
“Reformed Christian” Rep. Hillary Scholten Quotes Jeremiah 1:5 To DEFEND Elective Abortion

Newly-elected Rep. Hillary Scholten (D-MI) quotes scripture to defend the practice of child sacrifice in pursuit of prosperity during a House floor speech on January 11, 2023. Scholten has served as a DEACON in a Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, and her husband is a professor at Calvin University, which is affiliated with the denomination.

Madame Speaker, I rise today in support of parental and maternal rights and in opposition to H.R 26. I’m the first mother in history to represent West Michigan in Congress. This matter is deeply personal to me. I recently shared publicly about my own experience navigating a complex miscarriage and the loss of my daughter.

As a pro-choice Christian who chose life, this issue is so personal to me. My faith informs my actions, but it doesn’t dictate the policy of an entire nation. And further, when I read the scripture, I turn to passages and I’m guided by passages like Jeremiah 1 verses [sic] 5, which states: “I knew you before I formed you, and I placed you in your mother’s womb.” Doesn’t say the government’s womb or the Speaker’s womb. It says the mother’s womb.

I believe life is precious, but I reject the idea that if I embrace the sanctity of life, I also must be forced to invite the federal government in to regulate it. We must protect families from unnecessary government intrusion into the most sacred and personal decisions of our lives.

h/to @WokepreacherTV for basically this whole post, as it’s cribbed directly from his YT page. Also, unsurprisingly, she’s also LGBTQ-affirming. She’s not a Christian at all, and her church is cowardly for not excommunicating her and handing her over to Satan.


Apologist Damon Richardson Says Abortion is Acceptable If ‘What is Born is a Complete Monstrosity’

Damon Richardson is the founder of UrbanLogia Ministries, a “Christian theological and apologetics resource that specializes in Urban Apologetics which seeks to dispel myths and untruths about Christianity, equip believers to intelligently articulate the basis of their faith, develop a solid systematic theology and doctrinal foundation and to help them become conversant with the various theologies, ideologies and worldviews that oppose the Christian faith.”

Having pastored churches in Brooklyn, New York, Michigan, and in Florida, he’s also part of ‘Conscious Christianity‘ a “collective of educators who teach biblical truth using a unique mixture of culture, faith, social awareness, history, and scholarship.” and has been featured several times on the Jude 3 Project.

During a recent episode of his show, he shares his view that “as a Christian, it is ungodly, it is divisive, it is unholy, it is sinful to… say that a Christian voting for a Democratic candidate has aligned himself or herself with the devil, that they’ve committed a sin, that they can’t truly be Christians and all kinds of other stuff.”

I don’t believe in abortion. I think abortion, I believe, biblically, that abortion is immoral.
There are very few acceptable reasons for it. Obviously, if it’s a mother needs to save her life- we got to abort the baby or the mother is going to die- that would be an acceptable reason for it.

There are acceptable reasons for it mind you, if what is born is a complete monstrosity. And that does happen every now and again. Yeah, that would be, because it doesn’t, it won’t have any viable life, it’ll be born alive but it’s a monstrosity. That would be an acceptable reason, right? There are acceptable reasons.

He continues:

I don’t believe in abortion, but don’t sit here and tell me that every election comes down to what a candidate actually believes about abortion. And I’m going to tell you why that’s wrong. Number one, while abortion is a quality of life kind of issue, it ignores the fact that there are other quality of life issues that are equally pressing and of equal concern to other people. That sometimes the candidate who may believe in abortion actually cares about those other concerns. And the candidate who doesn’t believe in abortion doesn’t care about those other concerns.

h/t Saiko Woods


Pro-Abortion, Race-Baiting ‘Pastor’ Jamal Bryant Endorses Radical Leftist Political Candidates

Jamal Bryant, a left-wing goat of a pastor and serial adulterer, is known for his leftist political antics. When Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme court, Bryant decried the decision to allow states to restrict abortion as “racist” in a baby dedication Sunday sermon, claiming that the elimination of abortion would somehow increase the black infant mortality rate by 30%. Bryant is a simple political idealogue who cosplays as a Senior pastor every Sunday morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, which is quite an ironic name for a church that is pro-abortion and preaches the twisted false gospel of Liberation theology. The church’s website doesn’t contain any substantive Gospel-based statement of faith but a social justice-based statement on community organizing and development.

As if social justice wasn’t enough, the church employs a diverse staff of leaders with bizarre titles, including a pastor of psychology, pastor of biology, pastor of cardiology, and pastor of internet. 

Unsurprisingly, Pastor Jamal Bryant’s most recent antics include the endorsement of radical leftists Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock in a Sunday morning rant that became viral when it was reposted by dozens of race-baiting Marxists, who believe that Bryant somehow “took down” Warnock’s republican opponent, Herschel Walker with the clever statement “I don’t need a Walker”. In the unhinged rant, Bryant goes from telling a story about how charlatan Benny Hinn gave him the power of healing that allowed him to heal a woman who refused to give up her walker, a story that Bryant uses as an incoherent segue to push his leftist political agenda of electing leftists. During the rant, members of the congregation pace back and forth across the front of the auditorium, with numerous audience members waving pom-poms in a scene that looked much more like a political rally than a Lord’s Day service.

With the November 8th election looming, and the video of Bryant’s nonsensical so-called takedown of Herschel Walker going viral in leftist circles, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church’s Pastor of Internet, Kervance Ross, went to work alongside the censorship overlords of social media. To clean up Jamal Bryant’s reputation and make him look like a reputable religious political pundit and representative of black Christians, New Missionary Baptist Church issued several copyright takedown requests against discernment ministry content creators, who exposed Bryant as a radical pro-abortion leftist shill. 

While the results of Georgia’s election are sure to be close on Tuesday, members of Jamal Bryant’s church can rest assured that if they “get a Walker”, they can weep with those who weep in the church’s Tuesday night Social Justice group therapy session.


Roman Catholic Church Defends Controversial Academy Appointment ‘She’s “Pro-Choice” but not “Pro-Abortion”’

Last month Pope Francis named several members to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.” While most are run-of-the-mill scholars, several were discovered to be rabidly pro-choice, such as Mariana Mazzucato.

In response to the criticism, The president of the Pontifical Academy of Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Pagli defended Mazzucato and other questionable appointments, intoning that her tweets may have been “pro-choice”, but that doesn’t mean they were “pro-abortion.” Instead, he argues that the members :

“have at heart the value of human life in their area of expertise…they are not all Catholics and do not profess all the tenets of the Catholic faith. And we know there are differences on the level of ethics, but they defend life in its entirety….

(With Muzzacato) our vetting showed that in her scientific work she has never taken a position against life. You cannot judge the deepest convictions of a person by four tweets.

This is typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy appointing a notorious pro-LBGTQ priest to a major role, affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.


Pope Francis Appoints ANOTHER Pro-Choicer to his Pro-Life Organization

Days ago we told you how Pope Francis appointed radical pro-choicer economist Mariana Mazzucato to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.” 

Turns out she’s not the only one. The decrepit pontiff also appointed Sheila Dinotshe Tlou, a Botswanan nursing professor who has been involved in HIV/AIDS prevention. According to the CNA she’s an “adviser for a group whose work includes improving the market for “safe abortion” supplies and an “outspoken advocate of contraception, a position at odds with the Catholic Church’s teaching that artificial birth control is morally unacceptable.”

(Tlou) is on the oversight committee providing strategic and technical guidance for SEMA Reproductive Health, a partnership launched in 2021 to help improve the market for “sexual and reproductive health products,” the group’s website says. These products include contraceptives, medicine to treat pregnancy complications, and “supplies for safe abortion and post-abortion care.”

According to SEMA Reproductive Health, these products are “critical to saving lives and advancing gender equality.”

“They can dramatically improve people’s health and well-being by reducing unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal deaths,” the group’s website says.

Tellingly, when the CNA asked for comment on her views on abortion, she refused to give them, saying she had no comment until February 2023, which is when Pontifical Academy for Life meets. Lastly, though she has not made the bold declarations that Marzacotto has made, her non-answer of the question, her comfort with making provision for safe abortions and commitment to “reproductive health” gives us a clear picture of what she believes


Stacey Abrams Butchers Bible at Church Service, “As for Me and My House, I Plan to Vote”

Speaking at Atlanta’s Elizabeth Baptist Church, where Bishop Craig L. Oliver, Sr. introduced her by gushing: “God has raised her in the capacity of an Esther in today’s time. For such a time as this, God has exalted her.” Abrams goes on to explain why the right to abortion is so important, much to the uproarious cheering and clapping of the lost goats and goatlings in the crowd, then butchers the famous “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” by replacing it with her true God.

I come from a tradition of faith. And I believe that I have the right to control my body and control my future, and that that belongs to me alone. (Cheering and clapping from congregation) And I don’t want to make the choice for anybody else, but I don’t want some man who’s never met me in my doctor’s office with me. (More clapping and cheering)

In the tradition of Esther, and Deborah and Ruth, of Mary and Marth; it took men to break this place, it’s gonna take a woman to put it right.

She continues:

“I was recently reading the book of Lamentations. And it’s an interesting five books when you read the five chapters, it’s about being under siege. It’s about Judah being under siege and being told there isn’t enough for everyone so you are going to have to starve. Starve of food, starve of opportunity, starve of freedom.

But the book of Lamentations is about reminding us that even in siege, we have an opportunity to see the future. That we have the chance to rise up and have more. And voting is how we do that in a democracy. Over the next 23 days, we can decide who we intend to be. Do we want to serve each other, or do we want to serve those who would keep us subservient?

For me in my house, I plan to vote.”

h/t WokepreacherTV


Is This the Crudest Pro-Abortion Shirt Ever?

SBC and ERLC Presidents Bart Barber and Brent Leatherwood are the one-two punch against abortion abolitionism that continue to insist abortion-minded women are all victims and should never be punished for killing her child outside the womb inside the womb. Increasingly, as they demonstrate to the world that they don’t actually believe fetuses are actual babies and worthy of equal protection under the law, a particularly nasty t-shirt has caught our eye.

Released by the Sugarfreak store, with all proceeds donated to an abortion clinic, the shirt/sweater has “Pro-abortion” written on the front and “I f*** to cum, not to conceive” written on the back, alongside pictures of fuzzy handcuffs, vibrators, BDSM whips, and anal plugs.

It is grotesque, and betrays not only a thoughtlessness towards human life, but a viciousness as well. There is no victimhood here, only a heart hell-bent on using vacuums, chemicals and curettes to turn baby brains into a slurry of blood and bone. Yet it is celebrated. The video has 33k likes, with all the commenters declaring how much they love it.

Their consciences are seared, and we need to pray for them.

At the same time, we also need to pray for those in the SBC leadership, who will never have credibility until they see this behavior as shameless, intentional, and predatory.


Masterclass! Abortion Abolitionist Engages Angry Leftists Hating Babies For 15 Minutes

Free the States, one of the leading abortion abolitionist organizations in the country, has released a video featuring founder Russell Hunter engaging a hostile group of pro-choicers, offering a masterclass in how to engage in the space. What is notable is the number of young pre-teens and teenage girls alternately listening intently, laughing or mocking, and the calmness Hunter displays as he dismantles the angry and irrational arguments and objections.

Free the States has also started to become a presence on TikTok where they’ve posted similar interactions amassing nearly 20 million views and 1.7 million likes. Their most popular video, seen below, has over 8 million views.

@free.the.states Replying to @.a.i..r Not Finished – Part 2. #funny #crazy #love #tiktok #viral #foryoupage #foryou #fyp #explore ♬ original sound – Free The States

VP Kamala Harris Applauded at National Baptist Convention For Denouncing “Extremists” Seeking to Outlaw Abortion

Guest of honor Vice-president Kamala Harris was greeted by a round of applause at the National Baptists Convention’s 142nd annual session in Houston, Texas, telling roughly 2000 people in attendance that there’s no conflict in being both Christian and pro-choice, denouncing extremists who are seeking to outlaw abortion.

“As extremists work to take away the freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies, faith leaders are taking a stand, knowing one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held religious beliefs to agree that a woman should have the ability to make decisions about her own body, and not have her government tell her what to do.

And she will choose in consultation with her pastor or a priest or a doctor and her loved ones. But the government should not be making that decision. In this moment, let us heed the words of First Corinthians; Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous, be strong and do everything in love.”

The National Baptist Convention (NBC) is the largest predominantly Black Christian denomination in the United States and the second largest Baptist denomination in the world. Claiming over 8 million members and 21,000 congregations, they sit between the more conservative National Baptist Convention of America and the openly liberal Progressive National Baptist Convention.

The NBC has has no official position on abortion, and a result many of their congregations are pro-choice. While their president Dr. Jerry Young is professingly pro-life, their denominational policy is to allow each individual congregation to determine its own views on abortion. According to a 2012 Pew Research poll, 57% of National Baptist Convention believe abortion should be legal in all or most situations.

h/t WokePreacherTV


Exclusive: ‘Five Iron Frenzy’ is Pro-Gay +Pro-Choice

A few months ago, we broke the story that the ‘Christian‘ band Relient K came out as pro-LGBTQ after inviting open and unrepentantly gay musician Semler to join them on their upcoming tour. Semler is a queer artist and is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly held the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts.

Semler has openly advocated for LGBTQ allies to shout out “gay rights” during Christian concerts to force the bands to comment publicly and confront their views on the issue. She recently made news after doing this same thing at a Switchfoot concert, resulting in lead singer Jon Foreman Releasing a pro-LGBTQ TikTok video.

Seemingly on a quest to catch the eye of every Christian Band out there, she received a word of thanks from Reese Roper, frontman of the group Five Iron Frenzy and Brave Saint Saturn, after giving his music a shout-out on the EleventyLife Podcast. Roper let her know that he and the band were on her side and that they were good with the gays.

Five Iron Frenzy pioneered Christian Ska in the 1990’s, joining bands like the Insyderz and the OC Supertones as mainstays on every playlist. Formed in 1995 and breaking up 2003, they’ve grouped for a few shows here and there, even releasing new music in the last two decades. With albums such as Upbeats and BeatdownsOur Newest Album Ever!All the Hype That Money Can Buy, and Electric Boogaloo, they became known for their off-the-beat lyrics, frenetic energy, and eventual increasingly commitments to social justice causes and themes of society breakdown.

These causes have blossomed.

In a 2020 interview with IVM, Roper explains that he wrote ‘Fahrenheit’ in 2000 for and about gay people, but became angry at himself for chickening out and adding a line about hating the sin and loving the sinner, betraying his belief at that time that “love is love” whether it be straight or gay.

More importantly, it was time to write a song for LGBTQ people, and not care what the Christian Booksellers Association felt about it. I chose myself as the person to point the finger at, and Fahrenheit was born. At the time- this was far past the envelope for a band in our position. I tried. Where I was in my faith at that point, was coming to term with accepting and loving my friends and family members who had come out as Gay, Lesbian, and Trans.

I wanted to speak from love, and say I was sorry for my own sin of homophobia. Please don’t forgive me for this, because it was the most we could say at the time, or because I was still growing in my faith. I knew that it was wrong when I wrote that words “Love the sinner, hate the sin”, and I did it to slowly edge into the volatility of the Christian market.

It was cowardly, and I know this. But, I was working through it, and that song was born. I could have left that line out, but some failure of my moral compass sought to pacify both the Evangelical Church, and what I knew to be right. Love is love, people.”

Over the years his belief that homosexuality is perfectly normal and acceptable has not waned but only increased, tweeting out support for PRIDE on several occasions.

More than this, Five Iron Frenzy has several members who are no longer Christians, having renounced their faith a long time ago. Joined with Reese, they began to manifest the fruit of their deconstruction, releasing a song decrying those who would “vote to stop abortions” as rancorous and poisonous; a theme Roper would come back to repeatedly, particularly in light of the overturning of Roe v Wade, which has him frequently fired up.

Sadly, they are not the first band to apostatize like this, and they won’t be the last.