News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Louisiana Bill Designating Abortion Pills as ‘Controlled Substances’ Is a Pro-Life FAILURE

Last week the Louisiana Senate passed a bill designating the two drugs commonly used to terminate an early-stage pregnancy, misoprostol and mifepristone, as controlled substances, criminalizing the drugs without a prescription.

Having easily cleared the House and Senate, the bill, which Vice-President Kamala Harris described as “absolutely unconscionable,” is expected to be signed into law by Gov. Jeff Landry.

While pro-death Democrats are lamenting the legislation, which was initially created to stop men from secretly drugging their pregnant wives and girlfriends to induce an abortion, it is being lauded in equal measure by the Pro-life movement, flagging it as a significant victory for “life.”

It is not, and we agree with Kamala Harris. We view this as a particularly nasty piece of legislation that is unconscionable, though not for the same reason she does.

We abhor this bill because it is a blunted, impotent, and powerless piece of legislation that is not worth the paper it’s written on. The only thing worse than the bill is how badly pro-life advocates are spinning it as something we should celebrate rather than an object of disdain and scorn.

The bill purports to stop the use of abortion pills in a “reckless manner” while still fully allowing them to be used in a “non-reckless” manner.” The bill is clear. “It shall not be a violation of this subsection for a pregnant woman to possess mifepristone or misoprostol for her own consumption.”

And in the case of its designed, weak intent, it only criminalizes the pill-drugging deaths of babies more than three months old, clearly sending the message that pre-born victims under three months are sub-human and unworthy of equal protection under the law.

In Louisiana, any woman can freely order and take abortion pills to kill her baby any time she wants, without punishment, without consequences, and without fear of legal reprisal.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Louisiana has a supermajority of professing pro-lifers in both the House and the Senate. They have all the tools, all the power, but none of the will. Instead of passing decisive legislation in the state that bans the sale and distribution of abortion drugs- baby poison in pill form- they give the citizenry this. It is a mockery. It is grotesque.

Sam Riley, the Media Director for the abortion abolitionist group Abolitionists Rising has echoed our concern about the effectiveness of the bill, telling us in a statement:

Pro-lifers are willing to pursue any legislation except the abolition of abortion. SB 276 is another regulatory measure in a long line of toothless bills that the pro-life movement has pursued. Nothing in it will stop the flow of abortion pills to Louisiana from out of the country or from states that have shield laws.

The mother, the primary actor in abortion, is exempt from all punishment, which renders the bill useless. This brazen partiality will result in the continued murder of the innocent preborn. It is equally effective as attempting to put out a forest fire with a squirt gun.

Worse than that, pro-life activists are watching their houses burn down while actively keeping abolitionists away from the fire trucks and water bombers. Despite being able to stop the mass murder of children, the leaders threw a few crumbs at the pro-life movement who quickly slurped them up without ever making the demand for more.

Think of an award-winning chef with a fully stocked kitchen, the best ingredients, and a roomful of starving patrons predisposed to liking his cooking. Rather than create a meal that will satiate and satisfy, he makes a rancid soup filled with rotting vegetables and seasoned with his own urine.

The politicians in Louisiana have the power and the numbers to enact real change and serve up seven courses of baby-saving, but instead, the legislators relieve their bladders on the corpses of children and the pro-life activists lick their plates and ask for more.


GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson was ERLC Trustee, Helped Kill Anti-Abortion Bill in Louisiana

While many are lauding the appointment of Southern Baptist congressman Mike Johnson as the newly elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, noted activist group Abolitionist Rising has revealed that “well-produced content that’s been in the works for months exposing what Johnson did to keep abortion legal in Louisiana last year is about to be released.” They explain further:

For those who’ve been following popular narratives around Johnson, this news may surprise you. You may have seen that he was a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a leading pro-life legal group, and that he has an A+ rating from SBA Pro-Life America.

The reality is the more connected to the pro-life leaders somebody is, the more they often militate against the abolition of abortion. Johnson pulled out every stop he could to keep abortion legal in Louisiana last year when there was a bill to abolish it.

Notably, prior to the overturning of Roe v Wade, abolitionists in Louisiana succeeded in getting a bill to immediately abolish abortion passed committee, the first in any state in the nation. Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide. HB813, or the “Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022″ was voted by a committee 7-2 to give it a vote in the House of Representatives.

Though many initially pledged to support and champion it, the bill was defeated after an amendment was adopted that absolutely gutted the bill and rendered it useless and toothless. 

How is it that politicians who were championing it were now voting against it? They’d been getting pressure all week not only from pro-choice groups, which was to be expected but from pro-life groups and pro-life colleague as well.

Ultimately, the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion.


Because it amended the Louisiana homicide codes to define “unborn child” as “an individual human being from fertilization until birth,” and “person” as “a human being from the moment of fertilization.” These redefinitions would classify abortion as homicide by including preborn children among those protected by the laws against murder, and therefore women who kill their babies in the womb would be subject to the same fines and punishments as those who kill their babies out of the womb. Equal protection under the law. Equal justice. Either it’s a baby, or it’s not.

Mike Johnson, then a congressman, played a significant role in defanging the language and preventing abortion from being abolished, taking a leadership role in making phone calls to key state legislators telling them to oppose the bill.

Despite being a member of the House Freedom Caucus and self-described “grassroots conservative,” Johnson does not want to see abortion abolished and has demonstrated that he will actively fight against any legislation before him. 

Pray that he repents:


MUST-WATCH EXPOSE’: SBC’s ERLC & Pro-Life Movement’s Compromise & Hypocrisy

The team at Apologia Studios have put together an exposé detailing the hypocrisy of the Southern Baptist Convention and their leaders surrounding the events of May 12, 2022, when Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide, the Pro-Life Machine stepped in and drafted a letter signed by 70 of their organizations, including the ERLC, to kill the bill and declare they do not support it.

This was the first actual abolition bill to pass committee in any state in the nation so far, and the politicians were getting pressure all week from pro-life groups. Still, the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion.

The ERLC was ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world. This lobbying arm of the SBC opposed the bill and declared unequivocally that they could not support it. Planned Parenthood was pressuring its supporters to defeat the bill, and The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was doing the exact same thing, both pushing from different sides to attain the same goal, despite the SBC passing a resolution at last year’s convention to seek to abolish abortion. But politicians who previously championed the bill were now voting against it.


This video explains why, and how it all came together.


Breaking! Louisiana Bill to Abolish Abortion Fails after ERLC Joins Forces with Planned Parenthood to Defeat It

Just days ago Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide. HB813, or the “Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022″ was voted by a committee 7-2 to give it a vote in the House of Representatives. This was historic, as it was the first true abolition bill to pass committee in any state in the nation so far.

The Governor, Attorney General, and the vast majority of legislators in the state claim to be pro-life, with the Republicans outnumbering the Democrats 2-1 in both the House and the Senate. Lifelist ranks Louisiana as the second most ‘pro-life state’ in the nation. According to witnesses, nearly 200 abortion abolitionists were present in support of the bill, with less than 8 for the pro-choice side.

Despite this, the bill was defeated after an amendment was adopted that absolutely gutted the bill and rendered it useless and toothless. Pro-life State Rep. Alan Seabaugh, who supported HB813 as originally written in the committee hearing, filed the amendment to destroy it. The final tally was 65 voting in favor of gutting the bill and 26 against, prompting the bill’s author, Rep. Danny McCormick, to pull it from consideration.

How is it that politicians who were championing it were now voting against it? They’d been getting pressure all week from pro-life groups, but the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion. They were ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, who also opposed the bill and declared unequivocally that they could not support it. Planned Parenthood was pressuring its supporters to defeat the bill and The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was doing the exact same thing, both pushing from different sides to attain the same goal.


Because it amended the Louisiana homicide codes to define “unborn child” as “an individual human being from fertilization until birth,” and “person” as “a human being from the moment of fertilization.” These redefinitions would classify abortion as homicide by including preborn children among those protected by the laws against murder, and therefore women who kill their babies in the womb would be subject to the same fines and punishments as those who kill their babies out of the womb. Equal protection under the law. Equal justice. Either it’s a baby, or it’s not.

The authors of the bill reasoned that you can’t decry this act as the “murder” of an innocent baby, and then have absolutely zero consequences for those who indulge. They assert you can’t give a baby in the womb the same rights as a baby out of the womb would have, and then just shrug your shoulders when someone melts them in a chemical bath or dismembers them and turns them into a chopped up slurry of blood and brains.

But the ERLC and 69 other groups said you could. They explained in the letter while it’s true that babies are victims of abortion, so are the mothers as well, and it would not be fair to the mothers to enact consequences upon them for their actions, writing:

“…Abortion has taken the lives of more than 63 million unborn American children. But the tragedy of abortion isn’t limited to the unborn child who loses her life. The mother who aborts her child is also Roe’s victim….

Women are victims of abortion and require our compassion and support as well as ready access to counseling and social services in the days, weeks, months, and years following an abortion.

As national and state pro-life organizations, representing tens of millions of pro-life men, women, and children across the country, let us be clear: We state unequivocally that any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women is not pro-life and we stand firmly opposed to such efforts.

…we must ensure that the laws we advance to protect unborn children DO NOT HARM THEIR MOTHERSturning women who have abortions into criminals IS NOT THE WAY. (Capitalized emphasis theirs)


We will continue to oppose legislative and policy initiatives that criminalize women who seek abortions, and we will continue to work for initiatives that protect unborn children and policies that provide and strengthen life-affirming resources for abortion-vulnerable women.

In short: it’s not really murder, and it’s not right to punish the mothers when they’re not really killing human beings.

This is particularly egregious on the part of Brent Leatherwood, the acting head of the ERLC, given that it expressly goes against the will of Southern Baptist messengers, who passed a resolution at SBC21 which explicitly states: “we affirm that the murder of preborn children is a crime against humanity that must be punished equally under the law.”

We reached out to SBC Presidential candidate Tom Ascol for comment, given that the ERLC is their lobbying arm, and he decried their actions, writing:

I find this letter a tragic betrayal of the most vulnerable people among us—unborn babies. How can an organization be genuinely pro-life if it argues against the criminalization of murdering human life? How can an organization be Christian if it regards those who murder those who bear the image of God as “victims”? That the ERLC of the SBC has joined this group of organizations is issuing this morally flawed letter is appalling and an affront to cooperating SBC churches and further proof that It is time to change the direction of the SBC.