
Exclusive! Dante Bowe Reportedly Released from Maverick City Music After Accidentally Posting Nude Video

Days after Maverick City Music suspended their professional relationship with singer Dante Bowe, citing “behavior that is inconsistent with our core values and beliefs,” sources say he wasn’t asked to leave the group simply for reportedly dancing and singing with artist Bad Bunny on a party bus (a musician whose lyrics are coarse and filthy) as has been speculated, but rather because he accidentally posted sexually explicit material of himself online, revealing a hidden life incompatible with one of the biggest worship bands on the planet.

Maverick City Music is a Christian worship collective based in Atlanta that has seen much success in just a few years. Known for such songs as ‘Jireh,’ ‘Promises’, and ‘Wait on you,’ their album Maverick City Vol. 3/ Part 1 recently won a Billboard Music Award for the Top Gospel album, and they recently won both a GMA Dove Award and a Grammy for their song Old Church Basement. Bowe has received many accolades, including six nominations at the 2022 Dove awards and five at the 2021 Grammy awards, taking home wins in several categories.

In the last year, the band has courted its fair share of controversy, with drummer Harold Brown posting then deleting a pro-choice message on Instagram where he repeatedly intoned “men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies” and lead singer Chandler Moore issuing a defiant ‘apology” after his salacious wedding photo went viral.

In a statement on Instagram, after explaining that Bowe was axed for this unspecified inconsistent behavior, Maverick lamented that “decisions like these are not easy because of the level of nuance, both professionally and personally, but we felt it necessary to address.”

In response to being suspended, Bowe issued a brief non-apology apology that he later deleted, writing, “I sincerely apologize for the impact of my behavior and that it has offended many people on the platform we share together.” While he may have made private amends, nowhere in his statements did he publicly apologize for the behavior itself, but rather only the “impact” of his behavior on others. Likewise, he did not admit to any wrongdoing, only that his actions behavior “offended many people” on Instagram. It’s a dressed-up version of ‘I’m sorry you were offended.’

Fans of Bowe were dismayed he was removed over a seemingly minor infraction, yet media obtained exclusively by Protestia suggests it wasn’t the only reason. Bowe also accidentally posted a brief video on his Instagram Stories that was quickly deleted, but not before being captured and saved.

In the short clip, Bowe films himself naked in front of a mirror, wearing only a tank top rolled up to his armpits while he preens and exposes himself. While there is no hint at his intended audience, several followers reported seeing the video and being shocked and upset at what they saw. With this activity revealing that the vaunted Christian musician has a deep and abiding sin problem, the cause of his departure is more than justified.

We reached out to Bowe’s and Maverick City Music’s publicists but did not receive a response at the time of publication. We are purposefully choosing to only release censored and cropped images from the video and not the more scandalous versions. These will suffice, as Bowe and his team have more than enough information to recognize where this video comes from and to validate its authenticity.

We pray that Bowe cries out to God for mercy and forgiveness, that he would repent of his sins and enter into a right relationship with his God and Savior, rather than continue on this treacherous path that only leads to destruction.


SBC Presidential Hopeful Destroys Russell Moore in Devastating Video

With Dr. Russell Moore’s ‘leaked’ bombshell letter being released and conveniently timed to be of a kick in the gonads of the Southern Baptist Convention President hopeful Pastor Mike Stone, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sex abuse during his time as Executive Committee chair, this scorched earth tactic has paved the way for CRT-enabling final boss Albert Mohler to wrest the denomination away from conservatives and into his progressive possession.

Stone, backed by a sea of raging supporters who are now seeing and saying out loud what we have been for nearly a decade (and getting labeled divisive over it), took to his social media to lay into the departed Russell Moore in an open rebuke of his character and intentions, declaring in a damning indictment:

The letter itself is incredible. That is, it is without credibility.

Think about it for just a moment; here’s a man who’s the highest positioned ethicist in the Southern Baptist Convention – at least he was until just a few days ago. And if you take his letter at face value, then he has known about cover-up, intimidation, bullying, stonewalling, barriers, pressure, all of these sorts of things against victims of sex abuse.

He’s known about lies and backroom deals and corruption and he’s known about it not for days or weeks or months. He’s literally known about it supposedly for years while he has not breathed a word, meanwhile republishing a book called The Courage to Stand.

Fact check: true. Stone continues:

Nobody who knows me believes that I would ever be a part of trying to cover up sexual abuse or silence its victims. That again is an outrageous lie. And again I don’t use that lightly toward anyone, but nobody who knows me would believe those accusations.

And when I talk about people who know me, let me be clear; that does not include Russ Moore. He has never, though claiming the high moral ground in this issue, he has never, not one time in a private phone call email text message visit letter, he has never not one single time contacted me privately and personally to confront me about a sin that he thought that I was committing, to caution me about an error that he thought that I was making or to warn me about a misstep that he thought I was about to lead the southern baptist convention executive committee into. No, rather he chooses these guerrilla tactics, to use some of his own terminology.

Part of the problem we have here, is we have a generation of leaders who are raised in a participation trophy era that think that if you disagree with them about anything that you’re attacking them, and that they’re enduring some kind of trauma or psychological terror.

Once again, this is not the future of the Southern Baptist Convention. And while I’m on this point, the outlandish nature of the ungodly, unbiblical nature of Russell’s slander against me on this point, is only rivaled by the outrageous nature of pastors over on SBC Twitter. Pastors who hear one side of the story and immediately call for me to be removed from any office and banned permanently from any service in the Southern Baptist Convention…