
Ronnie Floyd Resigns from the Executive Committee, Warns of Threat on Way Out

Less than two years into his tenure, Pastor Ronnie Floyd resigned as CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, citing the need to prevent the ongoing damage to his reputation as the impetus for leaving, as well as the absurdity of the Executive Committee’s decision to waive attorney-client privilege in the face of sex scandals- an unnecessary move that does little except expose the denomination to enormous risk and potential implosion.

In the letter, Floyd laments that “In the midst of multiple challenges facing the SBC, I was asked to come here because of my proven personal integrity, reputation, and leadership. What was desired to be leveraged for the advancement of the Gospel by those who called me here, I will not jeopardize any longer because of serving in this role.” He further shares

“Due to my personal integrity and the leadership responsibility entrusted to me, I will not and cannot any longer fulfill the duties placed upon me as the leader of the executive, fiscal, and fiduciary entity of the SBC. In the midst of deep disappointment and discouragement, we have to make this decision by our own choice and do so willingly, because there is no other decision for me to make.”

He’s not the only one who has left. At least 10 other members have left, as well as the longtime lawyers for the denomination, pulled back in order to preserve their own reputations and livelihood.

Historically we have been very critical of Ronnie Floyd and the goofy, worldly behavior he has employed during his tenure as an Arkansaw megachurch pastor and later as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

As previously cited, Floyd does things like hang out with the likes of charismatic arch-charlatan, Kenneth Copeland joins forces with the hyper-charismatic IHOP. In many ways, Floyd started the ‘woke’ movement in the SBC, claiming prophetic utterance that God has commanded the denomination to repent for racism (again and again and again). Floyd’s church is an ungodly mess, worldly and carnal (but large and attractive). The church spends hundreds of thousands on fireworks, he has a set of luxury automobiles, and he pays a full-time photographer to follow him around take pictures of him. Heck, Floyd is perhaps best known, among other things, for having a Walt Disney designer create his children’s ‘set’ and manufacture a baptistry that looks like a fire engine that shoots confetti over the audience when someone is baptized.

Despite our disagreements with him, it is beyond dispute that he was done dirty by a cabal of #BigEva progressives, including Russell Moore, who has been an especially hellacious thorn in his side and has been working to undermine and dismantle Floyd and the SBC. This is true as Moore has been particularly incensed after Floyd supported the recent SBC Executive Committee investigation into the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and how that entity’s progressive politics was negatively affecting giving to the Cooperative Program.

For Moore, who for years has been working behind the scenes to bring down the SBC, Floyd’s resignation and head on a platter will be a victory indeed.


SBC Legal Counsel Quits After Denomination Votes to Waive Attorney-client Privilege over Sexual Abuse Investigations

Nearly 2 weeks a week after the SBC Executive Committee (EC) members voted to waive attorney-client privileges in order to be ‘fully transparent’ while sexual abuse claims are being investigated, the Southern Baptist Convention’s legal team has quit, sending a letter to Ronnie Floyd and tending their resignation after nearly 60 years of representation.

The whole thing is worth a read, but in a nutshell, the firm has always operated under good jurisprudence and there has always been an expectation of attorney-client privilege and that matters that are discussed would be confidential. However, the firm writes going forward we can no longer assure Executive Committee and Convention personnel with whom we work that the privacy of their communications with their lawyers will be secure.”

One of the lawyers, James Guenther, 87 and has been representing the SBC from the mid-1960’s. He went go on to say that there is nothing sinister about it, despite the EC’s attempt to paint it as such, but rather this legal concept has been in the bedrock of the rules of evidence in the country for centuries, writing:

“We understand the Executive Committee’s decision to convey a negative attitude about the
attorney-client privilege which it and the Convention enjoy. The decision causes us to carefully consider
the prospect of moving forward as we try to represent the Executive Committee and the Convention in an
alien environment. We simply do not know how to advise a client, and otherwise represent a client, with
the quality of advice and representation the client must have, and in keeping with the standard of practice
our firm tries to uphold, when the client has indicated a willingness to forego this universally accepted
principle of confidentiality.”

The whole thing can be read below:

The vote to waive attorney privileges passed earlier in the month 44-31 after weeks of deliberation, mostly with the progressives berating and beating the conservatives about it. At the news that they decided to waive, 10 executive committee members resigned.

Church SBC Scandal

Breaking! Ronnie Floyd Just Called Russell Moore a Liar

(Capstone Report) HUGE: Ronnie Floyd Contradicts Russell Moore’s Slander of Mike Stone.

Russell Moore is a lifelong Democrat. Russell Moore is a liar. Of course, that’s redundant. However, it is important to highlight this as none other than Ronnnie Floyd, CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee, just called Russell Moore a liar.

In a statement released by Baptist Press, Dr. Floyd said Russell Moore lied in a letter to J.D. Greear. Of course, Floyd said it nicer than that—however that is what he means by saying:

“I have received a copy of the letter from former ERLC president Russell Moore to our current SBC president J.D. Greear. Some of the matters referenced occurred prior to my coming here in this role. For those matters of which I was present, I do not have the same recollection of these occurrences as stated. I do take seriously allegations in this letter which may raise concern for Southern Baptists. I have been very committed to always operate with the highest integrity and skillful hands. I am right now considering ways in which we can develop the best path forward for the sake of Southern Baptists and our God-called commitment to our unified Great Commission vision.”

As we pointed out earlier today…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report