
Another Catholic Church Blesses Same-Sex Couple After Pope Opens Pandora’s Box

Cracks continue to form in the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, with more and more priests blessing same-sex ‘marriages” following Pope Francis opening the floodgates with his demonic, schism-inducing Fiducia Supplican.

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, asking pagans to send him ‘good vibes’ and releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement.

And now this.

One such church taking advantage of their new freedom is the Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church in Lexington, KY. Following the news, they began advertising the service in their bulletins, resulting in a recent gay blessing. 

It’s only going to get worse.


Revoice 2023 Hides Their List of Conference Speakers, Except the Lesbian Roman Catholic Who Praised an X-Rated BDSM Film

Revoice 2023 is fast upon us. Unlike previous years where they would announce their list of conference speakers, this year is a little different, with a note on their website explaining, “Some speakers may not be featured on our page due to requested primacy and anonymity.”

It’s unsurprising, given that this so-called Christian Conference and its leaders have repeatedly been exposed as divisive gay-baiters, kicking and screaming against all notions of orthodox and biblical sexuality in favor of whatever weird theological trinket they can unearth and promote to the world. No wonder they don’t want the exposure.

Eve Tushnet is one of the headlining speakers unafraid to be linked to the conference, however, and her upcoming prescence would mark her third appearance. 

She is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), however, on account that the author of the book Gay and Catholic is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis.

When she’s not glorying in her life as a lesbian papist, the self-described “sleaze connoisseuses” is singing the praises of the 1980s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.

The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries; in others, it received the “X rating.” It originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at the cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There are also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.

For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect.” She writes on her website:

And in another Twitter thread about it:

Clearly, she fits in perfectly at Revoice.


Pope Benedict XVI Dead at 95. Now Comes The Fiery Judgement

The former Pope Benedict XVI passed away at his residence in Vatican city early this morning. He was 95.

The Vatican said in a statement “With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away today at 9:34 in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be provided as soon as possible.”

Benedict XVI famously resigned the papacy in 2013, the first pope since Gregory XII in 1415 to do so. Sadly, there is no purgatory that awaits Benedict, but unless he had a death-bed confession where he renounced the false gospel of the Roman Catholic Church he has spent his whole life in, and led for a decade, he is lost and going to hell.

Canon IX of the Council of Trent, on justification, in which is still the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church today says:

If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema. 1

However, we can see from Scripture that this is doctrine is diametrically opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in Ephesians 2:8-10.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

God’s word says that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and that our faith results in good works. However, the Roman Catholic Church teaches that both faith and works are necessary for salvation. Both of these cannot be true, so either Scripture is wrong, or the Roman Catholic Church is wrong.

Further, the Roman Catholic Church says that grace is not the free gift of God:

If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favor of God; let him be anathema. 2

But Romans 3:24 says, “…Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

Roman Catholicism consistently denies many of the “fundamental doctrines of the faith as revealed in Holy Scripture” in preference of their traditions. Many of their doctrines, such as sacramental, or works-based salvation, idolatrous forms of Mary and Saint veneration, Purgatory, Papal infallibility, and transubstantiation of the Eucharist, just to name a few, are extremely dangerous doctrines that turn people away from the truth of the Scriptures.

The Scriptures clearly and consistently tell us to have nothing at all to do with these false doctrines, rather expose them (Eph 5:11). These false religions are the works of darkness. They are designed by the ultimate deceiver to counterfeit the true Christian faith, and they lead people to Hell. 

If Benedict did not recant and repent of them, then only fear, terror and endless suffering awaits him.

We now await to see which SBC leaders and Christian pastors and teachers say otherwise.


TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund Says Mary is the ‘Ark of the Covenant’

“Mary, in whom the Lord himself has just made his dwelling, is the daughter of Zion in person, the Ark of the covenant, the place where the glory of the Lord dwells. She is “the dwelling of God . . . with men.”  (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2676).

Months after TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund got into a fracas after arguing that pro-LGBTQ ‘Christians’ and Universalists are still in the faith, he shared some ‘surprising theological views’ he holds, including that Jesus’ mother Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, writing for the Catholic Register, explains why they believe this to be the case:

Immediately after accepting her vocation as the mother of Jesus, Mary “sets out in haste into the hill country” (Luke 1:39). She eagerly speeds her steps to visit her relative Elizabeth, herself pregnant despite her advanced age. As soon as Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, little John the Baptist leaps in her womb, rejoicing in the presence of his Lord. Just as the Ark was the portable sanctuary accompanying Israel through the desert, so Mary travels with the new presence of God in her womb. And John the Baptist’s womb-jumping imitates David, who danced with abandon before the Ark as it entered Jerusalem for the first time (2 Samuel 6:14-15). In referring to Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43), Elizabeth confirms this bold interpretation of Mary’s womb as the Ark of the new covenant – the name, “Lord,” after all, is the divine name God reveals to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15.

As part of their idolatry, Roman Catholics believe that Mary never sinned, was eternally a virgin, never tasted death, and assumed bodily into heaven like Jesus himself. They think she also acts as an intermediary between men and Jesus, with many insisting that she is a co-mediator with Christ. Because they are committed to this narrative, they twist the scriptures to find any way to elevate her and abase the Lord of Glory, and this lofty title and shallow comparison. In discussion with Roman Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid, Dr. James White addresses some of these claims, writing:

The greatest effort in typological interpretation by Mr. Madrid comes in his attempt to parallel the Ark of the Covenant and Mary. The first parallel he draws has to do with the fact that God took such great pains to make sure the Ark was properly constructed. He says,

God wanted the ark to be as perfect and unblemished as humanly possible so it would be worthy of the honor of bearing the written Word of God. How much more so would God want Mary, the ark of the new covenant, to be perfect and unblemished since she would carry within her womb the Word of God in flesh.

Does this kind of interpretation bear the weight of investigation? While we admit the force such things carry with those who already accept these doctrine, we point out that there is no way to test the interpretation. We can easily point out absurdities to which the parallel can be pushed–for example, must Mary have been stolen by God’s enemies for a time, so that she could be brought back to the people of God with great rejoicing? Who was Mary’s Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:3-8)?

Madrid draws a further parallel between the three months the ark was with Obededom and the three months Mary was with Elizabeth. What, then, is the parallel with David’s action of sacrificing a bull and a fattened calf when those who were carrying the ark had taken six steps (2 Samuel 6:13)? See, Mr. Madrid feels free to pick and choose what aspects of Mary’s life he wishes to parallel in the ark, and which he does not–there are no rules in this kind of interpretation, and it can lead to just about any conclusion. 


Apostasy Alert! Protestant YouTube Apologist Announces He’s Converting to Roman Catholicism

Cameron Bertuzzi, host of the YouTube channel ‘Capturing Christianity,’ has abandoned biblical Christianity and let it go, announcing in a video that he’s leaving the Protestant faith and converting to Roman Catholicism, demonstrating he was a very bad apologist indeed.

Bertuzzi, who has 155k subs on YT, 30k followers on Facebook and 14k followers on Instagram, announced that he’s phasing out his previous Protestant vs Catholic content on his website, that his ministry is operating at a loss each month and needs more followers and patron subs, and that he’s swimming the Tiber river:

So the big announcement is that on September 20 2022, I decided to become Catholic. I’m currently in an RCIA program and will be confirmed this coming Easter. This decision came at the tail end of a deep study into the evidence for and against the papacy. As a Protestant, I went into the study with an open mind. Ultimately I told myself that I would follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if that conclusion is uncomfortable for me or for my family.

My Protestant friends were very confident that it would result in a deep confirmation of my existing Protestant beliefs, but they were wrong. What I found was that the evidence strongly suggests that the papacy is true.

Now, the point of this video is not to go into all of the details regarding my conversion. Now that my journey on this subject has concluded, we’ll no longer be capturing that type of content on this channel. As I mentioned earlier, we’re gonna get back to our roots of defending Mere Christianity.

We’ll be covering philosophical arguments for the existence of God, arguments against theism, like the problem of evil, historical arguments for the resurrection, and so on. That’s what you can expect moving forward on capturing Christianity.

It’s a long time coming for Bertuzzi, whose apologetic chops have been highly questionable at best and who has been flirting with the Roman Catholic Church and her rejection of salvation by faith alone and the sufficiency of scripture, for years, resulting in him swallowing two millennia of bizarre and corrupt teachings from the Petrine See.

Dissenter notes that “In a podcast from May 2022, James White discussed Bertuzzi’s approach to apologetics noting that he didn’t sound like he knew what he believed, he wasn’t theologically formed, and that he probably shouldn’t be doing apologetics. “He’s approaching this as a philosophical question, doing Bayesian statistical analysis of arguments,” White said, “and that’s not why I do apologetics. I’m a biblical Trinitarian, I believe in a biblical gospel, I do apologetics because I believe the Bible is the Word of God.”

h/t The Dissenter


Roman Catholic Bishops Publish ‘Gay Union’ Liturgy

(Church Militant) In a historic first, Flemish bishops have approved a liturgical rite to be used for blessing the union of same-sex couples. 

On Tuesday, the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium published the new liturgy on its website. The rite asks God to “bless and perpetuate this commitment of love and fidelity” between homosexual couples. 

The act of rebellion defies a 2021 Vatican ruling categorically prohibiting same-sex blessings and emphatically stating, “God does not and cannot bless sin.”

Papal Approval

The bishops’ quoted Pope Francis’ controversial apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia by stating that “every human being, regardless of his sexual orientation, must be respected in his dignity and treated with respect.” 

“We want to continue on that path by giving this pastoral relationship a more structural character,” the prelates explained, noting that same-sex unions, “although not a religious marriage, can be a source of peace and shared happiness for those involved.”

“Pope Francis expressly asks ‘these families to offer respectful pastoral guidance so that their homosexual members can enjoy the necessary support to understand and fully accomplish the will of God in their lives…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jules Gomes and published at Church Militant

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Francis Chan Talks Speaking in Tongues, Virgin Mary, Calvinism, Transubstantiation, and John Piper Endorsing a Heretic

In a recent interview with Remnant Radio, Francis Chan, once a Master’s Seminary grad and now a spiritually squirrely scoundrel who was last seen healing an entire village without the Holy Spirit, butchering church history, and speaking at a Roman Catholic conference, covered a whole gamut of topics in an exquisitely interesting interview, demonstrating that he is confused, unmoored, and uncertain about what he believes, tossed to and fro yet touted as a highly sought after leader. Here are a few nuggets from the program.

John Piper says Mike Bickle loves Jesus 

I got so much hate mail, that I remember asking John Piper where I go, ‘man, what do you know about Mike Bickle?’ Like I’m getting so many people angry, you know, and kinda asking his permission almost. He goes ‘Francis, if you’re asking me if I’m mad at you because you’re going to speak for Mike Bickle,’ he goes, ‘no, I’m not. I tell you he loves Jesus.’ He goes, ‘I don’t know all his theology and I think we differ some on eschatological things,’ he goes ‘but he loves Jesus.’  And that’s exactly what I found in Mike – ah the man loves Jesus. 

Speaking in tongues 

Now I will say in the last two years, it was during a conversation with Sam Storms, and I was speaking with him on the phone about that very issue, I believe I began to speak in tongues, (apparently, N.T. Wright and Max Lucado also speak in tongues) and it was kind of a shock to me, and then it wasn’t until a trip to Burma a little over a year ago that I experienced healing and miracles.  I believed they could happen but I never sought and never was the vehicle in which it came, but then it happened.

Meeting Roman Catholic Matt Maher and an analogy comparing meeting the Virgin Mary to meeting known heretics.

And so I’m meeting these people (Roman Catholics) and they have such a character and love for Jesus and their understanding of justification by faith sure sounds a lot like I was told. 

And so I don’t know man, I’m trying to do my best but I have this fear, and I think it’s a right fear that if I believe I see the Holy Spirit in a person’s life, based upon what they say about the blood of Christ, based upon the fruit of the spirit I see in their life, based upon the power I see in them, their love for the word of God, I’m going, ‘gosh this person sure acts a lot like Jesus, speaks a lot like Jesus, sure seems to have the Holy Spirit in them,’ I have a hard time like just…saying anything irreverent about them.

Or not that I don’t question their theology, because I do, but I have a reverence. I tell people it’s like the Virgin Mary.  Like if I lived in that day and I knew the Virgin Mary was carrying my savior, that Jesus was really in her womb, how would I treat Mary, Ok? She could throw a rock at me And I’ll be like, okay, but Jesus is in you.  My point is if Jesus is in her I’m gonna be really, really reverent with her. Honor her. And so if I believe the Holy Spirit of God is in you, I’m just not so quick to say anything like strongly against you.  

 The hosts get sloppy

What we all agree on is that we can’t save ourselves, Jesus stepped in, and Jesus saved us.  Now the mechanics of that and how that works out are Arminianism and Calvinism and Molinism and all the other isms, but what we’re agreeing on is the essential piece, right? The essential piece is the Trinity. The essential piece is the virgin birth. The essential piece is gospel that saves men by grace through faith. Right, like those are the essential pieces.

[Editor’s note: No, the essential piece is that gospel that saves men is by grace ALONE, through faith ALONE, in Christ’s work ALONE.  This clarity matters in light of the way Francis is obfuscating justification with the papists.]

On whether or not he is still a Calvinist

I’m like…can you be like 50 percent? And I’m not even saying like 4.3.5. I’m like… I’m like….yeah 60%.  Like I used to be so 100% sure of everything and the more I listen I’m going, ‘gosh, it’s not that easy.’

Transubstantiation and the Real Prescence

I was always just told it is just a symbol, and so if you believe it’s anything other than that it’s wrong and you’re Catholic. Now I just assumed that’s what even Protestants have always believed…I really didn’t understand my church history, I didn’t understand… I never studied the first 300 years of church history deeply and that’s what I was challenged to do.  And I started reading more and more of the ancient fathers.  And again, I’m not a brilliant scholar, I’m just reading going wow, this seemed like the common view. It seemed like no one really saw it as just a symbol with no Real Presence until about 500 years ago, so I’m like gosh you know, the best I can there’s something. Now does that mean it turns into the literal body and blood of Jesus at this time, I don’t…I don’t think so, but it’s…it’s, to me my best understanding is there’s more to it than just anything…

Where I land specifically I’m still not sure. I just know I have a much higher reverence for it.

Part 2 coming soon.

Featured News Social Justice Wars

Jim Wallis Replaced as Sojourners Editor after Pulling Controversial Catholic Article

(Religion News) The progressive Christian magazine Sojourners has replaced founder and President Jim Wallis as editor in chief and announced a new policy of editorial independence from the organization’s advocacy work.

The decision came after weeks of turmoil over Wallis’ removal of an essay criticizing white supremacists within the Catholic Church, which led two staffers of color to resign from the magazine.

Wallis, a prominent progressive theologian and activist who has also written for RNS, will continue to serve as president of the Sojourners organization, the magazine announced Friday afternoon (Aug. 14). He had served as a leader at the magazine since its founding in 1971 as the Post-American. 

Sandi Villarreal, who had been the executive editor at Sojourners, has accepted the role of editor in chief. According to the statement, she has been promised editorial independence in overseeing Sojourner’s web and print publications.

The controversial essay, written by University of California Los Angeles lecturer Eric Martin, was published in the magazine’s August print issue under the title “Harboring a Culture of Hate” and online as “The Catholic Church has a Visible White-Power Faction.” 

On July 28, following backlash from Catholic leaders, Wallis removed the article from the site, saying it “made unwarranted insinuations and allegations against many Catholics.”

In three lengthy subsequent editor’s notes, he criticized Martin’s claim that U.S. bishops voted to reject language condemning swastikas, Confederate flags and nooses in their 2018 pastoral letter against racism. In fact, he wrote, the bishops’ letter does name nooses and swastikas as a “tragic indicator of rising racial and ethnic animus.”

The article has now been restored to the site with a correction about the bishop’s letter appended above it. The publication has also committed not to remove published articles from its site.

As the controversy played out online and within the organization, two associate web editors, Dhanya Addanki and Daniel José Camacho, publicly resigned from the publication.

Addanki said that the article’s removal plus “three years of experiencing this toxic environment” as a Dalit woman and woman of color pushed her to leave.

“I’m unable to continue my role here in good conscience,” Camacho said in a public 

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Aysha Khan and published at Religion News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen