
Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades

Two years ago, Dawn Bennett became an ordained ‘pastor’ in the thoroughly apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA,) in what is perhaps the strangest ordination ceremony we’ve ever seen. Bennett, who is a self-described she/her bisexual, queer woman, routinely trades places with Rev. Lura Groen to see who is the worst pastrix in the denomination.

For a long time Groen held the title after advocating for polyamory and premarital sex, but then Bennett attended a Pride parade topless with just body paint covering her breasts, which is difficult to compete with in terms of pure flagrant degeneracy. 

Her explanation is nearly worse:

Be proud of who you are and who God made you to be! And be sure to read UPDATE#3…
*****UPDATE#1: I’ve been told there will be blowback from this.
So here’s my response:
If I cannot be who I am, fully, then that means God is not who God is, fully.
And as a child of God, I am who I am BECAUSE God IS who God IS.
Do you know what it is to be CALLED to SERVE a people group who society [largely] does not “approve of?” Do you know what it is come up out of your sidearm theology chair, to come out of your Ivory Tower, to GO to the “fringe,” to BE WITH people who need to know God is REAL, God is LOVE, and God is WITHIN each of us? Do you know what it is to put others ahead of your own vulnerability and to do it with dignity and pride and humility?
Do you know what it is to befriend Jesus and to accept with 100% self-agency that when you do the things today that he did in his day, that he journeys with you every step of the way? I DO.
*****UPDATE #3: If you take offense to this picture it is because YOU HAVE SEXUALIZED ME. I invite you to check YOUR shame, check YOUR vulnerability, and YOUR lack of integrity. There’s nothing sexual about this picture. I am a woman. God made me with the body I have for a purpose. Standing beside Olivia was a decision made in solidarity, as women, as children of God, and as people who experience religious trauma and are in need of healing. I am Olivia’s Pastor and I make no apologies for serving the people I am called to serve. *****Oh! And if you are going to screenshot the pic to try and discredit me, screenshot the post also, lest you discredit yourself in the process.

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Bennett, who ‘pastors’ The Table church in Nashville under the leadership of Bishop Kevin Strickland in the Southeastern Synod, has a long record of LGBTQ and pro-abortion activism, but it is her ordination ceremony that truly is unforgettable.

During her induction into the ELCA, a black choir belted out gospel tunes on one side of the sanctuary. On another, ten drag queens dressed as nuns, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, sat and cheered. These performers are an LGBTQ+ protest group that uses” religious imagery to call attention to sexual intolerance and satirizes issues of gender and morality.”

The lecterns (those who read the scripture for everyone) comprised a “pagan wiccan priest who loves Jesus,” an agnostic best friend, and a gay pastor.

While they took communion, Former CCM star Jennifer Knapp sang some of her “old stuff” over them. Communion occurred while wearing her rainbow-colored sneakers- “holy shoes” that she only wears while she preaches to remind herself of the necessity of radical LGBTQ inclusion.

Her vestments were smattered with rainbow stripes and accessorized with rainbow pins.

She was prayed over and blessed by an assemblage of theologically aligned ELCA-ordained ministers, rejoicing as they laid hands.

Unsurprisingly, following her ordination, her first Easter sermon was not about the resurrection of Jesus, but rather about not being afraid to affirm one’s true, authentic gay/transgender self while praying to “Holy Father, Holy Mother, Holy Parent,” thanking…” They….for our collective queerness.”

If our audience knows of any worse ordination, or any worse ELCA pastrix, let us know. We’re sure they’re out there.

Editor’s Note. Portions of this article was published at P&P.


SBC Seminary Prez. Suggests Women Could Probably be Ordained as Pastors in the SBC

“Women pastors and women preachers are the most obvious rebellion against the word of God.” John MacArthur

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary president Adam Greenway caused a stir on social media after posting Lifeway’s Study Guide on the definition of a pastor, suggesting that while the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 seems to relegate the position of Senior Pastor to men only, perhaps there is some wiggle room for women to take on certain pastoral roles.

This revelation comes a month after the SBC’s annual meeting, where the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Credentials Committee revealed they were not going to remove Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church from their roles after he famously and unapologetically started to ordain women pastors.

The Credentials Committee suggested that the title and function of pastor can be separated, and while it’s true that only men can hold the “office of pastor,” perhaps women can have the “title of pastor” without having a church that is rife with pastrixes to be being disqualified or found not to be in cooperation with the Baptist Faith and Message. They noted that “(we found)…little information evidencing the Convention’s beliefs regarding the use of the title of ‘pastor’ for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor.”

Instead, the Credentials Committee said they were “unable to form an opinion regarding the relationship of Saddleback Church to the Southern Baptist Convention until clarity is provided regarding the use of the title “pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor.” They promised to study the issue and get back to the convention next in 2023.

In response to the initial controversy, SBTS President, one of the BFAM2000’s original authors, repudiated the notion that women would ever be biblically qualified to be ordained or that their doctrinal statements allow for it by posting a statement made by other originalist crafters.

And yet they say there is no liberal drift within the Southern Baptist Convention.