
Rapper Lecrae Loses Tour Dates After He Posts about ‘Deconstructing’

Rapper Lecrae has begun to feel the sting of his recent semi-public theological deconstruction, with one discerning promoter canceling one of his shows on account of statements he has made in social media lamenting a version of Christianity he finds distasteful and beneath him.

This was surely bound to happen. Lecrae claims that he’s been deconstructing his faith, and in fact had to do so because the alternative was losing his faith altogether. He told the Christian Post:

“I went through reconstruction and that’s what a lot of people don’t talk about. They miss that one. Deconstruction is not a bad thing if it leads to reconstruction. Sometimes you have to demolish a building that has mold and then build something else on that foundation. We’re not getting rid of the foundation. The foundation is Christ. But we’re building on that foundation and tearing down some things that were unnecessary.”

Lecrae assures his listeners that he’s been reconstructing it too, but his reconstruction has resulted in bad fruit.

Need evidence of this? Look at his view of church and the ecclesiology he possesses.

Years ago Lecrae was stressing the importance of attending church and being an active, participatory member of a church body.

He would have described it as gathering with a group of fellow believers, under the authority of pastors and elders, where there is worship, preaching, communion, fellowship, and church discipline. This was Lecrae’s view when he was the golden boy of the reformed movement, prior to deconstructing and before he tore down things that were “unnecessary”.

After his ‘reconstruction’ he holds a much different picture on what the church is and its function and purpose. He recently said that going to church might look like going to an album release party, where people hang out listening to music, eating friend chicken and getting tattoos.

A few days later, he explained that church can be a bunch of people just hanging out in a home, or hanging out on a tour bus talking, laughing, and “chopping it up.”

That’s just his view on the church. What else has he deconstructed and reconstructed on?

What other shows might he lose if we were truly honest about his beliefs?

For the record, not for nothing, but we’ve been warning about Lecrae since 2015, back when he was the golden boy. Call us prescient or prophetic if you want- we just call it discerning.

Church Coronavirus Featured Roman Catholic Stuff SBC

Priest Snitches on Pregnant Woman for Not Wearing Mask, Escorted Out of Communion Service by Cops

In a cowardly act of incredible stupidity and effeminate eunuchry, a parish priest called the police on a pregnant congregant for attending a church service and taking communion without a mask, having officers haul her away and trespassing her from church property.

The incident took place at Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, Texas, where Deirdre Hairston was attending mass with her one-year-old child. After getting up to receive communion and with the eucharist still on her tongue, three police officers greeted her at her pew and informed her that she needed to leave. They grabbed her arm, yanked her up, and informed her, “The church does not want you here.”

The usher would later prance around insisting that the police “Write her up. Write her up,” while another usher sought out her car to record her license plate number. Brought outside, the officer threatened to handcuff her then wrote her a ticket.

“Am I getting arrested?” Hairston asks.

“No, not right now. But if you don’t listen you will be,” replies the officer, who also informed her that she was being removed for “Trespassing on a business.”

Two weeks after the incident, the Diocese of Dallas released a statement defending her removal and doubling down on their disturbing course of action.

Hairston says she is dismayed by the actions of the church and that what they are saying simply isn’t true. She says masks were not required by the Bishop – only encouraged, and wonders why wouldn’t someone have simply approached her and asked her nicely about it, rather than calling the police and kicking her out by force.

[Editor’s note: Maybe it’s because you’re not going to a real church and there are no actual servants of God there?]