
Breaking! Pro-Life Politicians in Oklahoma Working to RE-OPEN Abortion Clinics, With Support from Major Pro-Life Group

A Senate panel in Oklahoma passed a bill yesterday, SB 834, which now heads for a hearing on the Senate floor. The bill was introduced to clean up and clarify abortion laws in the state, which some critics have called a contradictory patchwork of conflicting laws. Led by Republican Senator Julie Daniels, she says that they’re simply trying to “establish uniformity and clarity” on account of several laws in place. 

In 2022, with the overturning of Roe v Wade, Oklahoma passed three abortion bans. Two did not include an exception for cases of rape and incest, but one of them did. Up to this point the bans have been enforced, but SB 834 would change all that. 

Rather than get rid of the bill with exceptions, Daniels did the exact opposite and put the rape exceptions BACK into the bills that previously had none. Rather than clean up the bills to exclude the exceptions, she sought to specifically include them.

With surgical abortions banned in Oklahoma and all Planned Parenthood clinics shut down in the state, this would only mean one thing; her “pro-life” bill would necessitate abortion clinics to re-open to handle cases of rape and incest.

But it’s more than just that. Free the States, an abortion abolition lobbying group vehemently opposing the bill, explains the nature of accompanying legislation which was also passed to “clear things up”;

Pro-life politicians in the Oklahoma Senate HHS Committee just passed three bills out of committee that would 1) re-introduce 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦 & 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘵 exceptions, and re-open the “clinics” in order to perform them, 2) protect the “right” to 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪facient pills, 3) protect the “right” to murderous IVF practices, and 4) protect self-managed 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.

It gets worse.

One might suppose these efforts to reallow exceptions to murder would be a scheme that Planned Parenthood would be behind, but it’s actually an effort supported by prominent pro-life organizations, specifically Tony Lauinger. Lauinger is the Vice President of National Right to Life and the president of Oklahomans for Life. He was at the capitol offering his support and reassurance to any pro-life politicians that needed it, in order to help seal the deal, according to witness testimony.

The National Right to Life is the oldest and largest national anti-abortion organization in the country, with more than 3000 chapters across all 50 states. They have power, clout and influence, and hold great sway over many pro-life politicians who look to them for affirmation and guidance.

They are also the largest and most prominent pro-life organization to frequently find themselves ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood in opposing abolitionist legislation. 

For a better part of a decade, Lauinger and his ilk have been doing the devil’s work. In 2019, before Roe was abolished, Lauinger and National Right to Life actively opposed Senate Bill 13, which would have ended abortion in Oklahoma. And not just in 2019, but for multiple years before that, he would step in and dissuade any politicians who may be tempted to abolish abortion in favor of his genteel, ineffective, and toothless incrementalist legislation. 

Last year, along with the ERLC, National Right to Life joined forces with Planned Parenthood to oppose a bill that banned abortion in Louisiana because it would have punished the women who killed their babies, just another example in a long line of many. 

The man down at the state capitol before the vote talking to legislators in the Health and Human Services Committee, lobbying for the bill, whipping up the vote to bring abortion back in Oklahoma and re-open abortion facilities around the state was not a representative from NARAL or Planned Parenthood. It wasn’t from the Democratic Party or some other pro-choice advocacy group, but rather the Vice President of National Right to Life and the President of Oklahomans for life. 

Surgical abortion and the re-opening of murder mills come back to the state, and when it does, we’ll know whose fault it is. 


Oklahoma Gov. Signs Bill Banning Most Abortions, But Is it all Smoke and Mirrors?

Pro-life advocates are cheering a new bill signed into law by Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt on Tuesday that they say is the most sweeping and restrictive abortion law in the country. Senate Bill 612 is now the law of the land and it bans nearly all abortions, including those done for rape and incest, with the only exception being if the life of the mother is at risk. Violators of the law could face up to 10 years in prison and fines up to $100,000.

For years Oklahoma has long been considered the most pro-life state in the nation. They have a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. They have supermajorities in the house and senate and the vast majority of these senators campaigned as “pro-life” and vowed to do all they can to “protect life” in Oklahoma. 

After the House voted 70-14 , its passage was a done deal, and groups ranging from Roman Catholics to the Baptist General Convention lauded this bill as an answer to prayer.

Abortion abolitionist groups are not nearly as excited about this, however, and they have a reason for skepticism. The same people who passed this are the same ones who for years have utterly and completely rejected and fought against abolitionist bills, and it doesn’t take long for the devil in details to rear his ugly abortion-loving head.

James Silberman of Free the States explains:

There are a number of problems with this bill, the first being that it contains no language clarifying that the prohibition contained in SB612 is to be enforced in the face of judicial violations of the right to life. For instance, OK SB495, which was left pending in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, establishes that “The Attorney General shall monitor this state’s enforcement of [Oklahoma homicide statutes] in relation to abortion. The Attorney General shall direct state agencies to enforce those laws regardless of any contrary or conflicting federal statute, regulation, treaty, executive order, or court ruling.”

Lacking this language, enforcement of SB612 is going to be enjoined and babies will continue to be murdered here in pro-life Oklahoma. This is exactly what occurred in 2019 when Alabama passed the Human Life Protection Act which also purported to outlaw abortion from conception. But when she signed the law, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey said, “No matter one’s personal view on abortion, we can all recognize that, at least for the short term, this bill may be unenforceable. As citizens of this great country, we must always respect the authority of the U.S. Supreme Court even when we disagree with their decisions.”

Planned Parenthood was so confident that the courts would not allow the law to stand they told the press they would be building a new mega-center in Birmingham a month after Ivey signed the Human Life Protection Act.

Governor Stitt has taken the same posture as Ivey. While signing a handful of pro-life bills last year, one of which (HB1102) also purported to end abortion from conception, Stitt said, “”We’ll let the courts work out if any of those get overturned.”

Of course, Stitt knew that all abortion bans prior to 20 weeks are considered unconstitutional by our rogue judiciary, so he was setting the stage for himself to bow to their whims. That is what is going to happen with SB612.

The bill also “explicitly protects birth control drugs which can cause abortion as long as the drug is administered before pregnancy occurs… and explicitly protects all forms of self-managed abortion by giving mothers full immunity in the murder of their child”

Because it also only insists on a 10-year maximum sentence for what is essentially first-degree murder, it sends an explicit message that preborn children are less valuable and their lives worth less than born children, which have higher maximum sentences.

Silberman and others believe that if they really wanted to abolish abortion and do so in a way that has no loopholes, they could have done so long ago. But because they have repeatedly killed abolitionist legislation that offered this very thing, in favor of pro-life incrementalism and now this bill, it betrays how fundamentally unserious they are about seeing abortion end in the state, despite their protestations to the contrary.

“Republican politicians will posture as if they just abolished abortion. The courts will enjoin enforcement of the law. Republican politicians will say “shucks,” pretend they did all they could, and start the same process over again next year.”

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Pro-Lifers Join Pro-Choicers to Kill OK Abortion Abolition Bill in Unanimous Vote

It was a dark dark day for the 5,000 pre-born babies who are about to die this year in Oklahoma, as a vote to completely abolish abortion in the State was voted down in committee 10-0, led by a majority of professing pro-life Republicans.

On Wednesday the GOP-controlled Health and Human Services Committee voted to snuff out Senate Bill 495, which has been a rallying cry for abortion abolitionists in the state and across the country, and ensuring that it can’t be brought up for two more years.

SB495 is unique from every other weak, emaciated, nibble-around-the-edges “pro-life” bill in that it gives babies in the womb equal protection under the law and was designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would specifically ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court if and when they invariably interfered.

In short, it’s designed to actually save babies’ lives, triggering a cultural paradigm shift and waking the conscience of the nation.

Yet despite Oklahoma being the most pro-life state in the country, with a Republican supermajority in the House and Senate who campaigned on their pro-life credentials, this bill was rejected by the panel while at the same time approving 5 toothless pro-life bills that don’t do anything to end abortion.

GOP Senators Greg McCortney, Paul Rosino, John Haste, Jessica Garvin, Julie Daniels, Rob Standridge, and Frank Simpson joined Democrats George Young, Carri Hicks, and Jo Anna Dossett in voting it down, making it clear that the one issue that brings Republicans and Democrats together in Oklahoma politics is the effort to allow people to continue to kill babies.

The panel didn’t even bother asking questions about it. There was no debate. There was no discussion. No one asked about the particulars. There was no interaction. They voted it down as fast as they could, hoping to not have to deal with abolition issues all the while pointing to their own meek regulations in an effort to score fundraising dollars for the next election cycle.

A similar occurrence happened in 2019, when church-going pro-life politicians killed HB 948 Texas Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act. Like Oklahoma, neither the Democrats, Planned Parenthood, or any other pro-choice group had any power to stop it from going through. The decision to kill the bill came from Republican legislators supported and encouraged by pro-life groups like National Right to Life and Southern Baptist President J. D Greear, who expressly stated that they did not want the bill to pass.

As far as where that leaves us now, Chris Rochell said it best:

Everything the pro-life movement has ever said they fight for was on the line today. A chance to achieve what they say they have always wanted. A bill that would protect all children. It was voted down 10-0. Pro-life and pro-choice are now inseparable, two sides of the same coin. Your choices going forward are abolition, or pro “choice.” The pro-life movement, like the children they failed to protect, is dead.

Despite this collusion by the pro-lifers to kill the bill, the abortion abolitionists are not going away. They are still planning their conference and rally, energized and invigorated by the events, and ready to keep on moving the abolitionist culture in Oklahoma.

If you’re in the state or nearby, we encourage everyone to check out Abolition Now conference and Abolition Day rally on February 8 and 9.

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Cowards! OK ‘Pro-Life’ Politicians Seek To Kill Bill Abolishing Abortion

“Pro-life” politicians in Oklahoma are up to their dirty tricks again, this time seeking to stop the only abortion abolition bill put forward. In an act of extraordinarily convenient and suspect timing, the 13 members of the GOP controlled Health and Human Services Committee are seeking to vote on SB495 early this morning, before the ink has had time to dry on the paper and before the growing abolitionist movement and citizens of Oklahoma have had time to make their voices heard.

Unlike all of the incremental, toothless, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by Republicans in the state over the last 40 years and still trying to be passed to this day, SB495 is unique in that it is designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court if and when they invariably interfered.

Despite being the most pro-life state in the country* with a Republican supermajority in the House and Senate, these professing pro-life politicians don’t want to touch abolition with a 10-foot pole. In order to accomplish this furtive task, the vote is being held extremely early under the guise of “getting to bills they never got around to the last session,” even though SB495 is not one of those, having been introduced barely a week ago.

Russell Hunter, a lobbyist for Free the States and the chief architect of the modern-day abolitionist movement, believes this is their way of killing the bill early before Abolition Day, where thousands of constituents will make their voices heard in a mass rally of activism and ideological education.

He notes that all but two of the Senators voted against the previous iteration of this bill, SB13, and that of the two new faces in the legislature, one is a Democrat and the other has not been receptive to abolition overtures. With no intention of letting the bill have a hearing – they’ve chosen to step on the egg and crush the yolk before the baby dragon hatches.

The last action taken by these legislators was to kill the Abolition of Abortion Act back in 2019. Consequently, they’ve not had to deal with the outcry from their constituents about a piece of legislation regarding this subject since, particularly a very vocal segment that is rapidly gaining support from those whose paradigms shifted from regulation to abolition.

By aborting the bill before sponsor Warren Hamilton has a chance to really talk to his fellow Senators, whip support for the bill, pitch it to them, and seek to persuade them to vote for it, “pro-life” politicians are hoping it becomes a non-issue and they won’t have to endure months of sustained campaigning, emails, phone calls, rallies, mailers, and one-on-one meetings about it.

Russell Hunter explains the games pro-life legislators play to avoid voting for abolition

On top of SB495 coming up so early, the session also has 5 other abortion bills to be considered in committee, none of which advocate for the complete abolition of abortion and all of which are useless.

In particular is SB918, introduced by professing “Christ-follower” Greg Treat. This “pro-life bill” says that Oklahoma can only remove laws allowing abortion if the Supreme Court gives them permission. In contrast, SB495 has nullification written into it (from wiki: The idea that the state has the right to nullify or invalidate any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution).

Treat is against nullification for preborn babies, insisting that they must abide by the edicts of the Supreme Court, but all the while supports nullification for medical Marijuana, despite federal laws against it. In his estimation, access to weed is worth fighting for, protecting the babies is not.

Perhaps worst of all, if SB495 is voted down, it would be dead for two full years. This is because the Oklahoma legislature operates in a two-year cycle and this bill and this language would not be able to be reintroduced until 2023. For this reason, there is a chance it may be pulled by its supporters in order to have time to gather support and steam and become a centerpiece for Abolition Day.

Hunter states that those caring about abolishing abortion need to stand up to these political games and let their voices be heard.

We need to make sure that…the committee knows that we do not want “defunding abortion,” we want abolishing abortion. We the people demand abolition! We want you to stand up for justice and mercy for the preborn, not just simply “well not with MY money.”

If you’re in Oklahoma this morning, please try to make it down to the Capitol building by 8:30 and join others there. If you can’t make it, Senator Hamilton asks that Oklahomans (and we ask others outside the state) to email all members of the committee asking them to vote in favor of the bill in case the bill is heard tomorrow.

Make sure you BCC all these people with a short but sweet message. A form letter/template has been provided below that should be personalized in some way that may serve as an example of content and length.


Email Subject Line : PLEASE SUPPORT SB495 to be discussed on the Senate floor

Message: Dear Senator,

I am contacting you today to graciously encourage you to put on the courage of Christ and support Senator Hamilton’s Bill SB495 Equal Justice & Equal Protection | The Abolition of Abortion In Oklahoma Act.

Please stand for the Word of God, The Constitution of the United States, and the Oklahoma Republican Party platform by sending SB495 to the Senate floor and on through the political process to establish equal protection and equal justice for all human beings beginning at conception.

Respectfully, Your name

*Oklahoma is widely considered the most pro-life state in the US. Republicans have a supermajority in both the House and Senate in Oklahoma. Of the 48 seats in the State Senate, 39 are held by Republicans and 9 by Democrats, meaning that over 80% of the senators are Republicans.  In the House, the GOP clobbers the Democrats 77 to 24.

Furthermore, Oklahoma has a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. 

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Abortion Abolitionists Gearing Up For Abolition Now Conference and Abolition Day Rally

In what is fast becoming one of the most serious, culture-changing conferences in America, abortion abolitionists from Oklahoma are gearing up for Abolition Now – a two-day conference of teaching centered around engaging legislators and communities with the message of Biblical abolitionism.

The conference kicks off on Monday February 8 with a full day of presentations from abolitionist leaders including Russell Hunter, Bradley Pierce, Dusty Deevers, Senator Joseph Silk, and others. Day one will focus on preparing attendees to engage their elected officials as well as their communities. On Day 2, attendees along with thousands of other Oklahomans will put what they learned to use at the Abolition Day Rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

Then ralliers will head inside the Capitol to engage their legislators for a few hours, before the conference will conclude with a night of presentations on why Christians must move beyond pro-life incrementalism and abortion regulations to embrace consistent Biblical abolitionism. Hunter, Pierce, Jeff Durbin, and Brett Baggett will be teaching.

A few hundred will attend the conference and a few thousand will be at the rally. Compared to previous abolitionist conferences, this one is unique for the involvement of Oklahoma churches. Numerous pastors from inside the state will be teaching alongside the long-time movement leaders like Hunter and Pierce.

In the early years of the Abolitionist Movement, it largely lacked local church and pastoral involvement, as the message was seen as too radical by many Christian leaders. But enormous progress has been made in recent years with both the Oklahoma Baptists and Oklahoma State Association of Free Will Baptists passing resolutions in 2019 calling for the total abolition of abortion without compromise.

At the center of the event is a newly filed piece of legislation: Senate Bill 495, the successor to SB13. The bill was filed by Senator Warren Hamilton, an outspoken abortion abolitionist who won his seat after primarying and ousting the incumbent senator Larry Boggs for refusing to support actual legislation that sought to save the preborn. Boggs was in power for 8 years, and his defeat was a sign by many that the people of Oklahoma were willing to choose Warren’s abolition over his regulation when given an opportunity.

Unlike all of the incremental, toothless, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by Republicans in the country over the last 40 years, SB495 is unique in that it is designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court if and when they invariably interfered.

Consequently, the Abolition Day Rally and the Abolition Now Conference have grown from small grassroots events to a major totem and force to be reckoned with in Oklahoma politics, gathering steam and supporters daily. The conference educates people to convert them into full-throated abolitionists and the rally demonstrates the sheer size of the movement in the state.

Part of this is achieved by exposing the insanity and hypocrisy of Oklahoma’s pro-life political culture.

Oklahoma is widely considered the most pro-life state in the U.S. Republicans have a supermajority in both the House and Senate in Oklahoma. Of the 48 seats in the State Senate, 39 are held by Republicans and 9 by Democrats, meaning that over 80% of the senators are Republicans.  In the House, the GOP clobbers the Democrats 77 to 24.

Furthermore, Oklahoma has a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. 

Despite this, hardly anyone in the government is actually interested in abolishing abortion in the state, with the issue being tossed around like a political football in order to score political points and accrue fundraising dollars. Last year, pro-life politicians refused to give SB13 a vote, and it died in committee.

For this reason, it’s not progressives and Democrat politicians who stand in the way – they have absolutely no power to stop it. Rather, bills like SB13, and now SB495 have for years been opposed by pro-life politicians and even pro-life organizations such as National Right to Life and religious leaders like Southern Baptist Convention JD Greear, who has publicly opposed the legislation.

Yet discontent is growing in the midst of the people who refuse to be mollified by pro-life politicians any longer, and Abolition Day helps shift that culture. In 2018, Dan Fisher ran for Governor of Oklahoma, receiving 35,818 votes, or nearly 8% of the total, an astounding achievement for a candidate running with only a fraction of the funding of his opponents on a platform that many previously viewed as radical.

SB495 is expected to engender the same support from key allies that its predecessor did, who contrary to SBC leadership, are unwavering and uncompromising in their desire to see it passed, including 100 Southern Baptist pastors from around the State who signed and delivered petitions calling for a fair hearing of SB13.  That number is expected to grow this year.

With mainstream pro-life events like Rose Day, March for Life, and many other going all virtual, Abolition Day is expected to be the only game in town. Despite uncertainty around COVID 19, organizers are hoping to increase participation from last year, where they had over 2000 attendees for the rally.

The rally on the 9th is free for anyone to attend.

For those interested in the conference portion on the 8th, including those from out of state, please check out this link and register here.

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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signs Bill Requiring Aborted Babies to be Buried or Cremated

The Ohio pro-life movement has claimed another victory after Governor Mike DeWine signed into law Senate Bill 27, which requires any babies or “fetal material” killed by abortion to be either buried or cremated.

The newest act of pro-life regulation necessitates that any woman obtaining an abortion in the state must be informed prior to the procedure that she can choose what to do with the dead body afterward – either cremation or burial – with the clinic paying for the costs.

If the clinic does not follow through with this, individuals could find themselves saddled with a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. 

While some organizations like National Right To Life (NRTL) praise the new law, other pro-life groups are less thrilled by this, pointing out that that this is nothing more than pesky regulationism that doesn’t actually do anything to abolish abortion.

Ohio is as red of a state as they come, with massive majorities in the House and Senate. The Senate has 25 Republicans to 8 Democrats and the House of Representatives has 65 Republicans to 35 Democrats, giving them a super-majority of professing pro-life politicians who have no interest in actually making abortion illegal.

Thus, bills like SB 27 are the excuse politicians use to not abolish it decisively. They offer it to their base as proof of action that they can fundraise upon, all the while teaching the culture dehumanizing misinformation about the preborn and idolatrous information about the Supreme Court.

Because they’ll pass laws against it all day along.

They regulate how you can kill your baby, when you can kill your baby, what steps you must take before you kill baby, what hoops you must jump through after you kill your baby, but never that you cannot kill your baby.

During Governors Kasich’s term, he passed 21 laws against abortion, and it is still legal as ever.

Contrast this to Senate Bill 13 in Oklahoma, which is interestingly opposed by pro-life groups like National Right to Life. Senate Bill 13 is wholly unique from many of the incremental, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by the Republicans over the last decade in that it was designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court when they invariably interfered, making it a true abolition bill, and not a toothless inconvenience with the same punishment you’d get for shoplifting.

Until Ohio does something similar, we’ll get bills like this one ad nauseum, and the babies will continue to die at a rate of 21,000 a year in the state.