
Isaiah Saldivar Exposes Himself

Months after claiming that ‘Signs and Wonders are Required to Preach the Gospel’ prompting ministries like ours to take him to task for his false and abusive gospel presentation, deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar has come out swinging against discernment ministries writing negative things about him, saying they’re lying about him being a false teacher and offering all the reasons why this is. 

Saldivar has quickly grown his social media empire over the last few years and is frequently platformed by Ruslan KD. He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content creator with 260k friends on Facebook, 480k subs on YouTube, 100k followers on Instagram, and 400k followers on TikTok, where he has 3.5 Million likes.

Isaiah says he was saved after, as an atheist, he was sitting in a pew when Jesus spoke to him in an audible voice and told him, “I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.” He claims that shortly after, he had a vision of people praying at his house and concluded, “We need to pray, and people will gather.” As a result, “people began to gather, and gather, and gather. Soon enough, signs, wonders, and miracles began to occur effortlessly” until there were 500 people there.

He specializes in deliverance ministry and casting out demons, as he has a whole demonology thing going on, teaching the how and why to cast out demons, giving them all sorts of wacky names. 

One of the hallmarks of this unbiblical and warped theology is his insistence that Christians can have demons inside of them that need to be exorcised, and he will teach on the need and importance for believers to cast demons out of each other, which is something he can frequently be seen doing in his videos.

He also has some bizarre ideas about so-called ‘spiritual spouses’: teaching that a person’s spouse can have a demon inside of them, claim you as their husband or wife, and then destroy your life and try to keep you from God because they are a jealous demon. He believes that demons can have sex with people- that occasionally they can rape people while they sleep, and believes in literal incubus and succubus.

Thankfully, Revealing Truth does a great job of reviewing his video and showing why Saldivar is being dishonest and false-teachery with his video, such as exposing Saldivar’s ludicrous and nonsensical stawmanning claim that :

“Every person that’s ever called me a false teacher or false prophet on this platform YouTube has been non-charismatics and non-pentecostals that don’t believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, don’t believe in deliverance and don’t believe in miracles.

And all the videos I’ve watched calling me a false teacher, they’re all not really mad at me, they’re mad I believe Jesus still casts demons out of people, Jesus still heals people, and the Holy Spirit is for today


False Teacher Isaiah Saldivar Says ‘Signs and Wonders are Required to Preach the Gospel’

You’ve probably seen Isaiah Saldivar somewhere on social media. He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content creator that has 250k friends on Facebook, 412k subs on YouTbe, 100k followers on Instagram, and another 350k followers on TikTok, where he has 3.5 Million likes.

Isaiah says he was saved after, as an atheist, he was sitting in a pew when Jesus spoke to him in an audible voice and told him “I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.” He claims that shortly after, he had a vision of people praying at his house and concluded, “We need to pray, and people will gather.” As a result, “people began to gather, and gather, and gather. Soon enough, signs, wonders, and miracles began to occur effortlessly” until there were 500 people there.

He specializes in deliverance ministry and casting out demons, as he has a whole demonology thing going on, teaching the how and why to cast out demons, giving them all sort of wacky names. He also believes that Christians can have demons inside of them that need to be expelled, and that Christians need to cast demons out of each other.

He also has some bizarre ideas about ‘spiritual spouses’: which is when your spouse has a demon inside of them and they claim you as their husband or wife, and then destroy your life and try to keep you from God because they are a jealous demon. He believes that demons can have sex with people- that occasionally they can rape people while they sleep, and believes in literal incubus and succubus.

In a recent video, he preaches another gospel by making the following claim:

Anyone who says signs and wonders don’t matter or isn’t required in presenting the gospel is completely wrong. Paul says this; signs and wonders gave him full confidence that he fully preached the gospel and without them the gospel is not full.

Here’s what the NLT says. ‘They were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God’s Spirit, in this way’- in what way? by the mark of signs and wonders- ‘in this way, I have fully presented the good news of Christ from Jerusalem, all the way to Illyricum.

In today’s era of Christianity, we’ve lost the convincing factor. The thing that was convincing people in Paul’s day was the signs and wonders, and today we use programs, gimmicks and nice buildings, but Paul used signs and wonders. He didn’t need to play, a performance, a gimmick. It was the raw power of God that convinced them. The Bible says they were convinced by the miraculous signs and wonders. So the world doesn’t need a new definition of Christianity. They need a new demonstration of Christianity.

Because Saldivar is a false teacher, a quick examination of the scriptures, in context, shows that he has it wrong an dis just making stuff up, like his demon beliefs.

For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and all around as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And in this way I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already known by name, so that I would not build on another person’s foundation. Romans 5:18-20 NASB.

Paul is not saying that without signs and wonders the gospel is not full, that they are in some way necessary for the gospel to be preached, or that a signs-and-wonder-less gospel is deficient. Instead, by saying he has “fully preached the Gospel” in verse 19, he means he has preached the full counsel of God all through the area. He faithfully preached all across the region, “from Jerusalem and all around as far as Illyricum” which is a ministry area of some 1400 miles. It’s about where he preached, not the substance of what he preached. Extent, not content.

Here is the gospel. There is nothing about the necessity of accompanying signs and wonders for this to be true. The scriptures recount instances of people being saved by Peter or Paul where signs and wonders are not present. Based on Saldivar’s teaching, however, sharing this good news about is only a small part of the equation and should not be shared unless miracles are going to happen also. (Beyond the miracles of regeneration and a heart of stones becoming a heart of flesh). It is definitional of what it means to preach a false gospel.

Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures .1 Corinthians 15:1-4 NASB.

Lastly, for someone so big on the insistence of miracles 24/7, like most false teachers who claim to daily walk in the supernatural, any evidence or proof of his miracle-making and wonder-walking is conspicuously non-existent and absent. Would love to see some videos where he’s doing sign gifts like Jesus, Paul, Peter, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, but we’re not holding our breath.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hunh. Bethel Church Launches Web Series Offering In-depth Responses to Their Controversial Beliefs

In a surprising move, Bethel Church in Redding, CA has launched a YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel’ featuring an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives.

‘Rediscover Bethel’ is a video series that addresses common questions and misconceptions about Bethel Church in Redding, California. This series specifically covers Bethel’s theological beliefs, teachings, and practices—featuring Senior Leader Bill Johnson, Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton, and Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly. This series includes videos on Bible translations, Jesus’ deity, physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, theology of healing, the gospel of repentance, prophecy, and much more.

During the first episode, they address topics like:

  • Jesus Christ is Perfect Theology
  • The Theology of Sickness and Healing
  • The Sovereignty of God
  • Is The Passion Translation Heresy?
  • What Bethel Believes About The Gospel and The Cross
  • Communion and The Sacrifice of Jesus for Humanity

They spend about 20 minutes on each topic, with the pastors fielding questions from the host that offer the controversial leaders the opportunity to sit in the hot seat.

While he does offer some clarity to a point, unfortunately he might as well be sitting on a block of ice with the air conditioner cranked to 11 for all the tough questions and follow-up Johnson is given.

For example, in the topic of healings and miracles, he clarifies what he believes, but a very obvious follow-up question is, “Then why do you wear glasses?” or “Then what about your deaf son?” or “Then why did your church and the supernatural school of ministry repeatedly shut down their school and the healing rooms on account of COVID?” or “Why was an outbreak at your school responsible for shutting down a county of over 175,000 people if your ministry has such an emphasis and belief on healing?”

But these were left unasked and unanswered. Rather, he says that he believes it is God’s will to heal everyone and then later contradicts it with a story of how “one lady, as I was praying for I could tell you…that if I prayed for healing, it would grieve (The Holy Spirit).”

He explains that when it comes to healing “I can’t pray ‘if it’s your will’ because for me, that’s a prayer of unbelief.”

When the host brings up Joni Eareckson Tada, who’s been paralyzed for years, and what to make of that and her faith, Johnson is introspective and falters, offering:

[I] can’t wrap my head around it…I would never want them to somehow feel less than, or that they don’t have enough faith, or that somehow this is, you know, God’s punishment on their life for that nonsense. I don’t want to do that. But I also don’t want to create a theology…around what doesn’t happen? You know, I mean, I don’t have good, I don’t have explanations at all.


A Heretic has Passed: One of World’s Richest Pastors Dead at 57

Nigeria’s most controversial pastor, the “prophet” T. B. Joshua, has passed away at the age of 57. He leaves behind his wife and three daughters.

Joshua was best known for being the head of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) that claimed 15,000 members, along with owning and operating Emmanuel TV. His net worth was estimated to be between 15-25 million dollars and was considered one of the richest pastors in the world.

A false prophet and heretic, he routinely made prophecies that did not come true, including saying that Flight MH370 would be soon be discovered, that the 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram would quickly be released, and that the 2014 Ebola scare and COVID-19 would end mere months after they begun.

He was known far and wide for his claims he had healed thousands from HIV, cancer, blindness, deafness, and had even raised people from the dead on a regular basis. A prosperity preacher huckster in its purest form, he pushed the usual tropes like miraculous healing water, miracle bead, and even “holy stickers” that would cure every ailment and physical malady under the sun.

He claims that he had a divine origin, spending 15 months in the womb, and had his YouTube channel of nearly million 2 million followers taken down over accusations of homophobia. This claim was exacerbated with the release of a video of Joshua doing his best Todd Bently impersonation, repeatedly slapping a woman nearly 20 times in the face and sending her to the floor in order to cure her of lesbianism.

Notably, 116 people under his care died when a church building he owned collapsed in Nigeria. He initially claimed that it was on account of a “strange aircraft” that buzzed by, and then tried to bribe reporters to pass on that narrative. A later investigation would show that the building was poorly constructed and that several floors were added without engineering support, causing the deaths.


Bethel Church Promo Shows Bill Johnson Thinks People are Stupid

A recent Facebook advertisement put up by Bill Johnson and the ragtag gang of con-men at Bethel Church for their School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) shows that the leadership in Redding must think anyone watching is a complete idiot, given how much they lie about their abilities and engage in revisionist history.

The ad in question is an invitation to join BSSM, where an unnamed woman says their job is “living out everything we see in the bible and bringing heaven to earth.”

We get to do all the things we see Jesus talk about in the Bible, like his disciples we get to step out and become people we never realized we could be…

We’ve seen so many fun testimonies over the years. My favorite is seeing legs grow out when people have a shorter leg than the other, or cancer, or people just getting healed.

People just getting delivered from trauma. People stepping into peace and anxiety leaving them. Headaches gone. Shoulders healed. Knees healed. The list goes on and on.

First off, leg-lengthening is not a thing. It is an easily debunked and frequently replicated parlor trick, demonstrated in the below video. That she points to this as a miracle is embarrassing.

But more importantly, one thing we noticed is conveniently absent from that litany of miracles from a school designed to help Christians “do all the things we see Jesus talk about in the Bible” and “live out everything we see in the bible” is any reference to COVID-19.

Why? Because Bill Johnson wants you to forget that the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry was shut down for much of last year, along with their church services and their healing houses because of that very virus. The school and church where they teach you to do miracles was shut down for months at a time because…they could not do any miracles.

In fact, they shut down the BSSM several times last year, and not just once, but canceling classes or having instruction through zoom.

Furthermore, in October, Bethel and their school had so many cases linked back to outbreaks at the school and church – none of which were healed by all those gifted apostles and faith-healers who operate from the 10,000 member megachurch – that it caused their county of over 175,000 people to go into lockdown mode. This was a direct result of how many COVID-19 cases were arising, prompting the Chief Executive Officer for the Shasta Community Health Center to call out Bill and Beni Johnson by name.

Bethel Church and its supernatural affiliates did nothing about COVID-19 other than cower from it and hide from it, paralyzed with fear.

Now they want to put forward their supernatural healing creds in order to bring back business? After all that?

That sounds like just something they would do.