A letter from Pastor James Coates to the Church at Gracelife
On March 14, 2021, Pastor Jacob Spenst of Gracelife Church in Edmonton, Alberta, read a letter from Pastor James Coates,...
On March 14, 2021, Pastor Jacob Spenst of Gracelife Church in Edmonton, Alberta, read a letter from Pastor James Coates,...
Musician and artist "Propaganda," whose real name is Jason Emmanuel Petty, is perhaps best known for his blistering critique of...
(LIfesite News) The Canadian government sent a strong message last night to people struggling with mental illness regarding what it...
(Christian Post) The California Department of Education is set to vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum aimed at the...
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come out swinging against therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction, describing the process of seeking...
(Triblive) The longtime treasurer of a Mt. Pleasant Township church was arrested this week after admitting to state troopers he...
A worship session during a charismatic children's conference had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak...
(Reformation Charlotte) Matt Chandler recently joined a host of woke, anti-white racists at the heretical IF Gathering to denounce America...
Sye Ten Bruggencate's recent confession of a moral failure that saw him stepping down from ministry entirely is "more serious...
Amid plummeting donations and a reputation in tatters, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries has announced that is will no longer be...