
Gary North. 1942-2022

Gary North, famed theonomist and voluminous author died Thursday evening while in hospice care in Georgia, passing away from complications of prostate cancer, which he had been battling since 2017. He was 80 years old.

A leading figure in the Christian reconstructionist movement, he authored nearly 60 books on subjects ranging from theology, economics, history, and all the ways they intertwined with Christianity. He was the son-in-law of the late R.J. Rushdoony and was the last of the original group of theonomists who came up in the ’80s and ’90s.


Montana Judge Rules Nurses and Midwives Can Perform Abortions

As Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen remains embroiled in a legislative knife fight with the hive of scum and villainy known as Planned Parenthood- the apex predator of the baby-killing world who are seeking to stop a raft of pro-life laws coming into effect, a Montana District Court judge has gone off on a limb and ruled that the grisly practice of abortion is no longer a task relegated to licensed doctors but rather certain midwives and nurse practitioners may perform them as well.

The case, Helen Weems vs The State of Montana was initially brought forward over 4 years ago. Weems is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who owns All Families Healthcare, which is a sexual and reproductive health clinic in Whitefish. A radical pro-choice activist, she argued that because she has advanced medical training, she has the same level of skill, knowledge, and competence to perform an abortion as a trained physician would, and that Montanan women have the right to obtain medical procedures from whomever they wish. Lewis and Clark County District Court Judge Mike Menahan agreed, writing in his motion:

Knudsen spokesperson Emilee Cantrell said that they planned to appeal, noting:

“Once again abortionists sued to lower the standard of care for Montana women in order to further their financial interests in performing as many abortions as possible.”

With nurses and clever midwives now able to perform abortions, and the state currently battling Planned Parenthood on implementing three other anti-abortion laws that were previously passed but blocked after being sued by the bloodthirsty giant, this is a difficult but critical time. Abortion in the state is a dirty business, with few standing up who are completely committed to seeing the slaughter of babies in the womb end. Knudsen has been a phenomenal ally, but that’s more than we can say for many so-called Republican pro-life politicians.

Editor’s Note. This post originally appeared at the Montana Daily Gazette. Republished with modifications with permission.


Steven Furtick’s Son’s New Rap Song Ft. Guns, Sex and Designer Clothes+ Mother Endorses

Steven Furtick’s son has released a couple of new songs under his stage name ‘dothedash!’ and one of them is proving to be particularly disturbing, with the song ‘No Hook’ featuring a host of references to guns, shooting, sex, and exhaustive references to his wealth and wearing designer clothes and diamonds.

This is basically elite megachurch culture. A rich kid from untouchable celebrity pastors pretending to be hard and gang-affiliated while rapping about his wealth, all the while being endorsed by their parents.

We’re going to tread carefully here, as Elijah Furtick is just a few months shy of 17. This article is not about him, but rather about the perception it creates and the fact that his mother, Holly Furtick endorsed the song by declaring that she was “so proud of this project.”

It was also loved by his Grandma:

The song has some wild lyrics, however, which we’ve listed here. Because the song is in the ‘mumblecore’ style and the lyrics are not posted anywhere, they may be imprecise, but we see references to his wealth, designer brands, slang for a gun, and ‘dripping’ which is a reference to having a confident, expensive and a fashionably sexy look.

I got the drip Richard Millie

I’m only 16 but I might cop a Bentley

My pants are from Ricky

My bro keep a blickey (A gun)

I’m gettin in racks and I get em in plenty

I’m drippin in Fendi

We see more references to ‘wanting a baddie, his neck being frosty (because it’s full of ice, i.e. diamonds) and then attending a party where everyone is drinking Hennessy, a cognac.

Don’t know what I want I’m too picky

I keep me a baddie like Demi

My neck is frosty like it’s Wendy’s

Just walked in the party they sippin on Henny

The rest of the song basically comprises of 15-16 more references to designer clothes, diamonds, dripping, and riches, with another gun reference, as he exclaims “we lighting your block up like a cigarette.”

Of course, this young man has been surrounded by nothing but wealth his whole life. He grew up in a multi-million dollar, 16,000 sqf mansion as part of the 1%. His father is a prosperity preacher and routinely shows off his own ‘drip’ onstage, frequently wearing high-end clothing that costs more than his congregants make all month. From $13,000 watches, to $1000 boots or $500 sweaters, a typical outfit that Furtick wears can run between 3000-5000$, and his son’s fascination with that wealth and riches sadly shows through.

Like his father, when someone with good intentions reached out to him, he was summarily blocked and likely branded just another ‘hater. This is not a reflection on the young man, but rather on the father and mother.

To see and hear the song, Rusland KD did a very good reaction video to it explaining lyrics and delving into some of the theology of Furtick and the problems that might arise from it being released.


Fruit of Deconstruction! Lecrae Again Dismisses Need for Local Church Body

Rapper Lecrae continues to manifest the wicked fruit of his deconstruction*, weighing in on his ‘No Church in a While’ album as he explains the reconstruction he’s gone through has resulted in a grossly unbiblical view of what church it, labeling what we understood the biblical, North American model of church to be a simply “traditionalist” take that Christians can take or leave, at their personal discretion.

This is not surprising for the spiraling rapper, who months ago specifically and overtly Claimed Hanging out on a Bus ‘Chopping it up’ is ‘Church’ and that his Album Release Party w/ Free Tattoos as his ‘Church’. These are things he explicitly said, so you know his ecclesiology did not come out of his deconstruction unscathed. Take a look at what he said, and see if you can spot the weasely words he’s employing.

Speaking to CBN News, he first explained:

The church is biblical. We are the church as a body, but then there’s also structure put in place in order to have decency and order. So those are the things I want to respect. But I do think we have to be careful when we start blaming more cultural things, instituting those cultural mandates. And I think we have to fight against that traditionalism, especially in America, where if church doesn’t look like this, it’s not being done right.”

And then on his own channel in a video about why he HAD to deconstruct his Christian faith:

That’s right. I deconstructed. I just did not understand that even though the followers of Christ were doing all this crazy stuff that I couldn’t wrap my brain around, it didn’t mean that he endorsed it. And so I didn’t have to throw the whole baby out with the bathwater, but we’re so inundated with everything looking like the way it looks.

Especially in America, it’s like, well, of course, you know, ‘don’t forsake the fellowship of the assembly’. That verse really does not have anything to do with going to a building with lights and cameras and songs. If you want to do that, that’s great. But what that verse is really about- not forsaking the fellowship- is like not walking away from the faith, the group of people who held you down, growing with believers. Like, look at the context of the verse.

And so in America, oftentimes, where we fellowship with believers is in this institution that is on Sundays in a building, sometimes there’s coffee, and there’s childcare. That’s just kind of the way we’ve set it up. But that’s a description, not a prescription of what church is. Church is people. It’s the body, right? You got elders, you got deacons, you got leaders, and you got people who come together to grow.

And when you’re deconstructing, oftentimes, for me, it was me saying, ‘I don’t like the infrastructures that these people have built that care more about money, that care less about people or marginalized people or poor people. And so I don’t want anything to do with it.’

And you started looking like, ‘well, where does it exist where it’s better?’ And oftentimes, you just don’t see it, because you don’t have access to it, you haven’t been exposed to it. But I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world and realize that there are broken people everywhere, but there are also institutions and infrastructures that do not look like what we have created here in America. (Ed. Note. Sunday morning church with worship, fellowship, elders, deacons, communion, church discipline, worship, etc)

It’s not to say that they’re better. It’s just to say that they have different issues and different struggles. And I began to realize that the struggles that we have are not necessary in other places, right? And so I was able to see the difference between the Christ of the Scriptures and the Christ that we have kind of propped up as like a politicized commercialized version, and I said, Oh, I don’t want to politicize commercialized stuff, but I do want Christ and I do want his church and I do want the fellowship and all of those particular things.

*Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb. He also Wore a Shirt with Homage to Filthy, Filthy, FIIIIILTHY Song at Rap Concert and he recently Rebuked a Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at Rap Concert.


Radical Pro-Obama Pastor Placed on SBC Presidential Search Committee

Leftward Drift becomes a Leftward Sprint as SBC Executive Committee places a radical Pro-Obama, Pro-Russell Moore pastor on Presidential Search Committee.

(Capstone Report) The SBC Executive Committee announced its Presidential Search Committee and appointed to the list is a radical, Leftist, Pro-Obama pastor.

David Sons is a new member of the SBC Executive Committee who replaced a conservative in a deceitful move by the J.D. Greear appointed committees. Sons praised Obama not only for the former president’s character but also for Obama’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The radical pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage Barack Obama? That Obama? Yes. That Obama. Sons tweeted:

“The ease with which @BarackObama interweaves passages of Scripture into his eulogy for @repjohnlewis speaks to his familiarity with the text. Disagree with him politically if you like, but it is hard to doubt his knowledge of the Bible and of the Spirit who authored it.”

Sons even praised Obama for his character….

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Woke Pastor Calls for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere”

(Woke Preacher Clips) Léonce Crump of Renovation Church calls for “redistribution of power and resources” in a June 2020 panel discussion at the Atlanta-area New Mercies Christian Church. Crump says this in response to a question from moderator Justin Giboney about “practical steps” for Christians to take after the antiracism protests of summer 2020. Lee Jenkins, pastor of Eagles Nest Church, co-signs Crump’s statement, though neither of them offer specific demands. (Editor’s Note. Crump is Lecrae’s pastor, and a while ago he argued Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations.)

LEONCE CRUMP: There needs to be, in my opinion, a redistribution of power and resources in the large evangelical church sphere. I’m done.

JUSTIN GIBONEY: So, anyone else? Pastor Lee looks like he might have.

LEE JENKINS: Well, I agree with that. There does need to be a redistribution of power and resources, but one of the ways to make that happen is we have to get involved. We have been speaking and protesting from afar. In sports we call it, we need to stop being spectators and we need to get into the game, which means as pastors we need to understand the world of politics more. We need to train future politicians. We need to run for city council. I mean, we got to get on the field and get involved. And so, I think the church, we haven’t talked about that a whole lot, but I just think it is time that we should be a training center for sending people out into the world to be salt and light to the earth. GIBONEY: That’s powerful.

Editor’s Note. This article is a WPC YouTube Video put into post form.


New 80-Page Report! Ravi Zacharias and RZIM Spent $1,000,000 Suing Abuse Victim

After it was revealed that esteemed apologist Ravi Zacharias was a sexual predator and that his organization RZIM, run by his family and an anonymous board helped cover it up, the board commissioned a report to investigate and detail how they as an organization failed to properly handle the allegations. After holding on to it for 7 months, RZIM finally made it public. This 80-page document has been openly questioned by RZIM executives, however, who note that while they don’t agree with much of their findings, they are releasing it anyway for transparency:

Although we are releasing this report, we do not agree with everything in it. We believe there are inaccurate accounts or pieces of information that were either overlooked or omitted by Guidepost and we disagree with some characterizations therein. Regardless, we believe this report provides an important assessment of our organization’s actions to investigate Zacharias and the steps we sadly failed to take. 

Of course, we absolutely led the way in investigating and shouting this from the rooftops. We were excoriated for it but eventually vindicated. Back in in 2018 we published his emails showing that he threatened to kill himself if Lori Anne Thompson told her husband about their interactions, which Ravi claimed were innocent and pure as the driven snow. We were also the first news organization to break the story of the abuse of the Spa workers, which kick-started all this back on September 9th 2020, nearly 3 weeks before Christianity Today or anyone else did their piece and gave it national attention.

That aside, one startling bit of information that came out is how much money Ravi spent in order to try to take Lori Anne out, and who paid for it. The report explains:

“RZIM’s Executive Committee of its Board of Directors approved the use of almost $1,000,000 of ministry money to pay for Zacharias’s legal battle with Thompson, even to the point of paying for the tax liability on the money Zacharias used to settle the litigation with the Thompsons, thus ensuring that Zacharias himself did not pay a single penny, even though RZIM was not a party to the legal action. Zacharias and RZIM falsely represented to the public and the ministry itself that “no ministry funds were used” in the Thompson litigation.”

At the time the RZIM board strenuously insisted that they never gave him a dime, but now admit:

“As the report highlights, the ministry did provide money to Zacharias, which was used to pay the settlement and expenses. While the payments were legal and properly accounted for, we were wrong to let this misstatement stand.”

They also recount that there were allegations in 2008-2011 about Ravi being seen holding hands of a woman who was not his wife, as well as a suggestion that he acted inappropriately with a massage therapist. The report further reveals that RZIM, for all their claims of transparency and willingness to be open, has not been particularly helpful or forthcoming in providing them with information

For the most part, those leaders we interviewed were generally cooperative. However, we are not confident that RZIM has provided us with all information relevant to our investigation. In other words, we fear that if we did not specifically request an exact piece of information – for example, if we were not aware of its existence, but its relevance to our work would be apparent – RZIM would not have provided it proactively, even if RZIM knew that it would provide clarity.

Ultimately they surmise:

RZIM’s leadership structure and the failings of its leaders themselves enabled Zacharias to act with impunity. While not knowledgeable at the time, when serious allegations were raised about Zacharias’s improper conduct, those leaders defended Zacharias without question, relied upon his explanations, ignored red flags, and failed to push for further investigation. This automatic loyalty at the top of the organization created a culture in which RZIM employees were encouraged to flatly reject the allegations against Zacharias without question or doubt, and those who did question or doubt felt as if they could not speak up.

In response to the report, Lori Anne Thompson, the object of the million dollar spend, wrote:


Southern Baptist Executive Committee Exchanges Scriptural Standards For Critical Theory On Sexual Abuse

In an act of spite at the time of his May 2021 resignation from the ERLC, Russell Moore accused Southern Baptists of systematically covering up sexual abuse scandals for many years. Conservatives in the convention rightly pointed out that if such accusations were true, Moore was the most culpable party, as he would have held direct knowledge of such claims for many years without doing anything about them.

Moore theatrics carried over into the June 2021 Southern Baptist Convention, as alleged sex abuse victims were deftly used as props by the leftists in the convention to create a spectacle and galvanize last-minute opposition to conservative SBC presidential candidate Mike Stone. Consequently, Serial plagiarist Ed Litton ascended to SBC presidency and a task force was appointed by Litton to investigate Moore’s allegation that the executive committee covered up allegations of abuse.

In October 2021, activist elements on the task force pressured the executive committee to relinquish its attorney-client privilege, opening the Executive Committee and its individual members up to the high potential for lawsuits. The law firm that represented the executive committee, as well as 17 executive committee members resigned in protest of the decision.

On February 22, 2022, the executive committee issued a statement of apology to a former Lifeway employee who was previously accused of being in a “morally inappropriate relationship”. The woman alleges that at the age of 26, as a Southern Seminary master of divinity student on a mission trip, she was coerced into having sex with a seminary professor. The relationship between the woman and her professor continued for 12 years, despite the woman moving from Louisville, Ky, to Chicago, to Nashville, over a 12-year period.  In addition to the apology, the executive committee also reached an undisclosed financial settlement with the woman.

Deuteronomy 22:23-27 illustrates how God commanded Israel to perform justice in regard to sexual abuse, differentiating between consensual adultery which required the death of both parties; and rape, which required the death of the man. While Christians today don’t advocate the death penalty for adultery, the moral principle in God’s law that determines guilt and innocence remains valid even today.

“If there is a betrothed virgin, and a man meets her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbor’s wife. So you shall purge the evil from your midst. “But if in the open country a man meets a young woman who is betrothed, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.  But you shall do nothing to the young woman; she has committed no offense punishable by death. For this case is like that of a man attacking and murdering his neighbor,  because he met her in the open country, and though the betrothed young woman cried for help there was no one to rescue her.

The change in direction by the committee after the departure of 17 of its most conservative members illustrates the shift from Biblical justice to critical theory, a shift that should not surprise anyone, considering that a large portion of the SBC views critical race theory and critical gender theory as “useful analytical tools”.

In the new status quo, a victim can be anyone who claims that they were taken advantage of by an individual with power, privilege, or authority, mirroring the accusations of the #metoo movement. An individual who offers consent to commit adultery and then regrets their sin several years later is cast as the victim. An individual who has a long-term affair can end the relationship and cash in at the executive committee gravy train.

If you are a member of an SBC church, an increasingly large amount of your tithe will be placed into a sexual abuse settlement slush fund to be given to anyone who brings an allegation of sexual abuse, regardless of whether the accusation is credible or substantiated by 2 or more witnesses, as required by scripture.

 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. -1 Timothy 5:19

It is true that real sexual abuse does occur. All Christians can agree that common sense safeguards should be put into place to protect victims from abuse (such as performing criminal background checks and prohibiting sex offenders from working with children). Christians have a standard that comes from scripture. That standard defines sin and abuse. When one person who partakes in a consensual adulterous relationship is considered a sinner, while the other is considered a victim, scripture is abused and real sexual-abuse claims are bastardized. God will not be mocked. The SBC will reap that which it has sown.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown as a guest post for Protestia.

Featured News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: A Reminder, No Charismatic Prophets Prophecied Russia Invading Ukraine in February

It hopefully does not need to be said, but this is just a friendly reminder that like the COVID-19 virus two years prior, there was not a single charismatic prophet who prophesied last year that Russia would be Invading Ukraine in February of 2022, thus sparking one of the most catalytic and meaningful events of the last 70 years.

Not a one. You can pick your poison and choose any big-name prophet you want. Go through the NAR Rolodex and choose anybody and check their prophecies they all gave about the year- none of them called it. No one.

Of course, because continuationists are prone to sneaky attempts to prove a point and retcon modern-day events into past prophecies, there will be some who will come out claiming they saw it in their mind’s eye. They will use charismatic double-speak, claiming they predicted: “shifts in the atmosphere” or that “they saw a shifting and a shaking” in the spirit realm, or other such nonsense and tying it back to that, offering up their feeble, ethereal and vague guestimations as a profound, ‘thus sayeth the lord’ one-two punch.

Then Dr. Michael Brown will trot out some D-listed charismatic prophets from the Elijah List who said something or other about “movement’ in the east a decade ago as proof of his strange fire, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will have an absolute field day and will be up to his eyeballs in talk of Harbinger 3, Gog and Magog will be on the lips of every parishioner who attends these churches, and honestly, we can’t even imagine what Kat Kerr is going to do to say, but we know it’s going to be wild.

No prophets predicted this. This was not on their bingo cards for 2022. No one saw it coming. All of them are frauds.

Don’t let them tell you otherwise.


Less Than Half of Americans Find Pastors to Be ‘Trustworthy Sources of Wisdom,’ Research Finds

(Christian Headlines) According to new data from Barna Research Group, less than half of American adults, including non-Christians, find pastors to be “very reliable” sources of wisdom when it comes to spiritual matters.

The Rev. Glenn Packiam, a senior fellow at the Barna Group, included the research in his latest book, The Resilient Pastor. The book, released on February 15, encourages pastors and Christians to be resilient in their calling as Christianity’s influence on the world continues to wane.

“Pastors are no longer perceived as a credible voice or a trustworthy source of wisdom on much,” Packiam wrote in an excerpt of the book. “Churches don’t have much of a role in a community unless they can provide tangible help or practical care. And people aren’t likely to turn to a church for help when facing difficulties or crises,” he continued. “In fact, Christianity is just one way of making meaning of this world, and it isn’t really even a respected way. For many, it is archaic and outmoded, prude and rude,” Packiam concluded.

The research, which asked whether pastors are seen as trustworthy sources of wisdom, found that 57 percent of Americans generally agreed that pastors were “somewhat” reliable and 23 percent of American adults agreed that pastors are “definitely” a “trustworthy source of wisdom.” Thirty-one percent of Christians said pastors are “definitely” trustworthy, while just four percent of…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Milton Quintanilla an published at Christian Headlines.