Op-Ed: It’s Time for Churches Who Shut Down During a Crisis to Repent
A recent study shows that the only group that hasn’t mentally suffered during COVID-19 has been regular church-goers. Largely, what...
A recent study shows that the only group that hasn’t mentally suffered during COVID-19 has been regular church-goers. Largely, what...
Kyle J Howard is fit to be tied over last night debate between Georgia Senate Candidates Kelly Loeffler and the...
The Gospel Coalition continues to bear rotting and putrid fruit, this time in the form of their 2020 best book...
In a move done with a completely straight face and nary a smirk or an eye roll to be seen,...
Back in August, the future president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Albert Mohler, said there are no female pastors within...
That is to say, not very well. You want to hear some bad preaching? We have some bad preaching for...
The day is here. After years of our theological betters with the Evangelical Industrial Complex doing all they can to...
Listen, Christian. Evangelical elites are lying to you. The Marxism-promoting Gospel Coalition and the mostly irrelevant SBC Voices have published...
An unfortunate reality has become apparent in the nation's largest Protestant denomination. A once-conservative network of autonomous Baptist churches has...
If Trump wins on November 3, you’re going to see a lot of evangelical leaders recalibrate themselves in a panic...