Popular ‘Christian’ Media Personality Jen Hatmaker Files For Divorce From Husband

Update. Jen Hatmaker has now shared the news on her Facebook page, writing:
“I first thank you for the kindness you have shown these last two months. We are in a moment with no handbook and without a single clue how to navigate this privately, much less publicly. I don’t know how to hide grief, so I haven’t, and I am grateful for your absolute decency these last few weeks. I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced. Although the details are ours alone, this was completely unexpected, and I remain stunned as we speak. I am shocked, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted.
Although this community is impossibly dear, beloved to me, in case you are an interloper who revels in the pain of another, I beg you to spare us your cruelty. We have suffered so greatly. (Hateful comments that harm our family will be deleted.) The kids and I are getting away to retreat for awhile, and I ask for your kindness…and for some room to breathe. Please respect the privacy of our children and our extended family. Our loss is not for public devouring. We are real people managing this in our real life in real time, and we are doing the absolute best we know how to do.
If you pray, pray for us. Hold us so dear to your hearts. We have felt your prayers these last few weeks. We have experienced your mercy. Thank you for being good to us. Know that we are deeply surrounded by love and have not been alone a single second in two months. Please help protect us and keep us safe as we try to heal and rebuild.
Jen Hatmaker, the gay-affirming Christian media personality who’s not actually a Christian, has filed for divorce from her husband, Brandon Hatmaker. The move to end their marriage was initiated late last month in a Texas Courthouse, in documents that have been uncovered today, but have not been announced yet by either spouse yet.
The couple has been married 26 years and have 5 children. Apart from their TV shows and books they’ve written and started in, the Hatmakers also founded Austin New Church in Austin, Texas, where Brandon is a Pastor and Jen is a board member.

Hatmaker has hinted these last few weeks that things have not been well, describing it in a bit of detail on her Instagram and other places.
No cause has been given yet, as it has not been made public, but we expect one soon.
While Jen has cut back on her public engagements these last few weeks, she is still expected to give a talk at the Evolving Faith conference, the progressive get-’em-up where heretics go to burn off some steam and explain in contorted, esoteric ramblings why they really do love Jesus by demonstrating their hatred for him.
Pray for repentance for the Hatmakers and comfort for their children.
you’re a bunch of hateful assholes. Repent for spreading gossip of a painful and private matter
What is actually wrong with you? How could you ever write such a hateful and graceless post? And actually call YOURSELF a Christian?
We see nothing hateful about it. Perhaps you could tell us why it vexes you so?
Thank you for commenting the way you did. It is a hateful piece. Patronizing snark is generally always hateful. Shame on them.
Exactly! I was shocked by this article. How incredibly sad that these are the words this writer chose. How on earth did “Christians” become this hateful and feel justified in their hate?
Wow! What a horrible way to start an article by putting yourself in the role of knowing fully another’s heart and soul. I skimmed it so I missed the ugliness but then the comment to pray for the “repentance” of the Hatmakers made me step back and read it again. Shame on you. You have no idea what is contained in Jen or Brad Hatmaker’s heart. And your words show a gross misunderstanding on what it means to be a Christian. Work out your own faith with fear and trembling but be slow to judge others. I also notes that you have written under “staff writer” and not your own name.
I’m going to say the writer of this article is not actually a Christian. Because a real Christian knows only God can determine who is or isn’t saved. Shame on you this sounds like trash you’d read in the Enquirer.
I find it hateful also. Although, who am I to say. The writer clearly has the ability to know with 100% certainty whether a person is a Christian or not, sees directly into the heart of God, and is reacting just as Christ himself would.
I hope the writer is better at detecting sarcasm than demonstrating the fruit of the spirit.
This article is self righteous garbage. Shame on all involved.
Why would you like someone see your file for kinda weekly to me I am sorry what to both happen to you him
Christian = a person who believes Jesus is their Lord and Savior. Period.
No ones knows a person’s heart except God. Period.
By the way, no one is going to respect anything you have to say as long as you remain anonymous.
This article is neither hateful nor graceless. We are to judge people by their fruit. Jen Hatmaker has been producing bad fruit for a long time, leading others to error. An unrepentant heart will eventually suffer a catastrophic failure. This article merely points out a sign that her ministry is built on mishandling and denying the word of God—it cannot stand.
May God guide you both in whatever decision you both make, may God bless you both.
Such a hateful, horrible article. You should be ashamed of yourself. I am thrilled that the only comments you are receiving are from people who agree that this is a terrible article. If you are a Jesus follower you are not exhibiting any grace or kindness.
How else should we view false teachers who promote same-sex marriage and rob the gospel from the “such were some of you?”
There was no need to release an article about this at all. You lie in wait until someone you disagree with falls so that you can go, “told your so!”.
That is not a Christlike response. Time to read up on what the Bible has to say about gossip, kindness, and humility.
Sadly people don’t want to hear the truth. Too many times today we put our worship and focus on man (be it man or woman) and get blinded to their failings that make them unfit for ministry. And before I get the “don’t judge” mantra, read the Bible and see how Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and others have lied to you about what God says about judging.
I agree…this article is not hateful. It’s merely emphasizing what happens when you promote a false gospel. Jen Hatmaker is a false teacher, promoting a false gospel…complete apostasy, and perverting the Word of God with her rhetoric, especially with her outspoken position on the entire LGBTQ issue. As someone else mentioned, we as believers can judge others by the fruit that they bear, and she has been bearing rotten fruit for years. I do pray that the Holy Spirit will move in her life to convict her heart, and bring repentance and salvation, and also reconciliation to their marriage.
Hmmm, unless there was infidelity involved in the marriage, the scriptures are pretty clear that the two of them are supposed to remain together. Judging from the copy of the papers, this was initiated by Jenn.
Given her continued support of lifestyles that are condemned by God and frequent mishandling of scripture, there was nothing good to commend her in the first place.
Let’s see where this one lands…..
“Who is not actually a Christian.”?! There is a whole lot of schadenfreude here and zero Christ’s love. You are as bad as a lousy tabloid.
Why is discernment considered a sin?