
Greg Locke Makes a Promise: If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out

‘Pastor’ Greg Locke of  Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN, was in rare form at church yesterday, amped up by the anger of knowing that the big conference he was supposed to speak at with My Pillow’s Mike Lindell and Trump’s former lawyer Jenna Ellis is in danger of falling through, after we at Protestia exposed it for what it is, causing the headliners to pull out and leave Greg with a bunch of oneness Pentecostals and other degenerates left to fill the seats.

Doing his high-energy hoopla show, he warned any congregation members, guests, or any future visitors who may want to attend services one day, that if they ever dare to come to church in a mask or attempt to social distance, he’ll kick them out.

Don’t believe this ‘Delta Variant’ nonsense. STOP IT! Stop it. I know Right Watch Watch (is) watching and I don’t care. If they go through round two and you start showing up in all these masks and all this nonsense, I’ll ask you to leave. I WILL ASK YOU TO LEAVE! I am not playing these Democrat games up here in this church. IF YOU WANT TO SOCIAL DISTANCE THEN GO TO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BUT DON’T COME TO THIS ONE. I’M DONE WITH IT. I SAID I’M DONE WITH IT. I ain’t playing these stupid games.

Prior to that, the perennial sheep-beater was last seen telling his church that anyone who tries to deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, is just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.”

It seems that Locke is becoming some sort of Dr. Frankenstein, looking to create his perfect monstrous congregants who believe everything he does and thinks the same way he wants, banishing anyone to the fate of having to attend First Baptist Church if they step out one line. We don’t suspect any of his flock are going anywhere, however. If you stick with Locke after all he’s done, it becomes clear that he is a judgment from God upon them, and they a judgment upon him.

h/t to Right Wing Watch for the video clip.


‘Evangelist’ Joshua Feuerstein Harrases Mask-wearing Man at Zoo and Tries to Feed Him Animal Pellets

Demonstrating behavior that wouldn’t be excusable or tolerable for even a 5-year-old, so-called “Christian evangelist” Joshua Feuerstein accosted a man holding a stroller at a petting zoo, mocked him for wearing a face mask, got up in his personal space, shoved his hand full of animal pellets in his face, and mockingly told him he’s just “feeding the sheep.”

Known for making national headlines a few years back when he accused Starbucks of canceling Christmas by introducing generic red coffee cups rather than more festive ones, Joshua Feuerstein is a run-amock Facebook savant. With no ecclesiastical credentials or authority, he makes a career out of spewing needlessly offensive nonsense. To make matters worse, he associates proudly with a cadre of nefarious spiritual knaves and uses his influence to both bolster and promote their careers of shameless self-indulgence.

This is no more true than in the featured video. Though Feuerstein deleted the video after uploading it, we have a copy of it here, courtesy of the pagans at The Friendly Atheist, who also get a hat tip for the story.

After pointing out to Feuerstein that a man walked by them wearing a face mask, despite being outside, the friend dares him to go up to the man and offer him animal pellets, goading him with “you won’t do it.”

Feuerstein, in an act of pure idiocy, is up for the challenge. He walks up to the man and sticks a handful of feed in his face, which the man swats away angry and surprised. When asked by the man what he’s doing, Feuerstein responds.

We’re at the petting zoo, it says, ‘Feed the sheep,’ dude…

In other wretched news, Feuerstein is planning on starting a new church with his wife down in Texas, called “America’s Church” where ostensibly he’ll be the pastor. The church is being billed as one that “Loves God, loves family, and loves their country.” That description, coupled with the prospect of being led by Feuerstein, all but guarantees it will be a hellhole of false doctrine, bad leadership, and Christ-shaming personified.