
Hypocrite! Kyle J. Howard Watches Filthy, Filthy, Sex-Filled, Pornographic TV Shows

Kyle J. Howard has a lot to say about the social and sexual interactions and relationships between men and women. He’s been vocally outspoken on the ills of watching and ingesting pornography, as well as anything else that denigrates women and objectifies them as vessels of lust.

And then this one:

So why is it that he keeps on watching TV shows that are filled with sex and nudity? By his own standard, seen in the above tweets, why does he himself watch so much pornography?

The first example of a pornographic show he watches is Ozarks. This is a show where less than three minutes into the very first episode, a semi-nude man receives oral sex and then starts thrusting into a woman.

Three minutes.

The first episode.

And Howard kept on watching after that- because that was not enough to make him turn it off.

Not only is there tons of cursing, between 20-50 F-bombs an episode along with various other 4 letter words, and a fair amount of violence, the show is rife with sex scenes galore, including many graphic homosexual ones, resulting in it being rated 18+ in many countries.

As per IMBD, some of the more egregious content includes: (warning, graphic descriptions ahead)

  • …Brief nudity shown by an older woman during a short sex scene with a much younger man. As well as another casual sex scene with an unclothed couple (no nudity, covered by sheets).
  • An email with an amateur porn video is sent and opened in one scene. The webcam video details sexual actions of a man and a woman from the back with only the buttocks shown. It is shown twice. The video is discussed between two men later on. It is played in multiple episodes. A man masturbates in his car and fantasizes about a prostitute giving him oral sex.
  • A pregnant woman is seen pole dancing at a nightclub. Her breasts are clearly visible.
  • An old man is walking down to the water naked, only his backside is shown with a towel covering the front. A nude poster is seen on the wall next to a door. A topless girl is seen in a bar. A homosexual oral sex scene takes place in a motel room, a man giving another man a blowjob and you hear him gargle and choke when the man ejaculates in the other guy’s mouth. No visible nudity.
  • A stripper has sex with a man in a private room until a woman interrupts them, she can briefly be seen nude.
  • A stripper is hired to seduce a man into having sex with her. She walks in and the stripper is wearing a strap on and the man is sucking on it. The man also appears to be wearing a bra and panties. A woman takes a video of this. She then shows it to the man’s wife.
  • An elderly couple has sex in a darkly lit room. We see them thrusting and then we hear them orgasm and moan. We also see the woman’s breasts, but the man’s nudity is not seen by viewers.
  • A man is seen masturbating while he’s listening to a dead man’s voice. A man and woman have sex in the bathroom of a bar, there is thrusting, moaning, and male rear nudity and female rear nudity but they are clothed.

    For Howard, no big deal.

Another show is The Sandman.

IMDB Rating has it 18+ across the board. While they didn’t have a detailed breakdown of the content, seeing the show is so new, several comments on Reddit spoke about the sheer quantity of same-sex kissing scenes, and one note in the content advisory section of IMDB says this about one scene:

“John uses the ruby to make a group of people in the diner to be completely honest with each other. This leads to three simultaneous sexual activities (both straight and homosexual). Kissing, implied oral sex, thrusting seen but no nudity”

Netflix Life adds this content advisory:

The fantasy series is rated TV-MA, meaning it may not be appropriate for ages 17 and under. It was given this age rating for strong language, graphic violence, sex, self-harm, nudity, suicide, blood and gore, and smoking.

Focus on the Family’s Plugged In says:

Netflix rated the show TV-MA for “language, violence, sex, self-harm, suicide and smoking.” Just a couple of episodes in, we can vouch for most of that.

It makes you wonder why Howard, an apparent thought-leader who speaks of the need to be holy and guard one’s thought life and against sexual sin, for the sake of women, thought this show was something that needed watching. Was the plot really that good? That captivating? Why not turn it off three minutes in, knowing that if that can happen so early, there’s likely going to be a lot more?

And then have the temerity to publicly admit it, like it’s not a big deal that you’re watching naked people have sex on film as part of your entertainment proclivities. Like there aren’t a million other pieces of edifying media that you could be watching instead that don’t have men graphically giving each other oral sex or multiple scenes that take place in a strip club.

Sad and disgraceful.

Howard isn’t the only one. Here are some more.

Rap Artist Lecrae Has Been Watching Some Filthy, Filthy, Fiiiiiiiiilthy TV Shows
‘Holiness’ Author Jackie Hill Perry Revels in Filthy, Filthy, Filthy TV Show
TGC’s Senior Editor Brett McCracken watches Filthy, Filthy, Filthy TV Shows


Rap Artist Lecrae Has Been Watching Some Filthy, Filthy, Fiiiiiiiiilthy TV Shows

Naw (Indwelling sin) I ain’t trusting you
Ain’t nothing but lust in you
Thanks be to God I obeyed the teaching I was entrusted to.
…See dawg I live by the Spirit so I don’t gratify
All them old sinful desires that never satisfy

…What? A lil this, a lil that, a lil BET late at night
That’s like a lil crack, see you ain’t gone lie to me
I see how you be tryna be
BET tonight becomes addiction to pornography
And that’s in no way honoring the God who’s ruling sovereignly

…after that I sober up and think of Jesus holding up
His skin up on the cross for all them drunken nights I’m throwing up
Every thought of blowin’ up is captured in his flowing blood
I start thinking Philippians 4:8 when you showing up

Lecrae. Indwelling Sin. Rebel album, 2008. Pre-Deconstruction.

Prior to his professed deconstruction of his faith (more on that here) rapper Lecrae was a very different person. He would frequently speak out against sexual sin and lust in his music, along with the battles of his flesh against the draws of his flesh. One example would be his song Indwelling Sin, which we’ve included a few lines above, which describes what it’s like struggle to stay pure against rising sinful desires. Back then, if you asked him whether or not Christians should be watching TV shows and movies filled with sex and nudity, he would have given a firm ‘no.’

This is not the case anymore.

Two shows stand out from Lecrae’s list. One is the adult-rated ‘Ozark’, which we discussed here. Not only is there tons of cursing in this series, between 20-50 F-bombs an episode and a fair amount of violence, the show is rife with sex scenes, including many graphic homosexual ones, resulting in it being rated 18+ in many countries. This is a show where less than three minutes into the very first episode, a semi-nude man receives oral sex and then starts thrusting into a woman, and the rest of the sexual content is consistent and persistent.

Another series is ‘Snowfall’ which also contains a ton of graphic sex and nudity and which Lecrae has watched through. This series has received cautions from both Common Sense Media and it’s IMBD page, who explain:

In fact, in the very first episode, within the first 5 minutes, a naked woman blows cocaine up a naked man’s backside, and then gives the man oral sex, before being joined by another woman for a threesome. In the first 5 minutes,* and Lecrae didn’t turn it off? He kept on watching after that, knowing that this was setting the pace for the rest of the movie? What sort of filth was in the rest of the 4 other seasons?

It’s almost as bad as the Senior Editor of The Gospel Coalition, Brett McCracken, shared that his Favorite TV Show Contains a Graphic Homosexual Sex Scene.

It’s shameful stuff, but Lecrae sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, he’s about to go on his “Unashamed Tour”

Time for him to revisit that song, perhaps, and the indwelling sin that he’s ceased fighting against.

  • Editor’s Note. We have not personally watched that scene from Snowfall, but two independent sources have verified that it’s there. If Lecrae can prove otherwise, we’ll take it down, but every indication is that it’s as described.