
Podcast: Churches Cancelling Services on Christmas, Amy Grant Gay Wedding, and is a Grown Man Playing Video Games Equivalent to a Grown Woman Playing Barbie Dolls?

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for December 20th, 2022, we discuss the sorry reasons some churches are using to not gather on the Lord’s Day this weekend, and touch on Amy Grant’s hatred for her niece. In the PT VIP portion, we answer sincere questions about Prestonwood’s Christmas show and rebranding Christian Nationalism.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison answer whether or not video games acceptable in the eyes of God, if they the same as spending time watching a show, if the same rules for other forms of entertainment should be applied to video games or should they be in a separate category, and basically, are adult men playing video games akin to adult women playing with Barbie dolls.

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Podcasts: Not Having Church on Christmas, False Salvations, and Refusing to Eat Food Offered by Church Folk

A bit late with this, but on this episode of Protestia Tonight, we discuss the differences between true and false salvation. In the PT VIP portion, we answer sincere questions about Christian charity, moving Sunday services for Christmas, and hating lost people.

On Bible Bashed, Harrison and Tim will discuss the biblical implications of rejecting food offered to us due to diets, preferences, and allergies and whether or not it honors God in these various situations. With the rise in specialized diets and the decline in demonstrating hospitality towards one another it has become standard to decline food offered to us. However, in ages past this would have been viewed as a supreme act of disrespect and dishonor.


Podcasts: The False Gospel of the Church Growth Movement and Do Dead Babies *Really* Go to Heaven?

On Protestia Tonight, David reviews a sermon very close to home, discussing the false gospel of the church growth movement and the pragmatism that leads to a profound lack of love for God and for sinners – demonstrated by failing to preach God’s Word.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison have a follow up to their discussion with Conley Owens on what happens to babies after they die, talking age of accountability, hell for children, original sin, and everything about the subject.

If you haven’t watched part 1, watch it below first.


Podcasts: Can Pastors Kiss Parishioners Without Being #Meetoo’d and Should We Forgive Big Eva Even When They Refuse to Admit They’re Wrong?

On Protestia Tonight, David discusses the floundering SBC sex abuse hunt, talks about Al Mohler’s conflation of the abuse issue, and discusses how being a discerning Christian in today’s evangelical environment will get you hated, ostracized, and called evil.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison discuss what forgiveness looks like according to scripture and how we should apply the concept of forgiveness practically when evangelical leaders who are in need of forgiveness refuse to admit their fault and ask for it.


Podcast! Founders Ministries’ Lack of Discernment, Bart Barber’s Personal Twitter Magisterium, and Is God Just As Sad at Natural Disasters As We Are?

On Protestia Tonight, David talks about Bart Barber’s personal Twitter Magisterium, a little bible shreddin’ with Andy Stanley, and Jonathan Leeman’s dull take on Christian Nationalism. In the patron-only portion, we take issue with Founder’s Ministries’ lack of discernment on Side B “Christianity.”

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not natural disasters are as bad as they seem, whether they are within or beyond God’s control, and whether or not God wills for 60,000 souls to be killed in Tsunamis and the subsequent threats of disease and looting. (Hint, he does)


Podcast: ‘He Gets Us’ Fallout, Christian Nationalism, Pastors Repenting for the Last Two Years, and Is Voting for Women in Office Better Than Voting for Evil Men?

On this week’s episode of Protestia Tonight, David gives an update on the “He Gets Us” debacle, and offers a frank discussion of the basics of the debate over Christian Nationalism. In a special patron portion, we’ll talk openly about why pastors must truly repent for their actions during the last two years.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask the questions “should Christians support female leadership in government, should Christians vote for female leaders, and is voting for women in office is better than voting for evil men?


Podcasts! Pronoun Hospitality, JD Greear, and What Actually Constitutes Spiritual Abuse

On today’s episodes we challenge the idea that the bloody and sinful history of Christendom stands in judgment of Christianity, discuss what actually constitutes spiritual abuse, look at new accusations of plagiarism and how cut and dry it actually is+ fun patron questions.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison discuss whether Christians should show gender hospitality, consider whether JD Greear’s statement on the usage of preferred pronouns clear enough, as whether we are lying to others by using preferred pronouns, and then discuss whether or not transgenderism is a mental illness?


Podcasts: Lost Pastors and Is it Sinful to Eat Crickets

In this episode of Protestia Tonight, David Talks talks about the sorry state of the pastorate and the craziness surrounding online/home churches, and whether or not you should consider doing attending one. In Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not should Christians love their neighbor by giving up meat, is climate change truly a concern, and should we eat crickets and people instead of beef?


Podcast: How to Spot the Platform Grifter + Beth Moore’s Crush and Why it’s Kinda Gross

In this episode, David discusses the finer points of the new breed of online characters/influencers we’ve dubbed “platform grifters” and then talks about the fight between Josh Buice and Beth Moore. Check out the video and give a sub to the channel!


Protestia Tonight: French Derangement Syndrome

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for July 26th, 2022, David discusses the insults to the church coming off the pen of David French and flashes back to the false gospel promoted by NAMB’s “3 Circles” man-centered evangelism program. In the patron portion, we discuss the insanity of claiming Jesus was resurrected in a disabled form, and answer a sincere question about psychotropic drugs.