
Gay-Affirming ‘Switchfoot’ Singer Jon Foreman Snaps Pic Hugging Queer ‘Christian’ Artist

Two years ago, Jon Foreman, the frontman of the legendary Christian band Switchfoot, responded to the coaxing of a queer “Christian” artist questioning his pro-LGBTQ+ creds, telling her that LGBTQ+ people are always welcome at his concerts and that he supports gay rights and freedoms. 

Though less prominent than she is now, that person was Semler, the foul-mouthed singer we last saw attending the Dove Awards with Caedmon’s Call’s cross-dressing singer Derek Webb. A pro-choice non-binary lesbian who is currently ‘married’ and expecting a baby with her ‘spouse,’ she expressed her belief that Christians are disproportionately harmful to LGBTQ people, and so her practice was to wear her Pride shirt to concerts and shout out “Gay rights!” in between songs and then tagging the band on TikTok, hoping that they’ll respond to her in an affirming message and not do some bait and switch like “I love you too.”

By “gay rights” she means the right to marry, the right to be free from discrimination, the right to access any bathroom they or transgendered allies choose, and a host of other ones. According to Semler, because Christians have been specific in their hurt, they need to be specific in their affirmation.

Lead singer Jon Foreman did not disappoint, responding to her in a way that left her feeling completely affirmed. After shouting out “gay rights” at one of his shows and tagging him on social media, Foreman responded to her personally in a TikTok video, saying:

I saw your story and wanted to respond and tell you, ‘Yes, I support your rights and freedoms.’ I want you to feel loved and supported…. May you find peace, truth, and love on your journey. Keep writing songs, keep creating beauty, keep reaching out, and keep being honest, chasing beauty and truth and light and love.”

Semler took his words to heart, explaining that her takeaway is that the band is LGBTQ-affirming, and wanting him to confirm and clarify, which he did in the form of a little “like.”

I don’t know if you know how meaningful that affirmation was. I am interpreting what you said as being affirming. If I’m incorrect in that, then I really hope you would clarify. Because I think for many queer people of faith, the bait and switch of hearing such encouraging words like yours and then finding out it means something else is heartbreaking.

It’s no surprise that Semler, whose songs contain many references to Switchfoot and whose heart he did not break, attended their concert armed with a VIP pass in tow. She posted a picture on social media with their arms around each other and fists raised, captioned: “A lot can happen in two years. I had a great birthday.”

Sadly, Switchfoot and Foreman continue to show why they’ve joined the ranks of other formerly-Christian-and-now gay-affirming-bands we’ve catalogued, including Amy GrantJennifer KnappJars of Clay, DC Talk’s Kevin MaxRelient KCaedmon’s Call, The Rend CollectiveFive Iron Frenzy, Plumb, and Sara Groves,

What an ugly letdown.


Christian Band ‘Plumb’ Comes Out as LGBTQ-Affirming

Plumb is an American contemporary ‘Christian’ music (CCM) band formed in 1997 and fronted by Tiffany Arbuckle Lee. Starting as a quintet, the band would part ways in 1999 but Arbuckle would keep the name, turning it into her solo project where she would release her next six albums.

Plumb gained popularity in the Christian music scene with their alternative rock and electronic-influenced sound. She had heartfelt and meaningful lyrics, especially with the critically acclaimed album Candycoatedwaterdrops, which won the 2000 Gospel Music Association Dove Award for “Modern Rock Album of the Year.” 

Some of her well-known songs include “Stranded,” “God-Shaped Hole,” “Damaged,” “Sink N Swim,” “In My Arms,” “Crazy About You, “and “Need You Now (How Many Times).”

Like many professing Christian bands before her, such as Amy GrantJennifer KnappJars of Clay, DC Talk’s Kevin MaxRelient KSwitchfoot, The Rend CollectiveFive Iron Frenzy, and Sara Groves, Arbuckle deconstructed her faith over the years and wound up fully LGBTQ-affirming, joining the aforementioned music groups in their disdain for God’s word.

Her deconstruction has damaged more than just her views on biblical sexuality. Last year, following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, she castigated those who were “happy” about it, saying “A number of years ago I may have celebrated with you but I have now been exposed to some different experiences and stories and perspectives that God is using to grow me to being a more welcoming and gracious and tolerant and loving person…”

Most recently, she attended a concert by Derek Webb, the former Caedmon’s Call singer-turned-cross-dressing atheist. Webb was releasing his first “Christian and gospel’ album in ten years and was joined by drag queen Flamy Grant, who he collaborated with on the trans-affirming track ‘Boys Will Be Girls.’ Plumb joined them in a snapshot, praising them and basking in the privilege of being in the company of scoffers

What a sad turn of events.


Cowards! Calvin University Caves to Pro-LGBTQ Faculty, Allows them to Affirm Sodomy and Sin

Calvin University, the Michigan-based University belonging to the conservative CRCNA (Christian Reformed Church in North America) has been lost, revealing itself to be fully compromised on issues of biblical sexual morality and continuing its dark descent into theological deviltry. 

This sad revelation comes after the school’s board of trustees voted to allow pro-LGBTQ faulty members to dissent from having to uphold the denomination’s view of sexuality and purity, and instead hold to their sodomy-loving convictions. 

Several months ago, the denomination took a step in the right direction and voted during their annual synod two days ago to elevate their opposition to homosexuality into becoming part of their confession; their very declaration of faith, with the motion passing 131-45.

This bombshell caused faculty at Calvin to freak out, including the gay-affirming Kristen Kobes Du Mez, and meltdown as only progressives can. Their ire only betrayed their dishonesty and low moral character, as a condition of employment insists these hirelings sign a document attesting that they will teach what is in accordance with the historic confessions of faith, with the faculty handbook saying that must “teach, speak, and write in harmony with the confessions.”

Instead, a bunch of professors and support staff decided to submit ‘statements of confessional difficulty’, also known as gravamina, noting they could not submit to the portion of it that says men must not have anal sex with each other.  

The board of trustees, being weak and cowardly men and women, went along with it, allowing them not to affirm it but instead remain on staff and in good standing, offering up pathetic excuses for why they caved to lost souls who hate Jesus and his word. 

Provost Noah Toly sent out an email to staff offering these pathetic excuses and justifications: “While we understand that not every member of the Calvin community will agree with every position or decision the University makes, our desire is that this be a place where even our disagreements are characterized by respect and love for one another., I am hopeful that this process and outcome can serve as a model for our students and other observers as we continue to wrestle with important issues” while the chairman of Calvin board, Bruce Los, argued that the university would only benefit from having “diverse viewpoints among its faculty while remaining committed to upholding the confessional standards of the CRC.”


Christian University Gives LBGTQ-Affirming Professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez Permission to be Against Biblical Marriage

With the recent news that Calvin University, the Michigan-based University belonging to the conservative CRCNA (Christian Reformed Church in North America), has been lost, revealing itself to be fully compromised on issues of biblical sexual morality and continuing its dark descent into theological deviltry, faculty member and Jesus and John Wayne author Kristin Kobes Du Mez has weighed in, and it’s about what you’d expect.

According to RNS, who reported on the story, Du Mez was one of the first professors to ask for an exemption in order to dissent from affirming biblical marriage:

Faculty hired by Calvin University must sign a document saying their beliefs align with a set of historical Christian creeds and confessions, such as the Nicene Creed and the Heidelberg Catechism. The faculty handbook says they must “teach, speak, and write in harmony with the confessions.”

But many professors at the 146-year-old school no longer hold that sex outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful. And they want to be supportive of LGBTQ students on campus.

“It’s a matter of integrity,” said Kristin Kobes Du Mez, a professor of history at Calvin who was among the initial group of faculty members who requested permission to dissent from the CRC’s stance on sex. “It seemed necessary to register my dissent so that I could have clarity in terms of whether it was a space where I could continue to work, or whether I no longer fit within the mission of the community.”

Given the trajectory she’s on, the LGBTQ-affirming and possibly abortion-affirming professor has shown that she has no understanding of what the bible teaches and how it ought to be understood, and any commentary and criticism she has for Christendom should be roundly dismissed as the braying rants of a lost soul.

Breaking Featured News

Popular ‘Christian’ Media Personality Jen Hatmaker Files For Divorce From Husband

Update. Jen Hatmaker has now shared the news on her Facebook page, writing:

“I first thank you for the kindness you have shown these last two months. We are in a moment with no handbook and without a single clue how to navigate this privately, much less publicly. I don’t know how to hide grief, so I haven’t, and I am grateful for your absolute decency these last few weeks. I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced. Although the details are ours alone, this was completely unexpected, and I remain stunned as we speak. I am shocked, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted.

Although this community is impossibly dear, beloved to me, in case you are an interloper who revels in the pain of another, I beg you to spare us your cruelty. We have suffered so greatly. (Hateful comments that harm our family will be deleted.) The kids and I are getting away to retreat for awhile, and I ask for your kindness…and for some room to breathe. Please respect the privacy of our children and our extended family. Our loss is not for public devouring. We are real people managing this in our real life in real time, and we are doing the absolute best we know how to do.

If you pray, pray for us. Hold us so dear to your hearts. We have felt your prayers these last few weeks. We have experienced your mercy. Thank you for being good to us. Know that we are deeply surrounded by love and have not been alone a single second in two months. Please help protect us and keep us safe as we try to heal and rebuild.


Jen Hatmaker, the gay-affirming Christian media personality who’s not actually a Christian, has filed for divorce from her husband, Brandon Hatmaker. The move to end their marriage was initiated late last month in a Texas Courthouse, in documents that have been uncovered today, but have not been announced yet by either spouse yet.

The couple has been married 26 years and have 5 children. Apart from their TV shows and books they’ve written and started in, the Hatmakers also founded Austin New Church in Austin, Texas, where Brandon is a Pastor and Jen is a board member.

Hatmaker has hinted these last few weeks that things have not been well, describing it in a bit of detail on her Instagram and other places.

No cause has been given yet, as it has not been made public, but we expect one soon.

While Jen has cut back on her public engagements these last few weeks, she is still expected to give a talk at the Evolving Faith conference, the progressive get-’em-up where heretics go to burn off some steam and explain in contorted, esoteric ramblings why they really do love Jesus by demonstrating their hatred for him.

Pray for repentance for the Hatmakers and comfort for their children.