Featured In-person Church Onward to Glory Righteous Defiance

Defiance! Nearly 1000 Canadian Christians show up for Illegal Public Church Service

With thousands of churches shuttered and doing online service in a province that limits Church services to a mere 10-person capacity, irrespective of whether it is indoor or outdoor, a group of defiant church ministers put on a massive public service in the heart of their city, proclaiming that Christ is king over his church.

Pastors Nate Wright, Aaron Rock, Jacob Reaume, and Michael Thissen put on the service at 4:30 p.m., despite facing the threat of a $10,000 fine for organizers and $750 fine for any attendees. Trinity Bible Chapel pastor Jacob Reaume, whose own church has been shut down and locked up by the government, and who has amassed over $50,000,000 [yes, 50 Million] in fines, told True North News:

We decided on this because we have been prohibited from leading services in our church buildings and we desire to maintain a public witness to the glory of Christ.  We also believe that people will be blessed by singing together, by praying together, and by exchanging warm greetings with one another in that context.

Waterloo Regional Police and bylaw officers were on site, but did not arrest anyone.

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Pastor Pledges To ‘Take Church Underground’ Afer Facing Fine 100k and Year in Jail For Remaining Open

A pastor in Canada facing massive charges and jail time for having church services of more than 10 people, a violation of the province’s regressive and tyrannical shutdown laws, is pledging that his congregation will find a way to gather for the Lord’s day, even if that means talking the church underground and practicing civil disobedience.

In a statement released today by the Elders at Harvest Bible Church in Windsor, Ontario, they explain that their Pastor Aaron Rock was informed by law enforcement officers that he’s been charged under the “Reopening Ontario Act” for having church last week. The exact fine will be assessed by the courts and ranges from $10,000- $100,000 and one year in prison.

Furthermore, the police told the congregation they would physically prevent them from attending their Christmas Eve church service, but it is not known at this time to what degree they were successful.

The statement explains:

“We believe that God will call provincial officials and the Premier to account for these irrational, illegal, and irresponsible acts, and for refusing to recognize the essential work of the church. To rescue the world from one viral threat, officials are willing to deny people gainful employment, deny people with mental illness and suicidal inclinations essential support, and deny the in-person proclamation of the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is an abhorrent offense to humanity and an affront to religious liberties. To add to this injustice, hardware stores and big box stores remain open so that people can buy their last-minute Christmas gifts, while the church is banned from collectively worshipping the greatest Christmas gift ever given: the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a national disgrace.

The church describes how they have repeatedly reached out to the health unit tasked with enforcing public health measures, but to this point they’ve been completely uncommunicative and have refused to respond.

Thus: they made their position known with utmost clarity:

Our elders have met, and we will issue an internal communication to our church family outlining some interim plans to help us get through the Christmas season before we head into the New Year. In the end, we will find ways to fulfil our Christian obligations even if we are forced underground or to practice further civil disobedience.

In the meantime we will continue to fight against injustice and fight for the God-given freedoms and responsibilities of the Christian church. The Church is, and shall remain, a free institution under the lordship of Jesus Christ and an essential service for all of humanity.

That’s a ‘Yea’ and an “Amen” if we’ve ever heard one.