
David French Argues Millions of ‘Bible-Believing’ Black Protestants are the ‘Foundation’ of Democrat Party

The state’s fool David French appeared on the Holy Post Podcast with woke Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer and Roe v. wade Skeptic Skye Jethani, where French explains that like it or not, the Democratic party is populated by “Bible-believing black Christians.”

French: “If you’re saying that we want Christian influence in the United States, I have good news for you. The biggest, one of the most important voting blocks in all of America, on both the Democratic and Republican side, are Bible-believing Christians. So you have, the white evangelical voting bloc- goes to church more than the average American, says they believe in the Bible- they’re the foundation of the Republican Party.

Democrats try winning without black Protestants. Like, the Democratic party is nowhere without its core base of Black American, Protestant Christians who are Bible-believing. And so that’s one of these things that- imagine sort of the arrogance of saying that a vote for a Republican is faithful and a vote for a Democrat is unfaithful.”

Jethani: “Was that Al Mohler?”

Vischer. “Yeah, he just said that last week.”

French: “And that’s an extraordinary statement when you’re talking about millions of Bible believing Americans who are the foundation of both Democratic parties and the Republican…”

This is ignorant on several levels, the least of which is that the overwhelming majority of mainline denominations who vote Democrats are lost pagans who’d just as soon slap Christ in the face as submit to him. United Methodist Church, Church of Christ, Episcopalians, tons of Anglicans, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Presbyterian Church USA, African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), plus throw in any Oneness Pentecostals for good measure. They need to all be removed from the mix.

These denominations are pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion or deny the Trinity, so how can they be Bible-believing? While the Republicans certainly have their issues, the Democrat platform is ripped straight out of the devil’s diary. They are the party of legalized baby murder, child grooming, and the unrestrained destruction of the family and gender roles while imposing fascistic anti-Christian zealotry on the country.

Perhaps a misguided, confused, newly converted babe in the faith could vote for the Democrats. But millions of “bible-believing Christians”? Not a chance.

h/t The Dissenter


Albert Mohler Says That Christians who Vote for Democrats are being ‘Unfaithful’ + ‘Voting Wrongly’

Albert Mohler has gone off on Christians who choose to vote for Democrats in the coming election, or do not vote at all, calling anyone who does so ‘unfaithful; and ‘voting wrongly’. He made these comments at the 2022 ‘Pray, Vote, Stand Summit’ this past week, setting off a firestorm of critiques from the usual suspects.

Every single election matters. But every single election is followed by the next one. And faithfulness now is absolutely necessary and frankly, just given the temporality of life, we’ve got to give primary attention to faithfulness right now. 2022 in the United States means votes matter. And we have a responsibility to make certain that Christians understand the stewardship of the vote, which means the discipleship of the vote, which means the urgency of the vote, the treasure of the vote, and they need to understand that insofar as they do not vote or they vote wrongly, they are unfaithful because the vote is a powerful stewardship.

Though once a never-Trumper, Mohler has changed his beliefs and has previously said: “I’ll speak bluntly. I voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States. I encouraged others to vote for him too. Based upon the binary choice we faced on November the third, I believe then that that was the right action to take, and going back to November the third, I would do the same thing again.

Representative of a wealth of pushback from the progressive left is noted pro-choice SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, who wrongly asserts that Mohler’s suggesting that one is not a Christian if they don’t vote Republican. That’s not what he’s saying, and the fact that the one-person hysteria generator can’t recognize it is unsurprising and par for the course.

One can still be a Christian and do sinful, unfaithful, and stupid things, such as choosing to lie, or gossip, or attend McKissic’s church and give him any sort of credibility.

Mohler has responded to the offense, offering that this is the same message he’s been preaching his whole life, and is unapologetic about it.

abortion Church Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA

SBC Prof. Calls for Church Plants to be Full of Democrats, Says It’ll ‘Look Like Heaven’

A church pastor and SBC professor elbows-deep in Southern Baptist Culture has called for more churches to be planted that contain a multitude of registered Democrats, describing such a church as looking “like heaven.”

Danny Slavich is the pastor of Cross United Church in Lighthouse Point, FL and is an adjunct professor at an SBC institution of higher learning: the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

In a tweet stream, he praised Kevin Ezell and the Send Network, the former who was a “Worst Christian of 2020” finalist. He encouraged the body to make disciples and plant churches that “look like heaven” and cited the congregation composition to be full of young kids and seasoned citizens, the rich and poor of all races, full of Republicans and Democr-


Yes, LGBTQF-affirming, transgendered-enabling, abortion-worshiping, sodomite-praising, mixed-bathroom-implementing, money-grubbing, freedom-stealin’ Democrats. They’re that “special sauce” needed to take the congregation from the brink of “purgatory” to soaring heights of heaven.

Slavich states that these Democrats are rowing towards the goal, which is the glory of God in Christ. But the fact that their worldview allows them to vote for and support people who want to see those things come to fruition and become the law of the land, makes us think they’re not as concerned about the Glory of God in Christ as he might suppose.
