
KJH Says Calling Someone ‘Woke, ‘Marxist, SJW’ is The Same as Calling them a ‘N*****’

We never thought we’d write about our favorite race-baiter Kyle J. Howard so soon after ur last article. where he asserted that A Desire for Free Speech is ‘Racist’ and about ‘Preserving White Power’, but he just upped the rhetorical ante in a big way lately, claiming on Twitter that white folk who describe black folk as being ‘woke’ or call them a ‘Marxist’ or a ‘social justice warrior’ are actually purposefully using coded language for the N-Bomb.

You’ll recall Howard currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, and has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text. In doing so, we’ve chronicled his slow slide into racial absurdity and witnessed the epitome of what it means to have one’s thinking to be futile and a foolish heart to be darkened.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

Using the threadreader app we see:

We said last year that it wouldn’t be long until he just gets it over it and says all white folk are racists who harbor unfettered, explicit contempt and prejudice for the black man or person of color.

He’s at least half-way there.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Gospel Coalition Writer Calls out Todd Friel for Bashing TGC, Calls him to Repent for Being ‘Divisive’

Justin Taylor, one of The Gospel Coalition’s (TGC) long time writers and members has come out swinging against the venerable Todd Friel, accusing him of bearing false witness, being divisive, and declaring he ought to marked and avoided.

The substance of this tweet betrays a guilty conscience, however. Todd Friel will certainly name names but has generally resisted painting whole organizations in the way that has been charged. Therefore we ask: where is the evidence that Friel has done this?

The more likely thing is that Friel has come out against organizations that have caved to Marxism (Gramscian Marxism is an obscure, rarely used term. Taylor is being petty for using it.) and then TGC read themselves into the comments and have out swinging, without having the courage to tag Friel in the post.

In this way, TGC is being “divisive” with their accusations. If they say they are not, then put up or shut up. Show us the quotes and screenshots of what Friel has done to warrant the label from such a prominent organization.

Of course, even if Friel did say this, there are more than enough witnesses to satisfy the biblical charge of the notion that these organizations are doing these very things, guilty conscience or not.

In fact, our entire website here at Protestia, and formerly at Pulpit and Pen have shown this to be true. Go to and type “the gospel coalition” into the search bar and you’ll see at least a hundred eager and ready witnesses eager to testify to Todd’s claims.

Yet TGC has a near-pathological aversion to engaging their critics, frequently posting without allowing people to comment on their content and rarely if ever deigning to respond to tweets asking clarifying comments or questions about content they post. The fact that they have responded to a critic is a miracle indeed.

Rather, the authors have a nasty habit of saying something shocking, like calling Kyle Rittenhouse a mass shooter and comparing him to Dylan Roof, and then never answering any followup questions to those who want to know more or get clarity on what he means and why he would say this. Or how about all the TGC authors trying to convince evangelicals it’s ok to vote for pro-abortion candidates like Tim Keller has done recently and repeatedly?

If Taylor and his fellow Gospel Coalitionites want to do more than play the #BigEva version of “the knockout game,” that would be great.