Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Predator Comedian John Crist Back on the Christian Circuit

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, has returned to the stand-up and speaking circuit after spending a short time in time-out on account of deep-seated sins.

Crist, a popular Christian entertainer known for his comedy routines and hip ethos, had his life and career come to a grinding halt 16 months ago after Charisma News broke the story that a host of women were alleging some very unsavory things, including harassing and manipulating young women, “sexting” multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.

Unfortunately, he barely copped to the allegations in the Charisma piece, releasing a statement to the magazine where with a pretty stellar euphemism he acknowledged only that “While I am not guilty of everything I’ve been accused of, I confess to being guilty of this — I have treated relationships with women far too casually, in some cases even recklessly.” 

Stunning and brave. This non-apology apology might as well have said, “I’m sorry that the women were offended by my actions,” for how insincere and evasive it was.

He disappeared to get “healing” for sex addiction, claimed in the process that he almost killed himself (a tactic manipulators use to garner sympathy), and hid out of sight for a while, waiting for the requisite year to pass so that he could emerge back into the limelight to declare that he was now restored and ready to return to evangelicalism’s good graces.

Looks like that happened, with Crist playing to sold-out shows across the States:

In an extended Instagram stories video, Crist spoke to the controversy, explaining that when he checked into the Arizona rehab clinic his therapist asked him what he wanted to do. (Allegedly he went to rehab. He’s enough of a narcissist that we have no reason to believe he’s not just making that up.) He responded to her:

I want to go home, and I want to withdraw all of my money from the bank, and then I want to go down to broadway- broadway where are all the bars are – and I want to get drunk, and then I want to bring girls back to my condo, and I want to do that every night until I run out of money and then I want to kill myself.

Not the most regenerated way to be thinking. Speaking of his angst, Crist lets it all out:

I believed something about myself that was untrue. I believe that this world would be better off with me not in it…and I look back on everything that happened…I look back on just the whole situation, and all of the consequences were because of my own horrific choices, and I look you guys in the eye and own that and take responsibility for that any day of the week, BUT, the only thing worse – I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on my worst enemy. But the only worse [thing] than what happened to me is if it wouldn’t ever [have] happened to me.

I wouldn’t say happened to me – a lot of the choices I made were my own. But if that would have never happened, I would’ve continued the rest of my life trying to earn y’alls approval on the internet and hoping that you guys would love me.

That’s a hot take on things. Focus on the alcohol, don’t talk about the really bad things, try to garner sympathy and pity, then turn it around on the audience and fans by suggesting that in a way, they bear some of the responsibility.

It’s weird because if that would have never happened to me I would’ve just continued on the road of being a trash dude – I wasn’t trash, but like…I would have ended up at the end of my life alone and sad and wondering why and hoping that the people on the internet would find me funny or relevant or whatever.

Crist claims he wasn’t being a “trash dude” back when he was, again, “harassing and manipulating young women, ‘sexting’ multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery, and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.” That’s the epitome of “trash dude.”

He then goes on to explain that he still makes tons of “horrific choices” previously defined as the above sexting and using and abusing women, and doesn’t want anyone to look up to him or emulate him.

I still make tons of horrific choices and I don’t want to ever set myself up to be some kind of role model or anything. I’m just coming up on 17 months sober, I mean if you don’t believe in miracles come my way.

And even letting anyone know about my sobriety or anything like that makes me nervous, because then what if I go back to drinking again? Then am I crushed again. Am I canceled again? What if I have a girl over to my apartment, and somebody sees me and I’m canceled again? I don’t want to put myself – I don’t know if it’s a bible verse, if anyone’s calling anyone a sinner, call me chief among them, honestly. I don’t know if that’s a bible verse…

The fact that Crist has any fans is beyond us. But they are there. Millions of them. Millions of Christians following him on social media and attending his shows.

All that creepy, pervy, manipulation he did? That was so 17 months ago.

Practically a lifetime.


Abolitionists File Bill to Completely Abolish Abortion in South Carolina

(Free the States) For the first time, South Carolina has a bill to abolish abortion! On Tuesday, State Rep. Jonathan Hill introduced H4046, the South Carolina Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2021. The bill would totally and immediately abolish abortion in the state.

The bill states that it is based on the following findings:

(1)    The life of an individual human being begins at conception.

(2)    The State of South Carolina has a compelling interest in providing equal protection of the lives of all unborn children within the State from violence.

(3)    “The Constitution [of the United States] does not constrain the States’ ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion.” June Med. Servs. v. Russo, 140 S. Ct. 2103, 2149 (2020) (Thomas, J., dissenting).

(4)    The members of the General Assembly have solemnly sworn to the best of their abilities to “discharge the duties of our office and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States. So help us God.”

(5)    Article VI of the United States Constitution states in part: “This United States Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme Law of the Land…”

(6)    The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

(7)    Though prudence dictates that states should not declare actions of the federal judiciary void for light or indefinite causes, the federal judiciary is not infallible nor are its powers unlimited.

(8)    Nothing in the Constitution of the United States provides for any right to take the life of or to inflict harm upon an unborn child.

(9)    The concept of the federal judiciary compelling states to allow the practice of taking the life of unborn children runs completely contrary to the text and principles of the Constitution of the United States.

(10)    Taking the life of more than sixty-two million unborn children over the last forty-eight years and counting constitutes genocide, and authorizing genocide is not within the legitimate powers of the federal judiciary.

(11)    Any action of the federal judiciary that purports to provide a right to kill an unborn child is not made in pursuance of the Constitution of the United States, is not the supreme law of the land, and is not binding upon this State.

H4046 establishes that “The deliberate termination of an unborn child by any means or at any stage of development is murder under Section 16-3-10.” Abortion would be homicide and the protection afforded to our right to life would be extended equally to children in the womb.

Hill’s bill comes with a few new twists for those who have followed and read previous abolition bills.

Like all abolition bills, it states that the abolition of abortion shall be enforced in defiance of any federal violations of the right to life, but then goes further than that in two awesome ways. It establishes that:

  1. Any South Carolina official or law enforcement officer who cooperates with the federal government to violate the right to life is guilty of a misdemeanor, and
  2. Any South Carolina judge who violates the right to life of preborn children shall be subject to impeachment in accordance with Article XV of the South Carolina Constitution.

The bill has been assigned to the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee chaired by State Rep. Chris Murphy. Call Murphy at (803) 734-3120 to request a hearing and a ‘Yes’ vote for H4046.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States. Title changed by Protestia

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Francis Chan Talks Speaking in Tongues, Virgin Mary, Calvinism, Transubstantiation, and John Piper Endorsing a Heretic

In a recent interview with Remnant Radio, Francis Chan, once a Master’s Seminary grad and now a spiritually squirrely scoundrel who was last seen healing an entire village without the Holy Spirit, butchering church history, and speaking at a Roman Catholic conference, covered a whole gamut of topics in an exquisitely interesting interview, demonstrating that he is confused, unmoored, and uncertain about what he believes, tossed to and fro yet touted as a highly sought after leader. Here are a few nuggets from the program.

John Piper says Mike Bickle loves Jesus 

I got so much hate mail, that I remember asking John Piper where I go, ‘man, what do you know about Mike Bickle?’ Like I’m getting so many people angry, you know, and kinda asking his permission almost. He goes ‘Francis, if you’re asking me if I’m mad at you because you’re going to speak for Mike Bickle,’ he goes, ‘no, I’m not. I tell you he loves Jesus.’ He goes, ‘I don’t know all his theology and I think we differ some on eschatological things,’ he goes ‘but he loves Jesus.’  And that’s exactly what I found in Mike – ah the man loves Jesus. 

Speaking in tongues 

Now I will say in the last two years, it was during a conversation with Sam Storms, and I was speaking with him on the phone about that very issue, I believe I began to speak in tongues, (apparently, N.T. Wright and Max Lucado also speak in tongues) and it was kind of a shock to me, and then it wasn’t until a trip to Burma a little over a year ago that I experienced healing and miracles.  I believed they could happen but I never sought and never was the vehicle in which it came, but then it happened.

Meeting Roman Catholic Matt Maher and an analogy comparing meeting the Virgin Mary to meeting known heretics.

And so I’m meeting these people (Roman Catholics) and they have such a character and love for Jesus and their understanding of justification by faith sure sounds a lot like I was told. 

And so I don’t know man, I’m trying to do my best but I have this fear, and I think it’s a right fear that if I believe I see the Holy Spirit in a person’s life, based upon what they say about the blood of Christ, based upon the fruit of the spirit I see in their life, based upon the power I see in them, their love for the word of God, I’m going, ‘gosh this person sure acts a lot like Jesus, speaks a lot like Jesus, sure seems to have the Holy Spirit in them,’ I have a hard time like just…saying anything irreverent about them.

Or not that I don’t question their theology, because I do, but I have a reverence. I tell people it’s like the Virgin Mary.  Like if I lived in that day and I knew the Virgin Mary was carrying my savior, that Jesus was really in her womb, how would I treat Mary, Ok? She could throw a rock at me And I’ll be like, okay, but Jesus is in you.  My point is if Jesus is in her I’m gonna be really, really reverent with her. Honor her. And so if I believe the Holy Spirit of God is in you, I’m just not so quick to say anything like strongly against you.  

 The hosts get sloppy

What we all agree on is that we can’t save ourselves, Jesus stepped in, and Jesus saved us.  Now the mechanics of that and how that works out are Arminianism and Calvinism and Molinism and all the other isms, but what we’re agreeing on is the essential piece, right? The essential piece is the Trinity. The essential piece is the virgin birth. The essential piece is gospel that saves men by grace through faith. Right, like those are the essential pieces.

[Editor’s note: No, the essential piece is that gospel that saves men is by grace ALONE, through faith ALONE, in Christ’s work ALONE.  This clarity matters in light of the way Francis is obfuscating justification with the papists.]

On whether or not he is still a Calvinist

I’m like…can you be like 50 percent? And I’m not even saying like 4.3.5. I’m like… I’m like….yeah 60%.  Like I used to be so 100% sure of everything and the more I listen I’m going, ‘gosh, it’s not that easy.’

Transubstantiation and the Real Prescence

I was always just told it is just a symbol, and so if you believe it’s anything other than that it’s wrong and you’re Catholic. Now I just assumed that’s what even Protestants have always believed…I really didn’t understand my church history, I didn’t understand… I never studied the first 300 years of church history deeply and that’s what I was challenged to do.  And I started reading more and more of the ancient fathers.  And again, I’m not a brilliant scholar, I’m just reading going wow, this seemed like the common view. It seemed like no one really saw it as just a symbol with no Real Presence until about 500 years ago, so I’m like gosh you know, the best I can there’s something. Now does that mean it turns into the literal body and blood of Jesus at this time, I don’t…I don’t think so, but it’s…it’s, to me my best understanding is there’s more to it than just anything…

Where I land specifically I’m still not sure. I just know I have a much higher reverence for it.

Part 2 coming soon.

abortion News

Alabama Passes Resolution to Lower Flags and Mourn Millions of Babies Killed in Abortions…While Still Allowing Abortion

In a move brimming with hypocrisy and irony, the Alabama Senate passed House Joint Resolution 24, naming January 22 as the “Day of Tears”. Much like Remembrance Day, the resolution calls for citizens of the state to lower their flags on January 22, in order to remember and bear witness to the 61 million babies who have been murdered via abortion since Roe v. Wade. The resolution reads:

WHEREAS, on January 22, 1973, a majority of the members of the United States Supreme Court ruled that access to abortion was a right secured by the Constitution; and

WHEREAS, since that fateful day, over 61 million unborn children have perished, amounting to an entire third of Generations X through Alpha; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA, BOTH HOUSES THEREOF CONCURRING, That January 22, 2022, is recognized as the Day of Tears in Alabama, and citizens of Alabama are encouraged to lower their flags to half-staff to mourn the innocents who lost their lives to abortion.

With the House having already passed in February, all that’s left is for the governor to sign it into law, which he is expected to do.

While that notion of a resolution initially sounds worthy of praise, it quickly becomes apparent that it is worthy of derision given that abortion is still utterly and completely legal in Alabama, with 3 murder mills open for business.

Alabama has one of the most conservative governments in the state, holding a Republican supermajority in both the House and the Senate.

Despite having the power to abolish abortion in the state, they choose not to. Instead passing a bunch of toothless legislation like the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Human Life Protection Act, and Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act- all legislation that regulates abortion, but does not abolish it.

As a result, even while they have a statewide day of mourning for murdered fetuses from ‘doctors’ and ‘health care professionals’ who slice and dice the young ones into a red sludge of blood and bone, they still legally allow the things they mourn to take place every single day.

In fact, January 22 falls on a Saturday- one of the busiest days of the week for bustling abortion clinics bent on bludgeoning some babies to death.

This virtue signaling from the Conservative Republicans is perverse, hypocritical, and worthy of scorn.


Trump Launching Own Social Media Platform ‘Soon’ According to New Interview

Former President Donald J. Trump is poised to back into the limelight and start sucking all the oxygen out of the room again with the launch of a new social media platform, mere months after being blocked and banned from near every major social media site.

Trump touched on the new endeavor briefly during an appearance on the podcast “The Truth With Lisa Boothe” on Monday, noting:

I’m doing things having to do with putting our own platform out there that you’ll be hearing about soon.  

While refusing to say more about his specific plans to Booth, adviser Jason Miller mentioned it during an appearance on Fox News on Sunday, putting some imagery to his vision.

I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform. And this is something that I think will be the…hottest ticket in social media. It’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does. But it will be his own platform…

There have been a lot of high-powered meetings he’s been having at Mar-a-Lago with some teams of folks who have been coming in. It’s not just one company that’s approached the president. There have been numerous companies. But I think the president does know what direction that he wants to head here, and this new platform is going to be big, and everyone wants him. He’s going to bring millions and millions, tens of millions of people to this new platform.

It is expected that this social media site will by and large be free of the fascist-style censorship that Twitter and Facebook engage in, offering yet another alternative for conservatives jumping ship from powerful left-wing controlled platforms.


Wheaton College Removes Plaque Honoring Martyred Missionaries Because it Offends the Killers

(Reformation Charlotte) Wheaton College, which has ties to the Southern Baptist Convention and other mainstream Evangelical denominations, is home to many new woke faces of the Evangelical social justice movement, including Ed McGoatBeard Stetzer and Esau McCauley, who says that English Bible translations are untrustworthy because not enough black people were on the translation teams.

To say that either of these men has been given over to a false gospel would be an understatement–they are the false gospel and the heresy they propagate continues to invade Evangelical churches and institutions around the nation at an alarming rate.

Now, Wheaton College removing a plaque that’s been standing for 72 years which commemorates the deaths of a group of martyrs, including James Elliot and Ed McCully, two missionaries who were part of a group working to spread the Gospel to indigenous peoples in Ecuador, according to The Spectator.

“Recently, students, faculty, and staff have expressed concern about language on the plaque that is now recognized as offensive,”

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Breaking News

Breaking! Pastor James Coates is Out after ‘Paying’ $1500 Fine

A judge has begrudgingly agreed to accept the joint submission between the Crown prosecutors and James Coates’ defense team, while adding another fine of $1500 for good measure. This ensures the Edmonton-based Gracelife Church pastor is able to leave the prison without having to agree to the previous conditions that were on his release, including not stepping foot on church property. He is expected to be on this side of the bars in a matter of hours.

Provincial Judge Jeffrey Champion initially balked at the small fine being paid, declaring it unacceptable and saying it wouldn’t be viewed by the average person as a legitimate deterrent. For this reason, he denied the 100$ fine and instead imposed a $1,500 fine against him, saying in an exasperated voice. “Your decision could have been of danger to the health and safety of those in the community.” and chiding him for being a bad pastor, saying “The shepherd ought to protect his flock”

Nontheless, the judge also told Coates that his time spent in custody would count as the entire fine, meaning he doesn’t have to pay anything.

James will shortly walk out after spending 35 days in a maximum-security prison for the crime of ultimately insisting that Christ is the head of the church who determines what His worship looks like, not the government.

During the hearing, Coates spoke before the court, saying:

The court is aware that I am contesting the legitimacy of that law and so I think that my position is pretty clear, but please make no mistake, this is not a statement that I’m making to society, I’m not trying to make a point, I’m not a political revolutionary. I have a responsibility before God to Shepard the people entrusted to me. I have a responsibility to be obedient to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and it’s simply that obedience that has me here in this place.

While James is free and will be rejoining his family and church very shortly, he will still have to appear for his May 3rd trial, the result of refusing to please guilty to one of the lesser charges that were not dropped. This is by design.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms and Coates are refusing to plead guilty so that they can force a trial. The nature of his trial will be unique, as it won’t so much be Coates on trial, but rather the government’s health orders instead. Here, they will determine whether or not the government violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (contained in The Canadian Constitution).

This would essentially force the provincial government to provide scientific evidence in open court that justifies their health orders and lockdowns, where up to this point they have just been deciding by divine fiat without providing the data.

In particular, they expect to be cross-examining the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, who for the first time since the pandemic began, will be forced to answer some tough questions under oath. This will surely be a change for her, as so far up this point all the questions asked to her over the last 12 months have been softballs lobbed by a pro-lockdown media in a very friendly setting. No longer.

While the win in Alberta would not be binding across any other province, it would be persuasive and have other courts take notice, along with emboldening other pastors to take similar stands and force the issue.

Let the saints rejoice today!


Breaking! Judge Rejects Agreed Terms. Slaps New Fines on James Coates

Provincial Judge Jeffrey Champion refused to accept the agreed-upon terms between crown prosecutors and James Coates’ defense team this morning, which would have seen him released with only a $100 fine.

Explaining that such a small punishment was not reflective of the severity of the action, he instead imposed a $1,500 fine against Coates and credited him with time served, explaining “Your decision could have been of danger to the health and safety of those in the community,”

There is no word yet if he has agreed to pay the $1500, but he is excepted to.

This is a developing story…


Erin Coates Glorifies Christ on Tucker Carlson

Erin Coates, wife of imprisoned pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church appeared on Tucker Carlson to do a brief segment on how her husband is doing and their thoughts on what is motivating the government to keep him locked up.

Speaking on how he is handling things, she says that the food issues continue to be a struggle, as he has food sensitivities that the wrong nutrition can exacerbate, but that otherwise, he has other struggles that they are seeking the Lord on.

He’s a shepherd. He’s a Bible teacher. He’s a theologian. He’s not able to shepherd the people he loves. He’s not able to challenge his mind. He’s not able to serve in the way that he loves to serve people, so this is hard on him.

Declaring that his present state is such obvious tyranny, Carlson inquires whether not any authorities or politicians have come to her direct aid, and whether or not she still recognizes her country.

Sure. I think that there are actually some (Members of Parliament) and (Members of the Legislative Assembly) behind the scenes that are trying to help us, but other than that I think their hands are tied…

I think we’re like a boiling frog for a while. I think our freedoms have just slowly been stripped from us so slowly over time that we didn’t even realize it, and so when something like a Health Order is put in place that takes away your freedoms, it’s not shocking to people.

And it really should be shocking to people that there is a pastor in jail right now who’s given his life to sacrifice to love other people, to worship God. That’s not shocking to a lot of people and it really should be.

We are on a dangerous road right now, and just because we’ve been in the pot for so long, boiling, that people aren’t really realizing the danger that we’re facing as a nation.

Tucker closes by asking her if she believed her husband was singled out for arrest because he is a Christian pastor.

Well, I have to believe that the enemy is singling him out. We have a real enemy who really hates the Lord Jesus Christ and really hates the blood-bought body that he purchased on the cross and has given new life to. Yes, we have an absolute real enemy and he uses people to target the ministers of God. We know that through scripture. we know that through church history, and so I really believe that they are being targeted in our country.

Writing on Instagram two days ago, Erin explained that this was not her best interview, being terrified of being on national TV and seen by millions, but that she is confident the Lord will use it to his glory. She writes:

I couldn’t see anything but my own face and Tucker talking in my ear (I do much better seeing peoples faces), I didn’t know the questions before hand and just as I got comfortable with the questions we were finished! Man I have so much respect for people doing those interviews. Such a learning experience for me to get out everything I can even if a question isn’t directed to what I want to say. The interview started with a clip of James’ sermon which made me super emotional. Oh well, I rest in the fact that what I said was ordained before the foundation of the world. I was so nervous I can’t even remember what I said. I pray it glorifies Christ and gets the word out. 


MT Bill Amendment Would add ‘Moment of Silent Prayer’ After Pledge of Allegiance

A Montana lawmaker who is seeking to bring reverence for God and a respect for the Constitution and cultural totems back into the Big Sky State has introduced a bill designed to instill pride and patriotism into the hearts of the student body, one that passed the house and is now being debated in the Senate.

Republican State Rep. Bob Phalen, a self-described “Christian conservative with strong moral values” who served two tours of Vietnam in the US Navy, and now serves on his church board, sponsored House Bill 543, explaining that “we owe it to each generation to teach in our public schools what it means to be an American citizen.”

The bill is designed to inculcate a love of nationalistic totems and patriotic obligation within the hearts of a student body that has by and large been disenfranchised and disillusioned by the media shouting that their country and constitution are corrupt.

Not only would HB543 ensure that Grade 3 to 12 students would receive instruction on the US constitution, but it would see students across all age brackets stand for the Pledge of Allegiance each day. This is in contrast to the current model, which only has secondary students saying it once a week.

Whereas the current law allows districts to opt for a moment of silence afterward, State Rep. Scot Kerns offered up an amendment that would add a “moment of silent prayer” to the bill.

When pressed why he wanted to include a “moment of prayer” rather than a “moment of reflection,” Phalen explained: (Note, edited slightly for clarity)

Because I think it was 50 years ago, they took God out of school.  Maybe it’s not quite 50, but close. But anyway, you can see what kind of Hell our country is going through right now. (But) this is a silent prayer. Or a moment of silence — it doesn’t say prayer right now — but if there’s an amendment added, that would be a moment of silent prayer.

And who knows what you’re gonna say? You might just sit there in a moment of silence! I mean, not everybody’s gonna pray, and they’re not gonna be praying out loud because it says a moment of silence. So, I just think it’s time to get God back in school in some form or fashion

This is dear to me…I was asked where I got this idea, and it was listening to the David Barton and Rick Green series because Rick Green did it in Texas, and since he done it in Texas, and then several other states followed, then I thought this state [will] follow also.

This naturally resulted in some pushback from democrat lawmakers crying foul over the separation of church and state, up with one witness, Laurie Little Dog, suggesting that while it was good for students to understand the power dynamics at play in pledging allegiance to a flag, she considered the daily recitations to be little more than “upping the ante” of hateful rhetoric, given that the American flag represented to her the “continued genocide” to Native Americans.