ‘sleeping around’ with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures.”

In a statement to the Christian Post, Hillsong officials explained in part:

In February of 2018, Hillsong Church received a letter with serious allegations regarding specific members of the Hillsong NYC volunteer and staff teams. We were very concerned to learn that any church member, volunteer or staff member would feel unsafe. Immediately, we launched a comprehensive three-month inquiry into the claims made in the letter.

Sadly, we learned that some of the allegations were true. In response, our team took immediate action to address those allegations. Though some of the letter’s allegations were found to be inaccurate, we realized that those situations required care and concern as well…

We created a Team Code of Conduct, which now serves as the standard of ethics for every volunteer who serves at any Hillsong East Coast locations. We also created a team relations department to help us examine any future allegations of volunteer or staff misconduct that violate our Code of Conduct…”

The response from Hillsong comes in light of new allegations of sexual impropriety from their former pastor Carl Lentz. We revealed last week that a longtime employee of the Lentz family walked in on him and a young pop star “making sex sounds” and emerging disheveled from a bedroom where they were alone and didn’t realize anyone was home.

Lentz has reportedly recently been dropped by his PR firm and is in counseling for “pastoral burnout.”

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Breaking! Carl Lentz Previously Caught With ‘Young Celebrity’ by Longtime Employee in 2014

Disgraced ex-Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz was caught having sex with a young celebrity in his own home, according to allegations by a former employee in a bombshell report by the Sun.

The claim comes from Lee Martin, who was employed by the Lentz family as their dog walker for many years. He says that he once walked into the apartment and assumed no one was home. He went upstairs and then heard the pair having sex in one of the bedrooms, being the only ones in the house, and then saw them emerge from the room looking flushed and unkempt.

I walked into the house one day to walk their dog and I didn’t see or hear any people in the apartment at first. So I took it that no one was there and went in and got their dog on a leash. And as I went to exit the apartment, I walked past the bedroom and I heard sex noises.

It definitely sounded like two people were having sex. I was kind of shocked but I do walk into stuff like this quite a lot. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be there because nobody would be making those kinds of noises if they knew someone was around.

When I walked out of the door, I accidentally let the door close behind me too loud. And so by the time I made it to the elevator, Carl and the star were right behind me. He didn’t look me in the eye, and didn’t talk to me or acknowledge me, which was very unlike him. They both seemed kind of flushed – like they had been having sex.

Long time family dog walker and past employee Lee Martin. Source/ The Sun

Lee told several close friends about the incident at the time, but chose not to disclose it until the recent revelations with Ranim Karim came about. According to insider reports, several more women have come forward as a result of the investigation Hillsong has launched into the culture at their NYC “church” plant. Though Lee has named the celebrity Lentz was sleeping with, the Sun has chosen not to report it.

Lee, for his part, wasn’t a fan of Lentz and the way he behaved, explaining:

I always found he kind of put out this manipulative, almost grooming vibe. And I started to look at his interactions with people over the years, videos and pictures and things, and it just seemed inappropriate for a pastor.

I would see him parading around the neighborhood with his shirt off, wearing thousand dollar leather pants, on an electric scooter, smoking an electric cigarette. It just doesn’t seem like a pastor at all.

This information lines up with Hillsong founder Brian Houston’s claim that Lentz had “many affairs.” We’re sure this won’t be the last revelation to come out.

[Editor’s note. Reports of dysfunction from Hillsong continue to emerge at a rapid rate, but we have chosen to not cover the majority of them because of their reliance on “unnamed sources” that we have been unable to verify. Until they name who is bringing forth the allegations, we won’t be writing about it.]