
New Poll: 1 in 4 Democrats Believe ‘Men Can Get Pregnant’

In a sign of the continued, intentional destruction and blurring of God’s designs for men and women; what it means to be made in the image of God and reflect his character, nature, and design for mankind, a new WPA Intelligence poll of 1000 registered voters, found that 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement “”Some men can get pregnant.”

Within the sampling, they also found that 36% of college educated white women agreed that the statement is true.

Speaking of the results,  WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire notes “Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant. But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.”

While the results do not give the percentage of Republicans who believe similarly, this continued desire to erase women and wipe out gender differences reveals that newest satanic scheme is effective, and is being driven by a demographic hell-bent on transforming the culture into their wicked likeness, of which Christians should resist with all our might.

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifelong Democrat Russell Moore Demands Donald Trump Resign

(Capstone Report) Don’t give a dime to a Southern Baptist Church until this Democrat resigns or is removed from office
Russell Moore is responsible for rise of Critical Race Theory and division in the Southern Baptist Convention

Yes, it is a dog bites man story. A Democrat calls for the resignation of the Republican president. However, since Southern Baptists pay this Democrat’s salary, you should know about it.

Noted, Democrat Russell Moore tweeted, “Mr. President, people are dead. The Capitol is ransacked. There are 12 dangerous days for our country left.  Could you please step down and let our country heal?

Healing? Please, Russell Moore’s demand will only…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report and published there.

News Politics Religion Scandal

ERLC: ‘There is NO Evidence of Voter Fraud’ in the 2020 Presidential Election

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) released an article/position paper today saying that there is ZERO evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, and telling millions of Christians not to trust their lying eyes.

Written by “ERLC Staff,” the article runs down several topics related to the vote, acting as a primer to answer questions like why it’s taking so long to count the ballots, what are the candidates’ path to victory, and what it means for a news organization to “call a race.”

Picture a TGC article from Joe Carter with less Wikipedia citations.

Then, under the heading of whether or not voter fraud has been occurring or whether or not there have been any suspicious shenanigans these past three days, the ERLC assures us that there has been not even a whiff of voter fraud or anything untoward.

“No evidence.” Not even a smidgen or a smattering. Not a scintilla or a soupçon.

In fact, everyone has acted above board the whole time, and saying otherwise is conspiratorial crazy talk. It’s over. Done with. Wrap it Up. Biden has it. It’s dunzo. Trump lost and anyone saying otherwise is just making noise and behaving all “unchristlike.”

Which begs the question: do you actually believe that? And better yet, why does the ERLC want you to believe that?

abortion Church Featured News

Rapper Lecrae: ‘Pay us Money or We will Kill our Babies’

No one ever came up with the political idea of ‘people will kill their babies less if we take money from their neighbors and give it to them’ from reading their Bibles. @NateSchlomann

“Reformed” rapper Lecrae, far removed from his articulation of a biblical worldview and now firmly riding at the back of the #wokebus, has come out with a stellar strategy and justification for reducing abortions that boils down to a tricksy progressive scheme.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.

It’s no surprise then that a recent Tweet is particualrily illogical and egregious:

Translation: “Let us steal from you or we will kill our babies. P.S.: Vote Democrat.”

Lecrae’s bright idea to suggest extortion under threat of escalating the incidences of mushed-up baby skulls and cranking up the vacuum suction on that dilation and curettage machine is a bold one for sure. You almost want to ask if he knows how women get pregnant and where babies come from, given that none of his proposals are actually required to conceive and not kill a child.

For someone who paid for a woman to have an abortion back in 2002, you’d think he’d have a deeper appreciation for how morally monstrous that really is, this is, notwithstanding the fact that the “systemic racism” and “income gap” that’s caused so much poverty in the black community comes from leftists whose policies created fatherless homes and welfare dependence.

There’s so much stupid and outrageous about his liberal talking point, however, that we and others can easily play the same game. Rather than abolishing slavery:

“What if Christians in the Antebellum South who want to reduce the amount of slaves, supported funding education for slave owners to learn better agricultural practices to maximize cotton crops, dealt with the inherent dishonestly of traders who were capturing and selling free black men, and addressed the wage gap between rich and poor plantations that necessitated the need for slaves?”

Or Jon Harris with a few of his own:

We could go on and on.

Here’s another way to reduce abortion: don’t vote for the party that idolizes Planned Parenthood – the apex-predator of the baby-killing world, and don’t vote for the party that wants to paint the country red with the slurry of scrambled baby parts in the name of feminism and personal choice, vowing to do all they can to entrench and embed that right into law.

Start there, Lecrae, then we can talk.

abortion Church Politics

Book Review: David Platt’s ‘Before you Vote’ Gets an ‘F’ From Biblical Discerners

(Capstone Report) If God has a standard, why aren’t Christians required to vote accordingly?

One troubling theme among Big Evangelical celebrities in 2016 was their outright work to suppress Christian voter turnout. Men like Dr. Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) were doing the dirty work of the Democratic Party by telling Christians not to vote for the only electable pro-life candidate in 2016. In 2020, the same cast of characters are working hard to prevent Christians from voting for Donald Trump. In other words, they are feverishly trying to help pro-baby murder candidates like Joe Biden. David Platt’s new book, Before You Vote: 7 Questions Every Christian Should Ask, is no different.

Platt pursues this purpose explicitly. He writes, “As products of human invention, political parties inevitably have idolatrous trajectories and trend toward positions that do not honor or reflect God’s character. No human political party has a monopoly on justice.3

This is true as far as it goes. No political party has a monopoly on justice. However, one political party is pro-baby murder—and that is the greatest injustice of modern history. Abortion is a modern holocaust.

Notice that “3” in that statement above. It signifies an endnote. The Kindle version of Platt’s book does not include the function of clicking on the number to see the endnote as so many Kindle titles do. Rather, one must scroll all the way to the endnotes to read a rather important point.

Platt relegates a critical item to this endnote. He puts a significantly important disclaimer where most are not likely to read it: “In this statement and the paragraphs that follow, I do not mean to imply that all political candidates and parties stand on equal moral footing. Inevitably, different candidates or parties will align more or less with biblical foundations in ways that will (and should) affect a Christian’s vote.”

That’s huge. And it is the opposite point one draws from reading the text of these chapters. Platt justifies Christians arriving at different political conclusions regarding how to vote.  Indeed, that is the entire point of his book—unity over political division.

He does this citing Christian liberty (Chapter 6) and lack of biblical specificity on many modern political issues. Platt’s goal is Christian unity. For Platt, unity should trump politics. However, Platt fails to adequately address how there can be unity when some Christians cast votes that further explicitly immoral, anti-Christian policies.

Consider again his footnote. “I do not mean to imply that all political candidates and parties stand on equal moral footing. Inevitably, different candidates or parties will align more or less with biblical foundations in ways that will (and should) affect a Christian’s vote.”

If a political party aligns more closely with biblical standards, does it not follow that we should vote for that party?

And if we know one candidate more closely aligns, do we not have a responsibility to vote for that person?

And if we can know this, we should determe which policies most closely align with the Bible so we know for whom to vote.

That would be a far better use of our time.

Essentially, that is what Wayne Grudem pursued in his Politics According to the Bible. Grudem highlighted general principles and analyzed how contemporary political policies aligned with the biblical standard.

In contrast, Platt affirms there is a biblical standard and how that standard is knowable; however, he goes to great lengths to excuse Christians making different choices. For Platt, unity is the end that trumps everything.

But, if there is a biblical standard, isn’t it our responsibility to vote according to it?

Platt and all of us should ponder if unity is desirable at the cost of great error within the church. And not to put too fine a point on it, but anyone voting for a politician that is pro-abortion is likely in great error.

Why is this so hard for Evangelical Elites like Platt to affirm?

Can we have fellowship with Christians who promote murder?

God forbid. There can never be communion with such evil. Yet, some of our Evangelical Elites are averse to political turmoil.

Platt’s experience praying for Donald Trump highlights political division in America and the church, according to Platt. He writes, “We are swimming in toxic political waters that are poisoning the unity Jesus desires for his church, and we are polluting the glory Jesus deserves through us in the world.”

And of course, Platt tells us why he refuses to speak clearly. He opines, “Interestingly, however, many of these genuine followers of Jesus have conflicting ideas about who or what should be criticized or condemned.”

Would we defend those who have differing views on marriage? Slavery? Fornication?

What makes abortion or similar political questions any different?

Answering How Christians Should Vote for Platt is all about not judging other Christians

Platt then embarks on a quest to answer why Christians should be allowed to differ over politics.  He provides this through answering Seven Questions on politics. The book is divided into chapters for each of these questions.

Question 1 is standard fare in any Christian political theology for an American audience—Does God Call me To Vote? The answer, of course, is yes. There is some good in this chapter in Platt’s handling of the biblical data. Platt rightly expounds on the creation of government (arising out of Noahic Covenant) and the limitations on government. He writes, “God does not give people the responsibility to prosecute all crimes that bring dishonor to him. God gives systems of governance to humankind in order to punish things like stealing or murder, but not things like selfish pride or false religion.”

This is accurate. God granted all men government and not only his chosen people. Of course, that does not mean government is necessarily excluded from working with religion; however, it is not necessarily part of its core mandate.

Platt writes, “The entire idea of a representative democracy—a government of the people, by the people, and for the people—means that we are not just the ‘governed’ in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2; in a very real sense, we are also the ‘governing.’ Our votes collectively shape our government.”

Then Platt promotes the nonsensical idea of “convictional inaction.” He calls this an idea, “which is basically a conscious and deliberate refusal to support any political candidate, organization, or party,” and done so that “political candidates, organizations, and parties in the United States might make significant changes in order to woo their vote.”

If both parties were equally evil, this would be a legitimate answer. However, if one party is worse than the other, then such inaction or quietism would naturally redound to the aid of the greater evil. This is fraught with moral problems and as Dr. William Lane Craig pointed out is a dereliction of the Christian’s moral duty.

Platt’s subtle attempt to suppress Christian voter turnout in the 2020 Presidential Election

Platt’s second question is another subtle attempt to lower Christian attention to important political matters.

“Question 2: Who has my heart?” outlines why Christians should not worry about political outcomes. Again, this is good as far as it goes.

Platt cites examples of Christians living fruitful lives under Islamic totalitarian states. Platt craftily uses this as an attack on politically active Christians. He writes, “Needless to say, Fatima and Yaseen have never considered putting their hope in their government. Similarly, their peace, joy, and confidence do not hinge on political leaders, platforms, or policies. Could we learn something from them?”

See what he did there? If you responsibly put time and effort into politics, then somehow you are not as good a Christian as those living under totalitarian states. This is crass manipulation. It implies conscientious political participation is equivalent to worry. Nonsense.

In this chapter, Platt takes a few..

To continue reading, click here

Editors’ note. This article was written by the Capstone report and published there. It is much longer and goes into more detail, and so if you’re interested please check out the whole thing. Title changed by Protestia.

Featured Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Our Current Crisis is Nothing Less than the Democrat Party’s War on America

America’s inner cities are burning. From Ferguson to Kenosha, Los Angeles to Portland, Washington D.C. to Minneapolis, these firebombed urban sprawls all have one thing in common; they are run by Democrat mayors and city councils who are – by far – run by Democrat majorities. These are primarily in states run by Democrat governors. The lawless hordes are going unpunished despite their many crimes of arson, violence, murder, and mayhem being recorded on countless live-streams as indisputable proof of their misdeeds and chronicled proudly on the culprits’ social media in the public record. No doubt, this is because the county attorneys and prosecutors in these areas are overwhelmingly Democrat, and they have stood back to watch America be set on fire without prosecuting crime.

Meanwhile, the Democrat-held cities and blue-emblazoned geographical maps suffering the worst violence are also the ones who continue to place the most draconian rules against Christian church-goers. Placing upon God-fearing worshippers restrictions not equally enforced upon violent mobs, these Democrat-held districts simultaneously promise to prosecute pastors and congregations who meet with disregard for social distancing guidelines and masks, all the while, refusing to prosecute hoodlums setting fire to the churches, businesses, and communities who just want to go about their lives in peace. Every single attempt by President Donald J. Trump to offer federal assistance to ensure law and order has been rejected by local Democrat officials, and the Democrat media has accused Trump of racism for every attempt to bring them peace.

Meanwhile, inner-city riots have been exacerbated and made demonstrably more violent by the release of inmates from jails and prisons under the guise of compassion, so that these murderous rapists and vagabond incendiaries don’t contract a virus that by all accounts is no more lethal than the seasonal flu. And almost without exception, these prisoners have been released into the public by Democrat governors, mayors, and sheriffs while Republicans have consistently protested the decision to release offenders back into the public. And with space freed up in jails and prisons, these same Democrat-led jurisdictions have promised to arrest average and ordinary citizens who refuse to wear a mask or visit a crowded worship center.

Simultaneously, the Democrat-led mainstream media has boycotted, blockaded, blackballed, and censored any scientific opinion or medical professional with a view on COVID-19 that doesn’t produce the worst fears, most irrational responses, or most hysterical overreactions. Big Tech, led by deranged leftists, has called anything approaching an alternative medical opinion a “conspiracy theory,” banned free speech from their platforms, and employed their biased censorship weapons of ‘independent fact-checkers’ to fact-check away the truth wherever it might be told; COVID-19 is about as dangerous as the seasonal flu, and we have ruined our economy and given away our liberties for nothing.

Since Trump first acted to limit travel from COVID-19 hotspots, back when Democrats like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi were calling him ‘racist’ for doing so, the tables have turned. When it appeared that COVID-19 was a nation-killer, Democrats resisted every possible effort to mitigate the crisis. But when the data soon began to show that COVID-19 was a paper tiger, Democrats began to use it to fear-monger America into accepting its terms of surrender for our liberty and businesses. Republicans on the other hand, like South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, resisted the hysterics and took measured approaches that would ensure both Americans’ safety and liberty. President Trump has promoted hydroxychloroquine as a helpful drug to resist the virus, and was ridiculed and discounted every step of the way; and now that the scientific consensus supports this, Democrats and their friends in the media have refused to publish the research, letting countless Americans suffer without the best available drug for their speedy recovery. The point should be clear; Democrats don’t care about your health…they care about controlling you with fear and intimidation.

It is not Republicans who are insisting you breathe your own facial exhaust for no good reason, but Democrats who are mandating continued mask use despite the fact that physical harms are as proveable as the possible help it could theoretically provide if people used them correctly. The reason should be clear; Democrats want you to live in fear and, without masks, there would be no clear visible reminder that there is a supposed ‘pandemic’ threatening the health of our civilization.

Meanwhile, Democrats have used civil unrest and the arrival of coronavirus to force gun stores to close, while Republican judges, governors, and Trump’s Justice Department have fought to keep gun stores open. Democrat politicians continue to beat the drum of gun control, all the while American cities are under attack by hordes incited to violence by Democrat messaging. The Democrat Party is actively trying to disarm Americans while simultaneously trying to stoke class hatred that leads to violence against them.

It is clear what political party supports domestic terrorists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. And it is clear what side is fighting to – at the same time – disarm and defund the police. The Democrat Party wants America to be helpless, both in taking our guns and taking away and our police. All the while, they are stoking racial discord and anger that gives us a reason to maintain both our guns and our police like never before.

In Thomas Paine’s America in Crisis, he didn’t take upon himself the task of talking Americans into going to war with the British. His series of articles was poised to explain to Americans that they were already at war with the British. Some colonists just refused to see it.

In 2020, real Americans need the same clarity. We do not want to be at war with the Democrat Party. We are already at war with the Democrat Party. Or, perhaps better phrased, the Democrat Party is already at war with us.

From Federal to local levels, Democrat Party officials are doing everything possible to destroy our businesses while simultaneously taxing us to pay for their constituents who refuse to work. They are keeping us from peacefully assembling in our churches while supporting the violent assembling that is happening in our streets. They are letting out criminals from prison while making room to lock up innocent citizens who break their unconstitutional mask and distancing edicts. Democrats are trying to disarm us while simultaneously giving us the most urgent need to be armed in more than a century. Democrats are calling for more racial and class division by their continued use of identity politics instead of deescalating the violence with calm calls for peace.

And, let us be honest, those who are burning, raping, murdering, and looting are cities will be voting 99 to 1 for Joe Biden this November. He and his party must own the violence, the anger, the mayhem, and the chaos that is swallowing up America in the year 2020.

America is at war. Our enemy is the Democrat Party. We must defeat it.