
A Supercut of WokePreachers Shamelessly Politicking During the Midterm Elections And Georgia’s Runoff

In the midst of all this talk of Christian Nationalism and the furious condemnations of conservatives by progressives for talking about politics in the pulpit, we offer WokePreacherTV’s “supercut of preachers giving their takes on the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, particularly the repeat defeat of “Star Trek” cameo actress Stacey Abrams, and shamelessly politicking for Raphael Warnock, an obviously heterodox Reverend Doctor.”

Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and hates the bible and its authority. He’s been lauded as the next coming of Christ according to many churches, who have prophesied and exulted in his victory as a “man of God” despite in actuality being a two-fold son of hell.

h/t WokePreacherTV


Leaders for the General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia (GMBC) Preemptively Declare Victory for Raphael Warnock

The General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia is a dumpster fire of compromise and effete men, seen strikingly in their declarations and decrees that God has secured victory for Senator Raphael Warnock at the denomination’s annual session.

For reference, Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and tweets out things like this:

During the session, GMBC president Anthony Corbett introduces him in glowing terms, reinforcing the notion that the denomination is all about Warnock and voting him in.

“We’re grateful to have our Senator with us today. I said OUR senator, in the person of Senator Reverend Dr Raphael Warnock, amen. And I’ll say more about the voting, but we want to pause for a few minutes to allow him to come before us and speak to our convention. We are grateful to be represented in all 159 counties but the time has come not to just represent, we got to be about it, amen? And I’ll say more about it, but Senator Warnock, we got you back. We got you back. I’m talking to GMBC.”

After a speech, where Warnock tells them “your adversary sees your power and so you’ve got to exercise it, pastors preach the gospel of voting rights” he is publicly prayed for:

We come now Master praying for this our brother, Pastor Warnock. We know that you have called him and anointed him for such a time as this. And God, we ask now that you would throw your hedge of protection around him. Protect him from all of the arrows and the darts of Satan. God, we know he has faith, because he preaches about you day in and day out, not only with his lips but with his life.

…we know Master that he’s being led by you, and as long as you’re leading, we know that everything will be all right. God we pray now for the citizens of Georgia, that we take it not for granted and that we will get up and go and vote in this runoff election. We just counted a victory already, and we’re going to praise you now for the answer that is already on its way. But God, even though we know that the victory is there, we’re going to put feet and hands to the victory. God we’re going to encourage others to go out and do the right thing.”

h/t Woke Preacher TV


Pastor Tells Church The Holy Spirit Will Turn People’s Hearts To Vote For “God’s Man” Raphael Warnock

Highlights from an appearance of Sen. Raphael Warnock at The dReam Center, a Atlanta-area church, before his 2022 runoff election vs. Republican Herschel Walker. Pastor William Murphy prays and sings over “God’s man” Warnock, and dozens of pastors from around the country take the stage to join the nearly 35-minute voter turnout rally in the middle of dReam Center’s Sunday worship service.

For reference, Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus. The thoroughly corrupted pastor shares:

And listen, we’re gonna pause for just a moment. And I believe with all of my heart that God is alright with this, that God would have us to mix, worship, and justice, and politics and legislation. And I’m decreeing and declaring that folk who had no intention on voting for Raphael Warnock are going to get in the voting booth, and the Spirit of God is going to (arrest them?). Can I get somebody else to decree it and declare it, that God is turning the hearts of people in the direction? I ain’t telling nobody who to vote for, I’m just telling you what I sense by the Spirit of God. Because I can’t tell you who to vote for, but I can tell you what I believe; that people get gonna get in the voting booth and their hearts are gonna be turned towards God’s man.

God providentially set this moment for us to be punctually present, in order to usher in a move of God that’s going to transform the landscape of America. This election is not about Georgia. Oh, God, this is a kingdom move, that God is about to cause a shift in this nation in this world through the election of Reverend Dr. Raphael Warnock. Tell you, we’re about to praise him into the Senate.

Oh, God, don’t be don’t be timid. Shake on somebody and say we’re about to praise him into the Senate. …Would you put your hand on somebody’s shoulders and say ‘neighbor, there’s so much power in your praise that you can praise people into the Senate….Because the other side is scheming, but we are praising.

The Lord said to me, ‘it’s time to put the kingdom over the government.’ I need about seven people here. Say to your neighbor ‘the kingdom of God belongs over the government.’ The kingdom should never be subordinated. So what God is doing by sending this man of God into the US Senate, he’s putting a man there with a kingdom identity, kingdom mentality and kingdom authority to establish Kingdom territory. Come on say kingdom identity, kingdom mentality, kingdom authority and kingdom territory so that the policies of the government will look like the kingdom of God

You’ve already heard that we need a prophet in politics. We already have a prophet in the Senate, and we need to send him back. Amen.

h/t Woke Preacher TV, adapted from a YouTube Post, where we also quoted the entire description.



Church Plays Election Ad for Senator Raphael Warnock During Church Service, Who Begs Congregation to Vote for Him

Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), the demonic pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who is embroiled in the fight for his political career, appeared in a political ad smack dab in the middle of a church service, after the worship but before the sermon.

Appearing at Atlanta’s Elizabeth Baptist Church, where Bishop Craig L. Oliver, Sr holds sway (and where minutes after the ad, Stacey Abrams got up on stage and urged the church to stand up for abortion right, which the church responded to in affirmative cheering and clapping) Warnock made his plea:

Hey folks, it’s Reverend Raphael Warnock, and Election Day is right around the corner. This year, it’s more important than ever that we vote. Election day is November 8. But the truth is we need to vote before that….so all of us can get our ‘souls to the polls.’

I’ve said time and time again that I believe that democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea; that all of us have within us a spark of the divine, and that in our diversified and variegated humanity, we see a kaleidoscopic vision of God.

And so democracy is the political enactment of that noble, spiritual idea. Your vote is your voice and your voice is your human dignity. And a vote is a kind of prayer, in a sense, for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children.

So will you be with me in the fight? Why don’t you make a plan to vote today and help your family members, your friends, your church members, your neighbors, make a plan to vote too. It is our sacred obligation. Visit for information on how and where to vote near you…so we need you to vote, but we also need you to volunteer.

Listen, people are going to be the power behind our success this year. We’re going to need all hands on deck to knock on doors, phone bank, and spread voting information to bring this victory home one more time. Visit to sign up, to volunteer, and to help us win this November.

Thank you so very much. Keep the faith and keep looking up.

We can imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if Robert Jeffress’ church played a Ted Cruz political ad in the middle of the service, where Cruz pleaded with the church to help defeat his Democratic opponent. That would be thoroughly condemned, yet there’s been a deafening silence from one side of the spectrum as progressive church pastors openly politick for Warnock and Abrams, crassly playing the hypocrite and for the sake of their perverse ideals.

Bonus. Kyle J Howard is down with Warnock too, apparently.


Dem. Senator and ‘Pastor’ Raphael Warnock Claims Jesus Healed Using Psychological Games, Not Miracle

Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), the demonic pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership), delivered a guest sermon at Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas on August 28, 2022.

Referencing the healing of the paralyzed man lowered through the roof, Warnock claims that Jesus played psychological games on him to make him well. Far from supernaturally physically healing the man, Warnock says the only reason the man was paralyzed is because he had a “guilt-ridden personality” and was “internalizing stigma.” Once Jesus said he was forgiven, he was able to accept his own worth and identity, enabling him to walk.

The book says that Jesus was moved by their faith and he said, not to them but to him, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Now, if you think about, I know you’ve been in church and you’ve been reading this text, but come on, think about it. Put on your common-sense helmet rather than, you know, what people expect you to think in church. You know that statement doesn’t make any sense. That’s a rather strange statement. The brother didn’t come looking for forgiveness. He came looking for healing. Yet Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven.” What’s that all about?

Well, the best critical commentaries point out that in the mindset of the ancients, if one had a serious illness, often it was assumed that sin was the cause. And so he says, “Your sins are forgiven.” That’s one way of thinking about it, but I would submit that Jesus is getting at something else here.

Long before Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Jesus understood the psychology of a guilt-ridden personality. Jesus understood what happens when a society constantly blames the victim. Jesus understands what happens when you’ve been so victimized that you start calling yourself by the names that the other folk used to call you. Jesus understood what happens when you internalize stigma.

The man was paralyzed by what he had internalized and weighed on his spirit. And all he needed was somebody to tell him, “Brother, you’re free. You’re a child of the living God. I don’t care what they said about you. I don’t care how much they’ve tried to marginalize you. You are a child of the living God.”

And once you know who you are, once you know whose you are, walking is easy. We shout when Jesus said “take up your bed and walk,” but I’m telling you, the brother was healed when Jesus said “your sins are forgiven,” because once you know who you are and whose you are, you can get up from your bed of affliction and know that you are a child of the living God.

Editor’s Note. Yeah, I used most of the post on WokePreacherTv’s YouTube channel and monkeyed about with it, Edlintoning at my discretion. He knows. I have permission. We’re cool.

abortion Featured News Politics

Lecrae Put on Concert to Get Dem Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff Elected to Senate

Update. Link to video and concert HERE

Rapper Lecrae, who has devolved into a biblically unsound, theologically progressive paramecium, decided to put his musical chops to bad use by putting on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. The purpose of the concert was to help them win their Georgia seats, thereby giving the Democrats a majority in the Senate and giving them the power and numbers to push through their progressive, pro-LGBT, pro-choice, pro-God knows what else policies.

It makes sense that he would do this, given the last few months he’s had. Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years, showing clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent.

From promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, to punting the ball when asked whether or not abortion should be legal, he’s barely a blip on the horizon as we wave to him leaving.

Billed as a rally/concert, the event took place December 17 at Turner Field in Atlanta, where he joined fellow-musician Rasheeda and her husband and manager Kirk Frost. Evidently, Lecrae was tasked to get the crowd pumped up and ready to vote the heck out of those ballots come voting day.

We wondered if he played the song “Good, Bad, Ugly” where he confesses that he paid for an abortion years ago.

To that crowd?

Nah, probably not.

Definitely all his new stuff.

In a July 2020 interview with Summer Evans for WABE, Lecrae was asked how he differentiates between political issues and Biblical issues, and the answer he gives is about as clear as mud and twice as dirty.

Issues that I feel are moral, ethical, or Biblical issues, our society has made them into political ideologies. Something that should just be a moral, ethical, or Biblical issue, has been co-opted and made into a policy or agenda. So, when you want to wrestle with that particular thing, then you’re accused of choosing a political side or picking a political agenda…when at the end of the day, loving your neighbor as yourself is not a political agenda, it’s a Biblical agenda.

He doesn’t seem to understand that when a political party chooses to take an immoral, wicked issue and make it the defining, primary plank in their platform; it becomes a political issue.

In fact, all legislation is a matter of morality. No law or piece of legislation exists that isn’t based on moral grounds. Yet in Lecrae’s infantilist world the two are seemingly distinct and unrelated.

Let’s be real about this. If the Democratic party thought they could get away with it, they’d chop off the head of their donkey logo and replace it with a dead fetus with one of its legs cut off, viscera spilling out of her body, and defensive wounds on her tiny hands where the scalpel sliced clean through them, given the fanaticism for which worship at the altar of child sacrifice. Hell, they’d probably use Lecrae’s aborted baby to fill their race-based quotas and infuse a little blackness into their symbol.

Lecrae is helping the ones who are promoting, praising, expanding, and entrenching into law a holocaust that leaves a nation knee-deep in the blood of 12-week old pre-born babies, yet he’s getting a never-ending pass because he paid for some lunatic to murder his child 15 years ago?

We don’t think so. He’s using the dismembered body of his dead daughter as a smokescreen and “get out of jail card” he can point to every time someone questions him on why he’s helping those sending babies to heaven by the truckload.

And it’s about time someone called him out on it. [Editor’s note: In case you missed it, we just did.]