Jordan Peterson Has Finally said ‘Jesus is God,’ But He Actually Doesn’t Mean It

Jordan Peterson has finally said the words Christians have been clamoring for and praying for him for years to say, “Jesus is God,” but given how he understands such a phrase, it doesn’t mean anything.
Peterson is one of the thought leader of our age. A promoter of logic, reason, and general sanity, he has gutted the anti-intellectual emotionalism of the political left and has done so through a secularist worldview, all the while frequently commenting and teaching through the scriptures.
By all accounts Peterson has gleaned more understanding about God and his created order from natural revelation than leftist Christians have gleaned about God and his created order from special revelation. Probably more so than any man has ever articulated it, Peterson has taken natural revelation as far as it can be taken, and is frequently seen grasping for more.
During a recent interview at The Diary of a CEO, he was pressed about what he believes, and Peterson uttered the lines ‘Jesus is God.’
Sadly, this means absolutely nothing, as Peterson doesn’t believe in a biblical God or biblical Jesus. Rather, Given that he believes much of the biblical stories about Jesus are a myth, including many (if not all) of his miracles, possibly even including his resurrection*, do we really want them tied together?
For Peterson, God and Jesus are speculative concepts and ideas in his ideology. They are ethereal notions and ill-defined abstractions. In fact, not only does the average agnostic have a better understanding of who Jesus and God are than Peterson, because they at least have an understanding of the Christian God and the Christian belief in Jesus that they can conceptualize and not believe in, but even demons have a better understanding of who God and Jesus are.
Instead, Peterson is lost. And because he scriptures say in 1 Corinthians 2:14-15 that “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit,” there is practically nothing to gain from his understanding and teaching of the scriptures, because nearly everything he says about it is tainted, corrupted, and flat out wicked, making him a monstrously dangerous and prominent false teacher.
Here is a longer clips from the same interview:
And note, there is a great video of Alex O’Connor pressing Peterson on the issue, saying that he speaks of Jesus as the psychological and mythological. Peterson insists that “with regard to the gospel accounts, the mythological and the historical are inextricably cross-contaminated” and that “there’s no pulling out the historical Jesus.” Later, he admits under duress that he’d probably admit that Jesus walked out of the tomb, but says he has no idea what that means, and neither did anyone else, with even the physical nature of such an encounter in question.
So at best he may kind of believe in a sort of physical resurrection, but not the obvious implications of it, leaving the whole thing in doubt.
It’d be like asking your 13 year old son: “Did you do your homework today” and answer ‘It would seem to me, yes, but I have no idea what that means.’
He’s a Jungean so probably just believes God is the Supergo or higher conscience, so to him Jesus is probably just a archetypal representation of the Superego. But this is me guessing based on his past stuff, as I didn’t watch the interview.
Somewhere between his opposition of Canadian bill C-16 and now, Jordan Peterson went off the rails and became a grifter.
Also, as I get older, I realize that media bias shows up more in WHAT journalist talk about rather than HOW they talk about something. In this case, I don’t care what Jordan B. Peterson thinks, however I am very interested in what the so-called “Rolex of Polemics Watchblogs” will say about his Daily Wire show called “The Gospels”. Protestia has a very obvious conservative bent (not saying that’s a bad thing) but there’s a lot of “dunking” on people who are very obviously in the wrong. People who come here aren’t in danger of being seduced by some pink-haired prophetess making outlandish claims. Clearly wrong stuff is clearly wrong and by all means document it, but calling out kooks for saying kooky things isn’t a high bar.
I ask David, JD, and/or “staff writer” to exercise discernment about JBP’s treatment of the Bible in Daily Wire content regarding Exodus and The Gospels. Unbelieving Jews, philosophers, and Catholics are using JBP’s clout to turn God’s word into a wax nose with their mystical interpretations and (in my opinion) this is a much bigger threat to the Gospel than wacky prophesies or whether or not JBP finally said Jesus is God.
“Unbelieving Jews, philosophers, and Catholics are using JBP’s clout to turn God’s word into a wax nose with their mystical interpretations”
Isn’t it interesting how Jews, atheist “philosophers”, and Catholics all coalesce into the same agenda?
The moment Juden Peterstein slobbed (((Ben Shapiro))) and the (((Daily Wire))) shekels I lost all respect for him in one night.