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Charismatic Pastor Dies After Burying Himself for 3 days in Attempt to Recreate Jesus’ Resurrection

A pastor in Africa has died after he, in an effort to prove he was a messenger from God, buried himself for three days while pledging he would rise again.

James Sakara, a 22-year-old Pastor from Zion Church in Chadiza, Zambia, desired to demonstrate to his congregation that he had the anointing from the Lord and could perform the miraculous by insisting on being buried alive in an underground tomb for three days. Though they were skeptical, he was able to convince three members with his scheme, binding his hands and buying him under three feet of dirt.

Because his theological knowledge was clearly lacking, before he attempted his resurrection, he quoted Jesus’s instructions at the last supper “do this in remembrance of me’ and insisted it referred to being buried and resurrected, and not about taking communion.

After being dug up three days later and finding a dead corpse, congregation members attempted to conduct a series of rituals to “complete” the resurrection, but their results were in vain.

Source: Daily Mail and several Zambian TV and Radio stations. As we delved into the veracity of this story, an alternate minority account has Sakara being a ‘faith healer’ of some sort who occupied a position of prominence in the church but was not the pastor perse, with the rest of the details the same.

h/t to Revealing Truth for the story