
ICYMI That Time Pastor Eric Mason Smeared Black Christians as ‘Angloid on the Inside’ +MORE Very Bad Things

In a recently unearthed clip, pastor Eric Mason engaged in some race essentialism at the infamously awful 2018 MLK50 conference hosted by the ERLC, where they lauded and exulted a heretic and pervert.

Mason is the pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church,‘ He is incidentally also the pastor of Paul Tripp, who has shilled for him in the past and hence caused us to sour on him.

Mason has previously expressed his support for “kill shots” for white Capitol Hill breaches, blamed ‘white foolishness’ for black people not being saved, saying that ‘whiteness has caused blindness of heart,’ released a much mocked-sermon insisting on getting that “silver and gold,” and demanded reparations and 200 years of free tuition for black students.

In the clip, Mason says that certain black men are “not qualified” for leadership in multi-ethnic churches because if they would have been qualified, they’d already have been hired by black churches, and because they are “black on the outside but Angloid on the inside.”

Angloid is a derogatory term for white people, in the same style as “mongoloid.”

“Let me tell you right now, multiplicities of negroes ain’t feeling evangelicalism. But one of the things I’ve been, God’s been working on me in my heart, is that the root of bitterness sprouting up will defile many. And if I allow myself to stew in my frustration towards whites, Jesus won’t be my center. My hatred will.

But on the other hand, whites have to do this. Assume in Jesus’ mighty name that because there is an offense, that you need to press into that particular offense and begin to educate yourself on beginning to develop the opportunity to not have reductionistic ways in which you try to cause racial reconciliation. Like through hiring non-qualified African-Americans to be the multi-ethnic engineers in your local churches. And you know they’re not qualified because blacks haven’t hired them. And it works against unity when you hire somebody that we not feeling, and you’re wondering why multi-ethnicity isn’t happening at your church. It’s because you have a person that’s black on the outside but Angloid on the inside.

h/t WPC

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured

TGC Writer says White Evangelicals Engage in ‘Ecclesiological Cooning’ by Saying ‘Race Doesn’t Matter’

In a discussion with woke Pastor Eric Mason (silver and gold! Hallelujah), Jerome Gay, Pastor of Vision Church in Raleigh, North Carolina and Gospel Coalition author, introduced us to the new theological term “Ecclesiological Cooning” while also engaging in some bad history and scholarship.

We have to admit to the historical whitewashing of Christianity, and then the effects of that. The whitewashing of Christianity leads to the whitewashing of scholarship. When we go back and look at everything, we see the Library of Alexandria – that’s in Africa. Monasticism, that’s dealing with being a monk – that started in Africa. When we look at the church fathers – Cyprian, Tertullian, the philosopher Origen. You talk about Augustine, you talk about Athanasius, these people were African. But when we get our seminary books, the black dwarf Athanasius looks like a white Sicilian man on the front of the book. Jesus is now white. All of the church fathers that are from Africa are now white. And then we begin using terms like ‘Northern Africa,’ and we try to make Northern Africa ‘Southern Europe.’ So we can justify whitewashing history and whitewashing scholarship, so anything of significance never comes from someone black.

We also have to admit ecclesiological cooning. And I’ve got an acronym for cooning: it’s ‘contributing to ongoing oppression through negligence.’ And so when we coon, we coon by perpetuating the myth of white Jesus, white church fathers, or we allow white evangelicals to say ‘race doesn’t matter,’ but you already put a white man on the book. How come you can say, ‘It doesn’t matter,’ after you’ve already made everything of significance in terms of theology and philosophy. When you do that you’ve already put that out there, so it’s just important that we have to admit those things.

In the discussion, Gay argues that white Christians have “whitewashed” scholarship by referencing that the Library of Alexandria is in Africa. We’re not exactly sure how this is relevant. The library of Alexandria was a famed wonder of the world established in Egypt around 260-ish BC. Egypt is a transcontinental country, split unevenly between Africa and Asia and considered to be a part of the Middle East. It fell into disrepair over several centuries and victim to multiple attacks and burning, until it was gone.

He also says that monasticism started in Africa. The earliest sources deal with the emergence of monasticism in Syria, not in Africa, and then Egypt, partly in Africa. Also what this has to do with “whitewashing” is beyond us.

Gay further lists a series of allegedly black theologians, calling Athanasisus a “black dwarf.” This is simply a fable, and there is no evidence that he was either of these things. Some point to a reference by Julian the Apostate that indicates a potential play on words to suggest he is short, but that is mere speculation for the famed Egyptian-born Bishop who lived in an ethnically diverse Roman empire.

As for the term “Ecclesiological Cooning,” it is simply another accusation of racism against white folk by drawing a link to the racial epithet of “coon.” A coon is one of most degrading of all black stereotypes – a dehumanizing perspective that specifically sees them as idle and lazy, inarticulate, easily frightened, and almost childish in their stupidity and uselessness. “Cooning” is the verb form [Editor’s note: Specifically it is a gerund, a noun turned into a verb by using the suffix “ing” to add action to the word for all you fellow grammar nerds. It is a shortening of the biological term Racoon.], and refers to a black person who acts “like a coon” as a way to entertain white people, which is viewed as an assault on black people.

To make this association for the alleged indignity of saying one doesn’t see skin color or consider race, believing we are all one race and ought to be viewed and treated as such, without partiality according to the scripture, is little more than an attempt to cause racial division and disunity, fueled by the scourge of critical race theory.

Church Critical Race Theory Featured

Hilarious Paul Tripp Mashup Featuring his Woke Pastor, Eric ‘Silver & Gold, Hallelujah!’ Mason

@WokepreacherTV, ever doing the Lord’s work, took time out of his busy life to create this wonderful mashup of Dr. Paul David Tripp’s video “The Gospel, The, Church, And Racial Injustice” and Dr. Eric Mason’s sermon “CANCEL CULTURE: A Biblical Case for Reparations.”

In his video looking about as earnest as can be, Tripp discusses his attendance of Epiphany Fellowship where Pastor Eric Mason holds sway and urges white Christians to learn more about “racial justice.”

Mason, you’ll recall, was recently featured on Reformation Charlotte discussing his support for “kill shots” for white Capitol Hill breaches, blamed ‘white foolishness’ for black people not being saved, saying that ‘whiteness has caused blindness of heart’ and releasing a much-mocked sermon demanding reparations for slavery- snippets that are featured here.


Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News Social Justice Wars

Russell Moore Claims to Not Know Any Conservative Evangelicals ‘Influenced by Critical Race Theory’

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, has said in an interview that he doesn’t know any conservative evangelicals influenced by Critical Race Theory, and if someone put a gun to his head and asked him to name one, he wouldn’t come out alive.

Now, there is a sense that is true, only because once you begin to be influenced by CRT by definition you are no longer a conservative evangelical, but that is not what Moore has in mind, as that’s a bit too straightforward and big-brained for him. Rather, statements like this show once again that Moore is being duplicitous or woefully ignorant, all the while acting the ingénue.

This is reminiscent of Albert Mohler saying that there are no women pastors in the SBC, and that he’s never heard of such a thing, when in reality there are hundreds. He just doesn’t care, which is a scary prospect from the soon to be President of the SBC.

We digress. If Moore wanted to save his life, he could have actually just pointed to himself. That would have been more than sufficient to twitch the barrel of the gun away from the back of his head and avoid a messy explosion of brain, blood, and bits of bone that would inevitably occur as Moore throws up his hands, with tears running down his face and snot dribbling down his upper lip, whimpering “I swear on my life! I don’t know any conservative influenced by it. Please! Don’t! I have a family! I have a corrupt organization that bilks the co-operative program I need to get back to. Please. Anything!”


He could point the finger at his boss, J.D. Greear, who never heard of a police shooting that he wasn’t able to attribute to down and dirty racism, but let’s look at something a little closer to home. Two years ago the ERLC hosted the Cross Shaped Family Conference. Here is a list of speakers.

Well well well. That’s like a veritable smorgasbord of who’s who, isn’t it? Anyone wanting more insight into why 80% of those people are influenced by critical race theory can read our archives, either here or at, but to name just one of the more prominent ones, he’s on the top row, second from the left. (Silver and gold, hallelujah!) If you don’t consider him to be a “conservative evangelical” you probably shouldn’t have invited him to your conference. If you want more, bottom row far left, bottom row middle, top row far right, top row second from the right, etc.

But Moore can’t name a single one.

“I just need more time. Let me think for a second…Um…Um…Karl Marx? No wait. Let me ask Al Mohler. He might know. I just need a second to- “


Sorry folks.

He’s dead.

Critical Race Theory Featured News Social Justice Wars

Eric Mason Challenges His Opponents to Fisticuffs

Eric Mason is the one the loudest voices for the Woke Religious Sect within Evangelicals. In a tweet posted on November 7th, Eric Mason challenged those who challenge his tweets to a fight.

Maybe he is unable to match wits with his critics so he has to resort to violence.