
Our Publisher Has Been Suspended From Facebook

Like clockwork, our social media overlords have issued a command on high and gave our publisher, JD Hall, a 24-hour suspension from Facebook. Furthermore, they have deleted this post, which we have published in its entirety here.

The last time he defied them by making the outrageous, anti-scientific claims that men are men and women are women, he was banned for months.

It won’t be our first, and it certainly won’t be our last.

Stuff like this is why we count on our patrons and keep us afloat, and why this is ultimately a post about gratitude. We thank our supporters with a grateful heart. Your sacrifices for us slow the tide as we grow our audience across other platforms, readying for the day we are wiped off the platform in its entirety.


Op-Ed: It is NOT HARD Being a Pastor Now

Don’t let your preacher tell you how hard it is to be a leader right now, in terms of navigating current regulations, lockdowns, or mandates while yet remaining faithful to the Lord.

It is not difficult. It is not complicated. It is not nuanced.

The lines have never been clearer. The path has never been so obvious. The case has never been this cut-and-dry.

Caesar is not head of the church. Take your stupid masks off. Remove the social distancing signs. Send a note to the health board telling them to pound sand, and continue with the Lord’s work as usual.

The issue is only “complicated” when you desire to equally please both God and tyrant.

In twenty-one years a pastor, I have never had such clarity in regards to the mission and direction of the church. Obey Jesus. Ignore tyrants. Rinse. Repeat.

It’s not that complicated.

Jordan Hall
Pastor and Publisher