
Two Years After Moving In, The ‘Revoice Throuple’ Makes Some Hard Choices: ‘I Don’t Really Want to Live with Kids’

Two years ago, we brought you the story of Art Pereira, the homosexual Director of Community Care for Revoice, and his heterosexual friend, Nick Galluccio, a young adult pastor at Stonecrest Community Church. The two got a two-year lease and moved in together. Going far beyond mere roommates, they have formed a “family” and a “household” on account of being “deeply committed to each other” and “planning on sharing life together for the rest of our lives.” Art explains:

We are totally committed to finding a way to live together and to function as a household. There are different ideas of what that looks like, right? There are a lot of details we don’t know. Do I live in a house with them? Or do I live next door?… We’ve got a few things worked out, which is we don’t move out without each other. If he moves, I move; if I move, he moves. We make decisions together as a family…when he has a wife one day, she’ll make the decisions with us.

Throughout the webinar, Art calls his straight counterpart “cute” and “physically attractive” and confesses his romantic feelings towards him, showing himself to be a mess of roiling and conflicting emotions. Despite this, we learned that Art’s pastor supported this whole affair, even giving them “friendship premarital counseling.” This was done despite the fact that Nick has, at some points, started questioning his own sexuality.

When considering the future, if Nick will one day get married, the plan was for the household and family to continue, with Nick and his wife having a sexual relationship and Art eternally pining away in a semi-celibate lifelong throuple, forming a family, having children, and making life decisions together. It’s basically Revoice confusion embodied. 

But that was two years ago, and things have shifted a bit. There is still some clinginess there, to be sure. Art notes:

“I will never move someplace without Nick, and Nick won’t move anywhere without me. When Nick dates he lets women know, “ok, this guy’s my best friend, he’s my brother, but he’s also gonna be part of my household. So I can’t pursue a marriage that wouldn’t make room for that.”

But Nick has found a girlfriend, and despite being in a self-described “committed friendship” that goes far beyond mere roommates, Art says if they get married, they’ll share a duplex rather than a single-family home or apartment as they initially planned because he wants to give them a bit of space. 

And also because “I don’t really want to live with kids.”

Rather than being perpetually joined at the hip, Art acknowledges that they don’t even necessarily have to live together, but even living within a 5 minute walk of each other might be a viable option in different seasons of life.

Offering some commentary, Woke Preacher Clips writes:

In case it isn’t clear, I see this latest clip as a positive development. The feel-good dream they once had of maintaining a throuple-not-throuple (husband + wife + celibate third wheel) is crashing hard into reality.

However, that’s going to be dangerous territory for Pereira once this tension comes to a head. He goes on to say “most” celibate Side-Bs are “not actually wired this way” (i.e. not gifted with singleness). “Everything in me is like, let’s make a family. Let’s raise some kids.”

Just watch the sad body language as he talks about giving up marriage and family and then tries to claim that “God had something way better in store for me” (i.e. this doomed mixed-orientation “household”). It does not look like he believes what he’s saying at 1:39 onward.

I’m not gonna beat up on people if they say they can’t muster the desire to marry the opposite sex. But I really want to know: why not a “committed friendship” with a same-sex-attracted woman? Companionship, emotional intimacy, no (or much less) temptation. What’s the hangup?

It’s certainly not my hope, but I fear this guy is gonna go Side A when the contradictions of his current situation become irreconcilable. I feel like the suggestion of mixed-sex SSA roommate households is a decent compromise.”


Revoice 2023 Hides Their List of Conference Speakers, Except the Lesbian Roman Catholic Who Praised an X-Rated BDSM Film

Revoice 2023 is fast upon us. Unlike previous years where they would announce their list of conference speakers, this year is a little different, with a note on their website explaining, “Some speakers may not be featured on our page due to requested primacy and anonymity.”

It’s unsurprising, given that this so-called Christian Conference and its leaders have repeatedly been exposed as divisive gay-baiters, kicking and screaming against all notions of orthodox and biblical sexuality in favor of whatever weird theological trinket they can unearth and promote to the world. No wonder they don’t want the exposure.

Eve Tushnet is one of the headlining speakers unafraid to be linked to the conference, however, and her upcoming prescence would mark her third appearance. 

She is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), however, on account that the author of the book Gay and Catholic is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis.

When she’s not glorying in her life as a lesbian papist, the self-described “sleaze connoisseuses” is singing the praises of the 1980s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.

The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries; in others, it received the “X rating.” It originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at the cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There are also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.

For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect.” She writes on her website:

And in another Twitter thread about it:

Clearly, she fits in perfectly at Revoice.


Op-Ed: Can Asbury Be A Revival When Its Theology is So Revoicey?

The most recent iteration of the Asbury “Revival” Movement has been used to attack Christian polemics and discernment ministries that call into question the doctrine that undergirds the revivalist movement at Asbury University. Scripture provides believers with a firm foundation for examining both the spirit of a movement and the doctrine from which it ascends to gain a foothold in the church. 

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Pulpit and Pen’s Seth Dunn and many others have noted the egalitarian and emotion-driven theology of the Pentecostal Wesley Egalitarians of Asbury. The college labels itself as a “multi-denominational institution”, a label that should in no way be confused with a “non-denominational institution”, as the university is dedicated to advancing the theology of Wesleyan denominations. 

Perhaps the most controversial point of contention between those who have practiced discernment and care in not hastily declaring the movement to be a “revival”, and those who have declared no quarter for those who have genuine questions or concerns about what is going on, is the question of whether Asbury maintains a standard of Biblical sexuality. Proponents of the university and the movement have been quick to point to the university’s statement on sexuality.

While the statement contains what seems to be an orthodox position on sexuality, Asbury students who claim gay Christian identities have begun to declare the revival a victory for the advancement of queer identity in the church.

Many have claimed that the statements of LGBTQ-identifying students at Asbury do not reflect the views of the university, but a closer look reveals that the university is well-aware that it hosts a community of LGBTQ students. Many of these men and women who have chosen to cling to an identity that is rooted in their deviant sexual proclivities are planning on becoming ordained pastors and pastrixes, and the university has even brought in outside speakers to support the advancement of LGBTQ sexual minorities in the school.

On March 10, 2022, the university invited Preston Sprinkle, a staunch advocate of Side-B homosexuality and co-founder of the Revoice conference, to speak in the Asbury University chapel service. Sprinkle, who has previously stated that “The Church Needs LGBTQ People” was flanked onstage by university faculty and Elijah Drake, an Asbury student who identifies as a “celibate gay Christian”. Drake, who has defended his Romans 1-defying sexuality in his undergrad thesis, was chosen from among the student to read scripture before Preston Sprinkle was introduced to speak.

Preston sprinkled the students at Asbury with a Ted talk on his side B Homosexuality-promoting theology, claiming that he is passionate about “creating a church culture that can embody the kindness of God toward sexual and gender minorities.” According to Sprinkle, 30% of Generation Z Christians identify as LGBTQ. The ultimate goal of the talk was contained in the title “discipling the church in the LGBTQ Conversation.” According to Sprinkle, the church needs to listen to those who root their identity in sexual deviance and allow them to influence the way that ministry is done.

Side-B homosexuality advocates like Preston Sprinkle, LGBTQ-identifying Asbury students, and the administrators at Asbury promote a form of antinomian evangelicalism that is heavy on emotion and light on Biblical obedience. Asbury, in its statement on sexuality, argues that the issue of Biblical sexuality “is about the behavior” while ignoring the fact that scripture clearly shows that sexual sin is a heart matter. Because Jesus speaks of lust as adultery of the heart, the treasuring of identities that are rooted in sexual deviancy must be viewed as sexual sin of the heart. 

If Asbury University or any other school would see God send true revival, that revival must begin with the repentance of sin, the shedding of false doctrines, the rejection of compromises with the world, and a return to the standard of scripture. 

Editor’s Note. Our Op-Ed page does not always reflect the editorial opinion of Protestia.


PCA Leader Says Pastors Should Tell More Stories about Gay People From the Pulpit To Be More Loving

Weeks after Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America, the results of finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine and instead want the freedom to preach their particularly noxious brand of subversive sexual theology, Johnson explains that one of the best ways to make gay people in our congregants know we care about them is to preach more positive illustrations about homosexuals from the pulpit, using illustrations that intentionally note people’s sexual deviancy and sexual sin, even if it’s not relevant to the story.

Speaking to Martin Helgessen on the to the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022:

Question: What do you think we should do at our church to make LGBTQ people know that we care about them

Is homosexuality only discussed in the context of discussing everybody else’s sins? You know, because you don’t ever want to pick on- you don’t ever want to preach on one sin that the whole congregation doesn’t experience and make one or two people who do feel horrible.

But it’s things like that that you can do, making sure that positive stories of gay people make it into the pulpit. You know, if you’ve preached with illustrations, you know, there’s one story that I’ve been telling for years.

I had a very small little Honda Civic in the late 1980s, and we had a horrific snowstorm…so I was trying to get out of my alleyway to get to school, grad school, and my car had gotten stuck in the snow, so that my wheels were spinning, but they weren’t touching the ground anymore. And I remember just thinking, ‘this is horrible. How am I going to get out of here?’ Like, ‘how long will it take for snow to melt under me? Will that even happen?’

He continues:

And then a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud pulls up, something from the 1930s, this expensive antique car and out pop three gay men. And two of them have shovels, and the other one has a top hat and a big fur coat.. and he tells his friends to dig me out. And meanwhile he’s talking to me he’s like, ‘so what do you do? Are you a student?’ Like, yeah, I’m a student. ‘What do you study?’ Historical theology.

But the point is, the Good Samaritan was the gay man who, in a snowstorm, got out his 5000 pound Rolls Royce and two of his buddies to drive around shoveling theology student’s cars out of ditches, you know? Who’s the Christ figure? It’s this gay guy.

Tell stories from the pulpit like that. I have probably a dozen or more stories like that in my book. Talk about CS Lewis and his gay best friend Arthur, you know, and their friendship as a model of what friendship could be. You know, there’s stories to be told. And also just make sure that there would never be anything said up front that would make someone feel targeted. Stay out of politics.


PCA Pastor, Revoice Advocate Greg Johnson to Leave Denomination

Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, have announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America after finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine, according to the letter sent to congregants, which reads in part:

After fifteen months spent fasting, praying, waiting, consulting and listening, now write to call a meeting of the congregation for 5:30–6:30 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2022, in the Auditorium for the purpose of deciding on matters pertaining to denominational alignment. We are recommending the congregation vote to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church in America 

Johnson, an open homosexual, is perhaps the most controversial figure within the denomination, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order that is designed to combat the wreckage of Revoice and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

The authors of this amendment argue that ministers of the gospel are to be above reproach in their Christian character and self-conception. They say a pastor is disqualified from serving in ordained office in the PCA if that man identifies himself in terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement or has a Gay self-conception.

“Men who describe themselves as homosexual, even those who describe themselves as homosexual and claim to practice celibacy by refraining from homosexual conduct, are disqualified from holding office in the Presbyterian Church in America.”

Johnson hates this, and his repeated and public condemnation has been tearing at the denomination’s seams. We hate that he hates this, and believe that any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be pastor.

Not only is Johnson and Memorial continually castigated for their role in Revoice, but the church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events take place will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

Rather than let everything play out, the church wants to leave as soon as they can, before Johnson goes to a church trial, in order to avoid bad optics from whatever denomination they join in the future:

We have now learned that, yes, once a court of the church (whether local Missouri Presbytery, denominational supreme court or General Assembly) takes a case, thereby entering into judicial process, the pastor involved must see the case through unless another denomination receives him into it. Other denominations can be hesitant to receive a pastor under such circumstances, and would likely require a supermajority vote to receive him. This could hold us all up.

…Other possible cases against our pastors are also developing. The flow of these baseless judicial attacks is unlikely to slow down. We are being deliberately targeted. To protect our pastors—and to keep our presbytery from having to do multiple formal investigations of baseless accusations—we therefore think it wise to take this next step in realignment sooner rather than later.

They conclude by saying:

Our intention has been to bathe this process with prayer and with love. We believe this decision to be the most loving option for Memorial, for same-sex oriented believers, for our pastors and, yes, for the PCA itself.

We hope that Memorial’s withdrawal from the PCA will strengthen the hands of our friends within the denomination. As their opponents have capitalized on the “wedge issue” they found in knowing the PCA had a celibate same-sex oriented pastor, we can now remove Memorial from that equation. Critics will have to find some other cause with which to rally their troops. Lord willing, that will help our friends in the denomination as they work hard to once again take leadership to ground the denomination in a humble, winsome and missiological grace.

For more on Revoice:
Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film
Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom
So who are all the She/Her, They/Them, and He/Hims Speaking at Revoice?
Revoice Founder Insists Christians Repent Of Signing Nashville Statement on Sexual Ethics
Revoice President says Being Pro-Life Means Being Pro-Trans
‘Revoice’ Founder Calls Own Denomination ‘Rampantly Homophobic’ for Rejecting LGBTQ Clergy
Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense


Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’+ ‘Side B’ Revoicers

Rosaria Butterfield is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and The Gospel Comes With a House Key. She’s one of the main go-to people for Christian leaders to point to as an example of the power of the gospel on account of being a lesbian Women’s Studies professor who was saved and having her sexuality redeemed. She ultimately married a man, had a family and turned aside from her wayward ways- being a shining success story in an ocean littered with failures.

We’ve scrapped with her over the years primarily because of ancillary perspectives on homosexual habits, including the use of personal pronounces relating to “Christian hospitality” and her occasionally boorish behavior towards our founder. While Butterfield’s LGBTQ theology is not as sub-biblical and theologically schizophrenic as Jackie Hill Perry, Rebecca McLaughlin, or Sam Allberry; three other mainstays in this space, we’re thankful that she has begun to button up some of her more wanton errors that we’ve previously criticized her for.

While Butterfield has, to her detriment, typically refused to “name names” of those causing theological chaos in her space, she has reserved some quiet criticism for Preston Sprinkle and his wretched book “Embodied,” having previously publicly criticized it. Now, she’s getting a bit more vocal, taking more shots at ‘Side B’ Christians and in particular, at the Revoice Conference in a Truth over Tribe guest post.

For some context, the whole notion of ‘Side A’ and ‘Side B’ Christians- ‘Gay Christians’ who embrace their homosexuality vs. ‘Gay Christians’ who believe homosexuality is a sin- was formulated 20 years ago on messages boards by the likes of Justin Lee and then later Matthew Vines as a way to categorize the incongruous and diverse voices on the matter now frequently found on the Spiritual Friendship page; a loose-knit coterie of sexually confused souls that frolic there.

As far as Revoice, well we’ve made out thoughts known here, So who are all the She/Her, They/Them, and He/Hims Speaking at Revoice? and here Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom, and here Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film.

Butterfield writes in part:

After we are justified by God, we can never return to Adam. What does this mean for someone like me who lived as a lesbian for a decade and believed I was gay? It means that homosexuality is part of my biography, not my nature. My nature is securely chained in Christ (Colossians 3:10-20). What does it mean if a Christian falls back into an old sin pattern? It means that he is acting against his true nature. How do we stop acting against our true nature in Christ when our flesh craves our old sin patterns? By going to war with our sin through the power of Christ’s blood. A genuine Christian will not make peace with sin, for doing so scorns the atoning blood of Christ. Puritan Thomas Watson says, “Christ is never loved till sin be loathed.”

Taking Revoice to task for their merciless tribalism and hopeless, gospel-less ideologies, she concludes:

One dictionary definition of tribalism is “the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one’s own social group.” Tribalism is extra-biblical teaching. Tribalism comes from false ideas entering the church from the world. Tribalism is infectious and poisonous, and it leaves a wake of division in its path. It destroys the peace and purity of the church and produces false professions of faith as well as unstable Christians held captive to destructive sin patterns. Tribalism falsifies the blood of Christ.

Side B Christianity—Revoice—is tribal, not truthful. Instead of offering fundamental liberty in Christ, including redemption and change, Revoice theology denies the power of Christ’s blood to sanctify His people such that they no longer are homosexual. Revoice theology is tribal in its use of Freudian anthropology over biblical personhood, recording homosexuality as a morally neutral sexual orientation. But the Bible records both feelings and practices as sinful acts if directed against God’s commands (Matthew 5:27-28). Revoice theology is political in its embrace of LGBTQ+ language and ideology. Revoice theology believes that homosexual orientation cannot be repented of, thereby withholding the power of repentance and sanctification to transform lives. In contrast, Scripture teaches us to “repent…and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19).

Because I choose Truth over tribe, I reject the false teaching of Revoice/Side B Theology.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


PCA Pastor Says Your Marriage Should Be As Committed as Some Homosexual Marriages

A Presbyterian (PCA) pastor known for his promotion of the REVOICE conference is under fire for suggesting that to have the credibility to speak on the subject of the acceleration of LBGTQ ideology into the mainstream and how it affects society, one’s heterosexual marriage needs to be as committed as some homosexual ones are.

Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, in a conversation with Jeff Norris of Perimeter Church, explains:

“If you’re a Christian and you’re you’re distressed about the the acceleration of LBGTQ into the mainstream and how it affects society, how it affects your kids etc, and maybe you consider yourself kind of a culture warrior for biblical marriage, please realize that the very first responsibility that you have to have any right to speak into these things, is to have a biblical marriage.

Which means you’re not looking at porn, which means that you are not only not committing infidelity against your spouse, but you are actively pursuing your spouse and and leaning into a dynamic in your relationship with your spouse that pictures Christ and the church as it’s portrayed to us in Ephesians 5.

If you don’t have your own marriage and sexuality within your marriage in order, then you’ve got no business being a more moral bullhorn for culture or for anyone else. So let’s just make sure that we have the moral authority to be able to even talk about these things with any level of concern 

 So many of these conversations that actually could have gone really well were a reality of of moral inconsistency on the part of the one who’s doing the preaching about how other people need to look at their lives in this regard.

“Ask yourself: is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages. You know, some gay marriages are deeply committed, as as out of step with Scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least, you know, on the same level of commitment in your biblical marriage. You know, so that at least you have grounds from which to, you know, have some sort of credibility.”

The problem is that theologically speaking, gay marriage is no more a marriage than a man who kidnaps a 10-year-old girl and “marries” her in some hidden room in his basement. Saul’s error is making the compassion in the first place. ‘Gay marriage’ is not just a type of marriage that is merely “out of step with scripture,” but rather, it is a monstrously sick, grotesque aberration.

It is thoroughly blasphemous and is a representation of unrestrained defiance to the word of God. The scriptures say, ‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’ If marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be a picture of Christ’s headship and love for the church, then what does it say about that love and headship when there are two men or two women?

It is no less than a declaration that Christ does not love his church, did not give himself up for her to make her holy, did not cleanse her by the washing with water through the word, and did not present HER to HIM self as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

We close with these comments:


Revoice Founder Insists Christians Repent Of Signing Nashville Statement on Sexual Ethics

Nate Collins is the founder and president of the widely-condemned-by-conservatives Revoice Conference that once led sessions like “Queer theory and the treasures of queer culture and queer literature” and “What queer treasure, honor, and glory will be brought into the New Jerusalem at the end of time?” No stranger to controversy, for last year’s conference they had a Roman Catholic Lesbian who Praised an X-Rated Gay BDSM Film, and she’s coming back again this year.

Collins describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage,” did his dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS, arguing that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures, has a knack for liking gay art, made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today, and called his own denomination (the PCA) ‘rampantly homophobic‘ for decrying gay clergy.

In a series of recent social media posts, Collins is now insisting that on the five-year anniversary of the release of the Nashville Statement, that everyone who signed it “repent” of doing so and ask to have their names removed, on account of it it being bullying and “spiritual abusive” towards LGBTQ folk.

Thoroughly orthodox, the Nashville Statement was initially signed by a wide array of Christian leaders, including John MacArthur, John Piper, Wayne Grudem, Russell Moore, James Dobson, Al Mohler, R.C. Sproul, Francis Chan, Rosaria Butterfield, James Merritt, J.D. Greear, Paige Patterson, and even such folk as Jackie Hill Perry and Karen Swallow Prior.

Out of the 14 articles listed in the statement, most progressives find Article 7 the most objectionable, on account that it rejects the theological propriety of self-identifying oneself by their sin. Ie: “Gay Christian.” It reads:

WE AFFIRM that self-conception as male or female should be defined by God’s holy purposes
in creation and redemption as revealed in Scripture.
WE DENY that adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s
holy purposes in creation and redemption.

h/t The Dissenter


Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film

Eve Tushnet has once again been invited to speak at Revoice this year, heading off to the conference in just a few short months to teach on her struggles as a member of the LGBTQ community. She is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), however, on account that the author of the book Gay and Catholic is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis. She’s been a dedicated Roman Catholic for over 15 years, which would make her categorically NOT SAVED and NOT a BELIEVER.

When she’s not glorying her life as a lesbian papist, the self-described “sleaze connoisseuses” is singing the praises of the 1980s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.

The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries, and in others, it received the “X rating.” It originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at the cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There are also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.

For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect.” She writes on her website:

And in another Twitter thread about it:

Why should anyone take Revoice seriously if this is the type of speakers they’re going to have?


PCA Denom. Bans Any Man Who ‘Describes Themselves as Homosexual’ from The Pastorate

SBC take note. This week at the 2022 Presbyterian Church of America’s General Assembly, members passed Overture 15, which squarely takes aim at pastors who identify themselves as being a ‘gay Christian’ or ‘same-sex attracted’ and yet still aspire to the office of the pastorate.

According to Scott Edburg of PCA Polity: “The authors of this amendment argue that ministers of the gospel are to be above reproach in their Christian character and self-conception. This amendment would disqualify a man from serving in ordained office in the PCA if that man identifies himself in terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement or has a Gay self-conception.” It reads.

“Men who describe themselves as homosexual, even those who describe themselves as homosexual and claim to practice celibacy by refraining from homosexual conduct, are disqualified from holding office in the Presbyterian Church in America.”

Passed by a vote of 1167 to 978, it now heads to the Presbyteries for full ratification and to be included in the Book of Church Order. Last year the GA voted in support of a previous overture that did the same thing but then supporters needed the approval of 2/3 of presbyteries, or 59 of the 88, but failed to meet that mark, with 30 voting it down, effectively killing it.

It is hoped that it would make it all the way through.

This momentous vote is a teeth-shattering, cartilage-crushing, skull-splintering blow to the satanic scourge that is Revoice, with the General Assembly declaring that same-sex attractions in and of themselves are sinful, not just same-sex acts. Furthermore, any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be Pastor.

This is a far cry from the Southern Baptist Convention, where the last couple of presidents of the SBC argues that the Bible only ‘whispers’ about homosexuality, and fully accepts and endorses celibate ‘gay pastors’

Revoice founder Nate Collins, the subversive organization bent on normalizing the strangefire notion that is “same-sex attracted Christians” while introducing new language and phrases like “sexual minorities” into the Christian lexicon, has taken to social media to weave a false narrative of outrage and distress after being curb-stomped with cleats by the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) General Assembly, who voted that everything he stands for and believes is wrong and will not be tolerated within the conservative Presbyterian denomination.

It’s not a stain to the witness of the church, but rather a badge of honor. If the SBC has any hope of surviving, they need to do likewise.