
Jordan Peterson: ‘The Bible is More than Just True,’ It’s the Bedrock of Civilization

Jordan Peterson appeared on the Joe Rogan Podcast earlier in the week and made some stunning remarks about the Christian scriptures, seeming to reverse a long-held belief about the books and hopefully demonstrating that the Holy Spirit is continuing to absolutely wreck the worldview of the famed author and academic.

Peterson, who calls himself a “pragmatic Christian,” claims to follow the teachings of Jesus as best he understands them and holds that the First Century rabbi’s moral philosophy forms a superior and worthy ethos to live a virtuous life. Peterson, however in the past has denied the inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Christ, and the resurrection (in other words, he’s no more a Christian than was Martin Luther King, Jr).

In truth, Peterson is the thought leader of our age. A promoter of logic, reason, and general sanity, he has gutted the anti-intellectual emotionalism of the political left and has done so through a secularist worldview.

Jordan Peterson has gleaned more understanding about God and his created order from natural revelation than leftist Christians have gleaned about God and his created order from special revelation. Probably more so than any man has ever articulated it, Peterson has taken natural revelation as far as it can be taken, and now seems to be grasping for more.

This was seen a little less than a year ago, after he choked up and shed a tear at the idea of following Jesus, saying at the time “what you have in the figure of Christ is an actual person who actually lived, plus a myth, and in some sense, Christ is the union of those two things. The problem is, I probably believe that, but I don’t know…I’m amazed at my own belief and I don’t understand it…”

In that time, he has come to develop a stronger view in the truthfulness of the bible, but how he gets there should make us wary and consider.

Culture is a structure of category that we all share. So we see things the same way. But that’s why we can talk… roughly speaking, we have a bedrock of agreement. That’s the Bible, by the way.

So I just walked through the Museum of the Bible in Washington. That was very cool. It’s very cool museum.”

Rogan: So that structure, that’s what the bible provides?

That’s what I figured out. I’ve just figured this out this week. So it was a cool thing to walk through, because it’s chronological, they have one floor, which is the history of the Bible. But it’s not exactly that it’s really what it is, is the history of the book.

Now, in many ways, the first book was the Bible. I mean, literally, because at one point, there was only one book…and that book was the Bible. And then before it was the Bible, it was, you know, scrolls, and it was writings on papyrus,…(which eventually turned into books)

But all those books, in some sense, emerged out of that underlying book. And that book itself, the Bible isn’t a book, it’s a library. It’s a collection of books. And so what I figured out was, partly because I was talking to my brother-in-law, Jim Keller.

…So in any case, we were talking about meaning and text, because we were talking about translation and the problem of understanding text. And Jim said, ‘the meaning of words is coded in the relationship of the words to one another’, and the postmodernist make that case- that all meaning is derived from the relationship between words. That’s wrong, because, well, what about rage? That’s not words. And what about moving your hand? That’s not words. So it’s wrong, but part of its right, because the meaning we derive from the verbal domain is encoded in the relationship between words.

So now, then you think, Well, let’s think about the relationship between words. While some words are dependent on other words, some ideas are dependent on other ideas, the more ideas are dependent on a given idea, the more fundamental that idea is. That’s a definition of fundamental.

So now imagine you have an aggregation of texts in a civilization, you say, which are the fundamental texts? And the answer is ‘the texts upon which most other texts depend’. And so you’d put Shakespeare way in there in English, because so many texts are dependent on Shakespeare’s literary revelations, and Milton would be in that category. And Dante would be in that category, at least in translation, fundamental authors, part of the Western canon. Not because of the arbitrary dictates of power, but because those texts influenced more other texts.

And then you think about that as a hierarchy. Okay, with the Bible at its base, which is certainly the case. Now imagine that’s the entire corpus of linguistic production, all things considered. Now, how do you understand that? Like, literally, how do you understand that? The answer is, you sample it by reading and listening to stories and listening to people talk, you sample that whole domain, you build a low resolution representation of that in your inside you, and then you listen and see through that.

And so it isn’t that the Bible is true. It’s that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth, which makes it way more true than just true. It’s a whole different kind of true, and I think this is not only literally the case, factually, I think it can’t be any other way. It’s the only way we can solve the problem of perception.

Continue to pray for Peterson, that he sees the truth and that the Holy Spirit saves him. The bible can be understood as the precondition for the manifestation of truth all he wants, but unless he repents of his sins and believes the gospel of Jesus Christ, he will be lost.


Did Jordan Peterson’s Daughter Become a Christian?

Mikhaila Peterson, daughter of famed Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson, revealed on her October 1, 2021 podcast, in conversation with Seamus Coughlin, a devout Roman Cathlolic, artist, animator and creator of ‘Freedom Toons’ that she ‘found God’ and tells of her conversion story.

It’s an interesting story, but there are more than enough red flags that we ought to be cautious with her profession of faith. Bare theism won’t do it it, but rather repetence of sins, faith in the biblical Christ, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and ongoing sanctification are needed.

Still, this is worthy of much prayer, and shows a fascinating “working out” of a new believer who isn’t immersed in a solid Church with solid and biblically faithful instruction.

I can talk about this because I haven’t talked about it before, but I grew up with dad so I learned a lot about the psychological significance of the bible, the YouTube series, and it was always kind of through that lens, like metaphors. And then I had way too many really absurd experiences that I couldn’t wrap my head around, where I was like, my life doesn’t make any- this doesn’t make any sense. This doesn’t make any sense. This is too weird, too coincidental and that happened for five years like every day.

Then I had some rough experiences over the summer. And about a month ago, I would say- I think I think I can say this- I would say I found God, which I haven’t before. Like I didn’t, I definitely haven’t before. And it was very sudden. I’m pretty new to this, and what I’ve been doing for the last month or so is reading the Bible and praying for it, I guess in a way that’s more like Protestant, probably.

And it’s been the like, the amount of peace that I’ve had, I haven’t had before. It’s completely absurd. I can’t believe it.

…I was looking forward to talking to you (Seamus) because my mom practices catholicism, and I haven’t really understood it very well. Because I felt like part of it was kind of, I don’t want to say vindictive, but I felt like there was a punishing element to it so that if you do something wrong, it’s like, you know, repent and kind of punish yourself, and I feel like with my type of brain I have enough guilt in me that I punish myself enough for anything I maybe even don’t even do that wrong. So I wasn’t very attracted to the whole catholicism thing because I thought there was a punishment element.

So I had this one day where I was worrying about… four really important parts of my life, and all of them were going really badly, like, in ways where I was like, ‘What am I- Am I not trying hard enough? Like what more can I do? I can’t do more to fix these four major problems.’

And then I met somebody and he’s Christian. And he was like, ‘Well, how are you managing with all these problems?’ And I was like, ‘I’m really not managing well.’ Like I’m working, and I’m keeping it together, but I don’t feel good. And I used to be clinically depressed, and it wasn’t depression. I just wasn’t feeling good.

And he was like, ‘well, that’s why you need God’. And I said okay, well that’s fine and dandy. It’s nice when somebody comes up to you and is like ‘well you need God’ because how are you supposed to wrap your head around that?

I was like, yeah, okay, maybe that sounds great, but I don’t know how to get there. And he said, ‘Just beg for him to reveal himself. Like- that’s what he said,- ‘ask him to reveal Himself to you.’

And so I went home that night, and I was was pretty upset about these four major problems. And I was in bed so I was praying, like seriously praying, like, ‘please give me some sort of sign, please reveal Himself to you.’ And the next day, all four problems cleared up in ways that made sense. It was a lot like they could have cleared up, but the likelihood of all four of them clearing up randomly that day was just too much.

So that happened. And I also woke up with this sense of calm I hadn’t felt- like the sense of calm right here. (points to heart) And that was enough. I was like, Okay, that’s good. That’s good enough for me.’

So it was kind of like a ‘click’ there, which is different for me. I’ve been talking about it on the podcast a little bit and bringing people on and talking to my mom but nothing clicked. So it was really sudden ‘click’ and then everything was great for about two weeks, so I was praying I was reading the bible, I was like ‘this is fantastic. Everything’s working out’ and then two weeks later, (there was a) little thought that was like ‘am i being silly?’ There are actual more logical explanations for why things turned around.

And that happened, and then I had two just miserable days. It was like ‘what is happening?’ Why do I feel this existential horror again, which I would differentiate from depression. Because I’ve been depressed before- this was really like existential angst. So it’s not like I’d stopped reading the bible or stopped praying, but I was just a little bit more removed from it and so I went back to it and then I had the most wild dream.

I was I talking to my parents about this and being like, ‘I think I found God, like isn’t that crazy?‘ And I went to sleep that night and I wokeup at 5:30 in the morning and I had a dream, and this loud thundering voice just yelled “Do it!” in the dream. And I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and was like ‘I think I just got yelled at by God. I think that just happened.’

That’s what it felt like. What does that mean ? What does it mean? So I had kind of a rough morning.. I was like ‘I don’t know what this means. Is that really what happened?’ And then it occurred to me that I think what it meant was ‘just go all in, don’t do this like 75% in. Anyway so it’s been a wild month. I’m doing really well, it’s just i’m a little bit shocked.

h/t to Whaddo You Meme??


New ‘Captain America’ Comic Features Nazi Red Skull Quoting Jordan Peterson

A new edition of Captain America has been released featuring the villainous nazi Red Skull quoting Jordan Peterson, using his philosophies and book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos as a template and means of destroying America. This is in contrast to the “Gay Captain America” that debuted last year.

Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Captain America Volume 9, #28, features rallies with one side having picket signs that read “America Forever!” while the other says “Equality Now” and “Stop Hate Now” Furthermore, it features a Hydra-based group inspired by the Nazi Supervillain referencing the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, as a way to attack America.

In the comic, Captain America explains “[Skull] tells them what they’ve always longed to hear. “That they are secretly great. That the whole world’s against them. That if they’re truly men, they’ll fight back. And bingo. That’s their purpose. That’s what they live for and that’s what they’ll die for.”

Naturally, Red Skull parrots back speeches that sound eerily like Peterson’s, taking cues from his work.

What has happened to the men of the world is truly one of the great tragedies of our time. Once, the American man was a conqueror. Now he is but a caretaker. No more shall women be summoned to fight your battles. I offer steel for your spine and iron for your gut. I offer you the sword of manhood.

We featured Jordan several weeks ago, where he teared up and seemed to be having a crisis of faith (in the best way possible) over what to do with Jesus and believing in him.

Jordan would later retweet this photo, showing what Captain America could stand for if he weren’t coopted by race-baiting wokefolk like Ta-Nehisi Coates, who will incidentally also be penning the new Superman Movie.


Jordan Peterson Chokes Up and Sheds Tears While Talking About Jesus Christ and the Idea of Following Him

A stunning video has been released that seems to demonstrate that the work of the Holy Spirit is beginning to absolutely wreck the worldview of famed author and academic Jordan Peterson.

Peterson, who calls himself a “pragmatic Christian,” claims to follow the teachings of Jesus as best he understands them and holds that the First Century rabbi’s moral philosophy forms a superior and worthy ethos to live a virtuous life. Peterson, however, denies the inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Christ, and the resurrection (in other words, he’s no more a Christian than was Martin Luther King, Jr).

In truth, Peterson is the thought leader of our age. A promoter of logic, reason, and general sanity, he has gutted the anti-intellectual emotionalism of the political left and has done so through a secularist worldview.

Jordan Peterson has gleaned more understanding about God and his created order from natural revelation than leftist Christians have gleaned about God and his created order from special revelation. Probably more so than any man has ever articulated it, Peterson has taken natural revelation as far as it can be taken, and now seems to be grasping for more.

Now, during one of his podcasts, timestamped and lasting for about 4 minutes, he talks about this clash between two worldviews – at one point his chin quivering and tearing up in what is a powerful emotional struggle to reconcile these two worldviews and realities.

To some degree, the conscience can be viewed as the voice of reciprocal society within, and that’s a perfectly reasonable biological explanation. But the thing is, is the deeper you go into biology the more it shades into something that appears to be religious, because you start analyzing the fundamental structure of the psyche itself, and it becomes something with a power that transcends your ability to resist it.

[Speaking about people who tend to say that Jesus is just another mythical Christ figure like Mithras or Horus:]

The difference between those mythological gods and Christ [is that there is] a historical representation of his existence as well… and so what you have in the figure of Christ is an actual person who actually lived, plus a myth, and in some sense, Christ is the union of those two things.

The problem is, I probably believe that, but I don’t know…I’m amazed at my own belief and I don’t understand it. Like because I’ve seen – sometimes, the objective world and the narrative world touch. You know, that’s union synchronicity. And I’ve seen that many times in my own life. And so in some sense, I believe it’s undeniable we have a narrative sense of the world. For me that’s been the world of morality, that’s the world that tells us how to act. It’s real. Like we treat it like it’s real. It’s not the objective world. But the narrative and the objective world touch and the ultimate example of that in principle is supposed to be Christ.

But I don’t know what to – that seems to me oddly plausible. But I still don’t know what to make of it. It’s too – partly because it’s too terrifying a reality to fully believe, I don’t even know what would happen to you if you fully believed it.

If you fully believed in Christ, the biblical revelation of who he is and what he demands – all of it – you would be born again.

Pray for Jordan Peterson.