
Former Lifeway Exec Ed Stetzer’s New Church Is Riddled With Female ‘Pastors’ + Christine Caine is One of Them

Southern Baptist Convention mainstay Ed Stetzer has revealed he has a new home church, and it’s chock full of women pastors, including one celebrity pastrix he’s long been theologically sweet on.

Ed Stetzer is the disgraced former Lifeway executive who knowingly sold false Heaven Tourism books before being publicly exposed by Alex Malarkey. He was recently a professor, dean, and executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center but has since taken a job as Dean of the Talbot School of Theology. An SBTS grad who has permanently embedded himself in Southern Baptist politics, Stetzer was recently appointed by J.D. Greear as the chair of the 2020 Resolutions Committee. 

We’ve been calling out his bad behavior as the bearded anti-Berean for years; in our posts Ed Stetzer, Insufferable Expert on Everything, Says Pastors Can’t Give “Medical Opinion,” in Stetzer Wonders Why Conservatives Can’t “Look Past Abortion” to Vote Democrat and Ed Stetzer Ignores the Voice of Black Christians.

Stetzer has been giving egalitarianism his best bedroom eyes for years, despite his keening protestations to the contrary. Unlike his previous churches Highland Church and Moody Church, his new home Mariners Church has women ‘pastors’, including Teaching ‘pastor’ Ines Franklin, Executive ‘pastor’ Beth Ganem, Content ‘pastor’ Liz Powers, and celebrity pastrix Christine Caine, whom Stetzer has long admired.

We’re not surprised by his shift in this regard. We wrote this in 2018:

A lady of the night needs a man to facilitate their transactions of transgressions. And no matter how liberated or independent today’s female preachers seem to be, they need men in positions of authority to assist them in their sin of leading astray the church’s more vulnerable and impressionable weak women (2 Timothy 3:6). For the most atrociously inept and theologically deficient prophetesses, they have Ed Stetzer as their pimp and hustler, giving them a platform and theological street corner to stand on and propagate their false doctrines. Stetzer, who proudly and defiantly helped to turn Lifeway Christian Resources into the world’s largest retailer of heresy during his tenure in the Southern Baptist Convention, is now opening the door to a whole new harem of false prophetesses and turning Wheaten College into a brothel of bad teaching.

Wheaton College, with Ed Stetzer serving in the Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism and as the Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, is partnering with Propel Women. Propel Women is an Egalitarian-focused women’s ministry (best characterized as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism), founded by Christine Caine and steeped in the Hillsong variety of the prosperity Gospel and Word-Faith Theology. Joyce Meyer has been a keynote speaker at Propel in the past. Propel is the theological equivalent of the human papilloma virus, a serious communicable disease transferred among women (often without their knowledge), spreading a self-centered, naricigetical, feminist, emotion-fueled ideology and a painfully low comprehension of the Bible.

Sadly, these women have been provided the very worst of teachers as their muse. One can only imagine the type of female “minister” will be unleashed upon the world in this generation. The future of evangelicalism will look very much like the testosterone-heavy, short-haired United Methodist female bishops who preside over primarily dying congregations.

In reality, that Stetzer would expose Wheaton women to Christine Caine and Ann Voskamp is incredibly sexist and paternalistic, exposing the soft bigotry of Stetzer’s lowered expectations. No male seminary students would be exposed to teachers of such dubious or non-existent theological credentials or the rambling, incoherent babble of self-ordained prophets. But for women, bless their heart, it’s good enough.

Godly women deserve better.

Vindicated once again.


Hillsong Paid Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to T.D Jakes, Joyce Meyer for ‘Honorariums’

With the blockbuster news that Hillsong Church, under the leadership of Brian and Bobbi Houston and also Phil and Lucinda Dooley, has been spending millions of dollars on luxury items and flights, treating their private jet like Ubers, and buying luxury clothing with church resources, some people are accusing the embattled church of money laundering and tax fraud over ‘honorariums’ they both give and receive.

In Christian circles, “An honorarium is a payment made to a person that does not represent full compensation for the time and effort expended. It may also be a payment for which a fee is not traditionally or normally charged. According to Clergy Financial, “This would include payments made for things like weddings, baptisms, funerals, pulpit supply, or speaking engagements. In most situations, it would be rude to ask for a price, so any payment is totally up to the person who asked for the service.”

Most churches pay a couple of hundred dollars if the guest preacher is local. If not, they’d pay more to cover hotel, meals, transportation, and speaking fees for their time.

Not Hillsong.

According to reports: 171. TAB 110 explains in detail how this Celebrity Preacher’s Scam works. Hillsong pastors such as Brian and Bobbie Houston and Christine Caine were some of the ‘OGs’ of this abuse of  church funds. In essence, one mega-church pastor who is the founder and Chair from their own church (the host church), invites a founding celebrity pastor of another mega-church to speak at their church or event. For this, the host church pays for business or first-class flights for the guest pastor, along with luxury accommodation, restaurant meals, gifts and green room  comfort. The icing on the cake is the payment of a generous honorarium (around $10k to $20k  or more) to the visiting celebrity pastor to preach a couple of 30 minute sermons.

In addition, the visiting pastor receives royalties from the sale of his or her resources at the church service or event. This arrangement is then reciprocated. That is, the original celebrity preacher guest  subsequently invites the celebrity pastor from the host church to come to their church or event to preach and offers all of the same benefits they had received. 

The problem with this arrangement is that it is church money which pays for the honorarium, flights, accommodation etc, yet the pastor receives the honorarium into their personal pocket. This scam means that Australian tax-exempt church income is being used to make celebrity pastors personally wealthy. The mega-wealthy pastors of the world’s largest mega-churches are all ‘in on it’ by continually inviting each other to speak at their church services and events. 

They are effectively lining each other’s personal pockets and enabling luxurious lifestyles – all with church money sacrificially donated by the general public who are not wealthy. TABS 110A to 118 detail this scam in extensive detail using Hillsong as a case study. 

TAB 111 details the amount of money Brian and Bobbie Houston received in tax-free honorariums over the past 10 years from speaking at the churches of their friends. Many of these honorariums have even been paid to Brian or Bobbie from Hillsong’s own global churches such as those in Europe. They are already being paid a combined salary of circa $1 million by Hillsong to work full time jobs, yet also receive honorariums from their own churches in addition to their full-time salary – simply for performing the duties you would reasonably expect them to perform in return for their generous salaries. 

TAB 112 demonstrates that the celebrity pastors who participate in this speaker circuit scam fly business class around the world – paid for by the host church congregation. At Hillsong Australia, it’s not only the Houston family – other participants in this scam include Steve Dixon, Robert Fergusson, Donna Crouch, Laura and Peter Toginavalu and Joel and Julia A’Bell. 

This is where things get interesting.

TAB 113 demonstrates how pastors can use their church’s money to ‘buy’ their way into this exclusive reciprocal speaker’s circuit so they too can become wealthy from honorariums. 

That is, churches around the world pay up to $100k per year to be a member of the Hillsong Family ‘Club’. This entitles the senior pastors of the member church to go on retreat with the Global Senior Pastors of Hillsong a couple of times per year – usually at a luxurious overseas resort. At this retreat, they can solidify their relationship with Hillsong so they will continue to be invited to speak at Hillsong church services or events. Thus, the senior pastors of the member churches are buying their way into, or consolidating their spot in, celebrity preacher’s circuit scam.

This also works in reverse. For example, the likes of Laura and Peter Toginavalu, and Ben and Lucille Houston, attend the retreats so they can solidify their relationships with the senior pastors of other mega-churches to shore up their future speaking engagement on the preacher circuit. TAB 115 outlines in great detail those pastors around the world who have benefited from this honorarium scam over the years – many of whom are part of the Hillsong Family ‘Club’, Brian and Bobbie’s BFF gang or Hillsong’s own pastors such as Phil Dooley, Mark Wilkerson, Carl Lentz, Ben Houston and Chris Mendez. 

TAB 118 provides evidence that the host church pays for these celebrity speakers to fly business class both internationally and domestically to travel to speak at the church service or event. TAB 119 shows the enormous amount of money these pastors are receiving in royalties from the sales of their book and other resource royalties when they speak at a church service or event – in addition to their generous honorarium. 

While we don’t (yet) have access to the whistleblower report tabs, Wilke did mention several people listed:

“US Pastor Joyce Meyer enjoyed honorariums of $160,000, $133,000 100,030, $2,000. And US. Pastor T. D. Jakes received $71,000 and $120,000 with a staggering $77,000 worth of airfares to and from Australia thrown in.


Lifeway Eats Itself from Within as Golden Goose Continues to Create Women Pastors

Christine Caine is one of Lifeway’s most prized possession. She’s the golden goose-one of the famed ‘Lifeway Women’ who have her own landing page, where the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention promotes her relentlessly, along with a gaggle of other women. In fact, the ratio of women authors to men is so great, that we’ve had to seriously ask Does Lifeway Only Carry Women Authors?

This is nothing surprising from Lifeway, given that they’re by and large a bunch of progressives. How else do you explain why Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1? Or refusing to carry Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book? or how LifeWay’s Spring 2022 Curriculum Written By Non-SBC Pastor Who Denies BFAM, Has 5 Pastrixes on Staff. Forever and always, this purveyor of spiritual strychnine is always seeking a way to defy and undermine the SBC and their beliefs, and Caine is special in how hard she goes at it.

Caine is the charismatic, egalitarian, one-time leader from Hillsong who preaches the word/faith prosperity gospel. Caine holds to the notion that Jesus died on the cross to give you possessions, wealth, and health, and that it is there for the taking if you have enough faith and confess it positively. It’s no surprise then that she cut her teeth on Hillsong, the Brian Houston-led boondoggle that has the reputation for being among the most immature, Scripturally ignorant, and carnal people in the history of the world to ever call themselves Christians. 

She also leads Propel Women, a network designed to empower women to become preachers and pastors, and they just graduated a bunch of them yesterday, ready to unleash upon the world prospective pastrixes who have cut their teeth on Caine’s own teaching. She shared on Twitter:

Given that 10% of the biggest SBC churches already have women pastors, they’ll likely have far more job opportunities than previously imagined. Retweeting the picture and in fact featured in the picture is none other than Ed Stetzer, the former Executive Director of Nashville-based LifeWay Research. To quote JD Hall:

Stetzer is a guy who has projected himself as a church planting specialist, even though he’s never once successfully planted a church (he’s done so unsuccessfully on multiple occasions). He has projected himself as an expert on culture, which might be his only accomplishment, but only because his devotion to momentary fads is his shtick. Every time we see him on stage giving advice on the church’s decline it reminds of what a hypothetical absurdity it would be to see a whore have a day job of selling antibiotics out of her trunk to clear up all the venereal diseases she passed around during her night-job. In short, he is the problem in the church, but makes a living selling the latest evangelical elixirs.”

While Lifeway has been a lost cause for a long time, it’s nice to see a bit of clarity now and then in order to assess how badly the rot has set in within the organization, to what degree they’ll partner and promote folk so bent on undermining the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and their own denomination.


Christine Caine, Pastors Praise ‘Sim Church’ Metaverse

With news that Craig Groeschel’s 85,000-member megachurch has joined the metaverse, creating a virtual reality simulation where congregants can, much like SimCity characters, attend church remotely from the comforts of their home with a VR headset and interact with other remote ‘congregants’, several big names have come out in support of his deceptively demonic idea, including Christine Caine, Mike Todd, and Carey Nieuwhof, writing on Instagram:

“This is amazing! Of course you’re there.’
“Just wow!!! 🔥🔥”

Unsurprisingly, the words of excitement come from those who possess little to no discernment.

There is Christine Caine, the charismatic, egalitarian, one-time leader from Hillsong who preaches the word/faith prosperity gospel while leading a network designed to empower women to become preachers and pastors. Caine holds to the notion that Jesus died on the cross to give you possessions, wealth, and health, and that it is there for the taking if you have enough faith and confess it positively. It’s no surprise then that she cut her teeth on Hillsong, the Brian Houston-led boondoggle that has the reputation for being among the most immature, scripturally ignorant, and carnal people in the history of the world to ever call themselves Christians. Despite these troubling factoids about her, her swag will get sold as she gets promoted as one of the elite “Lifeway Women.”

Also Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd, who is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money, including giving away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spending $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, purchasing a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and giving $600,000 worth of reparations to three people for the ills that befell them and the suffering they have endured on account of racism and white supremacy.

Carey Nieuwhof is a seeker-sensitive pastor heavily involved in Barna and known for his platform and influence in trendsetting and developing Christian leaders. He habitually suggests he’s cooler than everyone else, writing articles like “5 STUPID THINGS THE CHURCH NEEDS TO STOP DOING TO MAKE PROGRESS’ that include gems like ‘ranking sin selectively, commenting on politics, being weird online’ etc.

In response to the interest generated by their new ‘location, Life.Church sent out a statement to Churchleaders, saying:

With recent emphasis on the metaverse, organizations around the globe are taking a closer look how to leverage virtual reality—including the local church.

Last weekend, Life.Church hosted its second-ever church service in Microsoft’s virtual reality platform called AltspaceVR. Nearly 100 people attended the service, and two people made the decision to follow Jesus. 

While critics might question if real connections can be made in the metaverse, Life.Church has seen countless lives changed through relationships in digital spaces over the years. With 15 years of online ministry experience (including services in Second Life in 2007), Life.Church has found that people are often more willing to let their guard down and have deep, meaningful conversations more quickly from the safety of anonymity than they are face-to-face.

As new opportunities like the metaverse emerge, Life.Church continues to be passionate about leveraging technology to bring hope to people where they are, especially those who might not otherwise set foot in a physical church.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Hillsong ‘Pastor’ Joins With Joe Biden Transition Team and Muslims to Call for Religious Unity

(Reformation Charlotte) Interfaith unity seems to be all the rage these days — but historically speaking, it always has been. There has never been true unity between God’s people and the rest of the world. But the world, itself, despite the vast diversity of religious beliefs, have always been unified around one thing — their rejection of the Biblical Jesus.

This includes Jews, Muslims, Eastern religions, and false churches such as the Roman Catholic Church. It also includes false Evangelical churches — like the cult of Hillsong — that have turned Jesus primarily into a social justice activist who seeks spiritual unity with Pagans to affect societal change.

And this is right where Hillsong Church is. Christine Caine, one of Hillsong Australia’s “pastors,” is teaming up with Jews, Muslims, and even Joe Biden to call for spiritual unity and “societal change” in the public square.

In a roundtable discussion on Thursday, which is open to the public, Caine will join Islamist, Dalia Mogahed and…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Montana.


SBC President J.D. Greear Lauds Book Endorsement From Hillsong Pastrix

While one would think that the President of the Southern Baptist Convention would shy away from promoting the fact that a charismatic, word/ faith pastrix (because there’s no such thing as women pastors) from Hillsong endorses his book, hold-my-beer Greear holds no such compunctions.

Could Greear not find any other sound, biblically faithful leader or teacher to endorse the book that he could have retweeted? Why pick the woman who preaches the prosperity gospel? Why pick the woman who is the founder of A21 and Propel Women, the latter which is a ministry/ movement dedicated to teaching young women to step into leadership roles in the church, including into the pastorate? Her website is right in his tweet, after all.

The fact is that watching Christine Caine preach is watching a dog walk on its hind legs. They can’t do it well, but you’re mostly just surprised to see them doing it at all. She can’t be trusted to preach the scriptures faithfully, so why laud her endorsement as if that should mean anything to us?

It’s not the first time Greear has traded endorsements and niceties with Caine. Last year he promoted her other organization, leading one observer to ask “Have you considered speaking out against sex trafficking and porn without promoting a prosperity gospel/word of faith heretic? Just a thought. You are the SBC prez.”