
Apologist Damon Richardson Says Abortion is Acceptable If ‘What is Born is a Complete Monstrosity’

Damon Richardson is the founder of UrbanLogia Ministries, a “Christian theological and apologetics resource that specializes in Urban Apologetics which seeks to dispel myths and untruths about Christianity, equip believers to intelligently articulate the basis of their faith, develop a solid systematic theology and doctrinal foundation and to help them become conversant with the various theologies, ideologies and worldviews that oppose the Christian faith.”

Having pastored churches in Brooklyn, New York, Michigan, and in Florida, he’s also part of ‘Conscious Christianity‘ a “collective of educators who teach biblical truth using a unique mixture of culture, faith, social awareness, history, and scholarship.” and has been featured several times on the Jude 3 Project.

During a recent episode of his show, he shares his view that “as a Christian, it is ungodly, it is divisive, it is unholy, it is sinful to… say that a Christian voting for a Democratic candidate has aligned himself or herself with the devil, that they’ve committed a sin, that they can’t truly be Christians and all kinds of other stuff.”

I don’t believe in abortion. I think abortion, I believe, biblically, that abortion is immoral.
There are very few acceptable reasons for it. Obviously, if it’s a mother needs to save her life- we got to abort the baby or the mother is going to die- that would be an acceptable reason for it.

There are acceptable reasons for it mind you, if what is born is a complete monstrosity. And that does happen every now and again. Yeah, that would be, because it doesn’t, it won’t have any viable life, it’ll be born alive but it’s a monstrosity. That would be an acceptable reason, right? There are acceptable reasons.

He continues:

I don’t believe in abortion, but don’t sit here and tell me that every election comes down to what a candidate actually believes about abortion. And I’m going to tell you why that’s wrong. Number one, while abortion is a quality of life kind of issue, it ignores the fact that there are other quality of life issues that are equally pressing and of equal concern to other people. That sometimes the candidate who may believe in abortion actually cares about those other concerns. And the candidate who doesn’t believe in abortion doesn’t care about those other concerns.

h/t Saiko Woods