Bathtub Baptisms? Charismatic Pastor Oversees Mass DYI Baptisms Streamed from the Bathroom

Meet Richard Lorenzo Jr., the charismatic founder and Senior Pastor of the Remnant Revival Outreach Center (RROC). He describes his community as a spiritual army, destined to bring revival across nations and breathe life back into the heart of Christianity.
Lorenzo boasts a colorful past, describing himself as a former drug lord and warlock who practiced voodoo and Santeria. He even went as far as to call himself an ‘apostle for the devil’ before his spiritual transformation.
His ministry partners include controversial figures like Daniel Adams, often critiqued as the least credible deliverance minister out there, and he can be seen hobknobbing with huckster Isaiah Saldivar, all who share his controversial belief that Christians can be possessed by demons. Lorenzo’s ‘revivals’ often consist of extended worship music sessions followed by wretched teaching, claimed healings, miracles, and supposed demon expulsions.
However, it’s Lorenzo’s latest online spectacle that has raised eyebrows. In a video, Lorenzo guides almost 50 followers through a DIY baptism from their bathtubs. This practice, featuring a questionable prayer and devoid of any pastoral or congregational witness, stands as a stark deviation from traditional baptism norms. Following their baptism, he instructs them to put their hands on their heads and tells them they’re going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by tongues, as he prays for them.
I want you guys to understand what baptism is. Again, it’s very simple. It is an outward profession, declaration of what already happened aside. So we’re gonna go through this, I’m gonna have you guys repeat after me. You know, to confirm your faith. And you’re gonna go into that water. When you go under that water. Your body in the spiritual is dying. Your old self is dying. That means everything you did, everything dies with your old body. You don’t get cleaned under the water…you wash your mind with the word.
When you go into that water, you die with Chris. The same way that he died on the cross, the father is seeing you die on the cross with him. Isn’t that crazy? Grace, we don’t deserve it.
So when you go under that water, your old self is dead and you’re being born again. You’re coming up a new creation, your consciousness is being washed. You’re being married to Christ under that water. This is a marriage ceremony. This is a marriage ceremony. You’re being married to Christ. You’re divorcing the world, you’re divorcing the enemy, you’re divorcing your flesh and say ‘no, no more. I’m being married to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.’
It’s very, very important. It’s very, very important for discipleship. Very, very, very, very important work to profess your faith. Your professing your faith by your works, because faith without works is dead.
H/t to Revealing Truth
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