
Christian Speaker Gets Canceled by Christian College for Teaching Christian Students Christian Ideas

(Red State) We’re living in transformative times. The country has moved away from Christian principles, and that migration includes institutions of faith. Of course, people have differing definitions of Christianity, but the traditional take is being increasingly left behind. Case in point: On Valentine’s Day, Gordon College welcomed speaker Marvin Daniels.

Marvin is the executive director of faith-based community development organization The Hope Center. Per its official website, the Missouri nonprofit trains “high school, middle school, and elementary students from over 15 campuses across the city in servant leadership and character development.” When Marvin addressed attendees of the Massachusetts Christian school, he presented biblical themes.

Based in 2 Corinthians, his talk touched on an adolescent hot spot: sexual morality. As part of Gordon’s “Deep Faith Week,” students got served a lesson without lenience. According to the event’s transcript, Marvin’s take wasn’t pro-trans.

“We’ve got a culture in chaos,” he claimed. “And they’re trying to redefine sexuality for us. … What was appropriate before is no longer appropriate.”

Titanic Trigger Warning:

“We’ve got individuals that say, ‘I feel like I’m a female,’ and they get a chance to participate in female activities. Back in the day, I wish that would work. I would’e been saying ‘I feel like a female’ so I [could] get into (the) girls locker room. Come on now.”

Might it have been the only time select youngsters had heard such a slam?

Marvin made clear he’s not impressed with modern morality:

“Our sexual behaviors are being corrupted and co-opted. We’ve got individuals co-mingling what God has said with what the culture has said.”

The man even fired on females, along with guys’ treatment of them:

“It’s amazing to see that even in the church, my Christian brothers (are) out there treating young ladies like they’re urinals. And I am concerned about that. And I’m concerned about my Christian sisters who dress like they’re desserts on a menu. And then they get upset when a brother wants to place an order.”

Indeed, hides were old-school tanned.

Unsurprisingly, some students didn’t appreciate the dress-down.

Via email, the school’s vice president for external relations, Rick Sweeney, laid it out to The College Fix:

“Many students in the audience, particularly Gordon’s young women, reached out to members of the college’s leadership to complain about what they deemed a degrading and demeaning presentation.”

“While the source material was biblically grounded and very appropriate for a chapel service,” Rick wrote, “[Marvin’s] rhetorical style and illustrations — which may have been intended to connect with a younger audience — had the exact opposite effect.”

The Deep Faith series was set to host three more talks by Marvin, but evidently, things were only meant to go so deep.

Gordon College canceled Marvin’s remaining appearances.

We’re living in….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Alex Parker and published at Red State.


CEO of Video Game Development Company Cancelled After Voicing Support for Pro-Life Position

The Christian CEO of a video game development company has been axed from his position just days after voicing support for the Texas pro-life law, stepping down amid intense backlash from customers and clients over his position.

John Gibson, the President, and CEO of Tripwire Interactive, a video game development company he co-founded in 2005, came out in support of Texas’ recent pro-life legislation, which makes it illegal to abort a baby after it has a heartbeat, usually around the 6th week.

This was instantly met with shrieking scorn and derision from blue-check customers, clients, and other industry professionals.

As these things tend to go, with partners pledging to discontinue business and unable to stand the heat, a statement was released saying that Gibson’s comments “disregarded the values of the team” and was out from his role.

According to NME:

His interim successor Alan Wilson has been at Tripwire since it launched in 2005 and will work to “address concerns” raised by employees and partners over the last day.

This will likely include reaching out to Shipwright Studios – who worked on Chivalry 2 and Maneater with Tripwire – after the studio moved to cancel all existing contracts “effective immediately” following Gibson’s stance. On the community side, CohhCarnage – a Twitch streamer with over 1.4million followers – announced that he would be boycotting Tripwire due to the controversy.

There was been no comment from Gibson since stepping down.

Church Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Largest Christian Book Publisher Removes Ravi Zacharias Books From Print

Ravi Zacharias’ books and resources will no longer be offered by HarperCollins Christian Publishing (HCCP), the religious publishing arm of HarperCollins that includes both Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, after it was revealed in an RZIM investigation that the late apologist spent decades as a serial sexual predator.

HCPP has published over 20 books that were either authored or co-authored by Zacharias over the last 25 years, including his most well-known work, Can Man Live Without God? which has been published in 21 languages. His latest book, Seeing Jesus From the East: A Fresh Look at History’s Most Influential Figure, co-authored with Abdu Murray (Zondervan), was released in April 2020. Zacharias has sold over 2 million books.

Casey Francis Harrell, vice president of corporate communication for HCCP, said in a statement about the decision to remove the books from print:

In September, when the most-recent sexual misconduct allegations against the late Ravi Zacharias surfaced, HarperCollins Christian Publishing immediately suspended all projects and shipments of his work.

Following the findings in the independent report, the company will immediately take all his publications out of print. We are deeply saddened, and we mourn for the victims.

This is not unexpected news, as there was been much discussion over the last 4 months over what to do with his books, with people even asking whether or not they should be burned, after the interim report revealed that the allegations of sexual impropriety were true. Steve Baughman revealed last month that Zacharias’ upcoming book Jesus for You, set for release in 2021, had been scrapped.

Lee Strobel, who prominently featured Ravi Zacharias in his book The Case for Christ, the international bestseller that had over 5 million copies in print as of 2016, announced that he and his publisher were likewise halting printings of their book, and would be revising it to remove mention of Zacharias and his interview.

When questioned about the decision, after being accused of engaging in “cancel culture,” Strobel pointed out, “The difference is Ravi never showed repentance. The book is for spiritual seekers and I don’t want his hypocrisy to be a stumbling block to them in considering the evidence for Christ.”

Featured News Social Issues

Netflix Under Fire for Releasing ‘Cuties’ Film about 11 y/o Twerking Girls

Netflix issued a non-apology Thursday after being met with massive backlash on social media for a new film soon to be hitting their platform, apologizing for the promotional material for the film, but not for the film itself.

Much of the well-deserved outrage and angst comes from the poster for the film, featured, (which we’ve pixelated) which depicts pre-teen girls wearing revealing cheerleading outfits and posting provocatively in a sexual manner. The rest, from the summary of the film, which makes the poster all the worse.

After sustained calls that this film was a pedophile’s dream rental given it sexualizes young girls, Netflix updated the film’s summary to read “Eleven-year-old Amy starts to rebel against her conservative family’s traditions when she becomes fascinated with a free-spirited dance crew” but have resisted calls to pull the movie, arguing that ‘It won an award at Sundance.”

Unlike many shows where adults will play teens, the film features an real-life 11-year-old actress, with the rest of the main cast being played pre-teen and young teenss. The film has been given a Mature rating (TV-MA) for language and depictions of nudity.

In a statement made to Deadline, Netflix gave a mea-culpa for the artwork but falsely claimed it bore no resemblance to the content of the film.

“We’re deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for Cuties. It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film which premiered at Sundance. We’ve now updated the pictures and description.”

The only problem is that it is EXACTLY representative of the film. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an 82% rating and the film description reads:

One reviewer, Aramide Tinubu , describes part of the film in her review

Cuties is difficult to watch. As Amy and her friends shake, grind and gyrate in the camera, wearing belly tops and booty shorts, Doucouré forces her audience to sit in a paralyzing state of fear. It is deeply uncomfortable to watch prepubescent girls behave in this manner. 

Another reviwer, Alex Heeney, writes

At the same time, the girls wear tight clothing, often with low necks and bare midriffs, and perform increasingly sexually suggestive choreography. Despite many closeups of the girls’ bottoms as they dance, Doucouré avoids any kind of leering gaze, instead celebrating the girls’ rhythmic athleticism with a weary eye to how problematic this could be.

It is apparent that Netflix is sorry the promotional material for the film is about twerking and is sexualizing, but not for the fact that content of the film itself prominently features the 11-year-olds twerking and being sexualized, which they seemingly deny anyway.

One account member reached out to the customer service line of the streaming giant and was met with a representative who likewise defended the film, writing that they support “creative freedom.”

As a result, a slew of Netflix accounts have been canceled by members, disgusted, and outraged at the film’s inclusion into their library.

Editor’s note. An earlier version of this article showed the poster in its entirety. After being prompted by a concerned reader, and considering the option in light of God’s word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we have removed the original and uploaded a pixelated copy. We are deeply appreciative of all feedback.