
Jemar Tisby Unleashes Wild Conspiracies About Biden Debate Loss, While Forlorn Kristin Du Mez Looks On

During a late-night episode of the Convocation Unscripted, visibly shellshocked and forlorn hosts Kristin Du Mez, Jemar Tisby, and Robert P. Jones lamented the debate between Trump and Biden and the thrashing that the current President endured at the hand of his challenger.

Tisby, in particular, seemed most affected, insisting that a Trump victory would be “the end of democracy as we know it” because Trump and a GOP administration would ensure that there would never be a fair debate again.

By way of context, Tibsy is the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization who has praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix, who suggested that White Republicans support “White Supremacy, Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Homophobia, Islamophobia + Elitism.”

Du Mez is an LGBTQ-affirming Calvin Univerity professor who wishes Christians didn’t take such an immovable and hard line against abortion and has joined rank with apostates and heretics for conferences.

Tisby: Here’s the danger: if Trump wins there will never be a fair debate. And it will go beyond him because he’ll set things up, and his administration will set things up, such that people who do traffic in actual facts and are trying to make actual points based on data, they won’t get there, They won’t get to that platform. Or if they do, they won’t have a chance to win.

And so that’s the danger I think, that people need to see beyond the two hours of debate that we saw this evening. Nothing’s is actually changed in the landscape in terms of our political calculus right? That if Trump wins, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say it’s the end of democracy as we know it.

Which would include not just ‘oh how we vote,’ but even something like debates, which no one even debates, right? Debate is a debate-that’s something, it’s predictable, we can count on, love them or hate it, we know what to expect.

No. Not under a Trump presidency, a GOP administration, not in the foreseeable future if that happens.

Du Mez: So that was more powerful and more coherent than anything I heard in those two hours, right?And then that’s the tragedy here.


Russell Moore Joins Hands With Marxist Liberation Theologians in Deconstructionist Conference

The roster for the upcoming Reconstructing Evangelicalism Conference, which would be more aptly named if it were called the Deconstructing Evangelicalism Conference, looks like a Who’s Who in the leftist Evangelical world. The conference, hosted by the Center for Pastor Theologians will feature several false teachers who twist scripture in their own special ways, including radical Liberation Theologians, environmentalists, Marxists, and supporters of the LGBTQ agenda.

One notable theologian in the lineup is Russell Moore, who is currently obsessed with what he describes as the evils of Christian Nationalism. In a recent article, Moore claimed that those conservatives who oppose leftist ideology are seeking to build an ethnostate through “Christian Nationalism”, Moore’s favorite right-wing boogeyman, while leftist Christians are simply seeking to advance society through progressive means.

Despite their self-perceived opposition to the social gospel of old, Christian nationalists embrace the exact same view of the gospel. For the social-gospel-oriented left wing, Christianity exists to build a social order in step with the upward progress of humanity. For the Christian nationalist right-wing, Christianity exists to build a social order in step with national or ethnic identity. The gospel is a means for a forward-looking utopianism in the one case and a backward-looking nostalgia in the other. Christian nationalism is a liberation theology for white people.

A number of Liberation theologians are slated to speak at the conference and participate in panel discussion, including Malcolm Foley, Equity Advisor to the President of Theological Dumpster-Fire Baylor, who resents the suggestion by Moore that Christian nationalism is merely “liberation theology for white people.”

In a recent response to Moore’s statement, Foley claimed that liberation theology is for white people, and rank heretic Marxist liberation theologians James Cone and Gustavo Gutierrez are actually orthodox.

Finally and perhaps offensively, there is the overall false equivalency of the claim that Christian nationalism is “liberation theology for white people”, an absurdity that Moore surely understands: it assumes that white people are oppressed, particularly because of their whiteness, Americanness, and “Christianity”. Cone teaches us much because the Black experience in this country has largely been one of facing terroristic violence and political and economic oppression. Gutierrez, Jon Sobrino, Oscar Romero and others teach us much because of and through their embeddedness with the poor and exploited of Latin America. In white Christian nationalists, we hear nothing but the whining of those who interpret the loss of cultural and political hegemony as persecution. There is no equivalence here. Nothing in the Scriptures suggests the Lord’s sympathy with the greedy and the prideful. Much, however, aligns the Lord with the poor. 

Despite pushback against Moore’s recent statements, Foley, who preaches the Marxist myth of “Racial Capitalism”, considers Moore to be a true comrade in the fight against capitalism and orthodox Christianity because they both despise conservative white evangelicals.

Other notable speakers include LGBTQ-affirming author Kristen Du MezLGBTQ-affirming Love Sechrest, a black feminist who uses she/her pronouns and is the author of Can “White” People Be Saved?, LGBTQ sympathizer and climate-science pusher Gavin Ortlund, animal rights advocate Karen Swallow Prior, and feminist deistic evolutionist Pastrix Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, who once argued that just like Corrie Ten Boom ignored German laws and hid Jews from the Nazis, Christians should ignore US immigration laws and help illegal immigrants

Gospel Coalition authors who will join in this leftist celebration of the decline of the faith include Kevin Vanhoozer, Benjamin Espinosa, Winfred Neely, Michael Niebauer, Matt O’Reilly, and Douglas Sweeney.


Patriarchy-Smashing Egalitarian Beth Allison Barr Submits to Angry White Biological Male

Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. Egalitarian author and professor Beth Allison Barr prides herself in opposing patriarchy in society and the church. If you ever need to find Barr, she is probably either engaged in an epic Twitter war with Denny Burk or hobnobbing with gal pal and fellow patriarchy-smasher Kristen Du Mez.

Recently, Du Mez and Barr engaged in an epic Twitter conversation with transexual exvangelical author Chrissy Stroop, a white biological male who reviewed Du Mez’s Book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted A Faith and Fractured A Nation. Stroop’s Boston Globe review praised the book as “A Book that America Needs Now”, a praise that landed on the cover of the paperback edition of the book. Twitter commenters pointed out that when such a false view of Christianity is presented and so-called “Christian” authors look for praise from trannies, God’s judgement on the nation is evident.

Stroop was quick to accept the apologies of Du Mez and Barr for harassment at the hands of conservatives, praising Du Mez’s book as deserving of an excellent review on the basis of its scholarship. Many atheist leftist exvangelicals like Stroop praise the work of leftist “Christian” authors because they share mutual enemies in conservative evangelical circles. Stroop went on to praise Du Mez, Barr, and Jamar Tisby as “scholars” who are subject to “conservative, patriarchal evangelical bullying”.

Praising any of these leftist revisionists as “scholars” is equivalent to calling the New York Times 1689 Project a work of history, despite the fact that the project has been debunked as blatantly false multiple times. Jesus and John Wayne, The Making of Biblical Womanhood, and The Color of Compromise are all revisionist works that are closer to fiction than actual serious Biblical or historical scholarship.

The interaction between Stroop, Du Mez, and Bar had the atmosphere of a touchy-feely therapy session, as Stroop fawned over the attention and empathy of the leftist authors, and Du Mez and Barr relished the fact that someone who writes for a leftist rag gave Du Mez a positive review. Things took an interesting turn when Beth Allison Barr made a statement about agreeing to disagree:

You can disagree with life choices made by other people; you can disagree with their theology; you can disagree with their political alignment; you can disagree with their endorsement of a book.

Triggered by the possibility that someone could disagree with a man’s decision to change his name and play dress-up as a girl, the tolerant patriarchy smashing tranny went off on Barr.

After receiving the criticism of Stroop, Barr apologized profusely for asserting the idea that people could possibly disagree. In what may now be one of the most ironic posts in the leftist “Christian” realm of the Twittersphere of 2022, a rabidly anti-patriarchy leftist woman who claims to be a Christian submitted to a white biological male tranny who pulled the tranny-trauma trump card. Beth Allison Barr lives for intersectionality, pushing ideology that aligns with Critical theory of every form. In her interaction with Stroop, Barr discovered that when it comes to the intersectional twitter Olympics, no one trumps a tranny. Those who live by intersectionality will die by intersectionality.

Editor’s Note. This is a guest post by Paul Brown, written for Protestia