
DOZENS of Women Accuse Deceased Prosperity Preacher of Rape, Forced Abortions, CSA, and Torture

Dozens of women have come forward to make on-the-record accusations against the late TB Joshua, citing widespread rape, abuse and torture, according to a recently revealed BBC investigation. The investigation took more than two years to complete and was done in collaboration with the international media platform Open Democracy. It involved over 15 BBC journalists spanning multiple continents, gathering and archiving hundreds of hours of eyewitness testimony and other footage.

In 2021, Nigeria’s most controversial pastor, the “prophet” T. B. Joshua, passed away at the age of 57. Joshua was best known for being the head of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) that claimed 15,000 members, along with owning and operating Emmanuel TV. His net worth was estimated to be between 15-25 million dollars and was considered one of the richest pastors in the world.

A false prophet and heretic, he routinely made prophecies that did not come true, including saying that Flight MH370 would be soon be discovered, that the 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram would quickly be released, and that the 2014 Ebola scare and COVID-19 would end mere months after they begun.

He was known far and wide for his claims he had healed thousands from HIV, cancer, blindness, deafness, and had even raised people from the dead on a regular basis. A prosperity preacher huckster in its purest form, he pushed the usual tropes like miraculous healing water, miracle bead, and even “holy stickers” that would cure every ailment and physical malady under the sun. To bolster his image, he claimed he had a divine birth, spending 15 months in the womb.

According to a new report by the BBC, dozens of his ex-congregants have come forward accusing the heretic of abusing them in his Lagos compound:

  • “Dozens of eyewitness accounts of physical violence or torture carried out by Joshua, including instances of child abuse and people being whipped and chained
  • Numerous women who say they were sexually assaulted by Joshua, with a number claiming they were repeatedly raped for years inside the compound
  • Multiple allegations of forced abortions inside the church following the alleged rapes by Joshua, including one woman who says she had five terminations
  • Multiple first-hand accounts detailing how Joshua faked his “miracle healings”, which were broadcast to millions of people around the world.”

The Namibian recounts one story :

Jessica Kaimu, now a broadcast journalist in Namibia, says she was just 17 and a virgin when Joshua raped her in the bathroom of his penthouse, within weeks of her becoming a disciple. “I was screaming and he was whispering in my ear that I should stop acting like a baby… I was so traumatized, I couldn’t cry,” she says. Jessica says this encounter was repeated again and again, throughout the five years she spent as a disciple. Her account mirrors that of other women who spoke to the BBC, and also of accounts by four of Joshua’s male personal servants who were given the job of clearing up the physical evidence of this abuse.”


Andy Stanley ‘Elevator Pitch’ For Why He’s a Christian : ‘It Made My Life Better’

North Point Community Church leader Andy Stanley says his ‘elevator pitch’ for why he’s a Christian is because it makes his life better and makes him better at life.

Sadly, this is little more than the prosperity gospel, which denies that becoming a Jesus follower will often result in struggle, hardship, pain, and death. From the mother living in India who will be beaten by her husband and have her children taken away from her for converting, to the young man who will be disowned and murdered in Somalia, any elevator pitch for why one is a Christian must be able to include both the rich man in Seattle to the pauper in Libya. 

Not so for Stanley.

The bottom line is simply this my little, you know, jog through my church past. There’s so many more stories. It’s really this. And I didn’t have this language back then. I don’t want to pretend, but the church made me a better person. 

Following Jesus, as I say, you know, it made me better at, made me better, and it made me better at life. It made me a better person. So about five years ago, we were doing some wordssmithing of some things around here, and it just dawned on me ‘I should have, like, an elevator pitch for my faith’. 

I mean, nobody walks up to me and says, Andy, why are you a Christian? I mean, I wish they would, because, man, I can razzle dazzle you with stuff about the resurrection all day long until you either just give up and become a Christian or walk off, okay?

But I needed, like, the elevator pitch. Like, what’s the short message? Why am I a Jesus follower? And that’s when I came up with this language. Because, honestly, it’s not because of some theological insight. 

It’s not because one day I’m reading through the whole Bible and ‘boom.’ The reason I’m a Jesus follower is, honestly, because following Jesus has made my life better, and it’s made me better at life. So of course I love the church. 

But the church just isn’t good for me, and the church just isn’t good for you, and the church isn’t just good for us, the church is good for the community.”

Contrast this to Tom Buck’s ‘Elevator Pitch’ for why he is a Jesus follower:

“I’m a Jesus follower because I’m a sinner who rebelled against God and was under his just wrath. But God sent his perfect Son, Jesus, to die in my place and to pay the penalty for my sins. God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, raised him to life, and made him both Lord and Savior. I confessed Jesus as my Lord; I believed God raised him from the dead; and he saved me. That is why I follow Jesus!”


Bonus Stanley content:

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ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
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Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Fred K.C Price, Prominent Word-of-Faith Heretic and Megachurch Pastor Dies of COVID-19

Televangelist Frederick K. C. Price, the well-known word-of-faith heretic and founder of the 28,000-member Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) megachurch, has passed away from COVID-19 at the age of 89, according to a Facebook post by his family.

Price authored more than 50 books on divine healing, faith, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. He founded the Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries (FICWFM), Ever-Increasing Faith Ministries, and Apostle Price Ministry Training Center. He had an international audience, with his live stream services reaching around 15 million people each week.

A mainstay on TBN, he was well known as a word-of-faith/prosperity gospel preacher. In fact, he described himself as “the chief exponent of Name It and Claim It” and was the “OG” of the movement, along with Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland.

According to GotQuestions:

At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the “force of faith.” It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God’s sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws…it claims that God created human beings in His literal, physical image as little gods…and as a result, we have the ability to manipulate the faith-force and become prosperous in all areas of life. Illness, sin, and failure are the result of a lack of faith.

In short, it is a false gospel, “another gospel” as the Apostle Paul says, and is not compatible with biblical Christianity.

Naturally, the charismatics at Charisma News are beside themselves. They describe him as a “great man of God” who will be “remembered for his passionate, and often controversial, teachings.”

Former Charisma magazine editor Jennifer LeClaire, purveyor of the “sneaky squid spirit” that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends, was effusive in her praise when describing the arch-heretic as a “giant in the faith” and “a general” who shaped her beliefs and influenced her, thanking him for his sacrifice.

Longtime friend Kenneth Copeland wrote on his own Facebook page three days before he passed and hearing the news that he was battling COVID-19:

What a man of God! What a man of faith and power! I don’t believe this disease can kill him. We as a family, and ministry, are standing strong for Apostle Frederick Price!” 

He leaves behind Betty, his wife of 67 years, and 4 children.