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100 Black Pastors Say Loeffler Ads against Pro-Choice Dems are Attacking the ‘Black Church’

A coalition of mostly black and all progressive pastors and bishops from Georgia (with a few muslim leaders sprinkled throughout) has published an open letter criticizing GA Senate candidate Kelly Loeffler for her repeated broadsides against openly pro-choice, pro-LGBT “pastor” Ralph Warnock’s faith, whose hellish origins and theology we have documented here.

The letter, whose purpose was to “call on you and your campaign to cease your coordinated attacks on the prophetic imagination of Reverend Raphael Warnock today,” also takes the campaign to task for criticizing his bringing political activism to the pulpit, highlighted Loeffler characterizing Warnock’s religious convictions as “despicable, disgusting, and wrong” as particularly egregious and beyond the pale.

We call upon you, Kelly Loeffler to cease your false attacks on Reverend Warnock’s social justice theological and faith traditions which visualizes a just and ardent world where love, fairness and equal justice under the law for marginalized people of all races is not only accepted as an authentic prophetic message in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, but also a central message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. [sic]

The letter concludes:

We see your attacks against Warnock as a broader attack against the Black Church and faith traditions for which we stand. We stand for Raphael Warnock! We stand for truth!

Loeffler has responded to the grievamces of these “pastors,” explaining:

Though Loeffler won’t say it, we will. We’re already on the record anyway. We actively and aggressively petition God that if Warnock and his church represent “The Black Church,” then we will cry out our knees until they are torn up and bloodied, and that the Lord wipes “The Black Church” and false gospel and false theology it has been propagating from the face of this earth until all that remains is a smoldering heap of ash and ruin.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies News Op-Ed

Kyle J. Howard, and why His Black Church Can Burn to the Ground for all we Care

Kyle J Howard is fit to be tied over last night debate between Georgia Senate Candidates Kelly Loeffler and the Reverend Ralph Warnock.

It was expected of course. After any interaction between a white person and a black person, we can always expect Howard to be triggered and come up with a not-hot take about why “everyone white was racists.” That’s his schtick. In fact, it’s so predictable that we made these cards so anyone can follow along whenever some big event happens:

So that’s all well and good. He’s pretty much at the point where he’s calling the Sun “racist” for getting rid of the night, and so that’s all par for the course.

What is newer, but not wholly unprecedented, is Kyle giving the warm right hand of fellowship to heretics and lauding any old heretical denomination as representative of “The Black Church.”

Here’s the thing. Raphael Warnock oversees the 6,000-member Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. The church is associated with the thoroughly apostate Progressive National Baptist Convention. The wrong-Rev. Warnock is also committed to abortion like you would not believe.

We don’t mean that the discombobulate democrat politician is “personally pro-life” but “politically-pro-choice.” No, he’s personally and privately a pro-death, “chop-up-those-babies-into-little-bits” kinda guy.

He’s gone on the record of saying that abortion is “consistent with Christianity’ and he’ll fight and do all he can to keep it legal.

In fact, Warnock has already been endorsed by Planned Parenthood, an endorsement that he proudly touts.

Not only that, but Warnock and his Church are LGBTQ+-inclusive with Warnock saying during an interview:

I don’t believe that there’s any such thing as equal rights for some. And so my journey on embracing fully members of the LGBTQ+ community and the issues that you bring to the table [is] part of my continuing trek to try to be a better leader and a better person.

I think that there are bigots who are people of faith, and there are bigots who are not people of faith, and all of us have to be full-throated in opposition to bigotry. You can’t simply be committed to not saying things that are homophobic or transphobic. In the same way that we ask white people to be anti-racist and not just acknowledging it, we have to be full-throated in standing up against bigotry.”

By all accounts for Howard, this man is a brother, a man of faith, and represents “The Black Church.” If that’s the case, the Lord can burn it down for all we care. In fact, we are not merely passive participants in our well-wishes.

We actively and aggressively petition God that if Warnock and his church represent “The Black Church” then we will cry out our knees until they are torn up and bloodied that the Lord wipes “The Black Church” and the false gospel and false theology it has been propagating from the face of this earth until all that remains is a smoldering heap of ash and ruin.

Thankfully, there is a “black church” that is faithful, and these are black Christians who are participants in their local church, no matter where that is and what the melanin makeup of its members is. That’s the real black church. But it’s not even the “black church.” It’s just “church.”

The heretical apostate, anti-christ Warnock doesn’t represent Christianity. He’s a devil, and his church is hell with nary a sheep to be found.

If Howard disagrees, and can’t see it, then he is too.