Roman Catholic Stuff Scandal

Pope Puts up Painting of Naked Jesus in Personal Study

In an act of grossness and perversity, Pope Francis put up a painting in his personal study of a resurrected nude Jesus, ministering to Judas while his buttocks, hips, and thighs are partially exposed.

The story comes from the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, which is vetted by the Roman Catholic leaders before it is published. The paper dedicated several pages to speculating whether or not Judas was in hell while the editorial notes that this painting was given by an artist, a piece of inspirational and meaningful art that hangs behind his desk.

This is thoroughly unsurprising because Francis has always had a soft spot for Judas, consistently arguing that he might be in heaven, despite the clear testimony of the scriptures that he is not, along with the Roman Catholic Church’s own official Cathecishim testifying to his damnation.

Last year, as reported in the Aletia publication, Francis said, “How did Judas end up? I don’t know. Christ never calls Judas a ‘traitor’ personally. Rather, Jesus calls him ‘friend’ and kisses him.”

He then added, “Jesus threatens forcefully here; he threatens forcefully: ‘Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been born.’ But does that mean that Judas is in Hell? I don’t know. I look at that capital. And I listen to the word of Jesus: ‘Friend.’”

The current administration is so against the idea that Judas is in hell, that Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life who works at the Vatican and is very close with Francis, said last year, “We must also remember that, for the Catholic Church, if someone says that Judas is in hell, he is a heretic.”

Editors Note. Because we at Protestia have a policy against publishing images of Jesus, believing they are a second commandment violation, we are not posting the whole thing, but rather a redacted image to get an idea of the style of the painting and to see what inspires the pope in his perversity.

Spirit of the Antichrist indeed.


Professing ‘Christian’ DMX Dead at 50

Music legend DMX (Earl Simon) has passed away at the age of 50. DMX suffered a heart attack (some report a drug overdose) last week and was transported to a hospital in White Plains, New York, where he has been in a vegetative state since, in a coma and breathing with the help of a ventilator.

DMX is one of the most commercially successful rappers of the late 1990s and early 2000s, with a huge influence over the rap and hip-hop community, even though his popularity waned over the last decade.

One common theme in his life and career is his faith. DMX claimed to become a Christian in 2009, after being led to the Lord in prison. He became deacon in his church and publicly stated for years that he wished to be a pastor. He claims to read the bible every day and to have read through it three times in its entirety. Last year he lead a bible study to 15,000 fans on Instagram and has continually referred back to his belief in God in the midst of his battles and sin over the last 10 years.

And sin he has. Aside from the four children he shares with his ex-wife, DMX has another 11 children he has fathered with other women. Though many were born prior to his professed conversion, he routinely cheated on his wife and got other women pregnant after his profession of faith and prior to his divorce. Of note in 2016, DMX and his longtime girlfriend Desiree Lindstrom, welcomed a son Exodus Simmons.

Lindstrom and DMX later became engaged, but have been living together in sexual sin ever since they met, unrepentant and unbothered by the arrangement. Fittingly, he has a tattoo of Exodus 1:7 on his neck, which says “And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.” (KJV)

For years DMX has battled addiction and substance abuse, almost dying of a drug overdose in 2016 and entering rehab several times since. He never stopped performing his music with expletive lyrics and curses on a regular basis. His public allusions to his faith are very vague and are theologically suspect, saying things like, “God saved me,” and “I have faith,” without professing an explicit gospel message. He spent a year in prison for tax evasion in 2018, and has scarcely had a moment of peace throughout his rocky turbulent life, leading one to wonder whether it can be said he bore any actual fruit.

While progressive Christians and the wokefolk will certainly canonize him as a saint and dear brother, a life marked by unrepentant sin despite a mouth that claims Christ should give no one assurance of his salvation.

Coronavirus News Politics

Joe Scarborough Deranged Rant: Skeptics who Oppose ‘Vaccine Passports’ are ‘Idiots’ who Disregard Jesus’ Teachings

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough went buck wild on TV this morning, ranting and raving at anyone opposing the notion of vaccine passports or skeptical of their efficacy and purpose, saying that “Our government, our sports teams, our concert promoters damned well better put together something where you can show your vaccine receipt.”

Calling anyone who opposes his perspective a “moron” “idiot” and “lunatic” he explains that “smart people” who “follow the science” and actually care about their children will support a vaccine passport and anyone saying otherwise is disobeying the teachings of Jesus.

“The selfishness is incredible. The stupidity is incredible… These idiots are now saying ‘I have the right to be stupid as hell. I have the right to believe stupid as hell people on Facebook. I have the right to believe in conspiracy theories.”

‘….If you still believe in God, maybe get on your knees and pray and ask why it is your thought system, your belief system has been so corrupted that you follow Q-anon, that you follow conspiracy theories, that you believe liars on Facebook instead of believing the truth.

Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth.’ When did that stop mattering to you? When did the truth stop mattering to you so much that you are willing to put other people’s lives at risk? Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his brother. You’re doing the opposite. You’re going out of your way to kill people.”

Good to know what our “unbiased” news media really think of us, as if we didn’t already know.

Note: Featured image adapted from photo by Jernej Furman under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Korn Guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch Says He May Have Gone ‘Too Far’ with his Christianity

A new interview with Korn guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch, has the famed musician-turned-Christian saying that while his faith may have saved him from an alcohol and drug addiction, he also may have “went too far” with his preaching, explaining he “got obsessed with it, just like I was obsessed with drugs.”

Speaking to Robb Flynn on the No Fu—- Regrets Podcast, Welch explains that he was deeply addicted to drugs, even doing meth for 700 days straight. Lost in his addiction and dependency, he found Jesus, quit everything cold turkey, starting aggressively sharing his faith, left the band in 2005 (later rejoined in 2013) and has since then released albums and documentaries about his experience and life.

After Flynn asked Welch if he believed his faith became his “new addiction,” replacing drugs with a Jewish Messiah, Welch responded:

The crazy thing is I had an experience with something from another dimension. And it wasn’t the religion — going to church and being a good boy — it was, like, I felt something come into my house, and I can’t explain it to this day. But I believe that it was Christ doing something in me. So that was real — that was very real.

But yes, I think I went too far with it. And I got obsessed with it, just like I was obsessed with the drugs. I believe I did, for sure. And I had to come out of that and find normalcy, because there’s nothing worse than a freakin’ irritating religious person just shoving it down your throat — there’s nothing worse than that.

And you saw it on the documentary [Loud Krazy Love], Jonathan’s [Davis, Korn singer] like, ‘I hate those motherfu—– people, can’t stand ’em.’ And for years, we’ve had those Christians outside of Korn concerts, saying Korn’s of the devil, and all this. It’s crazy — it’s a crazy thing. But I’m just glad I got through it. And I’m glad that I am who I am now, and I have a lot of peace and rest for my soul. I feel very leveled and at peace with myself.

Welch is deeply ingrained in the charismatic/pentecostal side of the faith. A few years ago he was featured on the Film “Holy Ghost” where charlatan Todd White did a leg-lengthening parlor trick on film at a Korn concert, with the film director explaining:

So we headed out to the crowd, with both Brian Welch and Fieldy, the bass player in the band and another born again believer in tow, and what followed was simply electric. Within minutes we were surrounded by nearly a hundred kids, an atheist was healed, and about 40 kids accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. The guys were so pumped we decided to do it again after the concert.

Sure enough, another 20 or so kids accepted Jesus, many were healed, and Brian and Fieldy realized what they were capable of using their celebrity for on the road.

Furthermore, after South Carolina passed their controversial HB2, the law stating that people could only use the restroom and changing facility that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificate, tons of musicians, artists and government agencies cancelled the state. Welch and Korn spoke out against this “hateful bill,” saying in a statement:

We don’t care where you pee – just please flush. It’s pretty simple, really. We’ve decided to partner with Equality NC, the LGBTQ advocacy group leading the fight against this hateful bill. You can talk to Equality NC at our show about how to get involved, and get registered to vote in NC. That way we won’t have to talk about this the next time we come back there. We’re coming to North Carolina to show our fans that they can make the difference needed to repeal this law and return their state to a place that welcomes everyone and values differences.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Gay Pastor Says Jesus Used “Racial Slur,” Woman Confronts Him, Jesus Repents of Racism

(Reformation Charlotte) Brandan Robertson, a homosexual and self-described “pastor” and a rising star in progressive evangelicalism says that unless you are a “gay-affirming” Christian, then your theology can only lead you to conclude one thing, that you want all gays to die.

Robertson is an advocate for sexual immorality and teaches that premarital sex is “good” and “healthy.” Of course, conservative Bible-believing Christians would never consider Robertson’s claims to Christianity valid, but the world sees things like this and brings reproach upon Christ.

Robertson said in a recent video that in Mark chapter 7, Jesus used a racial slur. In an absolutely heinous display of biblical stupidity, Robertson says that because this woman was willing to buck up to Jesus, Jesus changed his mind and repented of his racism.

Did you know that there is a part of the gospel of Mark where Jesus uses a racial slur? In Mark chapter 7 there is the account of the Syrophoenician woman–a woman who is Syrian and Greek–both of which there were strong biases against within the Jewish community.

And she comes to ask Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by a demon. And what is Jesus’ response? He says, “it’s not good for me to give the children’s food [meaning the children of Israel’s food] to dogs.” He calls her a dog. What’s amazing about this account is that the woman doesn’t back down.

She speaks truth to power, she confronts Jesus and says “well you can think that about me but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.” Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus’ mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman’s


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♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) – Danilo Stankovic

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlottle.


Rush Limbaugh Friend ‘He Gave His Life Completely to the Lord Jesus Christ in 2019’

Following the famed radio hosts death, Christian Author Joel C. Rosenberg, a friend of Limbaugh’s, wrote an article declaring that “Rather late in his life, in his final few years, Rush gave his life fully and completely to Jesus Christ. Though he had been raised in a Christian family, this was different. Something specific had happened in his life. He had made a very personal and profound decision. And it changed everything.”

Explaining that he had spoken to Limbaugh about his faith over the years, sharing stories and beliefs, and that he was concerned that he was a false convert and that his faith wasn’t genuine. This was compounded by some of the bad fruit from Rush he observed over the years. “I believed he was struggling spiritually…I worried that Rush was resisting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…Or perhaps too busy and too successful to focus on such a relationship.”

Rosenberg recounts:

That’s why I worried about him – and a specific Bible verse kept echoing in my heart.

Jesus once said, “What profits a man to gain the whole world, but to lose his soul?” That’s what I feared for Rush.  Maybe that seems presumptuous. Maybe it was. But it came out of my love for him. No other reason.

So, I would talk with him about the Lord when I could. We would email about lots of things, and occasionally I’d share a Bible verse with him. But mostly I prayed for him – for the past 28 years, I asked the Lord to bless him and draw Rush into the kingdom of heaven.

Though the two hadn’t seen each other in a long time, Rush invited him to visit him in February 2020, right after the initial cancer diagnosis. But the week he went down to visit, he stayed in a hotel because Rush was physically broken and too weak to host him. Rosenberg never was able to see him again in person and eventually had to abort the visit.

I worried that he was going to pass away without knowing for absolute certain that he was going to heaven. That grieved me. But something happened on that trip that changed everything.

I learned the greatest possible news – that just the year before, in 2019, Rush had given his life wholly and completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Maybe he had made a decision to receive Christ by faith when he was much younger and had, like many of us, struggled to walk closely with Christ after that decision. That, I cannot say.

But I now knew that he was studying the Bible like he had never done before.  He was praying like he’d never done before. He was growing spiritually and it was transforming him. And it wasn’t out of desperation. It wasn’t simply because he was contemplating his own death. 

It was because he had truly wrestled through the claims of Jesus for himself, and come to the conclusion that Jesus really did die on the cross, rise again, and was the Messiah, the Savior and the King of the universe.

And having placed his faith in Christ’s love and forgiveness, he now had a certain, definitive hope that he was going to heaven when he died, and peace for every day before that.

I was overjoyed! 

Joel joyfully references some comments Rush made after diagnosis of cancer, where things shifted and Rush began speaking of his faith in more personal, more specific terms, specifically:

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence, and that’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea of what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to. There’s some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands.  There’s a lot of fear associated with that too, but there is some comfort.  It’s helpful to be able to trust and to believe in a higher plan.

Rosenberg closes with this:

I didn’t feel at liberty to say any of this publicly, so I didn’t.

I told my wife, Lynn, and my sons and we rejoiced, because we had been praying for him and his family for decades. 

But then another wonderful thing happened.

I began to hear him share about his faith in Christ and newfound hope with the radio audience he loved so dearly, and who so loved him.

For such a public person, Rush was also intensely private.

But he began talking about his faith in Christ, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt it was real. 

We pray that it was so.


Rush Limbaugh Dead at 70, cites ‘Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ’ Before Passing

Legendary Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh passed away Wednesday, with his death being announced on-air by his wife Kathryn, who said:

I, like you, very much wish Rush was behind this golden microphone now, welcoming you to another exceptional 3 hours of broadcasting. It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer.

Describing himself as a “lover of mankind,” the “doctor of democracy,” a “harmless, lovable little fuzz ball,” and an “all-around good guy,” he was notable for his constant assertion that he had “talent on loan from God,” a gift he will ostensibly now have to give back.

Rush took to the air several months ago and cited his faith as a comfort to him as his health began to decline, explaining:

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence. That’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea that what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to.

The 70-year old political commentator shared last February that he has been diagnosed with Stage-4 lung cancer, a sickness which had a grim prognosis and which treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the disease, seeking to maintain quality of life, and minimizing symptoms wherever possible rather than curing it. [Editor’s note: This is known as “palliative care.”]

Limbaugh said back in October, speaking to 20 million listeners:

I feel more and more blessed hearing from you, knowing that you’re out there praying and everything else you’re doing. That is a blessing. It’s just a series of blessings. And I’m grateful to be able to come here to the studio and tell you about it and really maintain as much normalcy as I can…the only thing that any of us are certain of is right now, today.  That’s why I thank God every morning when I wake up. I thank God that I did. I try to make it the best day that I can…I try to remain as committed to the idea that what’s supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to.

I mentioned at the outset of this, on the first day I told you, that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence, and that’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea of what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to. There’s some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands.  There’s a lot of fear associated with that too, but there is some comfort.  It’s helpful to be able to trust and to believe in a higher plan.

While Rush had long spoken of his belief in God, it had always been in more generic types of reference, eschewing talk of repentance and faith in Christ with more broad terms and phrases such as, “This country needs to understand the importance of religion,” and “I believe in God.”

Even during the initial cancer revelation back in February, he said, “I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about, but I do, and I have been working that relationship tremendously.”

The fact that Rush was giving specific reference to Jesus and having a “personal relationship” with Christ was a new development for Limbaugh, and a sign that ought to give hope that we will see him in heaven one day.

Rush’s Brother, David, a well-known political commentator in his own right, is a professing evangelical Christian, and we can only pray that he ministered to Rush as the end grew near, helping him truly understand the gift of faith and everlasting life. David has so far not indicated any comments as to Rush’s spiritual state when he passed, writing only that “I’m not ready to speak yet but I’m so proud of my amazing, loving brother. Thousands of you have shared how much he meant to you. My brother was the real deal. I can’t describe how sad I am but also how proud I am of my big brother. I love and adore you Rush. Thank you all.”

Editor’s note. Portions of this article were previously published.

Featured News Politics

Rush Limbaugh Looks to his ‘Personal Relationship with Jesus’ in Light of Grim Cancer Update

Legendary Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh took to the air Monday afternoon to give a health update, and in the process opened up about the role his faith was having throughout these challenging times:

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence. That’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea that what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to.

The nearly 70-year old political commentator shared last February that he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, a sickness which has a grim prognosis and which treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the disease, seeking to maintain quality of life, and minimizing symptoms wherever possible rather than curing it.

Depending on the nature of the cancer, it has a 5-year survival rate of between 1-10% and a 1-year survival rate between 15-19%.

Limbaugh said during Monday’s show, speaking to 20 million listeners:

I feel more and more blessed hearing from you, knowing that you’re out there praying and everything else you’re doing. That is a blessing. It’s just a series of blessings. And I’m grateful to be able to come here to the studio and tell you about it and really maintain as much normalcy as I can….the only thing that any of us are certain of is right now, today. That’s why I thank God every morning when I wake up. I thank God that I did. I try to make it the best day that I can…I try to remain as committed to the idea that what’s supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to.

I mentioned at the outset of this, on the first day I told you, that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is of immense value, strength, confidence, and that’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea of what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to. There’s some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands. There’s a lot of fear associated with that too, but there is some comfort. It’s helpful to be able to trust and to believe in a higher plan.

While Rush has long spoken of his belief in God, it has always been in more generic types of reference, eschewing talk of repentance and faith in Christ with more broad terms and phrases such as “This country needs to understand the importance of religion” and “I believe in God.” Even during the initial cancer revelation back in February, he said “I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about, but I do, and I have been working that relationship tremendously.”

The fact is that specific reference to Jesus and having a “personal relationship” with him is a new development for Limbaugh.

Rush’s Brother, David, a well-known political commentator in his own right, is a professing evangelical Christian, and we can only hope that he ministers to Rush in these last days, helping him truly understand the gift of faith and everlasting life.