
Hillsong Church Does Satanic Buddhist Dance During Christmas Service

A recently unearthed video from Hillsong Sweden shows their 2018 Christmas service extravaganza featured a dance routine on the stage that is traditionally done to honor the Buddhist deity Kuan Shi Yin, incorporating the “dance of a thousand hands” into a service designed to worship Christ.

For reference, Kuan Shi Yin, also known as some variation of Guan Yin, Guan Yim, Kuan Yim, or Kuan Yin, is the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy, and Kindness. According to legend, she vowed never to rest until she saved all unhappy beings. Realizing that she could not do it as she was, the Buddha gave her multiple heads and arms in order to help so many. She is frequently depicted with varying degrees of arms and heads, but always sitting on a lotus flower while wearing a headdress of some kind.

Naturally, this led the church, led by senior pastors Andreas and Lina Nielsen to incorporate this bizarre dance routine into their Christmas service, performed by members of Hillsong in an act of pure show and pageantry.

After a performance by the children’s choir, one of the men observing is asked why he is so grumpy, and telling him he needs to get down with the kids, promising him to “show him some moves.” This transition to an Asian-inspired version of Drake’s In My Feelings (Kiki do you love me?) song, cleaned up to not include the copious amount of f-bombs, n-bombs, and sexually explicit language this song features. (Again, why?)

While the troupe dances, you’ll notice that they have the same hand and finger positioning as the goddess, as depicted in the portraits, statues, and graven images of her. There is also a large lotus featured prominently in the background screen, the same as Kuan Shi Yin.

All happening in front of the entire congregation.

Hillsong has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the insane one we just featured, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted).

In terms of pure blasphemy, this puts all those to shame. To see a typical dance of a thousand hands, click here.

h/t to Brother John Elving for the video…

LGBTQQIP2SAA News Religion Social Issues World News

United Methodist Church Conservatives Forming New Denomination Amid Schism

The conservatives within the United Methodist Church (UMC) have had enough of their denomination’s progressive views of homosexuality and acceptance of other deviant sexual theology, announcing the formation of a new denomination set to go live in 2022.

Called the “Global Methodist Church,” its reveal was announced by the Transitional Leadership Council, a 17-member team of theologically conservative Methodists. They explain that:

The new church will officially come into existence when a United Methodist General Conference adopts the implementing legislation for the Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace through Separation.

Alternatively, if it becomes apparent that the leading bishops, centrists, and progressives who covenanted to support the Protocol no longer do so, then the council will consider bringing the new church into existence without delay. Local United Methodist churches, annual conferences, and central conferences will then be able to join the new denomination.

In short, they’re going to try to do it the amicable way, through the official channels, but if the liberals try to make things hard, then they’ll cut their ties then and there. The conservatives planned to split in 2020 and then again 2021, but their conferences were canceled both years due to the threat of COVID-19. The new general conference is set for September 2022.

While the main reason for splitting is the long-fought war within the UMC over homosexuality and the UMC’s acceptance of it, it’s of note that the conservatives within the UMC aren’t particularly conservative either. For years the UMC has supported a woman’s right to choose abortion as an option to be considered. In fact, for over 40 years their Book of Resolutions affirmed the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. They support strict gun control, and even guns being banned altogether. They allow women leadership into the highest level of leadership, condemn capital punishment, and condemn creationism.

With the formation of the new denomination by the conservatives, however, many of the pagans within the UMC that have been given the freedom to let their leaven fizz and ferment for decades have announced the created their own denomination, called The Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX).

These ragtag reprobates which are headed to hell in a handbasket unless they repent and are saved by a sovereign God, explain on their website:

We are journeying toward a new way of being followers of Christ that refute the imbalance of powers, principalities, and privileges that has plagued Methodism: colonialism, white supremacy, economic injustices, patriarchy, sexism, clericalism, ableism, ageism, transphobia, and heteronormativity. We trust God’s presence and our collaborative labors will guide us toward a new, more liberative way of answering our calling and being in connexion together…

LMX theology is not written in stone because our human understanding continues to evolve as we deepen our personal and collective understandings of God. We have been expanding our methodist theological heritage with various expressions of Liberation theologies, theories, and praxis.  [Editor’s note: Literally woke as hell.]


TGC Pastor Accused of Virtue-Twerking Historical Revisionism over Trayvon Martin

Mark Dever, Pastor at Capitol City Baptist Church, President of 9 Marks Ministry, and council member at The Gospel Coalition was accused over the weekend of engaging in some good old-fashioned virtue-twerking historical revisionism after highlighting the death of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old young man who was killed by Geroge Zimmerman in 2012.

Zimmerman was found not guilty of both second-degree murder and manslaughter after a jury of 6 women found that he acted in self-defense when he shot Martin, who was in the process of smashing his head against the sidewalk after an altercation. Zimmerman tailed the young man while calling 911, explaining he was following him because he looked “suspicious.”

Dever routinely posts “Today in History” reminders, such as “10 years ago today, Frank Buckles, last surviving US Veteran of WWI died at age 110 (2011).” or “145 years ago today, Lottie Moon wrote in a letter to J C Williams, “But the work is God’s and we do not fear the final results. ‘The heathen shall be given to His Son for His inheritance,’ and we must be content to await His own time.” (1876)”

It was his commentary though, that left many giving him the squinty eye and shaking their heads.

Critics charge that Dever highlights Martin’s black skin in order to stir up racial division, propagating a “white-on-black violence” narrative and inferring that his death had a racial component to it. Pointedly, Dever is saying he was killed because he was black. Why else, they say, would he note it while at the same time choosing not to mention George Zimmerman’s race, who is a Peruvian person of color, as well as not mentioning the race of other people he tweets about, such as the aforementioned Frank Buckles and Lottie Moon?

They also contend that Dever’s commentary of a call for prayer for “justice” in our society is an accusation/contention that Martin was murdered and did not receive justice – hence the prayer for justice in this context. This prompted Pastor Josh Buice to point out:

The article Buice is quoting from specifically states:

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, igniting a national debate on racial profiling and civil rights, was found not guilty late Saturday night of second-degree murder. He was also acquitted of manslaughter, a lesser charge.

After three weeks of testimony, the six-woman jury rejected the prosecution’s contention that Mr. Zimmerman had deliberately pursued Mr. Martin because he assumed the hoodie-clad teenager was a criminal and instigated the fight that led to his death.

Mr. Zimmerman said he shot Mr. Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, in self-defense after the teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him and slammed his head repeatedly against the sidewalk. In finding him not guilty of murder or manslaughter, the jury agreed that Mr. Zimmerman could have been justified in shooting Mr. Martin because he feared great bodily harm or death.

By highlighting Martin’s race along with the need for justice, critics contend that Dever is engaging in some woke revisionism that follows a false narrative, essentially promulgating a race-baiting retelling of events that leaves out crucial content, while making sure to include misdirecting talking points. The result, they say, is damaging.

One commenter in particular was displeased with Dever’s commentary on the subject, doing his own take with Judas Iscariot as the subject to demonstrate what he doing with the language he chooses.

Dever has yet to comment on the brouhaha.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Voddie Baucham Discharged from Hospital after Surgery went ‘Perfectly’

With news that Voddie Baucham’s heart surgery went “perfectly,” we have a few more details about what happened, what was done, and what the recovery will look like.

Baucham informed supporters through the GoFundMe site:

They suspect that the heart failure was induced by an arrhythmia (actually two). This is good news because the procedure I underwent is designed to eliminate such arrhythmias, this allowing my heart to recover and remodel. In other words, I am not expected to stay on the heart failure track (which ultimately leads to transplant) but regain full heart health.

Of course, time will tell if they fixed it all, and I will be monitored closely for the next few months. But we are hopeful.

In an update to his Facebook ministry page, he elaborated that with the surgery successful, he was discharged from the hospital on Saturday the 27th, but would be staying in the area for the next two months in order to get checked up and have more appointments, follow-up, etc. In a video on his page, he explains:

They say I’m going home tomorrow, so we’re very pleased about that. We’ll be staying here in the area, having to come back for some checkups in a week and in a month. But I just wanted to let you know that the procedure I underwent yesterday was very successful and that things were better than they expected, and I’m expected to make a full recovery. We’ll learn more in the coming 10 weeks, but for now, things are looking pretty hopeful.

We have been amazed, Bridget and I both, and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support and prayers from people all over the world.

I scared her the other day as I was sitting in the bed just weeping. She thought something was wrong, and what happened is I was reading comments from the GoFundMe and I just had to stop. I was overwhelmed. And so thank you. It meant more than you could possibly know.

There’s still a road ahead. There’s still work to be done, but the hope is my heart will be able to repair and remodel and I’ll be able to get back to normal and not really have to worry about this as an ongoing thing.

So again, just wanted to thank you. Just wanted to you know how much I appreciate, and how much Bridget and my family appreciate your prayers and your support and wanted you to sort of see me with your own eyes, to know that things are going well, and that I’m doing well, that I’m on the mend.

God has been gracious, God has been kind. I will definitely say more about the series of events that led us to where we are and the series of events that took place so that the team who did this – amazing team, could do this when they did it, but for now, I just want to say thank you.

With Baucham’s GoFundMe being given by 13,000 donors who collectively gave over 1.4 millions dollars, he will have a lot of comments and prayers to sift through if he plans on reading them all.

His mother, Frances Baucham, also posted some pictures showing that her son was on the mend while weeping tears of joy.

Continue to keep Voddie in your prayers.

LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics

Dem Leader Says the Quiet Part Out Loud ‘…God’s Will is No Concern of this Congress.’

A prominent Democrat said the quiet part ‘out loud’ during a hearing in the house on the monstrous Equality Act when he responded to another member quoting scripture in defense of the biblical roles or men and women that “God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”

Quoting scripture that says ‘A woman must not wear men’s clothing nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this’, Republican congressman Greg Steube explained that God designed sex and gender a certain way, and that those who seek to overthrow that design are being rebellious to God’s will, which will ultimately result in judgment from God.

“It’s not clothing or personal style that offends God, but rather the use of one’s appearance to act out or take on a sexual identity different from the one biologically assigned by God at birth. In his wisdom, God intentionally made each individual uniquely either male or female.

When men or women claim to be able to choose their own identity, they’re making a statement that God did not know what he was doing when he created them. I’m going to quote directly from Dr. Tony Evan’s commentary bible on this passage of scripture.

‘Men and women equally share in bearing the image of God, but he has designed them to be distinct from and complementary toward one another. The gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design. Whenever a nation’s laws reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against him, and will inevitably bear the consequences.

And I think we are seeing the consequences of rejecting God here in our country today, and this bill speaks directly against what is laid out in scripture, our government, through this bill, is going to redesign what a woman is, and what a man is. It can be anyone, who identifies in that gender…”

The claims by Represantative Stuebe ultimately prompted Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to respond:

Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.


abortion Featured News

Three Christians Charged in NJ for ‘Intimidating’ Homosexual Salon Owner by Preaching ‘Homophobic Rhetoric’

(Christians News Network) Three Christians in New Jersey were charged with violating the state’s anti-bias intimidation statute, specifically for “shouting homophobic rhetoric directly in front of Allure Salon,” based on the citing officer’s wording, after the trio preached to the salon owner and an employee who are both openly homosexual.

Kombe Sefelino, Daniel Stephen Courney and Lydia Ortiz were all charged under two different sections of the state’s “bias intimidation” statue during an outreach outside of the notorious Metropolitan Medical Associates abortion facility, also known as “The Englewood Center for Women,” in Englewood, NJ.

The Allure Salon is nearby Metropolitan Medical Associates—a facility where late-term abortions occur. In an expose published by Priests for Life in 2018, the facility was caught on tape explaining how they will murder healthy babies “up until 24 [weeks]” if it is “something that you want.”

Christians, as well as others, have been gathering outside of the facility for years to oppose abortion and to engage in other speech activities. In January, Sefelino, Courney and Ortiz had spread out on the sidewalks nearby to effectively communicate the word of God and gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible in the area which happened to be outside of the salon.

According to one of the citing officer’s summons’, the Christians “targeted … the owner, Rogelio Molina, who is homosexual” by preaching against homosexuality. On another citation, a salon employee…

To continue reading, click here…

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Marcavage and posted at Christian News Network.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church News Righteous Defiance

The Newest Update on Jailed Pastor James Coates

Court stuff

While many believed that his conditions hearing was on Friday, February 26th, where the judge would determine whether or not James had to abide by release conditions that said he could not step foot on church property, it was not so. Rather, it was only the day that they filed/submitted the paperwork and applications.

Instead, his conditions hearing is set for Wednesday, March 3rd, with lawyer James Kitchen filing an application with the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench seeking the pastor’s release until his May 3 trial begins. Furthermore, according to some sources, the court will reconvene with lawyers on March 5 for a case management plan.

How he’s doing in prison

An update from Erin Coates, James’s wife, posted on Friday the 26th on Instagram:

James is okay. He received his canteen (extra snacks and hygiene products) so he’s a little less hungry. The lack of activity is starting to affect him, he’s very active in both mind and body so this is hard for him. He used to filling his mind with deep theological truth day-in and day-out. I asked him why our phone calls were so short and he had informed me that he only gets 2 15 blocks of time out of his cell.

When he has to shower he only has enough time to tell me he loves me and he has to go. This was the case this morning a quick “I love you.” And “the Psalms have been sweet to me”. And he was gone. This is so hard for me. I have unlimited access to him since he opted to work from home to care for us.

What you can do to help

First off, you can pray. Pray for James, for his family, and for unity within the church body as they go through this. Pray that Alberta Premier Jason Kenny opens up the churches and stops singling them out from among other businesses and establishments to remain closed. Also, pray that the conditions of his bail hearing would go well on Wednesday.

For Canadians, particularly Albertans, call your MPs and representatives. Be kind, and polite, but call them, email them, or send them a letter in the mail. Here is a list of MPs along with their contact information. While they can’t intervene in James’ case at this point, they can intervene in and impact current health policies and legislation that are restricting other churches in the province to 15% capacity.

If you’re in Edmonton or nearby, there is a rally planned for 1:00 p.m. at the courthouse. Please attend if you can.

To conclude with words from Erin Coates:

I’m so thankful for each and every one of you. I have seen the Universal Body love us in a way that makes my heart leap for joy, a taste of our time in heaven…but actually together!

Until then; Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7), God’s time, though it tarry, and God’s deliverance, though delayed, when it comes proves always to have been best: ‘My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him’ (Psalm 62:5)—Octavius Winslow

Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church News Righteous Defiance

Huge Fines for Single Church Service: ‘We Worshipped Christ Extravagantly at the Price of $83,000’

A church in Ontario has been handed down $83,000 in fines for a January Church service that resulted in several people baptized, according to their pastor in a statement released to the church website.

In a post that is a must-read all the way through, Pastor Jacob Reaume of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario, explained that while they incurred astronomical fines for having the service in contravention to Provincial shutdown orders which limits services to a maximum of 10 people, they would do it all over again, a choice made even easier by the fact that several baptisms arose out of their act of worship. Reaume explains:

On January 22, 2021, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered that Trinity Bible Chapel and her elders not hold gatherings of more than 10 persons.  Upon receiving the order, I invited the community to church on January 24…

noted, this was done in love for God and neighbour. ‘Risking reputation and financial viability to offer eternal hope and warm Christian fellowship to a world in despair is an act of love that I am certain Jesus smiles on.’

That’s precisely what we did.  Personally, I have never experienced a more palpable manifest presence of God’s Holy Spirit during public worship than I did on that Sunday.  Many others – I have lost track of how many – shared similar experiences…

He continues:

On Sunday, February 27, we baptized 13 individuals, some of whom traced their conversion to those weeks in January, especially January 24.

This week the Ontario Superior Court of Justice handed down our sentence for having church on January 24.  The service cost us $83,000. 

That is our fine, and here is how it breaks down.  Pastor Will and I each owe $5,000.  Pastor Randy owes $4,000.  Each of the other elders owe $3,000.  The church itself owes $15,000.  And we have been ordered to pay $45,000 to cover the legal fees of the Ministry of the Attorney General. 

The Ministry of the Attorney General [MAG] claims their lawyers spent 104 hours to prosecute us for holding services on January 24 – charges for which we pled guilty.  Evidently, the MAG was very motivated, and the prosecutors worked tirelessly against our church.  So that is a grand total of $83,000.  These fines will not and cannot be appealed.  They are final.

This is the church that we wrote about previously, whose elders were all fined and whose church could have incurred $10,000,000 in charges for being open, being considered a corporation under Provincial health regulation.

Noting that they had a GoFundMe to cover the fees and hoped people might be able to donate, they conclude:

We will pay $83,000 for having church on January 24.  I could say it was the most extravagantly priced service I’ve ever held, but that would not be factual.  Every service I’ve held has cost Christ His very own blood, which is worth infinitely more than any dollar amount.

I was heartened by something Pastor Steve Richardson recently pointed out.  In reference to Matthew 26:6-13, he explained the anointing of Christ by Mary with the alabaster jar.  The alabaster jar of ointment would have been worth the equivalent of a retirement savings.  It was expensive, and that dear woman paid a lot of money for one quick act of worship.  She thought Christ was worth it.  The disciples, however, were indignant, saying,’ Why this waste?  For this could have been sold for a large sum and given to the poor?’ Jesus defended her saying, ‘She has done a beautiful thing for me.’  Chief among the woman’s accusers was Judas (John 12:4-5).  The woman thought Christ was worth the money, but Judas thought He wasn’t.  She went down in history for doing good, but Judas was a traitor who would have been better off not being born.

On January 24, we worshipped Christ extravagantly at the price of $83,000.  He is worth that and so much more.  Our fine is nothing near what Mary spent on Jesus for her one quick extravagant act of worship.  And we cannot compare it to the price of blood He paid so that we would worship Him.  As we’ve sung many times:

Were the whole realm of nature mine,

That were a present far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.


Couple of Cartoons and Memes

Little different than what we usually do, but we wanted to share a few in-house comics we did up.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured News

Charismatic Prophet Jeremiah Johnson Suspends All Online Ministry After Visitation from Jesus

Charismatic Prophet Jeremiah Johnson has announced he is suspending all online ministry for the next two weeks, a decision he made after he was “visited by the Lord in a very significant way” following the fallout from falsely prophesying that Trump would win re-election and then subsequently offering a public apology.

Last seen running and flipping into the baptismal font, Johnson posted on his Facebook page that he’s really recognizing how much his action can impact the body of Christ, either for good or evil, and that he’s shutting things down while he meets with staff members and so they can “unpack the radical shift that God is asking in its next season.”

He says that at the end of the two weeks he will make “one final public announcement” about the future of his ministry and his plans moving forward.

Jeremiah Johnson Ministries has been in turmoil since the election, with several large financial donors and contributors becoming disillusioned in the wake of his false prophecy, and others becoming likewise in light of his apology. Damning him if he does or doesn’t, the events of the last month have put a deep strain on his ministry resources, and it is expected he will pivot in some way.

The complete letter can be seen below.