
Bathtub Baptisms? Charismatic Pastor Oversees Mass DYI Baptisms Streamed from the Bathroom

Meet Richard Lorenzo Jr., the charismatic founder and Senior Pastor of the Remnant Revival Outreach Center (RROC). He describes his community as a spiritual army, destined to bring revival across nations and breathe life back into the heart of Christianity. 

Lorenzo boasts a colorful past, describing himself as a former drug lord and warlock who practiced voodoo and Santeria. He even went as far as to call himself an ‘apostle for the devil’ before his spiritual transformation. 

His ministry partners include controversial figures like Daniel Adams, often critiqued as the least credible deliverance minister out there, and he can be seen hobknobbing with huckster Isaiah Saldivar, all who share his controversial belief that Christians can be possessed by demons. Lorenzo’s ‘revivals’ often consist of extended worship music sessions followed by wretched teaching, claimed healings, miracles, and supposed demon expulsions. 

However, it’s Lorenzo’s latest online spectacle that has raised eyebrows. In a video, Lorenzo guides almost 50 followers through a DIY baptism from their bathtubs. This practice, featuring a questionable prayer and devoid of any pastoral or congregational witness, stands as a stark deviation from traditional baptism norms. Following their baptism, he instructs them to put their hands on their heads and tells them they’re going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by tongues, as he prays for them.

I want you guys to understand what baptism is. Again, it’s very simple. It is an outward profession, declaration of what already happened aside. So we’re gonna go through this, I’m gonna have you guys repeat after me. You know, to confirm your faith. And you’re gonna go into that water. When you go under that water. Your body in the spiritual is dying. Your old self is dying. That means everything you did, everything dies with your old body. You don’t get cleaned under the water…you wash your mind with the word.

When you go into that water, you die with Chris. The same way that he died on the cross, the father is seeing you die on the cross with him. Isn’t that crazy? Grace, we don’t deserve it.

So when you go under that water, your old self is dead and you’re being born again. You’re coming up a new creation, your consciousness is being washed. You’re being married to Christ under that water. This is a marriage ceremony. This is a marriage ceremony. You’re being married to Christ. You’re divorcing the world, you’re divorcing the enemy, you’re divorcing your flesh and say ‘no, no more. I’m being married to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.’

It’s very, very important. It’s very, very important for discipleship. Very, very, very, very important work to profess your faith. Your professing your faith by your works, because faith without works is dead.

H/t to Revealing Truth


Bethel Church Baptizes Woman Who Gives THIS Strange Reason for Wanting to Be Baptized

Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Bill Johnson, is a hodgepodge of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God Theology’, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, and that angels sit around in heaven farting contents, it’s a bizarro world with significant influence. (see endnotes)

They also have a free-for-all mentality for their baptism process. Two months ago, they had a spontaneous baptism for Joshua Bassett, an openly gay Disney star, despite his murky reasons for doing so. Recently, they had another baptism service where they asked a young woman why she was being baptized tonight. She responded.

Hi, my name is Krystal, I just know that God is calling me to be a warrior for his animal kingdom and that I’m to lead an army of angels to protect animals across the world, and I just know I can’t do it without God.

That’s a crazy theology all by itself, less being a motivation for wanting to be baptized. If Bethel had even an ounce of discernment or sense of biblical propriety, they would have declined the baptism at that point and pulled her aside. They would have offered her correction and sought clarity on what was happening with her, why she was seeking to be baptized again, and whether or not she had a biblical reason for doing so.

But because there’s nothing too weird or spiritually suspect that Bethelites haven’t been exposed to, the crowd cheered at her declarations rather than growing quiet and concerned.

Bethel Pastor Claims Adam is ‘Procreating With God’ and ‘Co-Creating’ When Naming the Animals
Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’
Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards
Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’
Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’
Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”
Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only


SBC’s ‘First Baptist Orlando’ Allows Unrepentant ‘Gay-Married’ Homosexual to Baptize His Friends

First Baptist Church Orlando, the 14,000-member Southern Baptist megachurch led by David Uth, continues its quest to brazenly and flagrantly violate scripture. Last year they knowingly baptized Joe Mills, an out-and-out gay, unrepentant gay man, who is ‘married’ to his ‘husband’ and has been leading a small group of FBCO congregants in a bible study for the past few years, with the knowledge of Pastor Danny De Armas, who himself has led the study. Now, that unrepentant gay man, who is in good standing, is baptizing others at the church.

You’ll recall that FBC Orlando is where Danny De Armas, the senior associate pastor, infamously offered a full-blown ecumenical statement devoid of any Gospel truth and antithetical to the teachings of Scripture by highlighting how many illegal immigrants, pro-choice democrats, and LGBTQ folk were ‘serving’ in his church.

We have transgender, LGBTQ, straight, single, married, divorced and cohabitating people. These same people attend listen, serve, grow and give…We have pro-life and pro-choice…And in the midst of all of this, we have one of the most beautiful worship experiences you can possibly imagine.

Now they’re truly living it. Mills announced in Facebook last year that “At our church, the person that has been instrumental in your walk has the privilege of baptizing that individual. I’m very pleased that Susan will be baptized at a Southern Baptist Church by myself.”

It’s unclear if the woman being baptized is Susan, but what isn’t unclear is that an unrepentant gay man was himself baptized at First Baptist Orlando and now is baptizing others.

h/t The Dissenter.


Good News: Decatur County Sheriff Oversees Dozens of Inmate Baptisms

The Decatur County Sheriff in Greensburg, IN, seems to be doing the Lord’s work, publicly rejoicing that dozens of inmates have given a profession of faith andwere baptized, writing on their Facebook wall on December 29, 2022.

Nearly 40 men and women after a personal, public profession of Jesus Christ in their lives. Over the past four years, nearly 300 men and women have given their life to Jesus Christ while incarcerated at the Decatur County Detention Center. All glory to GOD!

This echoes previous statements made in July, where they likewise wrote:

The Decatur County Sheriff’s Office conducted baptisms for 36 inmates inside of the Detention Center. These inmates professed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ followed by a water baptism. What a glorious day for Heaven and each of these men and women.

While it is easy to get jaded and skeptical about this sort of thing, and the possible motives they may have for getting baptized or to what degree their profession of faith is legitimate rather than a ploy, we ought to instead be hopeful and pray that the seed would fall in good soil.

Editor’s Note. And ya’ll say all we ever do is publish doom and gloom. Here is your yearly good news story of the day. You only get one, though!

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Charismatic Jeremiah Johnson Does Front Flip Into Baptismal Tank During Church Service

False Prophet Jeremiah Johnson, last seen plagiarizing JD’s Hall’s imprecatory prayer against the now-tormented Ruth Bader Ginsberg and using #charismaticlogic to explain that his false prophesies prove he’s a true prophet got a little wild on stage during a recent North Georgia Revival service when he flipped into the baptismal tank under the supposed power and influence of the Holy Spirit, getting re-baptized in front of a raucous crowd.

In a clip captioned, “Jeremiah decided to jump into the baptismal waters tonight during the altar call and receive a fresh touch from God for himself. More Lord!!!” The pitiful prophet tells the congregation, “I want to be the first one in tonight” and then can be seen running across the stage, not unlike a swine looking for a cliff to jump over, and joins the team who were in the process of baptizing another person.

The team then baptizes him, as he throws his arms up in triumph.

From the context of what is going on, this is hardly Johnson’s first baptism, but seemingly is a regular or semi-regular occurrence. It seems to be a new charismatic method of acquiring a few heaping scoopfuls of a “fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit.” Of course, it is wholly unbiblical in light of the Biblical model of baptism being a one-time thing, rather than a weekly, monthly, or yearly event to “top you up” with that Holy Spirit fire.