
Michelle Higgins is Out at ‘Truth’s Table.’ Are We to Blame?’

For years, Michelle Higgins was a staple of the Truths Table, being one of the primary and founding members along with co-hosts Christina Edmondson (wife of Mika Edmondson) and Ekimini Uwan. The ‘Table’ was said to be “built by Black women and for Black women” and they described their podcast as “women who love truth and seek it out wherever it leads us. We share our perspectives on politics, race, culture, entertainment, and gender which are filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework interspersed with hearty cackles and cathartic tears.”

This is an astonishing claim, given the perverse paganism and blasphemies Higgins was known for.

As early as 2019 we were taking special interest in Pastrix Higgins after discovering she was pro-choice and still being invited to conferences with Jemar Tisby and the Witness Black Christian Collective (or platformed by Jude 3 Project.) Tisby and his organizers knew about this because we told them many, many times, but that did not stop the invites from coming. (No surprise in hindsight, as their current VP Ally Henny is also pro-choice, something Tisby willingly tolerates.)

Then we broke a few stories, chief among them is a sermon she preached at Saint John’s Church where she prayed over her congregants of goatings: “Let the Lord show you the queerness of the Trinity in ways that you had not felt welcome to before,” as well as offering a prayer of supplication that they embrace “queer parenting.” We further revealed the extent of her wickedly divergent beliefs that her co-hosts all knew about, but did nothing.

Almost immediately after we shared the story her church purged all their sermons from her and Higgins went silent on social media. Eventually, she stopped showing up at the Truth’s Table, without explanation. Previous to that post, we told her co-host several times before that Higgins was a theological hot mess, but it was only after our article came out and the avalanche of the negative press came out that they were forced to cut ties with her.

Well, they have finally released a statement, explaining on Instagram that she is leaving them, despite being featured prominently on the cover of their new book they are still promoting.

Michelle will be departing from Truth’s Table to continue her movement and ministry work in St. Louis. We, Ekemini and Christina, appreciate Michelle’s work and the valuable contributions she has made over the years to make Truth’s Table what it is today and we wish Michelle much success in her next chapter.

Our book, Truth’s Table: Black Women’s Musings on Life, Love, and Liberation, is scheduled for release in April 2022. This book will serve as the capstone of Truth’s Table collective work as a trio. We are grateful that you will continue to hear Michelle’s voice as we promote this project during Season Six of Truth’s Table.

…Please join us in praying that God would bless Michelle and finish the good work He started in her.”

There is no mention of why she left or any sort of public statement issued on her theology. There was never any public rebuke for anything she said. Despite the movement and ministry doing in St, Louis with her church is teaching Black Liberation Theology and organizing pro-LGBTQ and abortion rallies to support Planned Parenthood, there is no warning to the public or to their supporters. As far as anyone can see, she is leaving on good terms, as a sister in Christ, for which they pray is blessed by the Lord in her endeavors.

This is cowardly and dangerous behavior from Uwan and Edmondson. This is a refusal to call out of one their own and the heresy and blasphemy she is openly espousing, silently sweeping her under the rug and washing their hands without so much even a whisper to the saints. They’re releasing a wolf that they raised since it was a cub into the henhouse, and not telling anyone she’s out for blood.


Woke Theologian Dr. Christina Edmondson Trashes White Christians and Their Ability To Love Their Neighbor

Dr. Christina Edmondson, an anti-racist advocate has put the hit on white people again, explaining in a newly unearthed video from 2019 that she has the ability to read the hearts and minds of all believers, and that it comes to loving our neighbors, black Christians are good at it, whereas white Christians “feign confusion” about their call to love.

For those unfamiliar with Dr. Edmondson, last year she wrote an article for Christianity Today which was an excretable, gangrenous cauldron of the worst excesses of woke TGC, ERLC, and #BigEva put together, sprinkled with a healthy dose of Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory rhetoric for that extra bitter kick, where she argued that that inherent in a White Christian’s faith is the built-in justification to commit terrible acts of murder against black people, and that Christians voting for the Republican party is an act of violence against black folk.

What else? Oh yeah, she also co-hosted the Truth’s Table podcast for years with progressive pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix Michelle Higgins, who taught that the Trinity is Queer, so you know she has a ton of discernment. In any case, she makes the pronouncement:

What does it mean that even now in 2019, as I speak, and someone watches and maybe tweets, hello? What does it mean that we literally are still having debates about whether or not theologians who owned slaves were racist? What does that mean?

What does it mean that we’re debating about the morality of segregation and apartheid? All of these things are indictments of our lovelessness. But more specifically, here’s another question. Why is the topic of social justice so provocative in Christian circles in America? Why does that cause people to get all out of sorts and in their feelings?

You see, for we as Christians serve a God who is decidedly social in God’s being. The Trinitarian God, the one who made us as image-bearers, who are interconnected and interdependent social beings. God’s gospel is shown via the redemption and resurrection of the greatest act of injustice- the death of Christ on the cross.

And God is just, even just, gracious, and loving to the undeserving. And those who call this God ‘father’ are to be like this God as well.

Yet here we are, at this moment that echoes through American history. Whereas to be very specific, white Christians, feign confusion about the call to love our neighbor. I know that’s hard, isn’t it? It’s true.

Good to know!


‘Do it for the Queer Kids’? Pastrix Michelle Higgins gives Masterclass on Woke Communion

Michelle Higgins, the senior “pastrix” of Saint John’s Church (United Church of Christ) and one-third of the podcasting trio ‘The Truth’s Table’ continues to leave us vexed but unsurprised at the blasphemously progressive way she’s running her new church goat pen, usually with a series of proverbial open-handed slaps to the face of Jesus, such as when she instructed congregants to reveal their personal pronouns before they can speak at the pulpit or that time a few months ago when she repeatedly said that the Trinity is ‘queer’.

Now we have this gem, showing what a woke communion service looks like, where pastrix Higgins goes far beyond ‘do this in remembrance of me.’

Be seated to receive the Lord’s table. When you take the small wafer for from the plastic, know my loved one, that human bones don’t taste much better than that. This is the body of Jesus broken so that your body can be whole. This is a bite of scarcity so that you can eat in abundance.

Take the bread to yourself knowing God has traded places with you. No longer are you built, to be in want, you are built now to be filled, be filled with the body of Jesus now.

From the night that human frailty, (utter?) mistakes and trying to make our own list and take things into our own hands, on the night that ridiculousness betrayed and laid to waste the Son of Man, on the night, not long before Jesus was betrayed and murdered by the state.

He said, ‘I know the cup you’ve been drinking from. It’s a cup full of your own foolishness and it’s a cup full of racism. It’s a cup full of misogyny. It’s a cup full of the mess of the world. It’s a cup full of ageism, it’s a cup full of ableism. It’s a cup full of colorism. It’s a cup full of your self deprecation. It’s a cup full of your addiction to self-hatred, your addiction to hating others. Your idolising of marriage, your idolising of singleness, your idolising of the fashion you wear, your idolising you’re making money, your idolising of being poor.’

This cup is full of things, and you only need one nourishment. You only need just one vitamin (unintelligebale), just one, and that’s the blood of Jesus today. In this (unintelliegable) a feast, this cup of wine or juice. Maybe you only have a droplet of water, y’all know I love the cup.

Jesus is replacing your pain with his praise, replacing your name with ‘beloved blessing’. Good. Just the word ‘good’. Speak over yourself the creational blessing. ‘God made me, I am good. God made me, I am good.’

They were good. She is good. They are good. Not one of the people (slaves in the 19th century) we lost in the Middle Passage over the side of the boat, breathed their last breath in the bottom of the cabin. They were good! They were good!

Not one of the people you see the church abandoned deserved to go without this cup. Drink this cup for every queer person who’s been cussed out by a Christian. Drink this cup for every person whoever scandalised your name and called you worthless. Drink this cup, for your stomach is a witness. Your throat is a witness. Your body is a witness.

Don’t you take that instrument of torture and harm yourself. Put down your self-harm right now. Jesus wants to coat yours inside with a dedication, a willingness to seek help, to get healthy, to go to bed on time, to put down the whiskey bottle or maybe pick up some wine.

Jesus wants to coat you head to toe in their own self confidence. Jesus wants to change your bone structure. Jesus want to transfuse you blood. Drink this cup! Drink the cup and feel your hunger be filled by God. Drink this cup beloved and know it’s just a foretaste of the Lord who will never stop showing up, who will never stop coming to you. Who will never leave your side, who will always offer you a ride who will always tell you what your name is, baby.


Truth Table’s Ekemini Uwan: ‘Black Christianity’ is an ‘Inheritance’ That ‘Stands as a Judgement against White Christianity’

Ekemini Uwan is a ‘public theologian’ that Christianity Today recently named as one of the top new or lesser-known female theologians worth knowing. She is also one-third of the podcasting trio ‘The Truth’s Table.’ a show that is “built by Black women and for Black women” where they share their perspectives on “politics, race, culture, entertainment, and gender which are filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework.”

Uwan shares the mic with co-hosts Christina Edmondson who a few months ago wrote an article about how White Christians as Racists who Commit Violence on Black People by Voting GOP and Michelle Higgins, the pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix who recently preached a sermon about how the Trinity is Queer.

Ekemini herself has not been as blatantly pro-choice as Higgins is, but she has stated her opposition to making abortion illegal, telling Jonathan Merrit ‘“I’m not pro-repealing Roe v. Wade,”… As law of the land, the landmark decision should stand…. “Let’s move forward. Let’s not go back and fight wars we’ve already lost.”

Speaking at the 2021 ‘Courageous Convo’ she devotes about three minutes explaining why ‘white christianity’ is evil and ‘black christianity’ is awesome and is God’s gift to the white folks, while also describing ‘black christianity as a judgment against ‘white christianity.

I mean, if I can be really real with y’all, I resent the fact that we have to have a conversation about white supremacy, in conversation with black christianity. And that ain’t on Jude 3, this is just the culture that we live in, right? This is the wages, the rotten fruit that has bore out in our society right over 400 years of racial oppression that we have undergone.

But I just, I hate that, you know? I just hate that we have to be in conversation about whiteness and white supremacy and blackness. You know, I think I do want to go on record and say that I don’t believe- and this might be controversial- but I just don’t believe that blackness and whiteness are the opposite.

And I think for me to accept that is to accept the thesis of white supremacy. I think blackness stands as a judgement against whiteness. And I think Black Christianity stands as a judgement against White Christianity, in that I see blackness as an inheritance, as a gift from God. And I see not only in it, resilience, but I just see a brilliance.

And that’s not to say that the black church is perfect. I know. We’ve got flaws, I’m there. So that means we got flaws, right? But I do think that there is just an ingenuity, and wisdom that we gain from our ancestors. We talk about our grandparent’s faith, we could talk about our ancestor’s faith before they came onto the boat, and then when they got on the boat, and what they brought with them as well.

And so I just think that there’s we have better stories to tell. I just believe that we have better stories to tell, I don’t believe that our fate will forever and always be tied to oppression, you know. And so I just, in some ways, I guess I’m just I’m off of that. I’m tired talking about white people, and white supremacy and whiteness.

We have a lot of good things to talk about, we really do. We have a lot to contribute, I think to the faith. Now, I’m not ignorant. I know, I know, I know, I know, we always have to be very cognizant and wise about the ways in discerning of the subtle ways that white supremacy creeps into our institutions, our black institutions, like the black church, what that looks like.

abortion bad theology Heresies

Truth’s Table Podcaster and Pastrix Promotes Abortion, Purges Sermons

Pastrix Michelle Higgins, one-third of the podcasting trio, The Truth’s Table, got into a bit of trouble recently after she preached a sermon at Saint John’s Church where she prayed over her congregants of goats:Let the Lord show you the queerness of the Trinity in ways that you had not felt welcome to before,” as well as offering a prayer of supplication that they embrace “queer parenting.”

Now, perhaps in response to the negative publicity and backlash, they have Ed-Littonized all their sermons, removing all their content and leaving a big void in their wake.

The move may have been done to give cover to her The Truth’s Table co-hosts. After all, the podcast seeks a veneer of orthodoxy. It claims to be “filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework interspersed with hearty cackles and cathartic tears” and her open paganism and progressivism would not be good for co-hosts Christina Edmondson (wife of Mika Edmondson) and Ekimini Uwan.

Purging aside, another thing pastrix Higgins is known for, other than being a popular speaker that is routinely platformed by Jemar Tisby and the Witness Black Christian Collective, is being the director/chair and founding member of Action St. Louis, a “Christian” advocacy group that is “dedicated to continuing the biblical story of activism.”

Higgins has publicly stated that she “supports the work of organizations working nationally to ground local contexts in the Black queer feminist politic.” This is indisputable, seeing as how all 8 of the people who currently make up the leadership team at Faith For Justice, are either queer, trans, or non-binary. [Not a lot of diversity there. -Ed.]

Michelle Higgins is openly and rabidly pro-choice, and so is her organization. In fact, while Higgins has been relatively silent on social media since we broke the story of how woke and pagan she actually is, barely posting at all, her organization has been keeping up the work, retweeting and posting on Facebook efforts from Planned Parenthood and NARAL to promote access to abortion, supporting them in their endeavor.

Given how shockingly unorthodox she is, perhaps removing public access to her content is best.

bad theology Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

PCA Pastor Promotes Pastrix Daughter’s Pro-Abortion Message

We want to talk about “Pastrix” Michelle Higgins and the PCA that made her. We’ve covered the Truth’s Table host a bit in the last few weeks, particularly how she is pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, and has crafted a theology developed to promulgate the queering of the Trinity. While it might be easy to surmise that she’s just some random pastrix who cut her teeth on liberalism and progressivism since she was a child, and now is all grown up, she is anything but.

Michelle grew up within the Presbyterian Church of American, which is by and large a conservative denomination (contrasted to those devils at the PCUSA). Her Father is Mike Higgins, who is the senior pastor at the PCA South City Church St. Louis, while also being a professor and administrator at Covenant Theological Seminary—which is a PCA denominational school. In fact, it was in that very same school that she earned her M. Div.

Before she became senior pastrix, she was on staff at South City Church as a “Director of Worship and Outreach.” It was during her tenure there that she sought to host an event through her organization “Faith and Justice” at her church in 2019, where she invited an openly lesbian speaker to preach. Once this was discovered, South City, after sustained fire and criticism, announced they would no longer be holding it, and Michelle found another church to host it—Oak hill Presbyterian Church, an inclusive church that supports homosexuality and abortion.

This event caused quite a brouhaha in the PCA, and after enough people complained, this incident came under “investigation” by the Missouri Presbytery. This is the same presbytery that “investigated” Greg Johnson and exonerated him, and basically concluded “no harm, no foul.”

Shortly after the controversy, Michelle was no longer on staff at South City. In the summer of 2020 Michelle became a pastor at the ultra-progressive St. John’s Church), which is part of the United Church of Christ denomination.

Pastor Mike Higgins is still her biggest fan, however, and continues to promote and praise her many acts of bible butchery. One discernment minion brought this salient fact to our attention, writing:

To scroll through Mike Higgins’ Facebook page and see his statements and reading habits shows that Michelle is not rebelling against the teaching she received from her father but following in his footsteps and taking his teaching further! Overall, he has been somewhat ambivalent (publicly) about his daughter being a preacher. But in case there were any questions about where his allegiance is, he recently preached from her pulpit (July 25, 2021).

After learning of her calling [by Satan no doubt] to lead St John’s church, Mike Higgins likewise sent her congrats on Facebook:

Then when Michelle Higgins appeared on ABC’s Soul of a Nation promoting abortion as a form of “Reproductive Justice” her father likewise gave her a shout out on Twitter:

He gave her a similar shoutout after she gave an interview with NPR where she voiced her support for the LGBTQ community.

It’s hard not to surmise that he shares her views, given what he said a few years ago as well.

Our researcher further explained more ties that Michelle has:

Michelle has gained a following outside of St. Louis through her Truth’s Table podcast and social media activism. This is known in many PCA circles. For instance, both Michelle and her father have been promoted, protected, and (in some cases) platformed by woke PCA leaders. One notable example of this can be seen in a series of leaked email from the National Partnership (NP) leader Mike Khandjian. These leaked NP emails mention the need to defend Michelle for her statements on the Truth’s Table podcast and a hearty promotion of that podcast to others. 

[Note for context: The National Partnership is a “secret” invite-only group of left leaning PCA pastors and elders created to guide voting and invigorate left-leaning pastors to be involved in PCA denominational politics. It seems to be headed by James Kessler and Mike Khandjian, although no official list of leadership is available.] 

While Higgins is no longer affiliated with the PCA, her biggest cheerleader is. He and other theological malcontents, while still reeling from the Revoice curb stomp that took place a few months ago at the 2021 PCA General Convention, are bound and determined to continue pushing the PCA away from Christ and into the open arms of their father the devil.

Editor’s Note: Bonus rant by Higgins when she got mad on her show that some people believed women couldn’t be pastors:

What does that word mean? What does the word ordainable mean? It literally means possesses a penis. It does not mean is currently in seminary, has graduated with an M. Div., and has gone before a licensure committee. Ordainable means that the person is able to be set to the practice of potentially becoming a church leader.

And specifically in some denominations church leaders may only be male and therefore when you whittle it all down that word is how we live out a theology that we have proof-­texted to death, to twist and to turn, in order to re-­erect a wall that God, I believe, tore down in his flesh.

Jesus, in his male body, tore down a dividing wall that now allows me to be just as complete as a woman, and yet in my own context no one will hear me unless maybe I develop and design a penis­-shaped microphone cause if all you need to have is a penis in order to be heard then maybe we should have a line of penis microphones. Because it is all that you need to have to pass out communion, to take up the offering, to shake hands with the visitors when they come in.

[Editor’s note: Although the qualifications for an elder, including a pastor, do include being a man, it includes MUCH more. For a complete list, please consult 1 Timothy 2-3, and Titus 1 as starting points.]


Pastrix Michelle Higgins Instructs Congregants to Reveal Personal Pronouns Before They Can Speak at Pulpit

Michelle Higgins, the senior “pastrix” of Saint John’s Church (United Church of Christ) continues to leave us vexed but unsurprised at the blasphemously progressive way she’s running her new church goat pen, this time with a series of proverbial open-handed slaps to the face of Jesus. This is being done while flying David Hammons’ Pan-African Flag, whose colors according to Black Art in America “are representative, as the red is for the blood, the black is for the people, and the green is for the natural wealth of the Motherland, Africa,” in the background.

A Prophet Gets Misgendered?

To kick things off, Higgins insists on using a unique pronunciation for the prophet Joel, proffering in her opening salvo:

My name is Michelle, I’m the pastor here. And I want to just give us some kind of grounding and opportunity for us to join together in the Word of God. So if you have your Bible app, if you have a Bible in front of you, we’re going to go to the book of Joelle, the prophet Joelle.

Now some of us just pronounced it ‘Joel.’ And that’s alright too
. That’s alright (unintelligeble).  We love you anyway. I’m not trying to shade nobody. If you go to the second chapter, this actually chapters one, verse thirteen. We have an opportunity today, beloved, to lament so many spaces where Faith is the center.”

No word yet if she insists on calling the book of John “The book of Joanna,” but over the course of the scattered, aimless “sermon” she repeatedly calls the prophet “Joelle.” We’ll assume she’s just using some esoteric pronunciation rather than misgendering based on her well-established pro-queer ideology, but you really never know.

Everyone Must Reveal Personal Pronouns When Introducing Themselves in Church

After a brief scripture reading, several people come up to the front to share what the verse meant to them, with Higgins instructing them to give their personal pronouns before they speak. (Apologies for the video quality: the original feed itself was choppy.)

“Morning beloved community. My name is Andrew I use he/him pronouns….”

“Good morning. My name is Elisa. I use the ‘she’ series…”

“Hi, I’m Maggie, I’m she/her pronouns. Yeah, it’s interesting that…”

and the best:

“Good morning. My name is Heidi. she, her, whatever, I don’t know. I don’t do the pronoun things. I’m too old for that. My name is Heidi. (Editor’s Note: Hahahahahaha…)

Offer Prayers and/ Or “Positive vibes”

Pastrix Higgins forgets she is in a Christian church rather than at a festival for bygone hippies and pagans, telling the congregants:

If there are any prayer requests that people want to quickly shout out and I’ll say them from the microphone. I’ll give you all items to pray over. Or if you are up the tradition of sending positive vibes, hopes and wishes for well-being you are welcome to do that as well.

More Queer Trinity Talk

Higgins reiterates her belief that the Trinity is queer:

We believe that the body of Jesus is that forever and ever, but we believe that God is three persons. Now I invite you to email me and talk to me about my trinitarianism. Let me assure you that I’m a little more ‘the Trinity is kind of queer,’ more so ‘the Trinity will strip you negative, hang you upside down unless you believe exactly what I believe.’

Again, this woman is one-third of the podcasting trio The Truth’s Table that is lauded and platformed as an orthodox, excellent resource for faithful Christians. Higgins shares the mic with co-hosts Christina Edmondson (wife of Mika Edmondson, whose always ragging on the SBC) and Ekimini Uwan. They know exactly who she is. They know how deep the rabbit role of blasphemy goes, and all parties affirm her as a sister in Christ.

This should naturally lead you to ask: can you trust the parties that hold up her?

You all know what we think. Or at least you should by now…

abortion Critical Race Theory Heresies Social Justice Wars

Jemar Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Promotes Pro-Choice Ally Henny to Vice-President

Jemar Tisby’s Witness Black Christian Collective (WitnessBCC) has made major structural changes to its organization, elevating several key members into new roles such as Tyler Burns to President and and promoting openly pro-choice advocate Ally Henny to Vice-President.

The Witness BCC was founded by Jemar Tisby in 2012, which at that point was called the Reformed African American Network or RAAN. Tisby, perhaps best known for writing the book The Color of Compromise (which unsurprisingly is compromised theologically) has left his position and will serve as founder of The Witness Incorporated, a 501c3 organization that is the parent company for The Witness Foundation (A newish venture that gives certain black folk $50,000 a year to train and raise them into leaders) and The Witness Black Christian Collective.

Despite the new structure, what has remained unchanged is the fact that this organization has no credibility to speak on the biblical, scriptural, and theological understanding and application of racism to the church. They have no clue what constitutes issues of mercy and justice are so long as they continue to platform and promote so many unbiblical, unscriptural, and untheological writers and contributors. Chief among them is Ally Henny, now the Veep.

Henny is a regular contributor to The Witness and writes about race, cultural identification, black motherhood, and topics related to the black experience from a faith-based perspective. She is also overtly and unabashedly pro-choice.

She recently tweeted about how black people should join the Episcopal (US Anglican) church. When pressed on why any Christian should do that, given the denomination’s stance on abortion and homosexuality (they are openly and enthusiastically in favor of both) she responded:

I believe that all people should be welcome to worship and serve in the church regardless of their identity….

I actually considered joining the “other” Anglican denomination here in the US, but I decided against it. My nephew came out as trans at the same time I was taking steps to enter into discernment. I realized that I could not be ordained somewhere he could not be his full self…

There are disagreements within the Anglican Communion on this issue. As a new Anglican, my hope is that we would err on the side of love and not pronounce anathemas against one another because we disagree.”

She’s not the only one working or associated with the Witness BCC who has dubious views on abortion, if not also flat out pro-choice. Michelle Higgins routinely tweets out support for Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, and Ekimini Uwan doesn’t want to abolish Roe v. Wade, but rather wants it to be the law of the land.

In the Witness BCC, refusing to swallow Critical Race Theory’s view on “anti-racism” will get you kicked out, but being for the killing of babies in the womb as a human right will get you promoted. So spare us Jemar Tisby when you go on podcasts and talk about mercy, and justice, and loving your neighbors, and hatred for the oppressed. Your people support baby-killing, dude. We’re not buying it for a second.