Apostasy Alert! Protestant YouTube Apologist Announces He’s Converting to Roman Catholicism

Cameron Bertuzzi, host of the YouTube channel ‘Capturing Christianity,’ has abandoned biblical Christianity and let it go, announcing in a video that he’s leaving the Protestant faith and converting to Roman Catholicism, demonstrating he was a very bad apologist indeed.
Bertuzzi, who has 155k subs on YT, 30k followers on Facebook and 14k followers on Instagram, announced that he’s phasing out his previous Protestant vs Catholic content on his website, that his ministry is operating at a loss each month and needs more followers and patron subs, and that he’s swimming the Tiber river:
So the big announcement is that on September 20 2022, I decided to become Catholic. I’m currently in an RCIA program and will be confirmed this coming Easter. This decision came at the tail end of a deep study into the evidence for and against the papacy. As a Protestant, I went into the study with an open mind. Ultimately I told myself that I would follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if that conclusion is uncomfortable for me or for my family.
My Protestant friends were very confident that it would result in a deep confirmation of my existing Protestant beliefs, but they were wrong. What I found was that the evidence strongly suggests that the papacy is true.
Now, the point of this video is not to go into all of the details regarding my conversion. Now that my journey on this subject has concluded, we’ll no longer be capturing that type of content on this channel. As I mentioned earlier, we’re gonna get back to our roots of defending Mere Christianity.
We’ll be covering philosophical arguments for the existence of God, arguments against theism, like the problem of evil, historical arguments for the resurrection, and so on. That’s what you can expect moving forward on capturing Christianity.
It’s a long time coming for Bertuzzi, whose apologetic chops have been highly questionable at best and who has been flirting with the Roman Catholic Church and her rejection of salvation by faith alone and the sufficiency of scripture, for years, resulting in him swallowing two millennia of bizarre and corrupt teachings from the Petrine See.
Dissenter notes that “In a podcast from May 2022, James White discussed Bertuzzi’s approach to apologetics noting that he didn’t sound like he knew what he believed, he wasn’t theologically formed, and that he probably shouldn’t be doing apologetics. “He’s approaching this as a philosophical question, doing Bayesian statistical analysis of arguments,” White said, “and that’s not why I do apologetics. I’m a biblical Trinitarian, I believe in a biblical gospel, I do apologetics because I believe the Bible is the Word of God.”

h/t The Dissenter
Conversion comes complete with bingo cards and a six pack.
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Basis of papacy: Jesus appoints Peter as head of the Church, and the apostles establish a succession plan when an apostle dies.
Matthew 16:18: “Upon this rock I will build my church.” Peter: Petros in Greek, meaning “rock”.
Acts 1:20: (Peter after the death of Judas) “Let another man take his office.” Greek word for “office”: episkope, meaning bishopric.
Peter dies in Rome. Bishop of Rome: same as the Pope.
Nice way to purposely misunderstand that the ‘upon this rock’ phrase refers to Peter’s faith, not Peter himself. A little knowledge of Greek can go a long way