
TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile: If You’re Upset ERLC’s Ex-Policy Director Supports Biden, ‘You’re Racist’

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile has criticized anyone upset over the ERLC’s recent Policy Director endorsing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, calling them straight-up racists.

To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and claims that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

Steven Harris is the ERLC’s recent Policy Director in DC who worked with government leaders in the legislative and executive branches to advocate for the ERLC’s position on important issues while also analyzing legislation and producing content for ERLC outlets. He resigned from that position just recently, and has since joined up with a group called “Evangelicals for Biden” to endorse the Democratic candidate for President.

Harris was highly endorsed by Anyabwile, which led to him lashing out on social media at anyone who anyone criticizing his young endorsee.

Certain Voices in the SBC are intent on denigrating and vilifying any African American who dares think for themselves and who rejects Trump Worship and conscience-binding legalism of fundamentalist elements.


Until those voices are challenged and rejected, the SBC is doomed to its racist and racially intransigent past and culture.


It’s time to end the partisan and racist foolishness that blemishes the Church.

It is of note that Thabiti doesn’t name names and say exactly who are these overt racists who are specifically denigrating black folk who support Trump and “think for themselves.” He says “until those voices are challenged and rejected, the SBC is doomed to its racist and racially intransigent past and culture” but doesn’t give a list of examples of the racist elements that should be challenged. Which groups is he talking about? Which people are the racists?

Second, we at Protestia have no issue with someone who cannot vote for Trump due to conscience issues. That is completely fine and praiseworthy. It’s one thing to not vote for Trump, or to vote the third party or not at all; it is another to actively endorse Joe Biden, a vote which is really going to Kamala Harris who reigns queen over the democratic culture of death.

In Harris’s role with the ERLC, he was allegedly lobbying on behalf of “pro-life issues” and getting paid to do it from the Cooperative program. Now mere months later, in contradistinction to his earlier role, he is actively promoting these decrepit leaders who are entrenching and expanding access to these Mephistophelean evils, seeking to persuade other Christians to join him in lifting up the Democratic party and all the policy horrors that would come from that.

We don’t like that, and we’re racists because of it?

Thanks, Gospel Coalition, but we’re not buying what your race-baiting boys are selling.


Former ERLC Lobbyist Endorses Democrat Joe Biden for President

I don’t like to get political on this blog. I think doing so can distract from the mission. I want people to focus on Jesus and his church. This is a polemics blog and I don’t use it to polemicize political candidates on either side. Frankly, I think many Christians are more focused on the government down here than the Kingdom of Heaven. One of the only political articles I’ve ever written here is about how I didn’t vote from Trump in 2016.

I certainly didn’t vote for Clinton then and I certainly won’t vote for Joe Biden in 2020. The Democrats are the party of baby murder. It’s simply unacceptable for a Christian to vote for one. I’d like to think that all Southern Baptists would agree with me on that but I know it’s not true

For years I’ve been writing here about how awful the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) is. I’ve tried to tell other Southern Baptists how the ERLC is run by a progressive man who once wished for a wife like Hilary Clinton, a man who once worked as a Democratic Campaign staffer. I’ve tried to warn people that that man, Russell Moore, was getting paid Southern Baptist Convention money to lobby in Washington, DC.

In addition to warning about Moore, Pulpit & Pen has warned about the activities of the ERLC itself, most notably the MLK50 Conference.  Yet person after person and pastor after pastor has just plain ignored the problem.  Many have outright discounted anything written at Pulpit & Pen and even accused this publication of slander.  The ERLC couldn’t be as bad as Pulpit & Pen said.  The SBC couldn’t be as woke as this website reported. 

Well, Steven Harris just joined up with a group called “Evangelicals for Biden” to endorse the Democratic candidate for President. I bet you’ve never heard of Steven Harris.  Well, if you’re a Southern Baptist whose church gives to the Cooperative Program, you’ve been paying his salary.  He’s the man Russell Moore hired to be an ERLC’ director in Washington, DC.  Here’s the blurb about him from the ERLC website:

“Steven Harris serves as a Policy Director, with a particular focus on the U.S. Senate. In this role, he works with government leaders in the legislative and executive branches to advocate for the ERLC’s position on important issues, while also analyzing legislation and producing content for ERLC outlets. He holds a B.S. in Religion from Vanderbilt University, an M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, an M.A. in Religion from Yale University, and is currently a PhD student in the Study of Religion at Harvard University. Steven lives in the D.C. metro area with his bride, Sunni, and son, Jude.”

For some reason, the ERLC and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is attracting and hiring liberal, Democrat Ivy-Leaguers.  Seriously, does anything about Vanderbilt, Yale, and Harvard scream “conservative Bible-believing Baptist” to you?  Harris did, of course, come recommended by Ron Burns (the SBC pastor who was born in North Carolina and changed his name to Thabiti Anyabwile when he converted to Islam and then kept it that way after he converted to Christianity).  “Anyabwile” said of Harris:

“I’m thrilled about this appointment. Steven Harris combines a keen mind with a generous heart. A dedicated student of our changing cultural times, Steven is also an ardent defender of Christian truth. He’s the kind of guy you long for when you need a son of Issachar to help lead God’s people.”

Ron Burns’ “ardent defender of Christian truth” just joined with Jim Wallis to endorse the party of gay-marriage and abortion.  At least he left the ERLC first.  Open your eyes. Close your wallet.   These are the words Democrats are using to solicit the evangelical vote at their webiste:

“Join Sojourners founder Rev. Jim Wallis, Lisa Sharon Harper of Freedom Road LLC, author and social worker Jerushah Duford (granddaughter of Billy Graham), former Ambassador to the UN World Food Programme Tony Hall, Evangelicals for Social Action founder Dr. Ron Sider, Asian American Christian Collaborative Vice President Michelle Ami Reyes, former Bread for the World CEO David Beckmann, Dr. Jim Ball, former CNCS Board Member Hyepin Im, former Southern Baptist Convention ERLC staffer Steven Harris, and more for this special event! RSVP now and we’ll send the Zoom link closer to the date.”

They are using Harris’ position with the ERLC to give them Christian credibility. I get that Christians can disagree on economic policy, and big government (Democrats) vs. small government (Republicans) but we really can’t disagree on abortion (baby-murder).  The Democratic Party hates God.  Harris and Burns recommend people vote for them.

If you are a Southern Baptist then you paid for this man to lobby the Senate in God’s name…and you deserve him.  You were warned about the direction of the ERLC years ago.  You deserve him and you deserve the company man SBC pastor at your local church, who would rather die before he quit buying prestige in the denomination with your Cooperative Program money. I’m tempted the recommend a fix for you, such as eliminating the type of SBC entity that attracts people like Harris (for example, the ERLC and the Kingdom Diversity Department of SEBTS), but I’ll just say this. Enjoy your Democrat lobbyists, Southern Baptists.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  They certainly are enjoying your money. 

G. Seth. Dunn

*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.

Featured Politics

Disgraced RINO John Kasich Voting for ‘Man of Faith’ Biden, Blasts Evangelicals for Voting Trump

Disgraced Republican-in-name-only John Kasich, the most Democratic of all Republicans, defended Joe “Baby-killer” Biden in an interview with CNN last night, saying that he was a deep ‘man of faith’ and that conservative Evangelicals supporting Trump “seem not to be consistent with the things that they believe in as promoted in the Old and New Testament.”

Kasich, who is set to be a speaker at the Democratic national convention, said that it was Biden’s faith that was the deciding factor in voting for him, and urged Republicans to do likewise.

“I believe Biden can bring us together. I’ll disagree with Joe on things, and they expected that when they asked me to do this. I said yeah, there are things I’ll disagree with Biden on. There are things I’m concerned about. At the end of the day, I think he is a man of faith. I think he is a man, look- his history has been an ability to bring people together.

That is the way it was when I was in Congress when we balanced the budget. We’re able to do welfare reform. And I think he can restore civility. I don’t think he’ll go hard left. I think he is a pretty tough guy. So I’m comfortable with the fact that he would be our leader. And I expect he’ll have Republicans that will be part of anything he does going forward. That’s the way, that is his nature and has been history. And he is a man of deep faith. And a man that has suffered some tremendous grief that has shaped his character, all some of the things I will talk about in my speech.”

When Interviewer Erin Bennet pressed him about comments from Mike Huckabee over ” I don’t know if anybody, people of faith who think Joe Biden is a great choice.’ Kasich was adamant.

“Well, I’m clued in to a lot of people of faith, a number of them, who are very happy that I’m making this decision. I can give you names. I don’t want to say it on the air, but I can give you names of them if we have to come back and do that.

And the fact is, you know, the faith is a matter of your personal relationship. And so I don’t know why that’s been said about Joe. I think he’s a man of faith. I don’t sit down and talk about all of his religion with him, but I’m comfortable with him. I consider myself to be a man of faith. A flawed man of faith for sure, but aren’t we all? So I don’t think anybody can speak for the entire faith community and try to say that this person is good and that person isn’t.

A lot of people scratch their heads about why some of these very conservative Evangelicals support Trump. It seems not to be consistent with the things that they believe in as promoted in the Old and New Testament.”