SBC Prof. Calls for Church Plants to be Full of Democrats, Says It’ll ‘Look Like Heaven’

A church pastor and SBC professor elbows-deep in Southern Baptist Culture has called for more churches to be planted that contain a multitude of registered Democrats, describing such a church as looking “like heaven.”

Danny Slavich is the pastor of Cross United Church in Lighthouse Point, FL and is an adjunct professor at an SBC institution of higher learning: the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

In a tweet stream, he praised Kevin Ezell and the Send Network, the former who was a “Worst Christian of 2020” finalist. He encouraged the body to make disciples and plant churches that “look like heaven” and cited the congregation composition to be full of young kids and seasoned citizens, the rich and poor of all races, full of Republicans and Democr-


Yes, LGBTQF-affirming, transgendered-enabling, abortion-worshiping, sodomite-praising, mixed-bathroom-implementing, money-grubbing, freedom-stealin’ Democrats. They’re that “special sauce” needed to take the congregation from the brink of “purgatory” to soaring heights of heaven.

Slavich states that these Democrats are rowing towards the goal, which is the glory of God in Christ. But the fact that their worldview allows them to vote for and support people who want to see those things come to fruition and become the law of the land, makes us think they’re not as concerned about the Glory of God in Christ as he might suppose.


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