‘Mind-Boggling’ Salaries of Top Pro-Life Leaders Revealed

This article is a reposting of an X thread by Sam Riley, the media director of Abolitionist Rising.
Pro-life leader salaries are mind-boggling.
Let’s go through some of the top-paid pro-life leaders and expose why they shouldn’t make one red cent.
Lila Rose (now Spence) of Live Action.

Lila made $381,340 for 2023, an increase of more than $100k from the previous year (a 35.91% increase). We don’t know the numbers for 2024, but Lila regularly takes huge percentage increases, sometimes as high as 50%. Assuming a 30% increase last year, she could have made $495,742.

Live Action has petitioned Congress for “the new north star” of the pro-life movement, dubbed Roe 2.0. This legislation would be disastrous and would effectively block states from truly abolishing abortion by legislatively exempting abortive mothers from any punishment. State legislatures would not be allowed to treat abortion as murder if they were successful in passing Roe 2.0.
Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List.

Marjorie made $439,830 in 2023, a 0% increase from 2022 (she has long been overpaid).

The SBA List notoriously signed the letter that killed abolition bills in Louisiana and Missouri. They oppose any legislation that would truly treat abortion as murder, a position that has given rise to the mail-order genocide happening in conservative states. Marjorie makes a little shy of half a million dollars a year to keep abortion legal.
Carol Tobias of National Right To Life.

Carol was a bit harder to find as she is listed on 9 different organizations and receives pay from 6. Her tally for 2023 is $285,912.
Perhaps more shocking than that figure is she is listed as working .5 hours a week (yes, half an hour!!!) at one organization where she is compensated $85,000 a year. She lists 10 hours a week for related orgs (I assume that means all related orgs). So you can work 10 1/2 hours a week for $285,912. Not a bad gig!

Whatever you think a fair salary is for a non-profit president/director, we should be able to agree that they should ACTUALLY AIM TO ABOLISH THE THING THEY CLAIM TO FIGHT. This is not the case with Carol, as she, too, is a signer of the infamous letter that has killed at least 2 abolition bills. She opposes criminalization and takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it.
Jeanne Mancini, President of March For Life.

Jeanne made $180,664 in 2023. Not a bad sum. Hopefully we’re sensing a pattern here because Jeanne ALSO signed the letter that killed at least 2 abolition bills. These people are getting paid large sums of money and keeping abortion legal. You would be forgiven for speculating that this might just be about job security.

Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life.

Between her two organizations, Hawkins made $321,333 in 2023.

Though Hawkins did not sign the pro-life letter in 2022, she has made it absolutely clear that she opposes any prosecution of mothers who abort their babies. She even told Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall that she opposes such criminalization in this press release:
The list could go on but the point is made. These pro-life leaders stand to lose far too much if they accomplish their stated goal of actually abolishing abortion. Not only are they overpaid, but many of them are plain bad at their jobs. Where the abolitionist movement relies on people who work voluntarily and has largely gotten their bills and their legislators through the efforts of thousands of abolitionists across the country, these organizations spend millions on essentially being a pro-abortion lobby.
Take Live Action for example. In 2023 their operating budget was $14,000,000. Their main purpose is to get out pro-life media and change hearts and minds through their online videos. Abolitionists Rising is most similar to them in terms of the type of organization we operate, although different in that we seek to convert pro-lifers and pro-aborts to the abolitionist view. On a 97% smaller budget (and that’s being generous, we likely are closer to 98% smaller) AR passed Live Action’s lifetime viewership on YouTube in just 2 years. I’m not just saying this to toot our own horn. I am convinced that God does not bless the pragmatic, big-tent-building, compromising schemes of the pro-life movement.
The move from pro-life to abolitionist is inevitable as pro-life leaders continue to expose themselves. Not only taking our organization as an example, but abolitionists across the country have upset primary elections with hugely stacked financial odds against us, such as David Lowe in Texas who was going up against a committee chair incumbent. His opponent was also receiving awards for being the most pro-life candidate by leading Texas pro-life organizations even though she killed an abolition bill.
People must convert from pro-life to abolitionist. The pro-life movement is the ONLY thing keeping abortion legal in red states. Without them, the pro-abortion lobby would have absolutely no way of preventing Republican supermajorities in the House and Senate from sending a bill to a Republican governor to completely abolish abortion.
All that considered, I am surprised Soros doesn’t fund pro-life organizations
I am very troubled by this information. Troubled on the account that, it seems the people who head these organizations are in it for the money. I am reminded of Christs’ words, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul”, or “for the love of money is the root of all evil”. It is completely insane to see this, no matter what organization it is. It will definitely change ones opinion on whether or not they will support these groups in the fut.
I have always dupported the death penalty for abortion doctors and women who aborted their children. So we don’t need these abortion apologists who oppose those things.
What is the “Related” column? i.e. In the first two charts.
Now that they know an SBC VP made 600K several years ago, surely they will demand raises at least in keeping with NAMB VPs.
Every Single Aspect of the Abortion Industry is Judens
I’ll only believe these “pro-life” grifters when they expose the (((nose))) behind the likes of (((Planned Parenthood))) etc. Until then they’re grifters.
People deserve to make a decent living, especially when there is more responsibility involved. This includes churches or ministries (it is debatable if these would qualify as ministries). However, there is often a gradual shift with these people (this also happens with pastors), where they start off with great intentions, and then the money starts flowing in, and, at a minimum, they get distracted from their original goals and intent. In other words, their distraction, if not corruption, does not happen over night, which makes it harder to detect in themselves.
Agreed. I don’t think anyone is advocating for them not to be paid a fair wage for their vocation (which Lord willing will be a temporary one).