
Canadian Euthanasia Soars More Than 35%, Now Representing 4.2% of All Deaths

Canada is one of only seven countries in the world where euthanasia is permitted, and in just a few short years, it has become arguably the most permissive of all. Legalized in 2016, deaths from euthanasia has increased year over year, growing between 30-36% each time.

In 2021, 10,064 people were euthanized and were subjected to state-sponsored suicide. This is compared to 2020, which had 7383 deaths, and 2019, which saw 5424. Currently, the 10,064 number represents 3.3% of all deaths in Canada or 1/3050 people.

This trend shows no sign of stopping. According to a report from the Daily Mail:

Canada has seen another record-busting year of euthanasia deaths, with a 35 percent rise to some 13,500 state-sanctioned suicides in 2022, an analysis of official data shows.

Canada’s health chiefs won’t release their formal tally for some weeks, but data from Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia already show steep rises in euthanasia deaths last year.

Based on those numbers, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, a campaign group, assessed that Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) cases rose from 10,064 in 2021 to some 13,500 in 2022.

This now represents 4.2% of all deaths in the country. If trends hold steady, it will represent over 5% of deaths in 2023.

Critics say it’s on a perilous road to mass euthanasia and ever-more pressure on the sick, disabled and poor to end their lives prematurely.

Alex Schadenberg, director of the coalition, said euthanasia rates were ‘skyrocketing’ because a ‘heavy promotion of MAiD within our medical system’ had ‘normalized’ lethal injections. ‘Every major healthcare institution has a MAiD team which will literally approach everyone who may qualify for MAiD and ask them if they want to die,’

The Daily Mail further notes that “7% of all deaths in Quebec are state-sanctioned, making it the third top cause of death in the province after cancer and heart disease.”

There have been several cases in Canada of people getting euthanized because of financial stress, including one woman who requested to die because she ‘simply cannot afford to keep on living.’ In a survey last month, 25% of Canadians said people should have access to euthanasia because of poverty or homelessness. 

Canadian politicians are currently debating whether or not to extend access to euthanasia for children and the mentally ill. 


Census Data: 35% Of Canadians Have No Religious Affiliation. In Some Provinces, It’s Nearly 60%

(OnlySky) More than a third of Canadians have no religious affiliation, according to new census data released by Statistics Canada, the nation’s statistical agency. The 34.6% of Canadian “Nones” more than doubles the 16.5% who fell into the same category in 2001, revealing a trend that has yet to plateau.

The agency says the change cannot simply be attributed to a rise in immigration since immigrants to Canada have been disproportionately religious; rather, they attribute at least some of the rise to people raising their kids without organized religion:

Part of the growth is due to the number of children under 10 who were born in Canada and have no religious affiliation. The number of children under 10 rose by 597,000 (+55.3%) from 2011 to 2021

Meanwhile, the percentage of self-described Christians (of all stripes) is still in freefall, dropping from 77.1% in 2001 to 53.3% in 2021.

It won’t be too long, I suspect, before the Nones overtake Christians across the country—and even sooner for Christians to become a religious minority. That’s already happened in Yukon and British Columbia, in the western part of the nation, where the percentage of non-religious citizens is 59.7% and 52.1%, respectively.

The BC Humanist Association…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Hemant Mehta and published at OnlySky.


It’s Official: Canada Passes Bill Criminalizing Conversion Therapy or Counselling, Targets Pastors

A week after introducing a bill in the House that would ban conversion therapy and make it illegal to practice it and advertise for it within the country- and not just for youth and children under the age of 17, but also amongst consenting adults- the bill has been fast-tracked and passed the Senate, thanks to the unanimous support of ALL political parties, needing only the formality of the ‘royal assent to become law.

The new law makes it a crime to seek to do any of the following, which are punishable between 2 and 5 years in prison, depending on the severity of the breach.

  • a. change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;
  • b.Change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;
  • c.Change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth;
  • d.Repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behavior;
  • e.Repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or
  • f.Repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.”

The language of the bill is naturally horrific

 “conversion therapy causes harm to society because, among other things, it is based on and propagates myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, including the myth that heterosexuality, cisgender gender identity, and gender expression that conforms to the sex assigned to a person at birth are to be preferred over other sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions … in light of those harms, it is important to discourage and denounce the provision of conversion therapy in order to protect the human dignity and equality of all Canadians.”

There is no sort of religious exemption for Christian pastors or religious leaders, and it is inevitable that in the next year or two, a pastor who teaches that homosexuality is a sin and that converting to the faith will inevitably result in Christ redeeming one’s sexuality and sanctifying their homosexual desires overtime into heterosexuality, will be arrested, charged, fined, and thrown in prison.

This is not hyperbole.

With this new Canadian law, if a congregant tells a pastor they have sinful homosexual thoughts, and seek prayer and counseling for them to have them quelled and brought under the blood of Christ, that is worthy of fines, arrest, and even jail if discovered and brought to the authorities.

Canada is a godless, pagan nation that is absolutely lost and viciously hostile to the gospel of Jesus and to the Christian faith. Pray for the faithful remnant of believers.


TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted

A Gospel Coalition council member and contributor has doubled down on his claim that Canadian Churches have not been persecuted, nor have they endured ill-treatment at all during the pandemic, suggesting that those claiming otherwise need to stop yapping about it, lest they “destabilize” the rest of the body.

This isn’t the first time that author Pastor Paul Carter has had a go at this. Months ago, he published an article insisting that while there was “probably” some “overreach,” by and large, Christians have endured no “hostility and ill-treatment because of our religious beliefs,” as he concluded: “I’m not sure how any reasonable person could argue that [there was].”

Well, he’s back. In a lengthy essay on the Gospel Coalition, he draws a comparison between the persecution in 1 Peter and what Canadian Christians have endured (being hit particularly hard by ruthless government leaders enforcing asinine lockdowns), saying that Peter’s goal was to “stabilize” the Christians there and give them a “realistic appraisal of their difficulties.”

Carter incorporates Pliny the Younger’s letter to Trajan that sought advice on how he should deal with the Christians in their midst, showing that so long as Christians didn’t get too uppity, Trajan was content to enact a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that ensured a sense of normalcy around their coexistence. “Christianity was discouraged but not destroyed, Christian people were marginalized, but not martyred and converts from paganism understood that becoming a Christian would be costly but generally not fatal.”

He argues that up until the time that Christianity was legalized by Constantine, Christians were really only formally persecuted for 2 years. In the other 260 years, things weren’t that bad. Carter explains that “this lesson ought to underscore the importance of being realistic about the challenges and difficulties that we are facing.”

Drawing comparisons to Canadian churches, he says that the churches have had a difficult time, but they categorically have not been persecuted. He points to his own situation in Ontario, which involves him having to get up at 4:00 am and have multiple services, and confesses, “I have a hard time thinking of that as persecution,” whereas something like “4-5 in basements and root cellars, whispering hymns in the dark, knowing full well that if they get caught they will be executed or sent to internment camps” is real persecution.

And here is the crux of his argument:

What we’re experiencing here in Ontario, and throughout most of the Provinces in Canada, is inconvenient and exhausting – but it doesn’t feel to me like persecution and I don’t think it would be helpful for our people if I called it that. I think this letter from the Apostle Peter cautions me about making too much of the difficulties that I’m facing.

That is because he is complying with the government, and the question at hand is what happens if he stops being so cooperative and starts to disobey them?

That’s the fundamental flaw with his argument.

He’s looking at churches that stopped meeting altogether, forbidden by the government to meet in any capacity and forced to do online services, or other churches forced to adhere to nonsensical and arbitrary capacity restrictions.

He’s looking at churches that won’t sing anymore because the government has forbidden them to do so, saying it’s too unsafe.

He’s looking at churches that insist that all members wear masks at all times and social distance, forbidden from having fellowship.

He’s looking at churches that have altogether ceased taking communion, on the orders of the government, removing themselves from the elements for fear of getting fined.

He’s looking at churches across the provinces and is saying “as long as you do all these things, you won’t get persecuted, and it’ll just be hardships and inconvenience.”

In this way, he is 100% correct.

Compliance with the government rules that dictate how and what a Christian church service must look like, and what the congregants can and can’t do will be exhausting but it won’t result in persecution.

But what of the churches that will not comply? What of the churches that insist that Christ is Lord of the church, not the Government, and that they will all gather on the Lord’s day as one body to worship as the Scriptures say?

You know their names by now. James Coates and GraceLife Church, arrested and jailed for a month. That church was barricaded and forcibly shut down, and is now having services in hiding.

Tim Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church, arrested and put in jail. Fined thousands of dollars. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, and they have been doing some services in hiding.

Jacob Reaume and Trinity Bible Chapel. Facing fines of over fifty million dollars – some of which cannot be appealed and must be paid. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, all the while being continually harassed by law enforcement and who has members fearful they could lose their jobs if they are known to be associated with the congregation.

That is persecution.

It isn’t on the same level as North Korea or Syria, but it doesn’t have to be. It is undeniable that it does exist in a milder form and has emerged whenever a congregation gets “out of line” according to the powers that be.

But if you’re a church that doesn’t get out of line – handing your service over to Caesar in order to avoid his judgmental and intolerant eye, you’ll be standing in disobedience to the scriptures and to the word of God, but like Paul’s church, you’ll be just fine.


‘One Month Isn’t Enough’ – Canada Declares Pride SEASON Lasting All Summer

(Breitbart) The Justin Trudeau-led Government of Canada has announced that one month is not sufficient for the celebration of LGBT pride, and that the festivities will be extended to cover the whole season.

“1 month isn’t enough to celebrate Pride in Canada!” declared his Twitter-verified ‘Free to be me’ account, an official account of the Government of Canada, alongside an emoji rainbow, gay pride flag emoji, and transgender flag emoji.

“#PrideSeason takes place from June to September with local events across the country celebrating the resilience and spirit of #LGBTQ2 people in Canada. Follow us as we highlight Pride celebrations all summer long!” the account added, alongside a digital poster exclaiming “HAPPY PRIDE SEASON!” with a Canadian maple leaf logo stylised in the colours of the new Black Lives Matter and trans movement compliant LGBT flag, incorporating black and brown stripes and the colours of the transgender pride flag.

Canada’s LGBTQ2 Secretariat, which the ‘Free to be me’ account links to, had already celebrated an “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB)” in May….

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jack Montgomery and published at Breitbart.

Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Breaking: Gov’t Forced to Drop Charges Against Illegally Jailed Canadian Pastor

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has announced that the contempt of court charge against Pastor Tim Stephens of Calgary’s Fairview Baptist Church has been dropped and will not be given a hearing, lifting the specter of further arrest on that charge. For now.

The move comes after it was discovered that Alberta Health Services (AHS), the manically prosecutorial organization that has been responsible for jailing three pastors and locking their churches, never actually served the court order for which Pastor Stephens was arrested and thrown in jail.

In fact, they served the court order to a different Tim Stephens, and by the time they arrested the pastor, the court order he was charged with had already been abrogated and modified by a judge, making it so that it wouldn’t have applied to him anyway.

Because AHS messed up twice, Stephens was incarcerated illegally, the victim of a rabid government entity hellbent on persecuting anyone who doesn’t abide by their anti-scientific rhetoric.

Ultimately, it took three days for JCCF to secure Stephens’ release, but this was three days too many. Stephens is out and completely free, with the case against him being dropped and the AHS licking their wounds as they plot their next line of attack.

Despite the contempt of court charge being dropped, Pastor Tim Stephens and his congregation are not in the clear. Like Pastor James Coates and GraceLife Church, they have gone underground and been meeting in secret in order to stave off further attention and persecution.

Pray for the persecuted church of Alberta.

Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Onward to Glory Righteous Defiance

Video: Pastor who Shouted ‘Get Out Nazi Gestapo’ to Police is Arrested For Having Church Service

A Canadian Pastor has been arrested in the streets and thrown in jail for the crime of having a church service that exceeds the 15-person limit.

Artur Pawlowski and brother David were arrested immediately after Sunday’s service, with half a dozen police cars and over a dozen officers surrounding them and taking them down in the middle of a busy highway. Artur is the pastor of Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, and went viral weeks ago after yelling at police officers and Alberta Health Service personnel who entered his church without permission in order to shut down the service.

He practiced passive resistance, going limp on purpose, all the while calling them “Nazi Gestapo psychopaths,” forcing them to carry him and his brother away.

Both were taken into police custody and charged with “organizing an illegal in-person gathering, in addition to “requesting, inciting, or inviting others.” 

That is, having church and inviting others to come to his church.

In a public statement, Calgary Police say the arrest was completely justified as he was violating lockdown orders that prohibit church gatherings.

It is important to understand that law enforcement recognizes people’s desire to participate in faith-based gatherings as well as the right to protest. However, as we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, we all must comply with public health orders in order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

This is the second Canadian pastor arrested and put in jail on account on insisting on having church service at full capacity, following the arrest of GraceLife Pastor James Coates, who spent 35 days in jail and is now having an underground service to avoid further arrests and fines.

In Canada, which is quickly becoming a police state, this new roundup of pastors is likely just the beginning.

Drive-In Church In-person Church

Over 70 Canadian Churches Vow to Defy Lockdowns, will Fully Open for Easter Services

(Lifesite News) The threat of fines and possible imprisonment will not deter over 70 Christian churches in Canada from defying COVID lockdowns and holding religious services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The churches have vowed to open for Easter services “to stand together in unity and to oppose further lockdowns.”

All churches involved have signed on to Liberty Coalition Canada’s (LCC) “We Will Gather Easter 2021” initiative. To date, eight Canadian provinces are represented: Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

In some provinces, such as British Columbia, indoor church services are banned outright due to COVID-related health rules, with the rest of the provinces enacting severe limits on church attendance size.

The “We Will Gather Easter 2021” webpage states that the churches involved hope for “three things.”

The first goal is that “many people who are needing refuge and sanctuary will flock to these churches and hear the Gospel of Jesus…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anthony Murdock and published at Lifesite News.

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Scandal

Breaking! RZIM Canada Shutting Down Ministry

RZIM Canada has announced they are shutting down operations in the country and shuttering their doors, a result of the devastating revelation that their ministry namesake, the late apologist Ravi Zacharias, was a serial sexual predator.

In a statement released on their website, the board informs that the “current environment” makes it impossible for RZIM Canada to fulfill their mission and mandate for apologetics-based evangelism, revealing that “in the spirit of integrity” they’ve been refusing donations for the last month while they worked out whether or not they could even exist or get through this.

They made the decision that they could not.

They write:

A Statement from the Board of RZIM Canada

The final report from Miller & Martin PLLC on the late Ravi Zacharias has been released by the Board of RZIM US, to whom he was accountable. The findings of his sexual misconduct fill us with desolation and grief.

We grieve for all the victims. No words are adequate or even appropriate, yet we must somehow find words. Their stories must be heard and heeded. We pray for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

RZIM Canada has always been a wholly independent and self-sustaining charitable organization. We view our donors’ support as a sacred trust given “as unto the Lord.” In the spirit of integrity, we committed last month not to accept donations while seeking God’s direction for this ministry.

We recognize the ongoing need for an apologetics-based approach to evangelism. Regrettably, we are of the conviction that it is not possible for RZIM Canada to fulfill this mandate within the current environment. Therefore, it is with heaviness of heart and after much prayerful consideration that we are compelled to begin winding down the operations of RZIM Canada.

Our hearts go out to the countless people around the world who responded to Ravi’s apologetic ministry and who are now at risk of rejecting the message on account of the messenger. We take hope that Truth prevails even in a fallen world.

We ask that you continue to join us in fervent prayer.

The Board of RZIM Canada

Last week the UK branch of RZIM, The Zacharias Trust, announced they were cutting ties with RZIM and were changing their name following the abuse scandal, with the board explaining.

“In governance terms the UK entity has always been a separate charity with independent trustees, but in the current circumstances we believe that we must now operate without any link to RZIM US,” they explained. “The UK entity will also choose a new name. This process will take time to complete but the UK Board is convinced that this is the best and only way to ensure that the ministry can continue to serve the UK church with integrity. This will also give us the opportunity to review the lessons to be learned from these awful events.” 

RZIM has branches remaining in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Africa, the United Kingdom, Spain, Romania, Turkey, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Austria, Germany, Macedonia, and Switzerland.

Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police and Politicians ‘There is a Plan in Place’ to Prevent Defiant Church from Gathering

A church in Canada that has continued to gather for services in defiance of lockdown orders and despite the pastor and elder team being handed tens of thousands of dollars in fines, and whose church faces $10,000,000 in fines for being opened, may have their congregating come to an end, as police and politicians publicly state there is a plan in place to prevent them from gathering.

Premier Doug Ford, the Conservative Premier of Ontario was asked about what he thinks should be done with Trinity Baptist Church, one of a handful of churches in a province of 15 million who are continuing to open their doors for worship. Presently gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited, irrespective of the size of the church and its capacity to safely hold them.

I think it’s careless and irresponsible for them to host this, especially when we are in the situation we are in right now…I’d really encourage them not to do this. They aren’t being responsible. I discourage this 100 percent…Please don’t continue doing this. There will be consequences…

The Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said, “all options are on the table” in regards to the church gatherings and Waterloo Regional Police Chief Bryan Larkin made the most ominous threat of them all, explaining that they have something up their sleeve and that there will be a plan in place to prevent the church from furthering gathering.

Larkin has been criticized by many for being TOO SOFT on the church, with many demanding that his officers enter the sanctuary and break up the service. While he has demurred from that up to this point, suggesting that dispersing several hundred people would be a health risk to his officers, that may be back on the table. He explains:

We will develop a plan to ensure and prevent any further services from happening…I feel very confident that to prevent any further gatherings and to ensure the community that all of the approaches we’ve been taking has been strategic, it’s been well planned, well co-ordinated…But we do intend to take action.

Suggested action would likely be to fine every church member and visitor seeking to attend the service $1000 if they refuse to stay away, barricading the roads to physically prevent vehicles from entering the parking lot, or arresting the pastor, elders, and wayward congregation members if they don’t leave the church.

There has been no comment from Trinity Church yet about the newest threats.